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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Weekly, bi-weekly or monthly ranked wvw tournaments that guilds can enroll in.  Matches could be made in the style of soccer, football, baseball and any other sport matching and eliminating system preferred.  A rotation of matching and eliminating systems could mix things up a bit.

An event where players are separated into groups that progress through the event in large mount vessels.  These vessels may need to be captured or obtained through some sort of way.  These vessels have their own weapons systems, obstacle and enemy detectors and other equipment.  These equipment may need operators throughout the event.  Enemies may also try to board the vessels and try to capture players or the whole vessel.  Vessels could also be slowed downed by enemies or enemy vessels  These vessels can also take damage and may need to be repaired at different parts of it.  Players will need to try to protect these vessels from the incoming damage.  Groups may try to capture enemy vessels and board them to use them instead or if their current vessel is low on health.  These vessels may run low on fuel or lose fuel reserves and need to acquire new sources of fuel and also manually refuel the vessel.  Ammunition may run low also and may need transporting and reloading individual pieces at a time. 

Have two material costs recipes for legendaries.  One for a full legendary and one just for the skin.  To use the skin you must have a full legendary of the type.  This will keep all legendaries relevant for players with existing legendaries who are interested in other versions of a legendary but do not want to repeat the whole grind necessary to just obtain the skin of the particular legendary while not gaining much else.  

Having multiple recipes for a legendary or legendary skin with could help diversify player population in different maps throughout the game by tying the materials of each recipe to one expansion and having multiple expansion recipes per legendary.  And example of this would be like this: legendary back piece item recipes available - core game recipe, expansion 1 recipe, expansion 2 recipe... One easy to get item related to where the legendary was introduced could be in each recipe to tie it to that place.

Have more settings in graphics post-processing like bloom effect settings control.

Wvw, give defensive siege weapons like cannons further range but decrease accuracy and damage the further the shot.

Make stories scale to squad groups so squads can play together in a story instance.  Have expansion stories built for up to 50 players. 

Have direct wiki links in-game since the wiki is so tied to the game. 

New mounts, shooter type combat mounts.  Mechanical and robotic types.  Air, land and water.  Similar pve enemies too.  Robotic type mounts may have other functions like industrial mining extractions, obstacle demolition, explosive munitions deployment, pickup enemies and move them around, etc.  Can be played in third and first person perspective.  Uses a reticle targeting system.  May have magnification scope.  Weapons systems may be a number of things from guns, lasers, rockets, bombs etc. Add a few to start and fill out as needed.

Character customization for mounts like player customization.

Give the commander an option to move the whole squad to a new map when changing maps.

Pve, have enemies that can combine together to form different enemies.  Different combinations and quantities will produce different results.  Other enemies may split in small and varying amounts or in half to produce other things.  Some enemies may work in conjunction with one or more other enemies to do other things.  Some enemies may stay in small groups while others in large groups.  Some may gain bonuses while being near one type of enemy while gaining debuffs with another.  Players can use this to their advantage while contending to them.

Aerial maps, lots of aerial enemies.

Pve rifts, after a rift is closed, open a new rift that players can activate to teleport to a new area where another rift will open.

Pve events, have NPCs help guide and direct different mechanics in the event.  

Communicator device, have a communicator device that opens a graphical interface on the left or right side of the screen that is similar to a cell phone interface.  The interface would have things like a contact app, voice mail, calling app, text message app, navigation map app, camera app, photo app, note app, e-mail app, alarm app, social media app, music player app, calendar app, news app, etc.

Alliances, have alliances be a way for guilds to communicate with other guilds to coordinate content organization planning.  Have alliance communication channels where players can post content posts similar to LFG with a listed designated content that other players can select to opt into.  Content can be wvw, pvp or pve specific.  These posts can be listed with time, date, guild limit, player limit if applicable, content specified, start and end time/date option, listing expiration time, slot limit etc.  Permissions for listing changes could be given to other players also.  A listing can have a window of availability time before finalization is set.  User permissions and requirements could be listed or required for listings.  Alliance listings could have its own gui pane.  Listing shortcuts could be pasted into alliance chat to create an easy announcement.  An announcement will be automatically announced in guild chat channels of participating guilds once the start of listings' event begins.  Listing announcements can be made by creator and players with permission throughout the shelf life of the listing to provide any necessary updates to the event.

