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Its time for Guardian Ports to get cast times.

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Does this only apply to guardian or does it apply to every single shadowstep/teleport in the game? Because if you're not aware, guardian is not the only profession with instant shadowsteps/teleports.

Edited by Kuya.6495
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Hot take but blowing up an aegis before LB2 or bonking someone from behind a wall with hammer 4 has as much skill expression as doing a PvE rotation that cycles in between 4 types of invulnerability as a warrior, or comboing magnetic auras, projectile blocks and shock auras on top of a point as tempest, or using active barrier mitigation and channeled blocks while blowing up a point with AoE fields as cata. There's also my favorite which is putting someone unexpectedly into a Hammer 5 ward right before their big dodge™ from a teammate's burst.

Using merciful/judge's intervention also means sacrificing a precious get out of jail card and potentially porting into tons of AoE. I also very honestly can't think of many ports with cast times in fact so this would have to be a more encompassing change than guardian (sand swell is one I guess? So we're saying this as a necro?). 

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10 hours ago, Stand The Wall.6987 said:

long time gw2 main finally realizing gw2 class design is actually pretty bad



Cata/DE/DH, is some of the worse designed specs ever. Anet doesn't know how to balance them without breaking the class.

The only reason I play gw2 is the pvp's combat system. No other mmorpg comes remotely close.

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On 2/6/2024 at 5:24 PM, Saiyan.1704 said:


Cata/DE/DH, is some of the worse designed specs ever. Anet doesn't know how to balance them without breaking the class.

The only reason I play gw2 is the pvp's combat system. No other mmorpg comes remotely close.

the fact that there are numerous badly designed classes is indicative of a larger problem. insta los burst ports are a part of that. extreme mobility is another part. broken sustain is another. its not just a few class design choices, its a choice to design the game that way

Edited by Stand The Wall.6987
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An even hotter take: both class design and combat design in GW2 are bad (regarding pvp); for different reasons.

GW2 combat design was supposed to be a streamlined version of GW1's old design to take away it's balancing and interaction complexity. So, rather than having unique buffs and debuff for every class we got all buffs and debuffs role compressed into conditions and boons. We got downed/rally rather than resurrection spells, etc etc.

The idea was to make it more intuitive across classes. However, that idea of simplified combat design has been messed up over the years by class design.

Class design puts flavour over balance. That's why you got stuff like DH, that either works too well or doesn't at all.

That's why you get stuff like classes with extremelly complicated rotations that take a titanic effort to get the same performance results as an A-B-C button spam class that can do nearly anything.

Also another thing that makes combat and class design bad IMHO is that the game gives you zero tutorials regarding key mechanics that you then have to find out on your own, which is why a lot of people who are new to pvp have no idea of even the basics of pvp.

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On 2/6/2024 at 8:24 PM, Saiyan.1704 said:


Cata/DE/DH, is some of the worse designed specs ever. Anet doesn't know how to balance them without breaking the class.

The only reason I play gw2 is the pvp's combat system. No other mmorpg comes remotely close.


Gw2 seems to be compelled to shoot itself in the foot for PvP/WvW.

When new toys need come out the class designers think of the coolest way they can hit NPCs that don't have feelings and don't react in complex ways to incoming damage, build the entire feature, ship it, then suddenly [snap back to reality oop ] and realize that two thirds of their gamemodes will have players attempting to use those new toys on other players. 

It's pretty ingenious if you think about it. By shipping a spec that is fun immediately in PVE, but wretchedly unbalanced in the other two modes, you create a bunch of issues that players will practically beg you to spend the next couple of years gradually patching out. Then, when you finally finish or get close to it, it's time for the new set of toys.

Whichever devs designed the combat system for this game, I hope theyre making a respectable amount of bank. They did a good thing here. Same with the artists. Unfortunately, the time it takes to un-kitten competitive is an ongoing grind that could have been mitigated with a little more foresight instead of a boatload of hindsight.

