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Necros everywhere.

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On 1/16/2024 at 12:57 AM, RisingDaewn.8703 said:

'Address' them like Mesmers.

Have you not noticed the current meta and the lack of boon strips lately? Or the skill lag?

No skill lag on EU.

But I've noticed that there are always necros running around. Power, condi, cele. Any stat basically. In blobs, solo and small group there is literally close to no variety due to how bloated and universal this class has become. I've been logging every week to get done with dailies and I have yet to run into a single roaming guardian, warrior or a rev. Just a crap ton of necros with thieves here and there.

Well why not just bring War's dome back then? All dome did is remove boons, while necros also turn them into conditions of all sorts and colours so kitten easily. Boon stripping/corrupt shouldn't be exclusive to necros alone, they aren't that arguably-free-kill tier class anymore. Even good positioning is no longer a requirement.

UPD: Yes, there is no skill lag, your internet just sucks, deal with it.

Edited by Vasdamas Anklast.1607
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the only time my current team managed to get a decent sized group and hit SMC, every time I select and/or switched targets, it was a Reaper. However, during normal matchups, there is always more eles/guardians/memesmers/thieves and rangers. Even warriors are more common with the rest being just as common as necros.

so yeah, maybe it's the PvErs rolling necros for the Rush.

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1 hour ago, Vasdamas Anklast.1607 said:

I have yet to run into a single roaming guardian, warrior or a rev. Just a crap ton of necros with thieves here and there.

Hu? I tend to run into more guards and revs than necros while roaming. Not that the latter is uncommon, but still.

If any spec is overrepresented in my roaming encounters, it is without a doubt willbender.

That being said, since you are just doing dailies, maybe you mainly encounter other "just there for dailies" players who might prefer necro? Don't think that's something to balance the game arround tho.

Edited by Zyreva.1078
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FOTM is in every game, great at promoting the cash shops...I don't see it being done in GW2 which is nice, but the FOTM is definitely happening.

Most ppl will gravitate towards the OP to give them the edge. Nerfs just turn ppl away.

I can say same thing and say willbender and thief everywhere...why don't we buff the other specs, that will indirectly nerf the FOTM specs.


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3 hours ago, Vasdamas Anklast.1607 said:

 I have yet to run into a single roaming guardian, warrior or a rev. Just a crap ton of necros with thieves here and there.

I'm EU and that's way off my experience. Warriors are rare because the class is so badly in need of fixing that the few people who play them either don't mind being walking bags or they know what they're doing and you should be afraid. But besides that, most roamers are guards (willbender), and a fair share are revs as well. The only necros you see are harbs, who belong in the same burning dumpster as willbender and catalyst.

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No but seriously. The reason why so many people play necro in general (not just wvw) is that it’s a very accessible and easy to learn class with reaper being the most fun yet effective e-spec for „general usage“.

u can simply delete pretty much everything with full zerker / marauder in seconds and you don’t have to pull off huge plays in order to stay alive cause your main defensive mechanic is „tanking with the face“.

simple, effective and fun.

i think that’s the main reason why you see so much necros, especially reapers (in pve). And now when they think „heiy let‘s check wvw“ they do it with their spec, they are most used to. Ta-ta.

it helps ofc that, atm reapers are quite good and harb/scourge are even quite strong (even OP when it comes to harb) in wvw.

Edited by CafPow.1542
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The thing I keep finding OP is those Legendary Defenders. I mean you walk up trying to sell cookies at the enemy spawn and pow, your dead. And in this rare case this really is a one shot kill. I thought we were done with one shot builds and then blame there is the Legendary Defender just standing there, and as seen in other threads, sometimes stacked in just the tightest ball possible waiting to exterminate that hapless players that is looking to simply offer wares and services to newly arrived visitors. Quite rude these NPCs are.

And lets not get started on EotM. Had a Warband decide to chase some poor Charr that might allegedly have had spiked some of their slower members get worked up enough that they turned and gave chase. Said Charr might have lead them behind a wall where one of those NPC brutes takes their smoke breaks at and next you know the Warband is dead while the Charr is standing there telling the NPC how rude once again they are to the guests that simply wanted to come and pay a visit. Rude even when they are your side I say.

