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Useless drops

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1 hour ago, Quasidivine.2591 said:

K dude, now you are definitely trolling. This is harassment. Luck has not always functioned the way it does now. As you have been playing as long as you claim, then you should know this. Secondly, if everything played out the way YOU, not me, claimed, then you might have a point. But you  have taken many liberties as to what it was that I did, and how and lastly when I have done it. Instead of asking, you have done a great job of assuming you know, throwing up all kinds of slag in an attempt to pronounce that you are all knowing on this subject, all the while ignoring the purpose of the original post. You have still missed the point and projected incorrectly. I am going to request officially that you...personally, stop commenting as this feels like harassment at this point. YOu don't believe me, fine, walk away.

Let's look at the facts here.
You've admitted you were new when you observed this.
You've admitted the number of times and someone else has already done the luck calculations. 
Someone has come forwards stating that their casual luck gathering since the magic find system was changed into the current luck system we have only netted them enough luck to get to 225% magic find. 
The amount of luck you would have needed to perform what you claim would have been astronomical.
You've clearly lied about a 100 gold handout from a hacker.

You've already broke the trust, spun a narrative that was exaggerated at best, and are now trying to tell people they're wrong about a system that's been rather well documented since it's introduction back in 2013.  Yeah, you're the troll here,  fam.

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28 minutes ago, Quasidivine.2591 said:

Linken So you had magic find gear before the removed that and added account wide magic find then?.........Doesn't wait for a reply to confirm...Also Linken at this point just making stuff up, in conclusion you magic find never reset even once at all just that Anet reworking were we got the magic find from for everyone.. Like seroiusly. in conclusion? dude you didn't even wait for a reply. And you know what, I'm not doing this again. No reply for you. YOu figure it out, believe what ever the hell you want and go about yer day.


Yes I did it was tied to gear not my account and I then started working on my account mf.

Anet balance stuff all the time the magic find change was such a balance.

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5 minutes ago, Quasidivine.2591 said:

Yes hacked accounts happened that everyone got gold never happened maybe some people in a map shard got sent 100 gold up to 150 people.

But that is not everyone got gold from hackers that was your claim.

Plenty of more people have sent out gold when they quit the game over the years btw.


Or just to be nice to new people low ap accounts in starter maps source I sent back afew when my alt accounts were low ap not wanting to take away from the truly new people on my gold farm accounts.

Edited by Linken.6345
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Admitting I was new, doesn't mean I was wrong in my observation

Reporting a number of times does not eliminate the possibility that the error happened in more than one way, aka the number reset or was built up erroneously

Someone else's calculations does not factor in a potential error elsewhere. You make the assumption all was working properly

The amount of luck may have indeed, required a lot...IF it was working normally

I have not lied about a 100 gold handout via hack. Areanet did not take back the gold, but did not wish to advertise the hack either so they let everyone keep the gold. It was talked about across the map. That said, perhaps it was localized, I can not verify.

I can not break the trust of people who insist in incorrectly projecting their idea of what they think happened when they are already set not to believe me anyway.

Not the troll and you are def not my fam!

Edited by Quasidivine.2591
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42 minutes ago, Quasidivine.2591 said:

The questioned claim wasn't "some accounts can be hacked", it was "that one time when hackers gave everyone 100 gold". This link is irrelevant to anything, but glad you're able to provide something when you think you might be correct. As opposed to the "140% mr reset when you were a new player" which was  misunderstood/misremembered.

25 minutes ago, Quasidivine.2591 said:

Admitting I was new, doesn't mean I was wrong in my observation

No, but the numbers you needed there to repeatedly achieve 140% in a short time in connection to you being new does point at your misunderstanding/misremembering what you were talking about. You were asked how you got all that luck and you completely avoided that question, but now you're eager to link that "accounts can be and are hacked!" because you think it proves what you want, but it doesn't.

