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Legendary Relics are Coming Soon

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On 1/25/2024 at 6:32 PM, firedragon.8953 said:

Considering everything, this seems very fair.

Very fair?

You get a free legendary relic for just having 1 (one) legendary rune and you consider is very fair?

It is unbelievingly generous.

Very fair would be to have to have 6 legendary runes for a free legendary relic since it is about the effect of the 6th rune.

On 1/25/2024 at 6:53 PM, GalenWolffit.3842 said:

So those of us who crafted a 7th legendary rune in anticipation of the additional progress towards the legendary relic are SOL? 

Man, you have a legendary rune on your breather now, be happy. And you crafted before the raise.
It's not like it is completely useless... just almost 😛

And be glad you don't want to craft a rune now... 800 gold.

On 1/25/2024 at 7:03 PM, Omega.6801 said:

"Legendary relics will work a bit differently than other legendary equipment, in that players will need to unlock new relic effects for future expansions in order to make use of them with their legendary relic."
So Legendary means nothing. Cool. Thanks a lot ANet.

I hope that means I only need to buy future expansions and not actually have to do annoying stuff in pve.

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5 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Well, I didn't craft the 7th. You know why? Because I understand what "compensation (partial)" means. The runes don't have bonus effects, which they had at the moment many (most) of the players crafted them. The relic takes away the bonus effect and so the compensation was supposed to sweeten the blow. It was not some investement deal, so people who tried to play the system and go for the greedy double-dip by crafting 7 -or even just 7th rune they didn't want- only have themselves to blame.

I don't agree that it's a "they only have themselves to blame" sort of thing. Personally, I don't blame anet. I followed their official guidance, which they changed their mind on. In any case, I'm out a few hundred gold. It is what it is.  


5 hours ago, Effrafax.2734 said:

I understand the frustration that you put in more gold/effort than you needed to for the relic, based on the original announcements from the GW2 team. At the same time, there was never any guarantee that the value from the 7th legendary rune would be worth the cost to craft it. If each 4-500g rune had granted, let's say 20g worth of progress toward a 500g cost for the legendary relic, it would've satisfied the terms of the official statements, but would you have been happy with it?

Yes and no? If you don't want all 7 runes then yeah, it's a worse deal than if you had stopped at 1-6. That being said, the end result if Anet had kept to the previous announcements would've been 7 legendary runes and an unknown amount of progress toward the legendary relic, compared to 7 runes and the full relic with how it works now, so a better deal in that sense.

Happy with that? Maybe? Like I've said previously, I'm not angry about this. I hadn't planned on making a 7th rune. Or at least not anytime soon. The question came up early on if 6 runes would be enough and they/Rubi specifically answered that they wanted to make sure there was a point in having crafted the 7th. A bit later, when I had a lull in crafting I went ahead and crafted my 7th rune. Mostly (to be honest) based on their official answer. I figured it'd be worth crafting the 7th since they made a point of calling out that they wanted there to be a reason to have done so.

5 hours ago, Effrafax.2734 said:

I'm not a huge fan of how the relic system has been handled overall, and I have mixed feelings on the future unlocks for the legendary. And I can sympathize with anyone who crafted a full set of 7 runes expecting more compensation, but ultimately, they chose to do so with incomplete information. The option was always there to collect the material and wait for Anet to clarify what compensation would actually look like.


I don't particularly like the relic change in general. So that certainly colors how I feel about these changes overall. It just seems like every additional development makes the whole thing worse. And I am still a bit put off by them (Anet) forgetting legendary runes existed at all when they announced relics.

21 minutes ago, Dark Red Killian.3946 said:

I don’t think unlocking the relics in the future will be a huge deal. If it is anything like soto, those expac relics will be unlocked just playing the story, maps and content as you progress the achievements. You still get freedom of swapping after the fact, and use on as many characters as you want. People just don’t want to play the game lol. You can quit now.

Someone else made the point of coming back after a break and having your legendary item being out of date. That point really makes me dislike how they're going to handle relics going forward. Big deal or not, legendaries shouldn't ever (even possibly) feel obsolete. This sets up quarterly maintenance, which I think is just a terrible precedent, no matter how hard or easy it may be. Also...saying people who craft legendaries "just don't want to play the game" is kind of silly, on it's face.