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On 1/15/2024 at 12:21 PM, Vasdamas Anklast.1607 said:

I have yet to run into a single roaming guardian, warrior or a rev. Just a crap ton of necros with thieves here and there.

Rev ok possibly if you don't have cele renes on EU somehow but...seriously you've never met a roaming spellbreaker or willbender? 

I thought EU was the 'pro' region and you getting wrecked by I'm assuming pistol reapers? As only other option is roaming harb--if you die to a scourge somehow in a 1v1 I don't know what to tell you.  

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On 1/16/2024 at 2:23 AM, Zyreva.1078 said:

Hu? I tend to run into more guards and revs than necros while roaming. Not that the latter is uncommon, but still.

If any spec is overrepresented in my roaming encounters, it is without a doubt willbender.

That being said, since you are just doing dailies, maybe you mainly encounter other "just there for dailies" players who might prefer necro? Don't think that's something to balance the game arround tho.

Weeklies, I don't care much for dailies anymore to be honest. So maybe I spend like 6 hours a week on WvW.
Before I took more lenient approach to the game I'd still see necros a lot more on wvw, than other clasess. They are just too good at spamming, stripping boons and killing people with one button I guess.


1 hour ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Rev ok possibly if you don't have cele renes on EU somehow but...seriously you've never met a roaming spellbreaker or willbender? 

I thought EU was the 'pro' region and you getting wrecked by I'm assuming pistol reapers? As only other option is roaming harb--if you die to a scourge somehow in a 1v1 I don't know what to tell you.  

Man, it has been really long time since I saw a frigging spellbreaker, but it makes sense since SPB isn't cheesy.
Condi/cele zerks, sure, a couple of times and nearly as many willbenders. Other than that just a bunch of thieves, rangers and necros. The later in both solo and groups.

Not sure since when it has turned from "too many necros" to "this guy has an issue with reapers" lmfao I don't have an issue with majority of cele/condi harbringers I encounter, but I surely don't like facing them in 2vs1. Literally one corrupt bomb is enough to end it.

P.S Cele is yikes.


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On 1/15/2024 at 7:21 PM, Vasdamas Anklast.1607 said:

I have yet to run into a single roaming guardian

Seems like a troll after reading this. Willybenders are literally everywhere, I've seen so much more of them than thiefs and necros combined recently.


On 1/15/2024 at 7:21 PM, Vasdamas Anklast.1607 said:

No skill lag on EU.



On 1/15/2024 at 7:21 PM, Vasdamas Anklast.1607 said:

UPD: Yes, there is no skill lag, your internet just sucks, deal with it.

Feels like at this point you just play a ranged that spams 111 calling it a job well done.

Skill lag is constantly being complained about and not related to people's internet connection.


On 1/15/2024 at 7:21 PM, Vasdamas Anklast.1607 said:

Even good positioning is no longer a requirement.

Used to be good now it's just who has the most minstrel chronos and bubble revs. Boonstripping has been nerfed time and time again. This is the result of it.


On 1/16/2024 at 5:22 PM, CafPow.1542 said:

i think that’s the main reason why you see so much necros, especially reapers (in pve). And now when they think „heiy let‘s check wvw“ they do it with their spec, they are most used to. Ta-ta.

Literally this. 

Me and at 5 other friends got into wvw playing on reaper with spectral grasp shenanigans and chaining fears. Was super fun back then when there wasn't as much stability spams

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11 hours ago, Nanoir.2315 said:

Willybenders are literally everywhere, I've seen so much more of them than thiefs and necros combined recently.

That's been my experience too. Willbenders is every other encounter. Even seen groups of 3-4+ willbenders. 

The few times I've meet a harbinger, it's been a duo or more and yep guess who the other classes was.

And of course I met a willbender accusing my condi core engineer of running celestial (I dont even run trailblazer or dire) while he could barely be killed by 5+ chasing him because blatantly obvious FOTM but for some reason, he got hung up on just me. With a core build. Hm.

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