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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That or you can do what they did to thief staff #5 long ago.  Make certain skills un-useable while porting.  

Vault:  December 11, 2018    
The damage of this attack will no longer occur if the thief shadowsteps after the skill has begun.

This could be applied to a multitude of skills that are problematic while insta-porting.

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On 2/6/2024 at 10:51 AM, maxwelgm.4315 said:

 I also very honestly can't think of many ports with cast times in fact so this would have to be a more encompassing change than guardian (sand swell is one I guess? So we're saying this as a necro?). 

Eura is Ranger main (AFAIK)--so most likely UT and Dagger ambush

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1 hour ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

The man posting here in my opinion is the #1 Ranger NA. That being said, I am surprised by this post and take. Especially the focus on guardian Eura. Is your post profession related or all of guardian? 

Somewhat just a meme. Anet doesn't balance based on feedback. But guardian is the only class with an instant cast teleport that goes through LoS (besides thief but I think that's fine for thief). Merciful intervention is probably fine.

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2 minutes ago, Eurantien.4632 said:

Somewhat just a meme. Anet doesn't balance based on feedback. But guardian is the only class with an instant cast teleport that goes through LoS (besides thief but I think that's fine for thief). Merciful intervention is probably fine.

So does deathstrike, its insta cast, the difference is you have to be facing the cam properly to ever land it, so no one cares about that one. Maybe if the instacast teleports had an internal cooldown of a few hundred ms or every tele had an obvious tell, because yeah I feel you on teleports being touched upon in several ways. No valid path being the most annoying one. 

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15 hours ago, Eurantien.4632 said:

Somewhat just a meme. Anet doesn't balance based on feedback. But guardian is the only class with an instant cast teleport that goes through LoS (besides thief but I think that's fine for thief). Merciful intervention is probably fine.

Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't illusionary ambush and phase traversal also ports that don't need los?

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Illu ambush you  dont have as much control over. Phase traversal has a cast time so you cant overlap skills with it.

46 minutes ago, Kuya.6495 said:

Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't illusionary ambush and phase traversal also ports that don't need los?

Main thing people are probably mad about is how you can cast orher skills over-lapping with the instant cast teleports. It reduces people's abilities to react to them and makes them less counter played.

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18 minutes ago, Endorphin.9147 said:

Illu ambush you  dont have as much control over. Phase traversal has a cast time so you cant overlap skills with it.

Main thing people are probably mad about is how you can cast orher skills over-lapping with the instant cast teleports. It reduces people's abilities to react to them and makes them less counter played.

Sure but it's a bit disingenuous to focus on the fact that judge's intervention allows you to cast other skills as if the other non-los ports don't have other benefits that JI doesn't. Illusionary ambush, because it's an ambush, gives you mirage cloak and breaks targeting.  Phase traversal is itself a damage spike that is unblockable, gives unblockable stacks and gives quickness. 

It's easy to claim Judge's intervention is broken when you ignore all the other benefits other ports have that JI doesn't. 

It's also not as if people don't have complaints about IA and PT either. Who likes having to deal with a mirage breaking targeting, in between going invisible, and attacking you while you can't hit them? Who likes getting hit out of nowhere with an attack that can't be blocked and allows the revenant to follow it up with another unblockable attack? So why pretend JI is special or unique in its ability to annoy people on the receiving end of it?

Edited by Kuya.6495
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Guardian in general needs massive nerfs.
Far too many guardians in every lobby I played recently vs Core Support, Willbender and Dragonhunter Premade this makes total sense.

  • Far too much damage on willbender and dragonhunter
  • Traps that literally delete your from the game that trigger almost instantly after placing them
  • Far too much survival ability on Core Support and Dragonhunter
  • Shield 5 and Barriers in general are extremely overpowered because there are ported directly from PVE without any changes.
  • Aegis is too good for the amount you can give away
  • No initiative no energy no nothing you just click all spells that are off cd.
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