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DAILY POINTS: I was so happy when you changed the Daily system! I started getting points for doing dailies after hitting the limit from the previous system. (I was so disappointed and angry then)

And a few days ago I hit a limit AGAIN! Invisible ceiling! How is this supposed to help with QoL? I'm so pissed! And the UI is lying to me every time now that I got 10pints! kitten!

Why did you install another limit in the new daily points system! What was the reason?!?! To annoy us more? Free us! Release us!!!!

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2 hours ago, Avelione.6075 said:

DAILY POINTS: I was so happy when you changed the Daily system! I started getting points for doing dailies after hitting the limit from the previous system. (I was so disappointed and angry then)

And a few days ago I hit a limit AGAIN! Invisible ceiling! How is this supposed to help with QoL? I'm so pissed! And the UI is lying to me every time now that I got 10pints! kitten!

Why did you install another limit in the new daily points system! What was the reason?!?! To annoy us more? Free us! Release us!!!!

Are you referring to AP received for completing a set of dailies? That did not change. If you'd previously reached 15,000, the WV did not change that. 

If you are referring to some other "points" then please explain.

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3 hours ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

Are you referring to AP received for completing a set of dailies? That did not change. If you'd previously reached 15,000, the WV did not change that. 

If you are referring to some other "points" then please explain.

I am referring to AP.  I swear I started getting points for completing dailies for a while after the switch to Wizard's Vault system and recently it stopped giving me AP AGAIN.

Anyhow, an artificial limit like this is kitten either way. There's not one player who is happy with it. The only thing it does it makes people additionally disgruntled on the top of all the other bigger and smaller issues with the game. Idc about the AP points except I just want to be able to look forward to getting my reward chests in a regular matter like I used to FOR YEARS - like I was taught by the GW2 game, just to feel like slapped in the face one day.

EDIT: I see someone is confused about my reply. There is a limit to the amount of Achievement Points one can get through doing dailies. After hitting a certain number, u no longer get them. Before Wizard's Vault rewards for dailies, weeklies etc... it was pretty similar. After the Wizard's Vault, I started getting daily points again(so I assumed the limit was removed) until they recently stopped AGAIN. that's why I'm double angry and frustrated with this circumstance.

Edited by Avelione.6075
clearing out confusion for newest players
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It would be nice if ArenaNet would copy / paste all of the craftable festival food and utility items, slightly alter the item name, have no associated recipes for them (thus making them uncraftable and unresearchable), and drop the new versions back into festival bags / boxes.  We would get our festival items back, they would not be researchable, and the crafted versions would still be available to be made if desired.  If that is too much work, just duplicate the lvl 80 ones.

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Several times I've been doing a map meta with a full squad and had the map close due to low population.

Just had it happen in Skywatch.  Popped around to three other zones that were completely empty and no Meta progression.   Joined a full squad in LFG and went to their map.   Squad was working on the final battle of the Meta, when the "low population transfer to another map for a bonus" message popped up.   It only had a few minutes remaining, and the map ended up closing with a full squad of 40+ people about to finish the meta.  It took us to a empty map that had already failed the meta.

I really think there needs to be a flag to disable closing a map if enough people zone into it to prevent things like this.

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36 minutes ago, Healix.5819 said:

Volunteering doesn't actually mean your instance is empty, but rather your instance can be merged into another one. 

I don't think that was Op's issue.  They mentioned the volunteer timer because that feature tells you how long you have before the map closes.  

The issue is that Op visited three instances of the skywatch map that appeared to be empty, and yet they weren't about to close because Op's hud didn't display the volunteer timer on those three versions of skywatch. 

