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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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I said it before way back on HoT, PoF launch but i'll suggest it again.

Please give us the option on character selection screen to switch between the newest EoD theme/music and old expansions like PoF/HoT as well as pre-HoT. Don't get me wrong, i like the new one a lot but also miss the old ones even more.

This will be a small but a very nice touch to the game and nostalgic as well.

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A simple suggestion, but could we have an option to equip the foot falls of legendaries.  For example having the khan-Ur foot falls from using the Claw on a charr. But sometimes we want to transmute the look of the legendary into something else while keeping the foot fall.

So if we have a certain legendary equipped, we could have the option to leave the footfalls on while being able to transmute the look of the legendary into something else. Or another option, we have a collection of the legendary foot falls from the legendaries we own. With the option to equip the one we want.

Edited by EMPI.4013
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Please give us additional ways to earn Charms and Symbols. Right now the only way to earn them is ba accidentaly receiving them with a low drop rate from salvaging runes. Since these are needed for legendary runes it would be nice if they had a direct drop rate from something specific. Strikes maybe? Or can choose a random charm or symbol from Meta chests instead of amalgamated gemstone?

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Very much this. I love my bolt footfalls and electric effects but the sword itself I could do without. Would love to be able to use a different weapon and decide which effects all around.


Could even be a tab split out for


Projectile effects/sounds



I would love to see all of these as separate unlockable options. Not to mention infusions could use a tab.


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Yep. You put all that effort in to get a legendary, I think you should have more options when it comes to their cosmetics. I feel the same way about auras and infusions. Those things should have a wardrobe of some kind. Not only would that make them a lot more versatile, but it might motivate people to go get them who might previously not have bothered.

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Hello all.

I would like to request an option to hide weapon visual effects, such as ranger's Great sword bear that appears.


On a side note.

I actually think that specific visual effect suits better a hammer and should be given to it now that rangers have access to one.


But the main request is the option to hide certain visual effects from weapons, ANet, please.

Not saying all of them, such as sparks, etc... but just the ones of that nature.


Would it be possible to change the visual texture on Holomode too please?

I would like to see just a sort of aura around the player, rather than covering it completely with a honeybees nest sort of texture?


You guys are awesome. 


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  1. Please include a Hotkey binding option for siege turtle in controller options tab(9 mounts but only 8 have keybindings)[can temporarily use the active mount key for turtle but if we want other mount as active mount key, turtle becomes inaccessible]
  2. Siege turtle drivers should have the option to park the turtle in a spot and switch between driver mode and gunner mode if no active gunner's available. and once they exhausted the ammunition, they have to switch back to driver mode to accrue ammunitions... something like that..
  3. Please make jade bot service chips and sensory array chips be switchable/changeable during out of combat[and if possible include a nice little jade bot panel on teh right bottom above minimap so jade bot's activity can be tracked visually.. example: animated emotes - jade bot scanning the current area for treasures and when it found teh treasure, it has a happy animated emote on the panel]jadebot is a cool idea.. if u polish it well and make it attractive and visually impress players, it would be a great selling point for the game
  4. Extend jadebot functionality to hold one chip of each type example: salvager chips are of 6 different types... separate it from sensory array and allot its own slot pls. salvager one slot, recycler one slot, mount enhancements one slot(no need to set extra slot for siege turtle.. its either turtle or mount energy/endurance).... so we shd be able to switch between various scavenger chips during out of combat..
  5. A jadeite home instance node pliz
  6. Any way to consolidate all the lounge passes and portal tomes and portal scrolls into one item?



Edited by Crystal Paladin.3871
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I find it very frustrating that - now we have templates and legendary wardrobe that mean far more variety and options - I cannot use outfits per template rather than across the account. 

Because I work very visually, it helps to have different colours/clothing styles across the builds so that I can quickly see that "this is my healer" instead of "AAAGH! that is not my healer - er...!" 

Would be very helpful thefore if we could have outfits per template if we want - after all, I have invested a lot of money in buying them - would be nice to be able to use them too!


Hopefully - thank you! 

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Dynamic Zoom/FoV.

This is technically already in game as some events or bosses will automaticly widen players max. FoV. This is also used to great effect in the Story nowdays, when the Defs can now Force different FoV settings for certain sceens, like at the end of Season 4.

