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Request to buff 100 blades


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My brothers of war, I hail you!


This thread is an all too familiar one; I am requesting/recommending to Anet that 100blades receives a buff.

What kind of buff:

Balance 100blades to have a coefficient/cast in line with other damage-first channels. (See post history for the mathematical proofs and theoretical state of balance) 

Specifically: lower the cast time to 2.25 seconds and reduce the amount of backloaded damage. 

@Lan Deathrider.5910 @CalmTheStorm.2364 and myself (and others I may be forgetting) have discussed this on here extensively. You can check my profile for numerous posts on the calculations behind this and more detailed suggestions for a balanced states. This thread is mainly about the next section;

Why is 100blades so important for Warrior’s viability in competitive modes:

I don’t believe Warrior is in that poor of a state presently. However, it has a problematic drawback; lack of ability to create win-conditions.

Warrior can do a good job of getting an enemy low, but its ability to finish lags. This is really because, often times, getting the enemy low requires the use of all of warriors existing damage and setup skills, leaving little to put someone away once they are low.

Adding a singular high-damage setup skill (100blades with actual damage) adds an additional option of dealing damage predicated on meeting some of the most extensive criteria in the game for any skill. It opens multiple avenues of use and enables the warrior to reserve skills for put away or utilize the skill itself as a put away. 

By feeding enough damage back into Warrior’s most essential kit to improve the probability of establishing win conditions expands the number of builds and playstyles available to warrior while keeping the class in-line (read; balanced) with the power budgets of other classes.


Assume horse stance, buff 100blades


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5 minutes ago, Waffles.5632 said:

final hit should be 360 degrees five target AOE and make it strong AF.

One of the core problems with 100blades viability in competitive modes is actually the amount of backloaded damage.

presently it only outdamages the auto attack by 2% (a very poor number), but ~20% of its damage is loaded into the final hit iirc, which is by far the least likely to hit because the other player has to be either incompetent or outplayed to take that hit.

Perhaps if it was a flip over skill and the final hit was separated, that could work, but the biggest thing is reducing the cast time.

I agree conceptually that would be pretty cool, but I don’t see that specific change making greatsword any more or less viable than its current state. 

Do note, I’m talking solely about competitive. 

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2 hours ago, oscuro.9720 said:

My brothers of war, I hail you!


This thread is an all too familiar one; I am requesting/recommending to Anet that 100blades receives a buff.

What kind of buff:

Balance 100blades to have a coefficient/cast in line with other damage-first channels. (See post history for the mathematical proofs and theoretical state of balance) 

Specifically: lower the cast time to 2.25 seconds and reduce the amount of backloaded damage. 

@Lan Deathrider.5910 @CalmTheStorm.2364 and myself (and others I may be forgetting) have discussed this on here extensively. You can check my profile for numerous posts on the calculations behind this and more detailed suggestions for a balanced states. This thread is mainly about the next section;

Why is 100blades so important for Warrior’s viability in competitive modes:

I don’t believe Warrior is in that poor of a state presently. However, it has a problematic drawback; lack of ability to create win-conditions.

Warrior can do a good job of getting an enemy low, but its ability to finish lags. This is really because, often times, getting the enemy low requires the use of all of warriors existing damage and setup skills, leaving little to put someone away once they are low.

Adding a singular high-damage setup skill (100blades with actual damage) adds an additional option of dealing damage predicated on meeting some of the most extensive criteria in the game for any skill. It opens multiple avenues of use and enables the warrior to reserve skills for put away or utilize the skill itself as a put away. 

By feeding enough damage back into Warrior’s most essential kit to improve the probability of establishing win conditions expands the number of builds and playstyles available to warrior while keeping the class in-line (read; balanced) with the power budgets of other classes.


Assume horse stance, buff 100blades


My brother in war, I hear you.

Reduce the cast time of 100blades, to some amount less than 2.5s.

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22 hours ago, oscuro.9720 said:

One of the core problems with 100blades viability in competitive modes is actually the amount of backloaded damage.

presently it only outdamages the auto attack by 2% (a very poor number), but ~20% of its damage is loaded into the final hit iirc, which is by far the least likely to hit because the other player has to be either incompetent or outplayed to take that hit.

Perhaps if it was a flip over skill and the final hit was separated, that could work, but the biggest thing is reducing the cast time.

I agree conceptually that would be pretty cool, but I don’t see that specific change making greatsword any more or less viable than its current state. 

Do note, I’m talking solely about competitive. 

I would love for 100b to get the flip skill treatment.

This is the way.

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1 hour ago, DKRathalos.9625 said:

Anet: "Sorry Mr.Oscuro, Request Denied"


"We've heard feedback from our warrior community and will be increasing the coefficient from the last strike of Hundred Blades by 0.1 and gain 1 might per foe struck by the final strike for 4s."

