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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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1 hour ago, arazoth.7290 said:

Giving us this, should lead to less buggy behaviour and a lot faster problems solving which happens everytime these are launched. It will improve gameplay better for us and for them easier to fix stuff right at hand if they listen.

So give us these a lot more, thank you !

Like in the real world, with real software companies, and ... 🙂

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This sounds like a good idea but if we've learned anything from the last 2 balance patches, it won't amount to much since Anet does what they want without listening to feedback, so it would just be extra work for them and the community and end with the same result. It only works if they can take constructive criticism and react to it.

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As we all know we won't get new elite specializations (as for now), so I suggest to rework racial skills and make them accessible to any race by completing collections. The collections would take place in the maps linked to the races and will therefore be accessible to all.  Once completed, the skills would be unlocked for the account. 
This could bring a new breath into core maps and allow racial traits (and thus the identity of Guild Wars 2) to shine a bit more. It would still let the player chose the race for the visual aspect but also allow everyone to get acces to these skills. They also could be rework with modern balance in mind (boon generation, attunement-like skills, burst invocation, etc.)
The current idea is to work with the 5 playable races, but this idea could be adapted to add skills from the other ones (Kodan, Tengu, Skritt...).

English is not my first language but I'm not really sure if other forums are read, so I'd rather post here, sorry in advance for the mistakes. Also, it may have been suggest before, if so i did'nt find it.

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49 minutes ago, Omega.6801 said:


So much for an argument.


29 minutes ago, Super Hayes.6890 said:

They shouldn't be skills. They should be made into a new, PvE only, mechanic. That way they could be made fun with no balance issues.

That could be a good idea also, like finishing effect on monster like Aurene legendary have, but with Norn/Asura/Human/Charr/Silvary touch.

But overall it's sad that these skills have no really use outside of maybe leveling, 'cause everything is better than them. I'm not saying we should have overpowered ones, but having my Charr use one Charr skill in a raid/wvw or else could really immerse the player in the world of Tyria. As long as it doesn't force a player to play a specific race in order to play a specific role, could be fun.


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In Gw1 they had something like this, where you could work towards earning the different racial skills - so as a human you had access to norn animal spirit abilities for example. 

I actually agree in that it would add more value to the racial skills to make them earnable through a mastery or achievement. However, because these skills are so weak they aren't really viable for much, meaning it might not be worth the effort.  They would have to add perhaps combined racial abilities and buff the strength of them to make it more worth it. 

However it would have to be made relevant to the current story somehow, otherwise I don't see them going back to change old material like this. 

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I have one little suggestion:

Please remove that very annoying window that keeps popping up in the lower-left corner every couple of minutes to warn players that the Mastery training is ready. Make the icon glow/shine or, at least, make it so that the window doesn't appear so often after being dismissed.

It's VERY annoying and also covers the chat window.

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Since I can't find a forum topic for this, I'm creating one. I have a suggestion, so that for the lowly scribes that make siege for WVW and have to wait hours to put them through the machine. Can it not be fixed so that you can load 250 each slot? It wastes so much time standing waiting to load every 30 seconds. Help us have a more productive game play by making this fix. IT would make lots of people really happy. Thanks GW2 team of developers etc. I love this game, but lets make it better for us scribes. THANKS

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On 8/11/2023 at 4:11 PM, Enawdor.8531 said:


So much for an argument.


That could be a good idea also, like finishing effect on monster like Aurene legendary have, but with Norn/Asura/Human/Charr/Silvary touch.

But overall it's sad that these skills have no really use outside of maybe leveling, 'cause everything is better than them. I'm not saying we should have overpowered ones, but having my Charr use one Charr skill in a raid/wvw or else could really immerse the player in the world of Tyria. As long as it doesn't force a player to play a specific race in order to play a specific role, could be fun.


I just want to ride in an asuran golem with no cooldown or time limit. They can nerf the damage to the ground for all I care, just let me have my golem suit

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Thank you for taking the time of reading this if you do.
I was wondering if some day we can have a way to arrange our characters on the character select screen.
Currently they are arranged based on last time they were played but I would like the ability to arrange the characters freely. 
With over 30 alts, it might help to keep them a little more organized. 

Again, thank you for your time! I hope you have a nice day. 

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On 8/11/2023 at 3:47 PM, arazoth.7290 said:

Giving everyone beta testing each big balance patch should lead to less buggy behaviour and a lot faster problems solving which happens everytime these are launched. It will improve gameplay better for us and for them easier to fix stuff right at hand if they listen.

Including new expansion content, areas, features should be testable too.

So give us these a lot more, thank you !


Shame that they decided to merge my thread into the spam folder they will never read. The chance them reading our posts is small. But in this  "quality life thread", it is made to feel the crowd heard because a big thread with many ideas must "surely" be read by them. Yea it is not, this place is the outer part for them to never read ours. What a shame 😶

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i would like stacks from sigils (e.g. Bloodlust, Corruption etc.) to persist when switching templates, if both utilize the same sigil.


currently that can only be achieved when using the exact same weapon in the same slot - which means it does not work for legendary weapons as they are not persistent items beyond the template they are in.

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Maybe / probably mentioned before, but would it be possible to add the option to use ENTER key as an alternative method to needing to mouse-click 'Yes' and 'OK' on buttons in the GW2 pop-ups, and "Place order" in the TP as well?

Preferably with an option to enable / disable this keyboard shortcut under the Game Options as well for those who don't want to opt-in.

I can press Escape key to close most dialogs, but e.g. the pointless popup about 'connectivity issues' which requires mouse clicking the 'OK' button, or the "Buy" button on vendors, or the "Yes" or "OK" buttons on other notices, it would be nice if I could just press the ENTER key to quickly close them.

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When they talked about the development of mounts years ago they revealed that mounts are actually a type of character transform. Since tonics are also transform and two transforms don't seem to be possible, that's why it is this way.

Would it be nice? Definitely. But, it seems like a sacrifice they had to make to get everything working the way it does

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I’ve always wanted to see a charr or a male norn using embiggening tonic while riding a raptor with the Archaius Sprinter skin. Or an asura using miniature tonic while riding jackal with Noble Aurochs skin. I would at least have a reason to use this jackal monstrosity if they added this.

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