But on regular explaration most players, especially most veteran players, tend to play zoomed out as far as possible and with maxed out FoV, as this provides a significant advantage in combat, and manually swiching zoom settings all the time can be quit annoying. However this also means that the game loses a lot of immersion and especially a sens of scale. I lately really noticed this a lot in Aborstone again.


My suggestion would be Automatic Zoom/FoV setting that can also be set by the player for...

  1. In combat (wide by default)
  2. Out of combat (medium by default)
  3. In dialog with NPC (narrow by default)
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It would be great to have another reason to get the guild together. Guild bounties, races, etc were wonderful community building events and it was always impressive to find guilds out in the world together, but these aren’t done as much as they once were (no data to back this up, just something I’ve noticed). An update to the reward system may be in order to reincentivize these get togethers.


I’d also like to see the Guild World Event system flushed out a little more to include new world bosses and offer a special weekly reward for completing a few of these with your guild. Randomize which events are needed for the weekly reward similar to guild bounties so it keeps things fresh, and allow guilds to skip some meta events to get straight to the boss fight so they can get a few done in an evening together. Open World boss fights are some of the most impressive experiences in the game so let’s give friends a reason to organize and enjoy them together. It would help expose players to different encounters that they may later decide to play again in a regular open world setting for the daily rewards, and it would encourage players to purchase content from living world episodes or expansions they may not have yet.


I tried to think of ways that utilize already existing systems that just need a little refreshing to minimize the development time but offer some decent bang for that dev time invested. Guilds are an awesome way to offer more positive community interaction in the game and keep old and new players coming back for more to play with friends every week.

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Been doing a lot of fishing and one of the many things i'd like to see changed outside of a space for all the lures and baits akin to the consumable finishers is for the Fishing Party bonus to be kept on accepting the "Volunteer's Blessing" for changing maps.


Nothing more annoying right now than to work your way up to an apporpriate fishing power on some of the harder maps than for them to close and that bonus to go with it thus wasting your time for something outside of your control.

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Currently some skills like Mind Shock from Specter Shroud, Sandstorm Shroud from Scourge, and others, produce an effect that look almost the same as some encounter mechanics like the ones where players need to split to avoid damaging nearby players. I am referring to skills that give the player a yellow/orange circle such as flux bomb from Fractals, or in the new Strike Missions we can see in Kaineng Overlook, Minister Li Bombs(?not sure the correct naming...) on some players.

The color from the boss damaging mechanics looks to be orange while the ones from profession skills look to be yellow. They both have a similar pulsing/growing effect which is very confusing when playing professions with those skills effects in such encounters, as mechanics like the ones described happen and players make use of skills with said effects. It's hard to differentiate which one is happening when they can appear at the same time, not knowing if its the profession skill channeling only or the encounter mechanic also present.

I think it could be a great change to improve the game play if the profession skills could be changed to have a different color that is not mistaken with encounter mechanics, a color that would represent "good / safety" instead of a color that is close to the ones that represent "bad / danger".

It looks like the pattern for "danger" are colors like reds, oranges, yellows and good is green and white(maybe).


I would like to hear what are others opinions on the subject.
Could we have a rework in those profession skills to have a color (or shape?) that looks less like "danger" and more like "safety" (greens or blues)...?
Thank you

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My guess is it was already suggested but really, if you can and are meant to fish in the whole Tyria besides Cantha, why the only place with fishing supplies vendors is Cantha? If you suddenly decide to stay in a map and you aren't carrying several lures (since they stack up to 100 when maxxed and bait is 250), if you run out of either you gotta go to Cantha and then back to the map you were at.


If adding a special npc to each map would be too much work surely simply adding a fishing tab to the regular merchant type with all lures (locked by masteries like in Cantha) and basic bait plus the random bag should be way easier to implement. And to prevent someone that can't fish from buying those just make it availale only for EoD owners. I have no clue how you program your game but probably a single change should do for all of the merchants in the game, better than adding 1 or several new npcs per map.

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  • Allow bait and lures to go up to stacks of 250, instead of 100. Having baits and lures of 50, 75 and 100 only clogs up inventory space, and maybe this was done intentionally to make players feel the need for buying additional bag slots, but this isn't the right way to go about doing it.