Buffs that aren't buffs in practice is what is more likely.

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I think Hundred Blades is a redundant skill. It doesn't add anything to the kit outside role playing - swinging a sword like a madman (which is not bad style wise).  And no minor tweaks will change that. What is it even suppose to do? 2% more dmg and rooting you for 3 sec. Won't be much different if it's only 2 sec. And if they make it hit alot harder (which it would deserve based on all the drawbacks) it will only impact the rest of the kit. Is it suppose to be a finisher? Well Arcing Slice is already that and much better.

The skill should be completely changed and actually do something for the kit. It's a bit problematic because GS kit is actually not bad, but there is definitely room for some improvement. Maybe they should replace it with a skill that is also just a small dps increase in pve and not a big dmg dealing ability in pvp but is actually easy to land. A fast pommel bash. Could even be unblockable (maybe too much). 

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Personal opinion: I love the animation and wouldn't like it to be cut down over and over until it's practically just another blip in all the chaos.  I also don't want it to just be mobile. I want it to feel like the animation is doing something.

On the other hand: how tf would you accomplish that (making the animation and effect impactful) while having such a short cooldown? It's a catch22 in that you can't really make something nice if you can nearly spam it, if it's a skill with a relatively short cooldown it's on the shallow end of the power budget. Even laden down with drawbacks and limitations, that's not going to really count to make it actually good short of killing yourself which the root halfway already does.

If only they could swap the 2 and 5, make Rush a damageless skill on a 10sec cooldown (maybe make it a direction-aimed skill like Whirlwind Attack) and give the new 100B a 25sec cooldown with high damage, range and fatigue (decrease Adrenaline gain for 4sec after use)...I dunno. I want the animation and impact and not just free floatyness damage, is what I'm saying.

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18 minutes ago, Cuks.8241 said:

I think Hundred Blades is a redundant skill. It doesn't add anything to the kit outside role playing - swinging a sword like a madman (which is not bad style wise).  And no minor tweaks will change that. What is it even suppose to do? 2% more dmg and rooting you for 3 sec. Won't be much different if it's only 2 sec. And if they make it hit alot harder (which it would deserve based on all the drawbacks) it will only impact the rest of the kit. Is it suppose to be a finisher? Well Arcing Slice is already that and much better.

The skill should be completely changed and actually do something for the kit. It's a bit problematic because GS kit is actually not bad, but there is definitely room for some improvement. Maybe they should replace it with a skill that is also just a small dps increase in pve and not a big dmg dealing ability in pvp but is actually easy to land. A fast pommel bash. Could even be unblockable (maybe too much). 

I’m going to strongly disagree with you. Hundred blades is a setup skill that functions well in conjunction with much of warrior’s kit. The problem is that it is extremely weak. It literally does 2% more than the auto attack. It is by far the lowest coefficient/cast time damage-first skill in the game while also having the absolute highest costs of use (self root, etc.). 
Reducing cast time to 2-2.5s offers means the cast time hypothetically fits into a stun window. While it’s still EXTREMELY unlikely to land the whole thing, at least it actually lines up with even being theoretically possible. Add quickness in and now it’s a real setup-and-burst combo.

You’re free to disagree, but I’m fairly confident that if they drop 100b cast time, the put-away potential of Warrior will climb drastically.

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10 minutes ago, Leo G.4501 said:

Personal opinion: I love the animation and wouldn't like it to be cut down over and over until it's practically just another blip in all the chaos.  I also don't want it to just be mobile. I want it to feel like the animation is doing something.

On the other hand: how tf would you accomplish that (making the animation and effect impactful) while having such a short cooldown? It's a catch22 in that you can't really make something nice if you can nearly spam it, if it's a skill with a relatively short cooldown it's on the shallow end of the power budget. Even laden down with drawbacks and limitations, that's not going to really count to make it actually good short of killing yourself which the root halfway already does.

If only they could swap the 2 and 5, make Rush a damageless skill on a 10sec cooldown (maybe make it a direction-aimed skill like Whirlwind Attack) and give the new 100B a 25sec cooldown with high damage, range and fatigue (decrease Adrenaline gain for 4sec after use)...I dunno. I want the animation and impact and not just free floatyness damage, is what I'm saying.

I agree, it thematically works well with Warrior. I don’t think a 2-2.5s second channel would be problematic personally. It would still be one of the longer channels in the game, and that alone would put it right near the middle of the pack for direct damage channels. Just my opinion though 🙂 

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3 minutes ago, mirage.8046 said:

I actually favor this. And I'd go further by adding resistance to warrior's every mobility skill. 

I'd rather not because random rips would just cause immobilize to start applying again/once the movement skill expires resistance will probably expire, which could lead to you getting re-rooted.

I would like warrior to have more reliable effects on buttons, not less.

The warrior's sprint thing was a joke.

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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