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48 minutes ago, Lucy.3728 said:

I hope that means I only need to buy future expansions and not actually have to do annoying stuff in pve.

Nope. It means with every new expansion you will need to unlock new relics before you can use them with your "legendary" relic. As we've seen so far, you unlock relics either via PvE stuff (story, achievements, collections) or through WvW/PvP reward tracks.

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19 hours ago, idpersona.3810 said:

That's just it. Nothing was misread. And it's not a "better deal". 

It objectively is a better deal though, you get more. Not just progress, but the complete relic. 

If you could decide between the original statement or the name one, would you pick the old one?

I'll have to reread the original message, but did they say you needed to have 7, or just that every rune will add progress  for the relic?


Edit: After reading the original "In fact, each of the seven legendary runes you create will unlock further progress toward these relics" my original statement about the misread stands. Nobody said that you needed all seven, just that they would give significant progress. This means that if someone crafted the 7th rune when they only wanted it for the relic progress, but not the for the 7th rune slot, they already kittened up. Because that was a bad idea to begin with.


Edited by yann.1946
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For everybody complaining that you were "tricked" into making a useless 7th legendary rune, I have a solution.

After you complete your 7th legendary rune, send me 300g. You can pretend that Anet didn't change anything. Making the 7th legendary rune gives you the "significant progress" and giving me 300g is the final step into getting your legendary relic. 😄

Sure, you can accept that Anet's change is actually better since it saves you 300g... But why do that when you'd rather send me 300g after making "significant progress" with your 7th legendary rune?

Edited by BlueJin.4127
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1 hour ago, yann.1946 said:

It objectively is a better deal though, you get more. Not just progress, but the complete relic. 

If you could decide between the original statement or the name one, would you pick the old one?

I'll have to reread the original message, but did they say you needed to have 7, or just that every rune will add progress  for the relic?


This is what they said.

Players who have already crafted legendary runes will be compensated with significant progress toward unlocking legendary relics. In fact, each of the seven legendary runes you create will unlock further progress toward these relics. We’ll be able to share more details when we are closer to the launch of legendary relics next year.



So if people just did not craft their runes and waited for the more details all would have been well.

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Just now, Linken.6345 said:

This is what they said.

Players who have already crafted legendary runes will be compensated with significant progress toward unlocking legendary relics. In fact, each of the seven legendary runes you create will unlock further progress toward these relics. We’ll be able to share more details when we are closer to the launch of legendary relics next year.


Yup. This has always been a dynamic situation, which is why I've personally just waited to see if it was worth crafting the 7th because, at the time, who knew how much "progress" that 7th would be vs cost of rune/relic. 

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7 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

This is what they said.

Players who have already crafted legendary runes will be compensated with significant progress toward unlocking legendary relics. In fact, each of the seven legendary runes you create will unlock further progress toward these relics. We’ll be able to share more details when we are closer to the launch of legendary relics next year.



So if people just did not craft their runes and waited for the more details all would have been well.

Thank you for the link. This confirms that crafting the 7th run if you didn't want it was a nonsensical thing to do from the beginning.

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My main concerns:

  • What happens to the lost rune bonus effects, some of which were character-defining quirky effects for certain players? (Not just build-defining). Are these going to be part of the legendary relic or have already been implemented somehow and I missed it since I am only cursory paying attention at this point?
  • Isn't introducing a new type of legendary that has its own internal form of progression rather than being, well, legendary a major usability concern and going to create an immense amount of confusion and identity crisis of gameplay systems going forward?
  • Doesn't the legendary relic not being a full legendary mean the compensation isn't really the same as having what people already had that was taken away? (e.g. like taking away an apple, then promising you'll give back a fresh one with a large bite taken out of it?)
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Meanwhile... what I'm curious about is what the 'regular acquisition method' for the Legendary Relic will be. Will it be 'just' a craftable recipe (like the legendary runes and sigils), with some pricy materials, or will there be a 'Legendary Journey' involved (with collections akin to the legendary PvE trinkets, Fractal Backpack and generation one legendary Weapons)? And: if there is a collection (or collections), will getting the relic via the 'you have a legendary rune so here you go' method exclude you from finishing the 'intended in game route'?

