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Sliding mechanic in GW2

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Was thinking about last night, all these modern games have sliding in them. Think GW2 could use a sliding mechanic in the game.

So basically to maximize use, you find a big hill slide and it increases momentum, and there is a slope you jump off of and deploy glider and basically travel the map superspeed in the air.

Maybe a JP or race where you slide down a lotta hills too.

Could be very interesting in PvP too.

Edited by uberkingkong.8041
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4 minutes ago, uberkingkong.8041 said:


So basically to maximize use, you find a big hill slide and it increases momentum, and there is a slope you jump off of and deploy glider and basically travel the map superspeed in the air.


Isn't this already a thing with the griffon ?

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7 minutes ago, Funky.4861 said:

It sounds like OP wants skiing. The only problem with that is that griffon already does this. As for pvp maps, i think they're too small (and i don't even know if you can glide in them anyway).

Yes but sliding doesn't exist in PvP or WvW. It would be a good addition to the game overall.

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9 minutes ago, uberkingkong.8041 said:

Yes but sliding doesn't exist in PvP or WvW. It would be a good addition to the game overall.

Sliding mechanics would be nothing new in GW2, they already exist since at least SAB W2. Sliding even existed as an instability in fractals, but it was removed within 3 months because many people didn't liked it.

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There are lots of things currently not in the game; sliding, hanging, climbing, shimmiing - the whole parkour thing. And it would be cool if it would be in the game but...

...at this point it would be an after thought and not really an integral part of the game. These ideas are not like mounts or gliding that work no matter the environment, these ideas only work if the maps were designed with these mechanics in mind.

...we already have mounts and they're pretty good mounts that are hard to compete with in terms of mobility. Why would I want to slide down a slope when I can dive down with a griffon?

...releasing these mechanics for a single expansion would be very frustrating and wuld make little sense. Why should we be able to slide in the new maps and not the old ones? On the other hand retrofitting all old maps with stuff to slide on may not make sense because those mapse were not made with this mechanic in mind.

Also: "Many games have X, so GW2 should have X" isn't a very good argument. Ask yourself WHY many games have X and if X makes sense for GW2 with that reason in mind.
Alsoalso: "Let's add it to PvP/WvW" Is always a hard sell as these communities are what I would call "purists". They don't like gimmicks a lot and tend to not embrace them. Just check how well the Warclaw was received in WvW or how many people are playing Stronghold in PvP.

All in all: Sure nice idea for a different/ a new game and would fit into the mobility aspect of GW2 well. But it's bit late to reinvent that particular wheel 12 years into the games lifespan. However, should it happen, I would hope it would be a global feature yet restricted to PvE maps and not just limited to a few new maps like the kodan torches f.e..

Edited by Omega.6801
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6 hours ago, Funky.4861 said:

It sounds like OP wants skiing. The only problem with that is that griffon already does this. As for pvp maps, i think they're too small (and i don't even know if you can glide in them anyway).

We got the desert borderlands for red, how about a snowy one for blue?  Give us some steep mountains and let's ski right into the enemy's keeps or towers.

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A couple weeks ago I found a hill in Thunderhead Peaks that actually works like a slide. I was really surprised. Then I was frustrated, because I couldn't escape it or mount up. I was at its mercy.

It seems they tried it, but no one either noticed or it didn't work out.

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10 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

We have griffon, beetle, gliding, dodges, leaps and dashes. I don't see what niche "sliding" is supposed to fill here.

For WvW and PvP it is not there. This game can use something new to spice it up a bit. Modern games have it.

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9 hours ago, uberkingkong.8041 said:

For WvW and PvP it is not there. This game can use something new to spice it up a bit. Modern games have it.

I fail to see the meaning of this whole "Spice it up a bit!" sentence -it's a generalized throwaway line, try being more specific.

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10 hours ago, uberkingkong.8041 said:

For WvW and PvP it is not there. This game can use something new to spice it up a bit. Modern games have it.

From what you've described I think it would be useless in PvP because you're fighting in a little arena, launching yourself long distances or "superspeed" travel would be useless because there are no long distances to travel. In WvW it sounds like it'd be the opposite and highly likely to lead to exploits like being able to launch yourself into an enemy keep or tower.

In PvE it honestly just sounds like the roller beetle or griffon.

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10 hours ago, uberkingkong.8041 said:

For WvW and PvP it is not there. This game can use something new to spice it up a bit. Modern games have it.

Every single modern game? Or just ones it’s suited for? Not every idea works in every game—be careful with generalising 

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I don't really find this idea appealing or useful.   The limited amount of sliding in appropriate areas is enough.  It sounds gimmicky, and don't we already have enough of that?  One player's fresh and new is another player's "I slid down hills in super Mario 3, I'm good thx"

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1 hour ago, Randulf.7614 said:

Every single modern game? Or just ones it’s suited for? Not every idea works in every game—be careful with generalising 

I don't think I've played a game that includes this, the nearest I can think of is the shield surfing in Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom and 90% of the time that seems more like a novelty than a useful skill.

Someone said it's specifically an FPS mechanic, which would explain why I haven't encountered it. I don't think I've played a shooter in about 20 years. Unless Resident Evil counts, but they tend to be slower paced than most shooters (also 3rd person) so I don't think super-fast movement skills would fit.

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Posted (edited)

Sliding in PvP and WvW would make it much more fast pace.

What are the reasons why GW2 didn't go off in #esports unlike GW1 did which was natural for GW1 but GW2 they pushed it and didn't really click. Too slow or what?

Just imagine playing on the clocktower map, slide down the hill for quick boost and jumping and getting some faster movement going.

WvW could be intense whole zerg sliding down on you trampling. Maybe if it has knockdown, for 1 second if you slide through someone. Think of it like tripping them.

Random idea I play a lot of ROTK, and WvW would interesting if it had rockslide tactics. Lure zerg into the valley and have people start rockslide, deal heavy damage on the enemy zerg.

Edited by uberkingkong.8041
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On 3/19/2024 at 7:51 AM, uberkingkong.8041 said:

For WvW and PvP it is not there. This game can use something new to spice it up a bit. Modern games have it.

Just let me run back to BG3 and check fast, ok?

Nope, not seeing it. So, by anecdotal evidence, modern games do not have it.

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15 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I don't think I've played a game that includes this, the nearest I can think of is the shield surfing in Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom and 90% of the time that seems more like a novelty than a useful skill.

Shield surfing sounds the closest to what OP wants in practice. There's plenty of mountains and hills to facilitate it, but not a lot end in ramps or similar for launching back up. There's also a potential issue of how easy it is to take fall damage normally. The concept is something I thought of before and would love to have, but it definitely would be mostly a fun novelty. Instead, l get my movement tech kicks from jumping up slopes with a raptor.

FPS sliding seems to me like it'd clash with dodge rolling, which maybe it could be a replacement for it like how some classes do. If it absolutely had to function like FPS sliding.

Edited by Smoky.5348
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