25 minutes ago, Quasidivine.2591 said:

I have not lied about a 100 gold handout via hack. Areanet did not take back the gold, but did not wish to advertise the hack either so they let everyone keep the gold

🤦‍♂️ Did arenanet somehow directly informed you about that decision or what is this whole sentence based on? Considering you like telling people they're "assuming" everything (even when they're basing it on your own posts and on actual numbers needed to achieve x% mf), you surely have any source for what you just said?

Edited by Sobx.1758
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4 hours ago, Bollocks.4078 said:

People need to stop asking for screenshots.  It has been established that there are no screenshots.  The lack of screenshots doesn't prove it didn't happen and dismissing it because there are no screenshots is really just gaslighting.   It is definitely fair for people to be skeptical about the claim but I think a lot of people are being way to harsh and dismissive.

It's not about screenshot. OP didn't deliver anything.
They claim this "bug" happened and the only thing they gave us is what they think to remember from 9 years ago.
There are dozens of plausible explanations of what could have happened, but nope, OP claims it was a bug.


4 hours ago, Quasidivine.2591 said:

Not directed at you, but imagine if no one could remember what happened to them 9 years ago or more. You would forget how to talk, to walk....just because it is a long time ago, doesn't mean that ppl do not remember it correctly...

Because you don't talk or walk for years, right? Sorry, that comparsion is nonesense.

Ofcourse memories fade over time, denying that is just big nonesense.
No matter how important a moment is, a birthday, the first kiss, a concert, memories are fading. And less important memories fade faster.

With that said, you remembering wrong is not the only issue. Even if you remember perfectly fine, it doesn't help if you misinterpreted the information you had back then.
When you mix up things, it's still mixed up when you remember it.
You said yourself at that time you were new to the game and didn't understand things.


4 hours ago, Cuks.8241 said:

Mf % doesnt increase linearly with luck gain.

it's still ~2,700,000 luck this would require -> ~250 MF.
New players don't get such large amount that easy. Even for experienced players it takes long or is expensive.

As someone who keeps Essences of Luck for Lunar New Year I can say that I personally gathered ~800,000 luck over the last year.

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4 hours ago, costepj.5120 said:

You claim you got your MF to 140% nine times and it reset to zero every time. That means you achieved 1260% MF in a very short time. I think that's what I'm having trouble with. After playing continuously for 11 years, I've made it to 225%.

Not agreeing with him (or disagreeing for that matter) but keep in mind that building up magic find is on a diminishing returns model. It might have taken as much to get from 299 to 300 as from 0 to 145.

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22 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Not agreeing with him (or disagreeing for that matter) but keep in mind that building up magic find is on a diminishing returns model. It might have taken as much to get from 299 to 300 as from 0 to 145.

There's no need to speculate, the info in on the wiki.  It takes 30000 Luck to get from 299 to 300.  That amount of Luck would get you from 0 to 129 (and part of the way to 130).  Every level from 218 to 300 requires the same amount of luck, 30000.

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2 hours ago, Quasidivine.2591 said:

Dear Quasi...
You claimed *everyone* not *some people* in relation to gold. The article you linked doesn't even make mention of gold outside of a quote about someone missing all their items and  gold.

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4 hours ago, Quasidivine.2591 said:

As far as luck is concerned, for example the max magic find used to be much higher.

No. Since Luck was first introduced in September 2013, nothing about that system has changed at all. The cap on MF you can get from luck has been 300 then, and is 300 now. Same with the other source of permanent boost to MF (achievements), btw - it also havent't changed even once in all that time. The only change to the whole MF (notice, MF, not luck) system was the cap they introduced in 2022, but since it is set at 700, it's way too high to affect any permanent bonuses and effectively acts only as a restriction to MF from boosts. Which are temporary (and, as such, indeed "reset to zero" when their time runs out - which has nothing to do with said cap, btw)

4 hours ago, Quasidivine.2591 said:

There have been sweeping changes to luck, and my error may have been during on of those times which is why not everyone may have experienced it the same.

See above. There has been only two changes to MF since beginning of the game. One in 2013, one in 2022. The first introduced Luck, the second didn't change anything about it at all (and adjusted one factor of MF system that was not connected to it in any way). None of those happened 9 years ago.