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13 hours ago, idpersona.3810 said:

I don't agree that it's a "they only have themselves to blame" sort of thing. Personally, I don't blame anet. I followed their official guidance, which they changed their mind on. In any case, I'm out a few hundred gold. It is what it is.  

You don't agree why? Again, it was supposed to be partial compensation for people who lost part of their legendary runes' abilities. It was NOT supposed to be "rush for it now so you can profit". If you rushed because you hoped you'll profit, you're the one you can blame for it. If you wanted to be sure, you could get the materials and wait with crafting until we get further details (and that still isn't what I did btw, because... that's right, I wasn't focused on gaming the "partial compensation" for profit).
But hey, you have the uw rune now and that's exactly what you knowingly went for.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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It seems like ever since the new xpac model has come out we just keep getting screwed on more and more stuff, no new elite specs, just a new single weapon instead, and now instead of getting a legendary relic, we get basically half of a legendary relic. Look, you keep going down this route as a company and you're going to keep angering people, just give us all the new relics automatically when we buy the next xpac. You want to give us content obviously, but that's not the route you should be taking to do so, how about go give us content in the game modes you clearly have abandoned instead. ( WvW cornerstone) (PvP). They have been waiting for something new way too long.

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5 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

You don't agree why? Again, it was supposed to be partial compensation for people who lost part of their legendary runes' abilities. It was NOT supposed to be "rush for it now so you can profit". If you rushed because you hoped you'll profit, you're the one you can blame for it. If you wanted to be sure, you could get the materials and wait with crafting until we get further details (and that still isn't what I did btw, because... that's right, I wasn't focused on gaming the "partial compensation" for profit).
But hey, you have the uw rune now and that's exactly what you knowingly went for.

I likely don't agree because I sort of fall into that camp (I'm obviously biased based on my experience). But even without that part of it, taking their words at face value and crafting the 7th because it was what was supposed to be needed for full compensation makes some sense. Even if we didn't know what they meant at the time (they obviously didn't).

I'm sure some people rushed for it, but I wasn't really one of them. Personally I ended up crafting the 7th a month or 2 after the announcement because I hadn't crafted anything legendary in a while and I wanted to and that rune was relatively cheap (especially in terms of spirit shards). The answer of anet wanting to reward people with 7 over 6 did stick in my mind and was one of the details that pushed me over the line to actually go ahead with the rune. I probably wouldn't have otherwise. I'm not particularly bitter about the decision or anything. I've wasted more time/effort/gold on less in the game over the years.

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9 hours ago, Labjax.2465 said:

Isn't introducing a new type of legendary that has its own internal form of progression rather than being, well, legendary a major usability concern and going to create an immense amount of confusion and identity crisis of gameplay systems going forward?

Was thinking about that too. I don't like it when a system gets splitted up into more systems/subsystems.

Either all legendary stuff will get treated like that with the update, or none.

9 hours ago, Labjax.2465 said:

Doesn't the legendary relic not being a full legendary mean the compensation isn't really the same as having what people already had that was taken away? (e.g. like taking away an apple, then promising you'll give back a fresh one with a large bite taken out of it?)

I think, after knowing the ever complaining community here, that offering stuff like "compensations" and such is a mistake. Anet can never satisfy everybody, most will always want more/different. Never satisfied no matter what they offer.

If Anet wants to change something in their game, for progress and future adaption, they should do it and ignore the whiners. Because there is no difference if they do it or don't do it. But it is less work if they do it.

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When Relics were first announced. I thought good. Now I can have the stats I want and independently choose my 6th tier rune effect. I liked the Rock Dog. It was fun. However Relics just turned out to be boring boons, short term stat increases etc. Barely worth bothering about.

Now another kick in the teeth is although I crafted 7 legendary runes my legendary relic will not actually be a "Legendary" piece of equipment. It will be defective and I will have to grind more to get further relic effects. Why not have it so that those who previously and currently go through the effort to create 6 or more legendary runes actually get a "Real Legendary" relic.

Anet had a good idea and butchered it. Twice.

Bring back the Rock Dog and other fun oldie rune effects and make legendary relics truly legendary. 

Not everyone plays competitively. Some just play for fun.


