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Give luck a spot in the crafting material storage!

Luck in the material storage?!  

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I feel like luck should be given a spot in crafting storage since we can craft with it. Some of us use it for legendary pieces and it is a crafting material, so I don't understand why it doesn't have a spot yet. I am among the people who save luck throughout the year for the Lunar New Year festival and it would honestly be a big help to keep some of the luck out of the way. 


Thanks for reading!



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3 hours ago, Gop.8713 said:

Voted no bc max mat storage is 2.5k and that is a trivial amount of luck. It wouldn't help in exactly the same way that it doesn't help with essences . . .


Luck stacks up to dozens of stacks and beyond for veteran players (players with maxed out luck).

For any other player it can be consumed or might take up a few inventory/bank slots.

A temporary "bandaid" solution like offering 2,500 storage for Luck at best, is not the solution needed here.

Make it a wallet currency or some other solution. Any resource which stacks to thousands of units, which sees limited use and/or just collects needs to be revisited (bloodstone dust, dragonite ore, essences, luck, etc.).

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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I agree that somewhere to store it would be useful, but I think it needs to be something that still allows it to be used for it's primary purpose, which is increasing magic find. If it was in the wallet either that would be impossible (because wallet currencies are not consumables) or it would involve extra steps that new players would likely miss, like finding a specific vendor and buying magic find.

I think material storage would work though. It might end up stacking up in there before being used, but at least it could be used. Also I disagree that it wouldn't help because you can "only" store 2,500 of each item, that's still 10 stacks - 10 inventory/bank slots freed up. Also it could be 10 of each rarity, 50 slots in total.

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2 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I agree that somewhere to store it would be useful, but I think it needs to be something that still allows it to be used for it's primary purpose, which is increasing magic find. If it was in the wallet either that would be impossible (because wallet currencies are not consumables) or it would involve extra steps that new players would likely miss, like finding a specific vendor and buying magic find.

I think material storage would work though. It might end up stacking up in there before being used, but at least it could be used. Also I disagree that it wouldn't help because you can "only" store 2,500 of each item, that's still 10 stacks - 10 inventory/bank slots freed up. Also it could be 10 of each rarity, 50 slots in total.

Since the material storage is finite and wallet is infinite.

Its better to have a wallet currency but not auto consumed so if you right  click it you can either consume for mf% or wallet so to not confuse new players and then the vendor if you wanna craft with it as a veteran

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7 hours ago, Gop.8713 said:

Voted no bc max mat storage is 2.5k and that is a trivial amount of luck. It wouldn't help in exactly the same way that it doesn't help with essences . . .

Allowing up to 2.5k of each rarity of luck would help a lot. Better than having it clog up your inventory or bank anyway.

I'd like either material storage slots or the ability to store it in your wallet (after you max out magic find that is).

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There’s many items you can only craft with that don’t have space in material storage. A bunch of items for chef crafting, some artificer crafting and other things. Anet really should make space for these in material storage 

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5 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:


Luck stacks up to dozens of stacks and beyond for veteran players (players with maxed out luck).

For any other player it can be consumed or might take up a few inventory/bank slots.

A temporary "bandaid" solution like offering 2,500 storage for Luck at best, is not the solution needed here.

Make it a wallet currency or some other solution. Any resource which stacks to thousands of units, which sees limited use and/or just collects needs to be revisited (bloodstone dust, dragonite ore, essences, luck, etc.).

I age in general, but still a storage for luck might be useful. Remember, that it would not be capped at 2500 luck. It would be capped at 2500 per each luck item.

An ability to convert exotic luck into legendary one (as well as having alternate recipes that use legendary luck instead of exotic one) would also be very useful.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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1 hour ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Maybe Anet's intention with luck is that player's aren't supposed to horde it?  /shrug

Intentions can change. Else I wouldn't have needed 250 exotic luck per Obsidian armour piece.

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4 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

I age in general, but still a storage for luck might be useful. Remember, that it would not be capped at 2500 luck. It would be capped at 2500 per each luck item.

An ability to convert exotic luck into legendary one (as well as having alternate recipes that use legendary luck instead of exotic one) would also be very useful.

True and sure, if we never get any change here, this would be at least something, I'd just rather have a proper solution.

Having all Luck in the material storage would make it more convenient to upgrade it I guess, currently I have 1 stack of each on every character and individually upgrade it to exotic until I bank the stuff.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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Meh. Material storage doesn't really help when those who need this have thousands...maybe tens of thousands of luck stored.

So maybe wallet currency...but then they'd have to figure out how to let us consume it from the wallet or turn it back into a physical item...

The same can be said about essences by the way...material storage is entirely useless for those.

(Clearly, this is a way for them to sell more bank tabs. And a way to force us to use tens of thousands of ectos to turn essences into amalgamated because nobody has that much space...oh well.)

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They should just make more things currency, and then add a day to move things 1:1 in and out of currency as material “or” rework crafting so it can pull directly from currency.

Wanting to sell storage is fine, until you hit a singularity where you can only store so much and bank so much, but require 120,000 of a thing. Currency is the only place that will hold that.

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On 3/5/2024 at 1:50 PM, Tinker.6924 said:

There’s many items you can only craft with that don’t have space in material storage. A bunch of items for chef crafting, some artificer crafting and other things. Anet really should make space for these in material storage 

It would be smarter to have less intermediary materials that don't serve other purposes.  Or create new purposes for intermediary materials.    Like how soles are crafted in pairs, but its only used to make 1 foot armor item.  Why is the soles not basically 1 item, if theres never a situation were they'd be used individually? 


its my belief there shouldn't be a reason to have to store a ton of intermediary materials, not even in the banks,  and that they should be used immediately. If you need to do it to condense materials, it should be laid out to be easily condensed into 1 or 2 items at major mile stones in the process.  Keep the raw materials easy to store, but don't create new problems by having to add material slots for things you only produce a few at a time.  

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Your "solution" looks reasonable, but does not solve the problem. There is too many currencies in really old MMO game. So veteran players will have a lot of "useless" resources and new players will be overwhelmed with amount of currencies and amount they need to achieve anything. This create two issues in any future xpac release. One for veteran players since veteran players without introducing new currencies would get everything in few minutes after release so they would complain about "no content". Second issue for "new" players since they need to farm antoher currencies without being done with previous ones.

Keep in mind that currency overload is used in MMO business for several reasons and one of major ones is to "force" player pay and you can see it in GW2 clearly with SOTO's essences from rifts. I created char only to keep essences so 1 char slot which I can not use for playing the game.

Personally I am for expansion of material storage as adding "new" items to it and increase max capacity. Also add brother or sister of the WvW Dugan NPC to PvE we already have this for some resources like eternal ice shards with Kjep Corrson in Eye of North.

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