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Stop Forcing Us To Do Story to Progress the Game [Merged]

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I am getting pretty tired of being forced to do story to unlock game updates/features.  Bad acting, unskippable cutscenes, lame voices, and boring content are not the way to encourage players to remain.  I want to only play the parts of the game I am interested in - I don't want to be forced to do anything at all.  And having PvP-oriented stuff as an "alternative" also sucks since that game mode is absolutely the worst.

How about this; we buy the game you sold, and you give us the game we bought, without any cutsey tricks sprung on us later to force us into doing what you want, and in the style you want?

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I actually agree in a way.
I don't like EoD or SotO story, but I have to slog through that to get to the content I want to play (Strikes) or acquire new relics / attribute combinations for my characters.  If I don't do t hat content, I have to do some weird hoop jumping just to get characters into the correct area to be able to jump into the instance.

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1 hour ago, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

... Use TP to friend who's standing at the waypoint of the map you want to go to?

For every single character?  Yeah sure, let me drop 9 of those every single time ANet decides to move  the strike mission hub again.

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6 minutes ago, Epsilon Indi.2031 said:

For every single character?  Yeah sure, let me drop 9 of those every single time ANet decides to move  the strike mission hub again.

So....nothing locked behind any story, no using any items to open the world up. Did you want the devs to play the game for you as well?

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2 hours ago, Epsilon Indi.2031 said:

For every single character?  Yeah sure, let me drop 9 of those every single time ANet decides to move  the strike mission hub again.

What else are they gonna be used for?

And it's not like strikes are per character.

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7 hours ago, Spook.5847 said:

I am getting pretty tired of being forced to do story to unlock game updates/features.

But that's just because the story is currently so thinly stretched, boringly developed and barely worth anyone's time. 😉 

I loved doing expansion content in HoT and PoF in order to unlock gliding, mounts, and what not. Can't say the same about EoD and certainly not SotO.

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Here we go again...when I see threads like these, I wonder why the people are even playing the game if all they have are complaints. What's next? "Arenanet please give me level 80 full legendary gear with max level masteries and all mounts as soon as I log in" ? These "requests" are getting more ridiculous by the day. "I don't want to play the game, so I want you to change the game for me".

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It is an MMORPG. I mean, story is generally a given when it comes to these types of games.

Also, you can do any content that isn't a "story achievement." If you don't know how to get into a map, just "teleport to friend" when some group pops up in the LFG.

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Assuming this is about the new weapon mastery, since OP has mentioned a PvP-(actually WvW, I don't know if there even is a true PvP-)alternative. Jup, it's definitely a strange choice that feels a bit forced. It's not a lot So I was fine with it.
But in principle there is no reason to gate this content behind story or WvW, the mastery could just be available via the mastery system. The only reason I see why it was handeld the way it was is to herd players into the little content available so someone could show a more impressive chart on the next executive meeting, the decision had definitely nothing to do with player enjoyment.

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46 minutes ago, Crono.4197 said:

Here we go again...when I see threads like these, I wonder why the people are even playing the game if all they have are complaints. What's next? "Arenanet please give me level 80 full legendary gear with max level masteries and all mounts as soon as I log in" ? These "requests" are getting more ridiculous by the day. "I don't want to play the game, so I want you to change the game for me".

I too wonder why people who don't like negative feed backs and complaints even bother to click and read such topics 🤷‍♀️

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I can kind of see the complaint for players that don't care about the story and want to get to the content, which is a viable way to play MMORPGs in every other game.

The solution is of course not to stop gating content behind story progression. That's unhinged. The solution is to let us skip conversations like every other game does. There's no value to letting us walk around while an NPC is talking. Make it a cinematic that we can skip.

Even if you do care about the story, it gets tiring when you are doing achievement hunting and you get unlucky with the story step it happens at and have to sit through conversations, or if you are doing the "Return to" achievements and have to replay all of season 2+.

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You do not want to do story and WvW/PvP, why do you even play the game? For instanced PvE? Pretty sure you have to do some story too for elite specs, gliding, mounts.....just stop complaining when there is no kitten reason and learn that not everything is exactly how everyone like.

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1 hour ago, Sugar Min.5834 said:

I too wonder why people who don't like negative feed backs and complaints even bother to click and read such topics 🤷‍♀️

It's a PUBLIC FORUM.  People of all types will post all kinds of feedback.  There will be responses to whatever is posted, regardless of it being "negative feed backs" or positive. 

As is, the OP request merits the responses it's getting.  It like some git woke up and decided: "hey, I don't want to play any of these parts of the game, so please get rid of them." 