Dont Call Me Shirley 



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4 hours ago, Lucy.3728 said:

Was thinking about that too. I don't like it when a system gets splitted up into more systems/subsystems.

Either all legendary stuff will get treated like that with the update, or none.

I think, after knowing the ever complaining community here, that offering stuff like "compensations" and such is a mistake. Anet can never satisfy everybody, most will always want more/different. Never satisfied no matter what they offer.

If Anet wants to change something in their game, for progress and future adaption, they should do it and ignore the whiners. Because there is no difference if they do it or don't do it. But it is less work if they do it.

Re: compensation: I don't feel it's unreasonable for people to want compensation to match what was taken away in a game whose reputation is significantly about retaining horizontal progression over time, no matter how much time spent away from the game. If this was a treadmill MMO where things get "reset" regularly, I would still believe it's valid for people to be bothered, but the expectations would be different. This is historically, for the most part, an MMO different from the treadmill standard and a significant part of what makes it stand out as worth playing compared to other MMOs is staked on that reputation. We could talk about it in terms of what people are owed, but knowing that sort of emotional appeal is not likely to move a business decision-maker who is staring at financial spreadsheets, I would rather pose it as "do they want the game to retain one of its primary selling points or not?" Giving up that selling point means they have to sink or swim as "yet another treadmill" and that's a much more competitive space than the niche they have carved out over the years as being a unique way to do MMOs. I mean, maybe such a business person would spin me a narrative about how the model they've been using isn't making enough money and they have to change things up. Who knows. But what I do know is that the MMO SWG did something much more extreme in the pursuit of money/growth until they eventually became a WoW clone and shut down. And I'm sure there are many other cases out there of a business messing with its identity and losing itself in the process. Maybe there are successes too, idk, but I know making a business work in general is very difficult and a lot of them fail, and so it sure seems like one would have to be either desperate or reckless to risk what they have in pursuit of some other demographic.

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5 hours ago, tomominiki.9076 said:

@Rubi Bayer.8493will there be a difference between "I crafted a legendary rune" and "I have a legendary rune"? There were players getting "compensation chests" for legendary items over the cap when legendary armory came into the game. And some of them chose the legendary runes.

I wouldnt worry about it. 

You either unlocked it or not. Thats the only parameter they can test easily. 

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Overall I'm unhappy with a number of decisions made in regards to the legendary relic.
Firstly, I prefer for legendary gear to function in a cohesive manner, instead of having special rules applied on a per slot basis.
Secondly, if one of the considerations for the limited functionality of the legendary relic is the "rewards, economy, and experience-design standpoint" how do you conclude that giving out a full-fledged legendary relic to any account with at least one legendary rune to be helpful? It seems like that would make the rewards and economy situation worse.
Thirdly, why is the long-term functionality of the legendary relic kicking in with the next expansion? I should think that it will be quite confusing for players to get access to the final wave of SotO relics right away even though players are supposed to need to unlock any new relic before it can be selected. Is there some kind of undisclosed contractual obligation that forces Arenanet to never handle any facet of this games development with consistency? Ah, you probably can't answer this if there is.

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22 hours ago, yann.1946 said:

Thank you for the link. This confirms that crafting the 7th run if you didn't want it was a nonsensical thing to do from the beginning.

Yea, when you're working with something like that with no concrete details, it is inherently gambling, and you shouldn't use stuff you're not willing to part with.

The real progamer move would be to craft nothing, and simply invest in all the materials needed for the runes over time; focusing on provisioner tokens that are timegated.  We knew there would be months before anything would happen given their pace. Once the announcement was made, one could click several dozen times and quickly be set,. or they just sell back all the mats they don't need in a day and make a killing off the skyrocketing prices.

There would be only be a few scenarios that one could take an L in those cases, and most of it would involve going back entirely on their word that runes will be involved in progress towards legendary relics. But if one is that cynical, then they shouldn't even bother taking any risk here.

On the other hand, crafting 7 runes grants an L in any scenario where things don't go exactly as expected. Anet could have given a full relic instead with 2,3,4,5, or 6 runes and all of those cases a 7th relic is a bad idea. This is not me defending the company- any skeptical mind would also think this is a really bad move.