4 hours ago, Quasidivine.2591 said:

Also I did not acquire 140 magifind all at once, it was over a lengthy period of time. It also took me a bit to realize what was happening. Lastly getting to 250% magifind takes a hugely larger proportionate of time than getting to 140%.

Getting to 246% takes about as much time as getting to 140% seven times. For anyone that was not mass-buying gear (or, more likely, stacks of ectos) to salvage, it's something that would take several years. In fact. for anyone casually playing (or just being new to the game), even getting to 140% just once with only drops obtained from normal play (as opposedto actively farming for luck and/or mass buying stuff from TP for salvage) would take extensive amount of time.

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14 hours ago, Nabbut.7480 said:

Expecting immediately useful item drops in GW2 does predictably leads to disappointment because it does not.

The whole point of GW2 economy is processing drops/node resources into materials into higher tier materials into useful items that are sold on TP or worn.

It is the same system that EVE Online, the titan of the economic simulation games, uses and this is one reason why GW2 is so popular.

It also saves on anxiously waiting/praying for a drop and getting disappointed again and again ad nauseum.

Gw2 system gives a clear path to get stuff with 0% chance of failure. 
Gw2 system lacks incentive for content that is not the "meta" path for generating currency. 

Since you can get full ascended and then legendary weapons with gold.... it does mean content that is not the meta for generating currency does get ignored and skipped by most. Without boss drops or acheivments to incentivse that content being done many will go do whatever nets them the most gold. Fun only goes so far. If a player struggles for an hour just to get a reward that makes them feel like there was no real acomplishment from all that time and effort....... they prob are not going to do it again. That too is disappointment. 

There is a reason gyala delve is not exactly the most popular content. 

There are positive and negatives to the system gw2 uses. They meant for acheivments to offset the negative but it has failed to do so. Players burn through acheivments in the first couple weeks of the new content drop and thats so much for the achievment incentive. 

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This is basically what Ive been saying, drops are boring there's nothing exciting to get except for infusions (good luck with that, and you're relegated to the same 5 metas if you want those and nothing else).  Precursors arent worth anything and they're the only worthwhile drop affected by Magic Find.  Its just a sea of endless blues/greens/yellows (otherwise known as junk) - oh boy....


Make precursors worth more, do something with them.  Make black lion keys drop more, have magic find affect them.  Make new infusions that drop from mobs, new items, something new or interesting.  (and if the argument is that if they made new stuff, then those items would be common place, then just keep making new and interesting items that drop from mobs, whose drop rate are affected by magic find. )


Give us back the excitement of chance associated with looting treasure like we had when the game launched.

Edited by Jumpin Lumpix.6108
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I would get a few chuckles going when one world boss would drop two of the exact same weapon. Why yes, I would like a kitten Axe of kitten....fed to a salvage kit! Om nom nom nom!

....wow, overzealous censor AI. Yes, I'm confused too.

Edited by Yttris.2945
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On 2/10/2024 at 2:19 AM, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

Its just a sea of endless blues/greens/yellows (otherwise known as junk)

One single stack of each would net you around 70Gold. Interesting definition of junk.
Peronally, I think the introduction of unidentified gear was the best change anet ever made. Prior to that, doing an event such as Octovine was a nightmare!


On 2/10/2024 at 2:19 AM, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

Make precursors worth more, do something with them.

The obvious way to increase their value is to make them rarer. So you are advocating less frequent precursor drops?

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One single stack of each would net you around 70Gold. Interesting definition of junk. On what planet? A stack of blue can be worth over 2 gold at best while green is worth 5-6 gold. I don't know what game you are playing.




At this point I will not be discussing this comment section any more as people have completely blown this wayyyyy off course.  For the people who haven't done so, thank you for your contribution. My point was to get discussion going and shed light on the motivations as to why the drops suk soo much. I will note however that there are names in this comment section that appear again and again throughout all of the forum, consistently detracting from people's comments and trying to tear them down or discredit people. Do you work for arenanet? Do you have some  other reason to harp on all of these people? This isn't a science lab. People can make mistakes, including you. Just because you do not know how something happens does not make it erroneous. Does everyone have to make an error report on every bug? No. Do they deserve a mob lynching because they didn't report it? Also no. Just how do those of you surfing the forums have soo much time to be so critical....if you are not being paid to do so?