This is an MMORPG, not a single player title that you can just mod alter to bypass half the content.   OPs "feed backs" are totally ridiculous, since what they are asking for is not the way game progression works.  At that, "progression" by definition means developing skills gradually, not just all in one go and bang! get to what you want. The game is a comprehensive package; you can choose to ignore any game modes and elements you choose, but accept the fact that if you do some of your game experience and progression will reflect those choices.  End of story.

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Posts like this are a growing waste of time, moreso than unskippable dialog.

 You don’t like the story, don’t play it, but don’t expect to have rewards handed to you. That’s lazy gaming. 
The way ANY game is designed, hell the way life is designed you have to do things, more often than not things you don’t want to do, to make progress. Traveling? You have to have transport - walk, bike, bus, raptor, or waypoint, nobody rides for free. Food? Gotta pay for it, make it, or pick up someone’s cake off the sidewalk. 

Point is you have to play the game to get the rewards and progress. If it’s not your thing, send me your stuff when you quit. 

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3 hours ago, Sugar Min.5834 said:

I too wonder why people who don't like negative feed backs and complaints even bother to click and read such topics 🤷‍♀️

That would leave terrible feedback unopposed in its own tiny echo chamber and I'm not sure why anyone (other than OP and apparently you) would want that.
I also doubt Crono's issue is with negative feedback in general -it's about specific bad feedback. Which he needs to read before judging what it is. Hope that solves your conundrum.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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14 hours ago, Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

Title of the thread (for posterity): 

Players' requests are getting weirder and weirder by the month... Is it the summer heat that messes with the brain?

Clearly not since it is not summer...

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16 hours ago, Spook.5847 said:

How about this; we buy the game you sold, and you give us the game we bought

Hmm.  Think about what you're saying here.  If we buy the game they sell, inevitably they give you the game you bought.  Of course, what they can't give you is the game you *think* you bought.

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100% agree.

I am not interested in the story whatsoever. I'm sure some people enjoy following NPCs around to watch them yapping, killing a bunch of enemies that give no loot or exp, doing the equivalent of tedious renown heart objectives for upwards of 20 minutes at a time, and getting to enjoy it several times over if they crash or disconnect and lose all their progress.

If it was not for maps, achievements and gameplay features being locked behind certain story chapters, I would not touch the story at all. It's the weakest part of Guild Wars 2.

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Okay! And in return, I'm not interested in doing WvW for Gift of Battles, or map completion for Gift of Exploration, so I should be able to skip those two things in order to get the reward and progress my personal goals in game! I'm also not interested in doing PvP just to progress a reward track, so I should be able to get those PvP-exclusive rewards some other way, because I'm forced to do stuff I don't want to!

... No. You want the reward, you do the work - and being able to tab out of the game, or mute it and listen to a podcast, while you quickly run through the story is hardly work. Last night I took a character through the first three parts in A Bug in the System to get access to Sandswept Isles because I didn't want to shell out volatile magic for another portal scroll. Took me half an hour, if that, going at a leisurely pace. Speeding through it would have taken far less time. Only part of that that was even a minor inconvenience was the slightly buggy boss fight in A Kindness Repaid.

17 hours ago, Spook.5847 said:

[...] I want to only play the parts of the game I am interested in - I don't want to be forced to do anything at all.  And having PvP-oriented stuff as an "alternative" also sucks since that game mode is absolutely the worst.

...wait, so if you don't like doing the story, and you don't like doing PVP-oriented stuff (presumably that includes WvW)...what parts of the game do you like? Raids?

Edited by Batel.9206
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1 hour ago, Player.2475 said:

100% agree.

I am not interested in the story whatsoever. I'm sure some people enjoy following NPCs around to watch them yapping, killing a bunch of enemies that give no loot or exp, doing the equivalent of tedious renown heart objectives for upwards of 20 minutes at a time, and getting to enjoy it several times over if they crash or disconnect and lose all their progress.

If it was not for maps, achievements and gameplay features being locked behind certain story chapters, I would not touch the story at all. It's the weakest part of Guild Wars 2.

I didn't  do most of the PoF story , almost none of the EoD story, and none of the SotO story.  But I have a skyscale via PoF, finished Dragon's End a few times, and can access most maps (with some help with a teleport to friend). I also have many APs from PoF/EoD.

Like you can still explore most of the maps by doing a very minimal amount. I mean sure we could use some disconnect protection but that's another issue.

Game already allows you to ignore most of the story, except some parts for mounts and such. And if you're worried about completionalism and min maxing the last bits of AP, then it's time to play like a completionist.

You could tell them to write a better story and allow cutscene skipping, but that shouldn't mean playing the story shouldn't be required for stuff.

It took me 8 years to finish the personal story, and I didn't actually have to do it. Can't think of many games that let you do that without penalty.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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