I didn't do this myself, because I decided preparing was futile given how little information we had and just forgot about it. I had crafted 1 legendary rune just for underwater. I also had some charms I bought by accident, because I thought they were for sigils and left them there. Regardless, that and whatever charms I collected over time sold pretty nicely.

So as is, aiming for 7 wasn't necessarily a bad idea. In fact, it could have been the most profitable route.  Crafting them and binding them solely   in the hopes of getting the value of a legendary relic of indeterminate value n was indeed nonsensical and arguably a losing proposition in any case. But even in that case, at least it can still be used as intended as interchangable runes.

Not to mention the charms went up in prices so dramatically lately that even crafting one legendary rune wouldn't save that much gold over multiple And finally, for all we know, legendary relics may not even cost that much compared to that many runes.

What can I say? You win some, you lose some. And at the end of the day, it's a compensatory system, not a way to get ahead and profit.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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My biggest disappointment is that I can no longer trust Anet. First, they make a glaring mistake by taking away an essential ability from the runes without thinking about the consequences. Then they publish information about how they will correct this mistake and later it all turns out to be wrong again. The current solution is so disappointing, I have no words for it. Well done Anet. Not only did you solve it extremely poorly, no, you also briefly overturned the legendary system itself, so that it is now a mishmash to achieve what exactly? To cover up your mistakes? Thanks a lot really.

Ps:: "It is to complicated to count to 6 on Release-day" You are joking, dont you?! 

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2 hours ago, wolfsblut.9435 said:

My biggest disappointment is that I can no longer trust Anet.

This is the main problem. I dont trust them either. Too many questionable decisions, a few "set in stone" rules got bend because "we decided" (c) Anet, and now this. Back in the days i really trusted anet with their vision on the game. They did provide what was advertised - a casual mmo with no gear treadmill where you can drop in and drop out without any FOMO. Now they introduced FOMO (a soft one, but nevertheless), they devalued legendary runes, they bend "the rules" on legendary relic "legendary status" and even started selling us "living world" episodes on a yearly basis. 

But the worst part of all is that they legit didnt forsaw a pack of problems that would appear when they introduced relics (and changed 6th rune stat) in the way they did, they were clearly clueless on how to handle it, and after half a year of "work" they still do not know how to handle it in proper way. And no, throwing out a "discounted" legendary out there with cut functionality for anyone that got 1 lege rune isnt the right answer. And not to mention that community did provide them with decent feedback and some really nice solutions to this particular problem half a year ago. All of that screams "we dont have a clear vision for GW2" to me. 

And another problem i want to address is: can you trust anet that after all that we saw they wouldnt suddenly come up with something like "hey guys, in upcoming expansion we decided to change how legendary gear works and now it....blahblahblah" and cut some more features off and resell them to you as "brand new features". Relics set a precedent. And like with any company if you let it happen they will push for more next time. 

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On 1/27/2024 at 1:55 AM, Jeydra.4386 said:

I find it incredibly ironic how you claim that "unlocking relics/stats is one of the easiest things to do, if you think that's a grind then for your own sanity please find another game to play", and then, in the very same post, quote a relic that cannot be easily done on day one of the new content. "With the exception of Nourys, all of these could be easily done on day one of the new content."

Like, I don't have to point out that e.g. Demon Queen could take a nontrivial amount of time for people who never do the story, because you've refuted your own argument for me. Am I getting trolled? 😕

I think the problem here is not some kind of irony, but more that your definition of a grind is somewhat different to mine. We're running different races here, and still comparing results.

I don't think doing 10 convergences is a grind. I don't think killing one boss without dying is a grind.

I do think earning 18,000 essences of despair is a grind. I do think earning 300 pvp league tickets over 3 seasons is a grind. I do think earning 7,880 skirmish tickets over 18 weeks is a grind.

The tasks we had to complete to unlock relics were trivial and barely required you to go out of your way to complete the content to get them. If you don't complete the story even once, or do the new maps on just one character, why are you even playing the game? I spend most of my time in WvW, and even I do PvE content every once in a while. Besides, the relics could be obtained through reward tracks anyway, one per relic. Also not a grind, as it will come from just playing your preferred game mode in a matter of hours, not weeks.

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