Edited by Quasidivine.2591
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On 2/7/2024 at 3:53 PM, Quasidivine.2591 said:

By all that is good......why? Why do we have these useless things in the game?  The drops in this game are becoming pointless. You get a bag after killing a really hard boss, you open it and you get..........another bag...well this could still be good right? Like at least I got a few.....oh, bloodstone dust....with that first bag. Pfft don't be negative, this next bag is sure to have something useful right? Open second bag that spawned from 1st bag...oh wait, some congealed putrid...ahhh for fudge sakes! Ok well at least it dropped another bag. Maybe if I open that one.....eyes of kormir and a blue unidentified bag. Rage quits........................... So how many of us players can identify with this experience? Opening bag after bag after bag after bag only to get crap crap crap and oh yes....more crap. Arenanet has spent soo much time balancing this game that they have just about balanced the reward right out of this game. Now hold up, I know there are some of you in there in the back, going oh but I got this orange exotic out of a blue bag last week...well good for you........That doesn't really add anything to me or the 100,000 players who didn't get something out of the bag. I don't know about you, but in 9 years of playing, I can count the number of ascended items dropping from a fractal on 1 hand. Orange exotics used to be worth something, and well getting those is like a 1/week of constant playing worth of effort. Now they are almost the same as yellow rares. Oh but wait I still hear someone in the back yelling, oh you gotta go on event world trains....Except yeah no, If I can't hit anything I don't get  any chance at a million, reward. But what about your luck? Well bypassing the fact mine has reset 7 times since I started playing there really doesn't seem to be much point into raising it with the extreme costs involved via luck gobbling. So what now? What could we possibly do? What could fix this major area of contention for myself and many many other players?

Well how about when we do some exceedingly hard boss or world event we are guaranteed a decent item. If not an improved chance at ascended, how about guaranteed drop of an item to create better items in the forge? I am so sick and tired of eyes of kormir I could pull my eyes out...Not literally of course, but opening bag and chest after chest only to get mundane blue items is really REALLY getting old.

they made this so u can buy inventory slots or more inventory bags

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1 hour ago, Quasidivine.2591 said:

On what planet? A stack of blue can be worth over 2 gold at best while green is worth 5-6 gold. I don't know what game you are playing.

And a stack of Rare Unid is about 57 Gold, a stack of Masterwork is about 10 Gold, and a stack of Common is about 2.50.  Of course that is before the tax, but it is certainly not worthless at ~59 Gold. 

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The thing is, gold is not an exiting drop. Its boring. Its just more of the same.  Hundreds diferent item types and they all lead to the same outcome, gold and mats.

And even gold just becomes useless  at some point. Its just cosmetics, no impact on gameplay.

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1 hour ago, Quasidivine.2591 said:

A stack of blue can be worth over 2 gold at best while green is worth 5-6 gold. I don't know what game you are playing.

I wrote a single stack of each. 250 yellow @ 58Gold + 250 Green @ 10 Gold + 250 Blue @ 2Gold50 = 70Gold50 (current TP prices).

1 hour ago, Quasidivine.2591 said:

On what planet?


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On 2/7/2024 at 2:53 PM, Quasidivine.2591 said:

