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WvW World Restructuring Beta Feedback and Future

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To be honest, I have lost all faith in this World Restructing process. I get that it's tricky but I'm starting to feel this is a big waste of time now. I mean how long have we had those betas? You announced WR in 2018 and I think the betas started in 2021. And it still feels like we're at ground zero pretty much. 

And yeah, because of the queue issues that you rightfully do point out, I get why you don't want to put a date on the next beta, but that's kinda underlines point. My feeling is that WvW is so complex and there's so much that can go wrong in this mode, that you'll keep finding issues upon issues and just going around in circles till you finally have to admit that it's not going to work.

It's amazing how a mode that has just 4 maps can be so difficult to adapt and in the meantime there are many other things in WvW that need to be addressed that stay ignored. Now, don't get me wrong, I do appreciate the intent behind all of this but to me it feels like you're spending an inordinate amount of time on something that isn't even the biggest issue.



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The queue were a problem....


Ah yes, the problem everyone could see a mile away. Giving players enough time to organize caused population imbalances and over blow servers.
It's almost like we've had 10 years of data that showcased this very issue.

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Many players have also pointed out that long queues led to an increase in AFK players; a vicious cycle. We are investigating better ways to clear inactive players from the maps to reduce this inflated pressure on queues.

Just to note.



To remedy that, we have decided to add a sixth guild slot when World Restructuring is turned on full-time. This new guild slot will have all normal guild functions, and it will be available to all players, regardless of their WvW participation.


Edited by XenesisII.1540
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I feel like you will never solve the queue problem, because you will either having too many people in peak time, or having too little people in down time.  Why can't you just scale the map during peak time? like add a new map or two that only opens during peak time. 

My idea is, create a wvw world boss event.  Take a boss model that you create 10 years ago that nobody care about it anymore nowadays, place it in a 3-ways symmetry map, let 3 teams fight over it.  This only opens up during some specific time (eg. peak time to reduce queue for wvw), 15mins before it start people can sign up to the event as a squad, in my idea it should be more of an organized event so not sure if individual can do good in it.  Depending on how many squad sign up, the system can create however many instances to cover that. People playing in those map will get regular wvw rewards, and the winning team can get some extra rewards, but the idea is that the rewards shouldn't be better than regular wvw, otherwise people will abandon wvw when this is up.  You can design serval boss fight, some are good for 50-man squad, and some are for 20-man squad.  And can either set the boss on a rotation or randomly pick after match is made. Of cause you need to design the boss fight to suit for the wvw style of play.

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5 minutes ago, DobyCool.3701 said:

I feel like you will never solve the queue problem, because you will either having too many people in peak time, or having too little people in down time.  Why can't you just scale the map during peak time? like add a new map or two that only opens during peak time. 

This one has come up and did alot when EotM was added and players were throwing around ideas on how it could be included in scoring. The issue was with maps that open to just take in populations encourages servers and rewards them to not only stack, but stack a time zone.  An overpopulated server or time zone could just open more maps then others making the matches worse for the sides that didn't have as many for that time zone. The queues are partially meant to control this as well. Want to stack a time zone, you can but that will mean people waiting in line to get in.

Now granted a lot of the queue issues are our various queue bugs. The WR itself if it ends up working as stated should in the end create enough worlds to also keep a group from over stacking a given world.

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19 minutes ago, DobyCool.3701 said:

Why can't you just scale the map during peak time? like add a new map or two that only opens during peak time. 

They already have it, it's called EOTM, they just need to bother updating it to current wvw standards, no one goes there because queues aren't a major problem as they only last an hour or two every night if at all for some servers, and it has no skirmish rewards which is the main reason many play wvw in the first place these days.

Maybe they will after WR and if queues become a regular thing for more than a hour a day.

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Loss of Server Communities

Several players have expressed a feeling of loss of community with the World Restructuring system. While we understand that this departure from the longstanding WvW server system will have some negative impacts, World Restructuring provides a regular redistribution of players that is critical to the long-term health and balance of the game mode. 

I would love to hear more about how World Restructuring is critical to the long term health of the game mode when the current buggy system has worked for years. Players have learned and adapted to the current system. Bugs and all. It seems to me opening the Pandoras Box of a new system might promote long-term health as intended but also might promote utter chaos and system failure.

The sixth guild slot will be nice for a lot of non-WvW reasons and has been asked for by the community at large for years. Overall: Big Win!

