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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Hi all,

Here's my 2 cents worth of a QoL essay.


● Give the option to guild members with the right permissions to display a coloured shield by their characters name, in order for players to see that the guild is recruiting members.

This of course would come with a "leaflet" so players know what it means.

That would save a lot of hassle when recruiting people.


● Please add precursor weapons as a possible drop for guild missions loot chest.

Even if it is just a slim chance.


● Remove Glancing from NPCs.

Doesn't seem fair that you retain damage dealt to you and health loss; and they become invincible while moving back to their original position, only to regain full health and you don't. 

This is especially frustrating against Champions.

We don't have glancing so why should npcs?


● Trinkets and Transmutation.

Please make it so we can change the appearance of trinkets using transmutation charges.

Even though they can't be displayed, it's for our own customisation purposes.


Also on trinkets.

Please make max jewellers level 500.

Allow us to craft ascended trinkets.


● Ascended Gear and element infusion.

Add one more infusion slot on ascended gear that has special effects against certain foes.

For instance: A water essence infusion would cause extra damage to fire beings, such as destroyers and embers.

Likewise, a fire essence infusion would cause extra damage and burning to plant beings.


● Weapons.

Allow us to dye our weapons, or atleast most of them.

I believe no more needs to be said about this. It speaks for itself. 


● Allow Hairstyles to be set individually for each Equipment Template.

That way players can set different looks for each character.

Why isn't this a thing yet?


● Allow the Anti Frost potion we make in Bitterfrost Frontier be made into vials so they are useful in Bjora Marches; so players don't have to run to get Raven's Blessing every single minute.

You can also make a recipe for Artificers to make this potion.


Allow me to ask for the following again:

● Please make it so when we reach max level on a discipline, be unlocked account wide, so any level 80 character we have will automatically have max level on that said discipline.


● Allow us to exchange Spirit shards for tomes of knowledge... or better put, get insta level 20, 40, and 60 tomes, and +10 tomes in exchange for spirit shards.

Also, add them tomes of knowledge as drops on high end metas.


● Please Restore the sigil that summons an undead harpy.

Also create more runes and sigils which spawns summons.

Also please make them everlasting, unless they are slain in battle and then, will only respawn after 60 seconds or so.

At least increase their manifest time to an hour... even 15 minutes is much better than a mere 60 seconds.

It's annoying to see the golem dismantle itself every 60 seconds.

You have no idea.

Also please make the golem model a more advanced one.


● Please make Personal Waypoint work underwater. 


Also allow us to improve it through an achievement which gives us the ability to set it permanently on a location of our choice, regardless of map or campaign.

This second function could only be changed/set once per week to avoid abuse of its functionality. 


I think that's it for now.

Thank you for reading, and hope that you dear devs consider these.


Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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The character preview should finally be able to show infusions as preview.

Infusions cost lots of gold and I dont want to craft a frost legion infusion with 2k+ gold worth just to realise that I dont like the look on my character after craft...

youtube videos are not an option to preview infusions as we cant alter armor and dyes while previewing like this.

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simple request.

No point in starting a whole thread just for this.


Would it be possible to update the visual textures on Holosmith? 

Those utility skill textures are very outdated and looks like something from the 80's arcade games.


Take for instance Catalyst beautiful effects, or Specter Wells.


Can Holos have something along those lines too please?


Actually the entire spec could do with a total makeover, guys.

The only decent thing about it os the use of sword.

That sword redeems the entire ES... from total disaster.


I know that you can make so much better than this.

Just looking at the last Elite Specs design overall.

They so awesome compared to holos



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I know we're past the point where we get useful gem store additions (it's mostly just skins now), but a certain Japanese competitor added one to their MMO only last year, so maybe it's possible here too. Yes, we have a bass guitar, but I'm asking for a lead/rhythm one. Yes, it's a BIG difference. I'm sure the dismissive forums will just be dismissive though: "resources better spent elsewhere" (we'll just get more skins) and so on.

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7 minutes ago, lezbefriends.7516 said:

I know we're past the point where we get useful gem store additions (it's mostly just skins now), but a certain Japanese competitor added one to their MMO only last year, so maybe it's possible here too. Yes, we have a bass guitar, but I'm asking for a lead/rhythm one. Yes, it's a BIG difference. I'm sure the dismissive forums will just be dismissive though: "resources better spent elsewhere" (we'll just get more skins) and so on.

music instruments are used most of the time in front of the bank to annoy other players. So no, please don’t add more instruments. 

