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17 Lose Streak

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Across how many days/how many rounds per day? Note that the pool of players to match with is super small and, if you play lots of matches in sequence and/or play daily in the same hours, you're likely to keep getting the same players - regardless of said players being good or bad, this is always gonna be bad for your match outcomes in average unless you can potentially carry in 1v3 fights.

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1 hour ago, maxwelgm.4315 said:

Across how many days/how many rounds per day? Note that the pool of players to match with is super small and, if you play lots of matches in sequence and/or play daily in the same hours, you're likely to keep getting the same players - regardless of said players being good or bad, this is always gonna be bad for your match outcomes in average unless you can potentially carry in 1v3 fights.


More than three losses in a row, just quit ranked for either a good 3-6 hours or the day entirely.  

For me it's more than 1, if I get two, I'm done.  The third always seems to be a gamble though, could get a win and if so, then can potentially keep playing on--but if it's another loss, just quit and go spam unranked.  

As loss streaks are very real, and if you let them bother you--I've went from ~1500 to ~1260 by losing a good 10-15 in a row on same day as I kept getting agitated and playing on.  Just not worth it.  

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Broken MMR becuase Anet are too scared to offend a few streamers. So here we are, check the top 250, most have under 100 games.. off peaking and maybe duo.. then scared to play any-more. Play peak times at G3, get p2/3 level enemy roamer etc, and then silver team mates every other game. Play off peak, sweaty duos. Then they go unranked, and sweat the fk out of it.. stomping newbs to ease their "rank anxiety", as somebody else put it.


I have 220 games, 112 losses. The more you play, the more the law of averages set in, which is basically G2, G3 at best. 10 games you will not be able to leave spawn, other 10 games 20+ kills - 0 deaths. Occasionally, both teams overall are as bad as each other, and its a close game.


My last play, our DH ran into 3v1s all game long (littearlly all game). So we basically won a 4v5, which shows you the skill gap of the enemy team for that to even be possible.



Edited by Flowki.7194
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5 hours ago, InvisibleRasta.7865 said:

What is wrong with rankeds? I have been playing pvp since release and nothing similar has ever happened to me. Is matchmaking just utter kitten? 17 lost games in a row seems more than normal.

pvp sucks in this game, apart for the rewards there is no reason to play it. Matchmaking is garbage, rush the cap is mode is garbage, maps are small and kitten and not having a trinty system will never work for gw2 and pvp.

Edited by AIex.4105
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On 2/10/2024 at 6:02 PM, Gotejjeken.1267 said:


More than three losses in a row, just quit ranked for either a good 3-6 hours or the day entirely.  

For me it's more than 1, if I get two, I'm done.  The third always seems to be a gamble though, could get a win and if so, then can potentially keep playing on--but if it's another loss, just quit and go spam unranked.  

As loss streaks are very real, and if you let them bother you--I've went from ~1500 to ~1260 by losing a good 10-15 in a row on same day as I kept getting agitated and playing on.  Just not worth it.  

I also do this, and it works wonders rating wise

i play till i lose 2 games in a session, than i take a long break or just wait next day, weekends i always wait next day, cuz i know the player base won't get much better

if I play 2 very onesided matches i quit playing almost everytime, and I said "play" not lose, cuz even if i win 2  i know it's prolly matter of time till i get placed in the losing team, specially if i'm 1450+ which i usually am, cuz sooner or later i'll stumble in a mysterious duo playing offline status and get facerolled

I also avoid having 2h+ sessions, cuz even if I'm winning more than losing if i watch the replays later the decision making is clearly poor compared to the first hour 

Another good practice is play with your chat on combat log

if want to type on map chat maybe it's time to take a break

if you did type in map chat or even in team chat complaining about "quality" of your teammates it's surely time to take a break


16 games is like a big streak and prolly the only common factor in all those matches is you

16x12 is 196, that's enough rating loss to run in way worse players than you and actually carry games

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1 hour ago, veritech.1048 said:

To properly climb rank, one must avoid PvP at all costs.

This probably it.

Just had a four loss streak myself...last one lost 480-500 as my team decided to randomly go duel on the forest lord instead of capture points and just had like a 200 pt. swing in enemy favor.  Matchmaker also put two Druids on one team so I had to switch to a secondary as other Druid only knew how to play Druid.

You just can't fight this kind of thing lol.  

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If you get 4 apes on team it can't be helped.
That being said sidenoder/decapper and support are two huge roles.
Anyone can hop on Dragon Hunter or Reaper and do decent damage.

But it's the guy that keeps them alive longer or keeps tabs on sidenodes and objectives that wins the winnable games.


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Way, I got it explained by couple players is ranked you lose rating and unranked you don't. I've ran into it myself where players in top 250 teaming up and crushing people trying to learn. Is what it is. Skill gap its massive now.

Edited by unknown.8952
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I feel like if you hit a loss streak creeping up on 20 you're probably the problem, matchmaker seems not important at that streak length. Either:

the matchmaker is broken and random pairings aren't giving you a carry at all (the chances of this happening are 1 in 130 thousand) or:

the matchmaker is working and you're in freefall because its handing you easier and easier games and nothings taking. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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After the 3rd loss in a row I would rip my clothes off, rub Miracle Whip all over my body and lash myself with data cords while chanting, "CMC doesn't like bad Willbenders... CMC doesn't like bad Willbenders..." Over and over for exactly 102 seconds.


Edited by Saiyan.1704
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