By all that is good......why? Why do we have these useless things in the game?  The drops in this game are becoming pointless. You get a bag after killing a really hard boss, you open it and you get..........another bag...well this could still be good right? Like at least I got a few.....oh, bloodstone dust....with that first bag. Pfft don't be negative, this next bag is sure to have something useful right? Open second bag that spawned from 1st bag...oh wait, some congealed putrid...ahhh for fudge sakes! Ok well at least it dropped another bag. Maybe if I open that one.....eyes of kormir and a blue unidentified bag. Rage quits........................... So how many of us players can identify with this experience? Opening bag after bag after bag after bag only to get crap crap crap and oh yes....more crap. Arenanet has spent soo much time balancing this game that they have just about balanced the reward right out of this game. Now hold up, I know there are some of you in there in the back, going oh but I got this orange exotic out of a blue bag last week...well good for you........That doesn't really add anything to me or the 100,000 players who didn't get something out of the bag. I don't know about you, but in 9 years of playing, I can count the number of ascended items dropping from a fractal on 1 hand. Orange exotics used to be worth something, and well getting those is like a 1/week of constant playing worth of effort. Now they are almost the same as yellow rares. Oh but wait I still hear someone in the back yelling, oh you gotta go on event world trains....Except yeah no, If I can't hit anything I don't get  any chance at a million, reward. But what about your luck? Well bypassing the fact mine has reset 7 times since I started playing there really doesn't seem to be much point into raising it with the extreme costs involved via luck gobbling. So what now? What could we possibly do? What could fix this major area of contention for myself and many many other players?

Well how about when we do some exceedingly hard boss or world event we are guaranteed a decent item. If not an improved chance at ascended, how about guaranteed drop of an item to create better items in the forge? I am so sick and tired of eyes of kormir I could pull my eyes out...Not literally of course, but opening bag and chest after chest only to get mundane blue items is really REALLY getting old.

one word… Greed!!
Guildwars 2 and getting rewarded for time spend doesnt fit together. Example loot drops from prime gaming. We get some revive orbs and other junk. If you loot at facebook reactions ppl always say it junk. But anet just turn head other way and ignore. For WoW i have got some mounts (also for diablo 4) a pet (companion) some really nice skins. 

In guildwars 2 you cant get rich, everything is low value. Even crafting is not worth it often. Many items dont have profit because of the tp fee/tax. Only options to get rich are being very lucky or use your wallet. But i am not someone use my wallet for more. I bought the game already so they got their money. I want loot. Meta’s looks fine with 50 chests after end boss. But its 50 chests with trash worth maybe 1 gold. While the game has no sub what is nice it also doesnt drop nice loot (what should be standard for a game called an mmorpg) But the loot that drop in a sub based game is in the guildwars 2 gemstore. So it makes no difference. But wow cost 27 euro for 60 days play time. While for 25 euro you get 2000 gems in guildwars 2. Thats 1 mount skin and a bag slot and your money is gone. Its just a farming simulator. 

and while you cant get rich you see so many new gems shop items every time that you cant buy. Withour using your wallet. 
the only ppl that are rich are veterans who made nice gold back then. I have a guildy he has more then 100k gold because back then he made nice gold with food. Selling. 

and then there is a sale. 25% off. I did a math and the gems for gold where exactly 25% more expensive. So there sale is only for ppl who are rich, or already had the gems or the players who buy gems with money. But not for poor players. When i saw this the last time i started thinking about the greed they do. 
i remember the time i bought 400 gems for 100 gold. With last august sale it was 211 for 400. 

now i play diablo 4. Sure rng is not always nice. But atleast i get some Loot for time spend. 

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4 hours ago, Holmindeboks.3490 said:

one word… Greed!!
Guildwars 2 and getting rewarded for time spend doesnt fit together. Example loot drops from prime gaming. We get some revive orbs and other junk. If you loot at facebook reactions ppl always say it junk. But anet just turn head other way and ignore. For WoW i have got some mounts (also for diablo 4) a pet (companion) some really nice skins. 