The sixth guild slot being used to preserve our sense of community and allowing everyone the option of creating a WvW guild is a poor fix IMO. Servers are a lot larger than 500 people so only a small fraction can join. What I witnessed in the beta is that WvW guilds act as a kind of Noah's Ark where only the best and brightest 500 can be saved. This promotes toxicity gear/build/profession requirement and leaves the rest of us out to dry. Overall: Big Loss!

Just my two cents.

Edited by Entara.3075
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13 minutes ago, Entara.3075 said:

The sixth guild slot being used to preserve our sense of community and allowing everyone the option of creating a WvW guild is a poor fix IMO. Servers are a lot larger than 500 people so only a small fraction can join. What I witnessed in the beta is that WvW guilds act as a knid of Noah's Ark where only the best and brightest 500 can be saved. This promotes toxicity gear/build/profession requirement and leaves the rest of us out to dry. Overall: Big Loss!

Just my two cents.

Let's be real, most of us don't play with our entire server, most players only play one or two time zones. I bet most players don't even have 50 active friends on their list so I dunno how anyone could be concerned about 500 being too little.

What you witnessed with the guilds already happens in regular wvw, since the beginning, there are many guilds who team up, who move servers together, play together, run their own builds, run tagless to avoid the peons. Nothing new here.

As an experiment, now that we know there will be a 6th guild, go ahead and get signups for a community guild, let us know if you hit 500 players.

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Region Transfers

During the beta, we got quite a few questions about the future of world and region transfers with the removal of home worlds. We wanted to let you know that region transfer functionality will still be available via an updated character selection interface. In addition, we will be setting the gem cost to transfer regions to a flat 500 gems, as we no longer need to have variable costs based on world populations.

I don't know how hard it would be to make this change while the current restricting is being worked, but I would really like it if the guesting system could be refactored to allow players to guest in another region without affecting their current region team match-up, essentially disabling WvW while they are a guest. The current region transfer costs being 500 gems are way more accessible, but sometimes I just want to move from NA to EU to play open world, fractals, raids, story, etc, with a friend and a guesting option with a cooldown between moving regions would be a much better option for me than paying 500 gems and messing my current WvW team.

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Just putting this out there.  I'd be willing to pay $10 per additional guild slot.

I'd keep buying guild slots even if the total cap was around 25.  My all guilds chat tab would become an untenable hellscape and I'd keep buying more guild slots.

You know what to do.

Edited by Daraku.2106
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I'd much rather see tiers removed entirely. Place all the Worlds in one large match across the same number of maps that exist presently. For NA simply place options 1, 2, 3, 4 next to the map name. Aggregating the scoring system shouldn't be difficult either. "Winning" would be irrelevant as the scoring system would simply be a reward modifier of higher score more pips like it is now.

You'll find that we'll log in, aggregate to a few map to find fights, and love it!!!! Those who want to hit paper gates will be able to do so to their hearts content on all the other maps too. K-Trains and other forms of organizing that was lost long ago might even return. This can all be done while preserving Worlds and our existing communities.

Simple solutions are usually the best ones. The convoluted mess of alliances and world restructuring continues to be the wrong direction imho.

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5 hours ago, Lion.6590 said:

I don't know how hard it would be to make this change while the current restricting is being worked, but I would really like it if the guesting system could be refactored to allow players to guest in another region without affecting their current region team match-up, essentially disabling WvW while they are a guest. The current region transfer costs being 500 gems are way more accessible, but sometimes I just want to move from NA to EU to play open world, fractals, raids, story, etc, with a friend and a guesting option with a cooldown between moving regions would be a much better option for me than paying 500 gems and messing my current WvW team.

From what I've read, transferring from Eu <-> Na requires actually moving files from one server to another. It's been a while since the last time I did this, but iirc it took some time before you got moved over (I want to say about an hour, but I don't remember any longer). Since they have to move the database of your account from the hard-drive to the other server-clusters hard-drive. I don't know if there's any actual manual work to this or if it's entirely automated though.

Still, this means that guesting won't work, since that's within the same server-cluster (the way all worlds within say EU works).

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11 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

I saw that bit but world was also mentioned before so paranoia was leaning over my shoulder giving me the side eye.

It's not paranoia: it's years of experience of seeing Anet creating problems by solving non-existant issues while doing nothing to solve real issues

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We’re looking into ways to reduce queue pressure in prime-time slots while protecting balance in lower population times.

How about having Edge of the Mists give the normal WvW rewards once the regular maps fill up (plus some buffer)?

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