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I wish I could bind separetly instrument keys. I might dust off my bass. Now its just collecting dust like my RL one. 

Anyway I think instruments are great and great socialization tool. So yes to more of them. But right now I cant imagine playing in a band without rebinding everything everytime or using macros. 

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3 minutes ago, Mungo Zen.9364 said:

For those who have no idea what ‘horde’ game mode means, can you explain the idea for us. 

Apparently it's a survival mode. First time I've heard it called "horde mode".

For now I guess: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Southsun_Survival But it's more of a mini-game than an actual mode.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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The flashing messages around forums that say "X is here" or "X is typing" is a bit too flashy. Not sure why they flash. Is it to show that it's in real time? If so, it's unnecessary because the real-time can be inferred, especially for the "X is typing".

Sometimes, instead of "Name.1234 is here", I see "Someone is here". I think that simply saying "# of people are here" would be better. I can't figure out how to make my forum actions anonymous, which is (ahem) totally irrelevant as to why I'm suggesting that it should be done for me (invisible sweating), but also, I only look at these messages for the people count, not for the specific people. It's nice to know if your friend or nemesis is reading the same thread as you, but it only shows 8 or so names before clumping the rest into a number count, anyway. I also don't think that we need to know exactly who's typing at the moment, since it's not a private one-on-one text message.

I guess it's fine to keep the names visible if I can figure out how to hide my own. But the flashing part is really annoying. It almost gives me anxiety, though not quite.

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2 hours ago, Embered.5089 said:

The flashing messages around forums that say "X is here" or "X is typing" is a bit too flashy. Not sure why they flash. Is it to show that it's in real time? If so, it's unnecessary because the real-time can be inferred, especially for the "X is typing".

Sometimes, instead of "Name.1234 is here", I see "Someone is here". I think that simply saying "# of people are here" would be better. I can't figure out how to make my forum actions anonymous, which is (ahem) totally irrelevant as to why I'm suggesting that it should be done for me (invisible sweating), but also, I only look at these messages for the people count, not for the specific people. It's nice to know if your friend or nemesis is reading the same thread as you, but it only shows 8 or so names before clumping the rest into a number count, anyway. I also don't think that we need to know exactly who's typing at the moment, since it's not a private one-on-one text message.

I guess it's fine to keep the names visible if I can figure out how to hide my own. But the flashing part is really annoying. It almost gives me anxiety, though not quite.

Click on your name at the top right of this page.

Click on 'Account Settings'.

(Log into your account, if necessary)

Click on 'Security and Privacy' on the left.

Click on 'Hide my Online Status' for invisibility.


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5 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Click on your name at the top right of this page.

Click on 'Account Settings'.

(Log into your account, if necessary)

Click on 'Security and Privacy' on the left.

Click on 'Hide my Online Status' for invisibility.


Ohey, thanks!

I had tried before, but I was trying to put my password into the "Reauthenticate" section, which is apparently not what that part is for 🙄

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Personally, I would love for more Home Instance improvements, like having a chicken coop for farming eggs(!!!)/meat, animal husbandry for farming of leather/meat, cotton/silk worms/etc.


Maybe add a butter churner where you can convert stacks of buttermilk into butter once/day (because your arms get tired and to limit its effect on the economy), have an aquaponics lab for the raising of fish/water-based plants like seaweed.


Add multiple quest lines that will improve the quality of items sold in the Home Instance markets and increase the number of NPC's to make it appear growing in popularity.


Allow player Home Instances to be open to the public so that new players can access higher-tiered home instances for activities like harvesting, neighborhood maintenance, etc.


Oh, and one more thing: add a Jade Bot Recycler that converts junk items into compost, which can then be refined by chefs into Exquisite Extracts of Nourishment. It is seriously ridiculous that this game expects us to follow the logic of the most wasteful society in existence, where chefs convert thousands of raw materials into feasts then composting those feasts to make soil then using this refined soil to make cilantro, one of the easiest herbs to grow on planet Earth.

Edited by Opihi.6972
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Please add an option to "Open All - Recursive" where you can open a stack of boxes and bags and it also automatically opens all the bags and boxes that pop out as well instead of "use all" on a stack of loot which opens it and pops out mats to deposit and more bags/boxes/containers which I now have to right-click "use all" and keep doing it over and over and over again.


Also, add a similar option to the Salvage Kits where it salvages everything but then drills into the boxes and bags that pop out of what was salvaged and does those.  Or at the very least allow Salvage kits to salvage the contents of loot bags/boxes I've picked up.

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