If the game is going to have long metas, especially long pre-meta event chains, then the map closing algorithm should be changed.  

I think that the map closing function was made before metas and pre-metas existed.  I don't believe that these are compatible features.  If a map closing truly cannot be stopped then could the closing timer be longer?  Could maps with long metas or long pre events get a two hour closing timer, instead of one hour?

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3 hours ago, Avelione.6075 said:

I am referring to AP.  I swear I started getting points for completing dailies for a while after the switch to Wizard's Vault system and recently it stopped giving me AP AGAIN.

Anyhow, an artificial limit like this is kitten either way. There's not one player who is happy with it. The only thing it does it makes people additionally disgruntled on the top of all the other bigger and smaller issues with the game. Idc about the AP points except I just want to be able to look forward to getting my reward chests in a regular matter like I used to FOR YEARS - like I was taught by the GW2 game, just to feel like slapped in the face one day.

EDIT: I see someone is confused about my reply. There is a limit to the amount of Achievement Points one can get through doing dailies. After hitting a certain number, u no longer get them. Before Wizard's Vault rewards for dailies, weeklies etc... it was pretty similar. After the Wizard's Vault, I started getting daily points again(so I assumed the limit was removed) until they recently stopped AGAIN. that's why I'm double angry and frustrated with this circumstance.

No it was never removed tho.

I was 15k before soto release and I am the same 15k after soto release dident gain any new ones.

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55 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

No it was never removed tho.

I was 15k before soto release and I am the same 15k after soto release dident gain any new ones.

then either I'm tripping hard or something in the game didn't quite work as it should have 😜


23 minutes ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

It always showed receiving the 10 AP even when it really didn't.  No change with the new system. 

Well, I wish the UI wasn't mocking me every time -_-

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3 hours ago, Vyral.4365 said:

It would be nice if ArenaNet would copy / paste all of the craftable festival food and utility items, slightly alter the item name, have no associated recipes for them (thus making them uncraftable and unresearchable), and drop the new versions back into festival bags / boxes.  We would get our festival items back, they would not be researchable, and the crafted versions would still be available to be made if desired.  If that is too much work, just duplicate the lvl 80 ones.

exactly, just like we have some wvw oils and stuff now in the boxes.

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On 10/22/2023 at 2:09 AM, dippy.8961 said:

Option to turn off SotO tool tips.  I don't need a reminder to level my masteries EVERY TIME I COME ACROSS ONE.  Please let me turn them off; please.  Why is that not already a thing?

The one that drives me bonkers is the popup that shows up every time for the kryptis blaster/sentinels, those hovering turrets with shields. The popup is distracting to have to manually close, especially in hectic battles, and being told the same information dozens of times is unnecessary- I get it, dash through!
If there's so much concern players won't understand how to clear these enemies, a more obvious visual tell for which ones are shielded would help a lot- the visible orb/shield around them often doesnt appear for me, or will appear on enemies that aren't shielded. The most reliable way to tell is just waste a fireball first which brings up the kitten popup every time 👹

fake ps- I had to pull up the wiki for the enemies' name and apparently its just one type of enemy that goes from closed in its shell to open, toggling the shield on and off. I've just never been able to see this from normal camera zoom. Perhaps a certain tooltip can be altered to be more helpful and explain this part of the mechanic!
real ps- I wasn't just confused about that animation, there are inf act 2 differently named versions of what appears to be the same enemy with the same appearance and behavior- one is called the Blaster and one the Sentinel which implies one is always vulnerable while the other would be shielded, adding to the confusion of how this mechanic works. Come on!!

Edited by eyestrain.3056
new complaint!
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It's too late to change for this year's Halloween, but going forward please add a "Consume All" option to the single-use finisher stacks that drop as festival loot (Mad King, Scarecrow, Snow Globe, etc), so that each one of them doesn't have to be clicked on. Over the course of a festival, hundreds of those things drop, and you have to individually click Every. Single. One.

It would be nice if adding them to your stock didn't change your currently-selected finisher, either.

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