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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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I'm not entirely sure this suggestion belongs here, but it's technically about saving time, among other things, so...


Please consider making some events shorter


I don't have a complete list, and not every event needs to be shortened, but in recent memory, these come to mind:

Bjora Marches, Storms of Winter: After building defenses, there's a ten minute stretch where we need to defend the shrines. This segment is hardly difficult, given that if you're a smarter and more attentive player, you know you can just stand by the bonfires and literally watch the enemies melt away. The "bombers" do no damage to the shrines, so this segment is, as Colin's infamous line from the manifesto goes: "I swung a sword. I swung a sword again! That's great." Ten minutes isn't a long time on paper, but basically sitting idle for ten minutes and just pressing 1 makes it feel like an eternity. This should be five minutes, tops.

Kaineng Blackout: Bruh this whole event, from start to finish is like half an hour, for slightly more reward than you might get from a leviathan spawn. A number of the defense segments could easily be shortened, and a good 10-15 minutes chopped off this event. I want to say Echovald Gang Wars is a bit like this too but I don't quite remember. Again, more of what is basically brain-dead idle or follow NPC time, with minimal effort.

Unlocking the Wizard's Tower: This one has an 8+ minute segment where you do little else except run over colored balls. WHY. Again, not really a terribly long time on paper, but it feels like a slog when you're actually there, because it's hardly what I would call stimulating or challenging. Should be five minutes at most. The rest of the event doesn't feel too bad, I guess.

Chak Gerent victory: Yeah, can't forget this one, right? That post-victory wait might've not been too bad at one point, but now that every player is running around with 2-3x the dps from before, now we typically have a ten minute wait time staring at a wall. "Cannons ready to fire! But uh, we're safe now so let's just run some last-minute diagnostics just to be safe." (admittedly not a bad idea, but still)  Maybe an extra check could be inserted into that countdown timer? Like every minute or two, just check to see if all the Chak Gerents are dead, and skip to the end sequence.


I'd even prefer these sorts of segments to be harder, but faster -- make us actually have to try, and actually make it feel a bit more hectic. But barring that, a decent bandage fix would just be to shorten them. Here are some reasons to consider:

1. Because I would hope the game designers want the game to be fun. But I don't know; maybe people honestly do find these sorts of tasks fun, and I'm just out of touch.

2. The game is getting larger, with more events to do. People only have a limited amount of time to play per day, and this lets people enjoy more of the game daily.

3. Kinda follows #2, but it gives the player more of a sense that their time is respected.


Also, skyscale chicken skin please 🙏🐔

Edited by tanpopo.9102
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Let us choose where our weapon abillitys are located from 1-5 the same way we can choose our utility spells right now.

of course this wouldnt change any thing for those that are already used to where things are located right now but it would be a massive improvement for people like me that fat finger alot in the heat of battle or change weapons or classes frequently and make mistakes by muscle memory quite often.

This would also make room for new basic weapon spells if that is something that the player base would want to see maybe in far future. 🙂 



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Can we please have Defiance damage scaling on soft CC? 

People complain constantly about Defiance bars not getting broken, but scaling is certainly a culprit. And I've been pushing for an update for 6 years already. 

https://i.imgur.com/oMOZsCK.jpg <- Some extra visualization to show that soft CC as it exists is absolutely unhelpful in large events. I know it's less "QOL" than a lot of suggestions, but it's important.

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How about making a setting to allow weapon basic attack chains not being able to be interrupted by other skills and let them queue up like most of the other abilities like the whole chain is 1 skill? This should make player's lives easier when learning certain classes/specs that rely quite a bit on the last hit of the basic chain.

Also why not give visual indicator of soft cc defiance break numbers in the skill description, like the hard cc now? Would greatly make people understand that some skills with taunt, fear etc. are actually cc skills. Makes the learning curve easier too, since they will know most of the ccs in their kit without having to look over guides to find out that fact.

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Please add:

Self Hairstyle kits, Complete make overs, and Finishers, to the Wizard's Vault.

Alternatively, black Lion statuettes. 



Also what @AlphaLightBringer.7431



"Please make Obsidian Shards sellable"

I've got like 20 stacks of those that I will never use, or very very rarely.

I don't even remember what I used them for... just sitting in my bank doing nothing. 

Having to delete them, requires typing the entire thing every time over and over.

Just like OP said:


I will never make a legendary

for those reasons mentioned and then some... 

Surely people who love making legendary stuff will appreciate this too.



Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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26 minutes ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Please add:

Self Hairstyle kits, Complete make overs, and Finishers, to the Wizard's Vault.

Alternatively, black Lion statuettes. 



Also what @AlphaLightBringer.7431


I've got like 20 stacks of those that I will never use, or very very rarely.

I don't even remember what I used them for... judt sitting in my bank doing nothing. 

Having to delete them, requires typing the entire thing every time over and over.

Just like OP said: I will never make a legendary for those reasons mentioned and then some... 

Surely people who love making legendary stuff will appreciate this too.



Got any character slots empty?

If so create a character load them up with obsidian stacks delete character make it abit less tedious.

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I was suspecting this mastery to be bad, and if I wouldn’t had to master it for the collection & WV-task, I wouldn't have done it. In fact it's worser than I ever though. Give me an option to switch it off again, either permanently or via a hotkey (with default off), doesn't matter it just has to go.

Edited by Dayra.7405
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One accessibility setting I'd like:
High Player Contrast Mode

Essentially, a graphical mode where other players are imposed over visual effects rather than hidden by them, making them easier to pick out in tense situations, perhaps with a soft outline. The sheer volume of orange AoEs in later Fractals makes it impossible to see anything for a lot of people.

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Pressing a button to activate it would help, but I think it'd be ok if you had to stay in the leyline for a few seconds before it starts dragging you along. I have the same problem when gliding - I'm focused on where I'm going and don't think about the fact that I'm crossing a leyline until suddenly I'm being yanked sideways and have to sacrifice height to drop out of it.

If it took a couple of seconds to 'catch' you then when I want to use a leyline I can make sure to stay on it but if I'm just passing through it won't interrupt my flight.

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Depending on the time of day, the ley lines are already difficult to see. If you add a high speed as a variable, then it is inevitable to unintentionally get into it with the Griffon. (And SotO maps are Griffon maps)
This has also happened to me. It yanked me in the opposite direction.

And except for dismounting and then mounting again while in free fall, I found no way to get out of it again.

The flight life was probably too easy, now there had to be built in obstacles.

A hotkey doesn't help me, I would like to turn it off completely. I don't know where the advantage is to crawl along a ley line with a Griffon.

Edited by Lucy.3728
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Ideally I'd like the option to turn off all passive or automatic effects from masteries. For example I'd really like to turn off the speed boost from the Pact Commander mastery line sometimes, especially when I want to do Trolls Revenge properly (and yes, that is something I want to do sometimes). There's a lot of precision jumps involved which are made harder than they should be by having a speed boost, but there's no way to avoid it.

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I like the world boss portal device

Other than that there's the Maguuma one

That one is way to niche

You should expand the maguuma one to inlcude all the popular meta events

Even if you have to raise the price

I can't imagine getting the maguuma one.  And don't want a new portal device for each region eitehr as we have a cap on shared bag slots.

It sort of strange there's only world bosses and Maguuma area

Feels incomplete


Edit: Or I guess you could create more devices for the regions. But then we need a container for them, like we have for season 3,4 and icebrood saga. We should get this for VIP lounges too.

However, it should not consume the original item, like it does for the season portal scrolls . Let us have both options

Edited by jokke.6239
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