In guildwars 2 you cant get rich, everything is low value. Even crafting is not worth it often. Many items dont have profit because of the tp fee/tax. Only options to get rich are being very lucky or use your wallet. But i am not someone use my wallet for more. I bought the game already so they got their money. I want loot. Meta’s looks fine with 50 chests after end boss. But its 50 chests with trash worth maybe 1 gold. While the game has no sub what is nice it also doesnt drop nice loot (what should be standard for a game called an mmorpg) But the loot that drop in a sub based game is in the guildwars 2 gemstore. So it makes no difference. But wow cost 27 euro for 60 days play time. While for 25 euro you get 2000 gems in guildwars 2. Thats 1 mount skin and a bag slot and your money is gone. Its just a farming simulator. 

and while you cant get rich you see so many new gems shop items every time that you cant buy. Withour using your wallet. 
the only ppl that are rich are veterans who made nice gold back then. I have a guildy he has more then 100k gold because back then he made nice gold with food. Selling. 

and then there is a sale. 25% off. I did a math and the gems for gold where exactly 25% more expensive. So there sale is only for ppl who are rich, or already had the gems or the players who buy gems with money. But not for poor players. When i saw this the last time i started thinking about the greed they do. 
i remember the time i bought 400 gems for 100 gold. With last august sale it was 211 for 400. 

now i play diablo 4. Sure rng is not always nice. But atleast i get some Loot for time spend. 

Well, wrong. You not understanding how something can be done doesn't mean it can't be done.

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On 2/14/2024 at 4:24 PM, Sobx.1758 said:

Well, wrong. You not understanding how something can be done doesn't mean it can't be done.

The topic is called useless drops. That means bad loot, trash loot, junk loot. Sure if you farm 100k meta’s with junk loot you get rich. But who want to go this way to get enought gold to be able to affort one gemstore shop? Not me. So they choice is use wallet or no life grind. 
the company is lucky that there are many ppl that love the game and want to support them to spend even more. I am not like that. Imo if i spend 100 euro or 80 euro on the most expensive expansion i expect to have fun and also nice loot drops and not spend more and more for skins from a shop that normally should drop. 

i waited very long for guildwars 2 to have fishing in it. I liked fishing in wow very much. When i was tired i just go fish and try obtain some pets or a mount. But when this game got fishing finally its just fish (basically just normal drops from open world but same worth price but just with a fish icon) no mini’s. No mounts. So besides a title its pretty useless to fish in guildwars 2. If they just add some rewards to the fishing loot table makes a big difference. Maybe the gemshop fish mini. Or the stone. Nope nothing. 

and confuse what you want. I grew up not being greedy so i hate if others are. 

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On 2/14/2024 at 11:55 AM, Holmindeboks.3490 said:

In guildwars 2 you cant get rich, everything is low value. Even crafting is not worth it often. Many items dont have profit because of the tp fee/tax. Only options to get rich are being very lucky or use your wallet.

17 minutes ago, Holmindeboks.3490 said:

The topic is called useless drops. That means bad loot, trash loot, junk loot. Sure if you farm 100k meta’s with junk loot you get rich. But who want to go this way to get enought gold to be able to affort one gemstore shop? Not me. So they choice is use wallet or no life grind. 

"I don't want to play the game, I'd rather spend money on it so it means that's the only choice the players have"?

You not knowing how or not wanting to do something still doesn't change the fact that your claim about it being impossible without very lucky drop or using wallet is wrong (and it's not even about some constant grind you're talking about here). If you don't want your broad false claims to be called false, maybe make more specific ones, while at the same time substituting "you can't get rich" with "I don't want to play it and think I still deserve it".

17 minutes ago, Holmindeboks.3490 said:

i waited very long for guildwars 2 to have fishing in it. I liked fishing in wow very much. When i was tired i just go fish and try obtain some pets or a mount. But when this game got fishing finally its just fish (basically just normal drops from open world but same worth price but just with a fish icon) no mini’s. No mounts. So besides a title its pretty useless to fish in guildwars 2. If they just add some rewards to the fishing loot table makes a big difference. Maybe the gemshop fish mini. Or the stone. Nope nothing. 

You can make plenty of gold by fishing and spend it on whatever you want, so not sure how it's "pretty useless". You can get minis through gameplay, including for fishing materials. Did you get soto skyscale skin through collection?

Also as far as I remember your posts, you consistently keep complaining about "rare drops being too rare!", so it looks to me you don't exactly want "rare drops", you want "rare/valuable drops that drop for you with next to not effort but not for others". Honorable mention of you complaining about the grind, but also saying "wow is f2p because you can grind for some days and get a token".

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