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Essence of Despair. Please give us some options as to what to do with them.

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I have well over 3000 of them taking up space in my inventory. There was a time when I needed them, but that time has long passed.

Let us put them in our wallet, salvage them into something useful, sell them on TP, or at the very least, let us sell them to a merchant.

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Since they're a crafting material, yes some material storage would be appreciated.  

To anyone out there, don't open the boxes from rifts and convergences...just let them stay closed in your inventory.  Or you'll have them everywhere too.   Don't....fall ....asleep ....

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7 minutes ago, Funky.4861 said:

The crafting recipe requires research notes, which i absolutely hate acquiring as they are the most "feels bad" material in the game. Yes- worse than eyes of kormir and exotic putrid essence.

Atleast you can store infinite resarch notes you cant do that with the other two

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2 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

Atleast you can store infinite resarch notes you cant do that with the other two

This is true. My preferred method of acquisition is destroying ascended gear, as the idea of buying/crafting thousands of potions is repulsive.

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Twenty-three thousand despair, thirteen thousand greed, nine thousand triumph. I fully recognize it's my own fault for opening the boxes, and I have been making motivations as I go along, but these numbers are just silly. I don't even really feel like I farmed that much. I did rifts to get the cheeves and stopped, did a hundred convergences for the cheeve and now just do the three weekly, no idea why I've kept up with those. I suppose I'll eventually work through most of them selling motivations, but those aren't going to remain viable forever. Some kind of alternate use would be nice . . .

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What I'm doing is trying not to ever do kryptis events (if they aren't on the daily/weekly), and all the essences I got I put them in a 2nd character which only contain kryptis essences. People say to craft motivation, but to me it seems like a very long process, because you have to first get research notes, craft uncommon, craft common, craft rare and hope to make some profit out of all of this time consuming process, which I'll never do again. Totally not interested in legendary crafting.. so hopefully, they'll make these essences sellable or something with the upcoming patches

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2 hours ago, Gop.8713 said:

Twenty-three thousand despair, thirteen thousand greed, nine thousand triumph. I fully recognize it's my own fault 

It is not your fault. It's a fairly silly and fundamental design flaw where an over abundance of an item is causing inventory overflow and potentially putting people off from doing the content in order not to accumulate more. This should have been picked up during testing or whatever iteration of development does these things.

Everything in SoTo seems too skewed to legendray armour and not enough to other rewards. We need more uses and an eater added next release. Lets hope they've thought ahead for it already

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1 minute ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

They should introduce a Gobbler that converts them into Research Notes! 😄

That is a great idea, ngl.
(Maybe reasearch notes should be added to other gobblers as well while they're at it.)

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17 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

It's a fairly silly and fundamental design flaw where an over abundance of an item is causing inventory overflow and potentially putting people off from doing the content in order not to accumulate more.

Everything in SoTo seems too skewed to legendray armour and not enough to other rewards. We need more uses and an eater added next release. Lets hope they've thought ahead for it already

I totally agree here. I expected to need them somehow for the Legendary Relic, but not even that needs it. Right now I don't even know why I should accumulate any other SotO currency, because all of those are linked to the legendary OW armour (I have that from WvW) or expensive collections for some obscure achievements (a trend ANet has fully embraced after IBS). The Essences should be something like Volatile or Unbound magic, which at least yo can turn into something useful.

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7 minutes ago, Gorani.7205 said:

I totally agree here. I expected to need them somehow for the Legendary Relic, but not even that needs it. Right now I don't even know why I should accumulate any other SotO currency, because all of those are linked to the legendary OW armour (I have that from WvW) or expensive collections for some obscure achievements (a trend ANet has fully embraced after IBS). The Essences should be something like Volatile or Unbound magic, which at least yo can turn into something useful.

Tbf we don't know the recipe for the "legendary" relic yet, it will only be a freebee once on release for people who have a legendary rune. After that I assume it will cost some essences somewhere along the way. Making the essences function like volatile/unbound magic would be great but I doubt they would go that route.

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Thanks for all for your post. It seems I am not alone.

The thing that I worry most about this is I will get tired of these things taking up space and simply delete them. Then a week or two after, they give us a useful option.

That would no doubt me cause utter a few choice words.....lol

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On 2/10/2024 at 8:17 PM, Randulf.7614 said:

It is not your fault. It's a fairly silly and fundamental design flaw where an over abundance of an item is causing inventory overflow and potentially putting people off from doing the content in order not to accumulate more. This should have been picked up during testing or whatever iteration of development does these things.

Everything in SoTo seems too skewed to legendray armour and not enough to other rewards. We need more uses and an eater added next release. Lets hope they've thought ahead for it already

It seems they really hoped people will be pushed into spending a lot of materials just to convert them in order to store them better. Now, since the converted form is equally useless to anyone not pursuing legendary armor, it's just far cheaper to destroy this stuff. Or, much more simply, not do the events at all.

In short, yes, Anet in their design seem to have long forgotten about player enjoyment and ease of play, instead tryng to concentrate on creating needlessly complicated grind/mat sink mechanics as a replacement for good quality content they no longer seem to be able to make.

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On 2/11/2024 at 2:29 PM, Omega.6801 said:

Tbf we don't know the recipe for the "legendary" relic yet, it will only be a freebee once on release for people who have a legendary rune. After that I assume it will cost some essences somewhere along the way. Making the essences function like volatile/unbound magic would be great but I doubt they would go that route.

With giving out a free Legendary Relic for a single Legendary Rune, it makes absolutely no sense to not craft a Rune now (if you don't own one already) and wait for the recipe for the Legendary Relic. Should you chose the path of going for legendary items, you will eventually get Runes, even if you just want the Relic (for whatever reason). ANet has chosen not to need you to have 6 or 7 Legendary Runes for the "free" Relic and, because of that, crafting a Legendary Relic is a concept, failing from the start.

Edited by Gorani.7205
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I just delete them now. There is too kitten much. I am not interested in the Obsidian armor and there is not a lot of reasons to stockpile it or waste Ectos/Clovers crafting Amalgamated/Purified essences. 

Edited by Pinkeh.4207
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3 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

It seems they really hoped people will be pushed into spending a lot of materials just to convert them in order to store them better. Now, since the converted form is equally useless to anyone not pursuing legendary armor, it's just far cheaper to destroy this stuff. Or, much more simply, not do the events at all.


I very much fall into this category of players who simply do not do the events at all.  I have no interest in legendary anything, so this content and the essence rewards are meaningless to me.  I poked around on the new map for a little while, but just don't go there anymore.

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I really wish they had given some more thought to making these materials useful to people not chasing legendaries.

I think it would have been great if the amalgamated or purified essences were tradeable. It would mean that rich players would be able to pay less established players to do the grind for them, and it would open up farming opportunities for SotO maps and rift events.

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