  • Decrease RNG factors of particular fish - it took me 3 days of Tyrian 'daytime' to catch the Humphead Wrasse. Most of the time I even had up to 875 fishing power, and couldn't catch it. That's not cool. That's frustrating and causes emotional damage.


  • Make the skiff less clunky and super quick and easy to get around. Right now, I currently get around on my skimmer instead because it's a hell of a lot quicker than waiting for my stupid skiff to react to movement. I regret even putting mastery points into skiff mastery, because quite frankly, it sucks.


  • Combine all baits and lures into a single tacklebox - no more clogging up inventory space


  • Add a small interface (or on the skill bar when fishing) showing how much bait and lures, and what type they are, you have left. There are many times I realized I had run out of a particular item.


  • Increase the time you can catch the rare fish at dawn and dusk. It only gives you a few minutes timeframe to catch very rare fish, and with fishing spots only giving a player 3 chances before vanishing, isn't helpful, which leads me onto the next QOL suggestion.


  • Increase the fishing spot catches from 3 to 10, before it vanishes.


  • Give a time frame of between 2 and 5 minutes after leaving your skiff, to get back on, before losing any fishing party/fishing power bonuses - right now, if there's a chest at the bottom of the water, chances are, those 10 seconds isn't enough to open it and make it back up to your skiff before losing all that earned bonus fishing power from fishing party bonuses. I've come to realize that, right now, I'm unable to open ANY chests whilst fishing, simply because there's a high chance of losing my fishing power bonuses because I won't be able to get back to my skiff in time. Same goes for if I want to speak to a fishmonger or fishing NPC, I have to park my skiff right up next to the NPC to be able to talk to him, without leaving my skiff, otherwise I could yet again, lose my fishing power bonuses.


  • Disable enemies from attacking whilst you're fishing AND whilst you're on your skiff. I have all the fishing and skiff masteries unlocked, but what deters me from wanting to fish is the constant Naga's, Kappa's, and other creatures that ruin the experience for me. I now completely AVOID any fishing spots which have these monsters, because I'm not going to waste my time having to get off my skiff (potentially, actually, most LIKELY, losing my fishing power party bonuses), kill said monsters, get back on my skiff, click on the fishing icon, click on the fishing rod icon, and get back to fishing. Ain't nobody got time for that! If monsters are near a fishing spot, I don't bother. It's a waste of my time and energy.


  • Add the fishing rod, skiff, and personal jade waypoint icons as large icons just above the skillbar, so that it is more convenient. Right now, clicking on the tiny arrow and selecting these things is a pain in the you-know-what.


  • While we're at it, we need a radial mount 'wheel' system, to the right of the skillbar, to make mount selection quicker and easier. Instead of having to click on yet another tiny arrowed clickable area, wouldn't it be nicer to have something that's already there that you can click on, to change mounts?


  • Either remove the strike mission requirement for the siege turtle collection, or give players an alternative in each respective game play mode, so for PvE, that could be dungeons, world bosses, collections, etc. - for WvW, that could be skirmish claim tickets and X objectives, captures, collections, etc. - for PvP, well, I don't PvP, so whatever PvP does for rewards. At least give us options. Forcing players into specific content such as raid-like strike missions, isn't going to miraculously make us enjoy that content. Much like forcing me into skydiving isn't going to make me enjoy it, it'll only make me hate you instead, while still hating skydiving.


  • Remove the illogical 2 player mount ideology of the siege turtle, and just allow the siege turtle owner to both move and use the cannons. Why allow another player to have all the fun, when you're the one who has done all the work for the turtle mount, only to be able to move around? That's just really stupid, and gives no incentive into getting the mount other than for aesthetics (and the 2nd player who gets to use the cannons).


  • Remove or drastically cut down the recharge time of the personal jade waypoint. 10 minutes/600 seconds is a long time to wait for a one-use waypoint. While I love the personal jade waypoint, the recharge time on it is a real party killer. A 1 or 2 minute recharge would be a lot nicer. Heck, even make a mastery line for it or something, I don't know, but 10 minutes? Come on, man...


  • Move the chef and jeweling stations in Arborstone, to the other area where the other 6 crafting stations are. It's illogical to have 2 of the stations so far away from the others.


  • Bring back bowl of applesauce and loaf of bread for salvaging research notes (and any other items that were undeservingly nerfed as a result). If Anet wants research notes to be a particular price/value, then at least tell us what that price expectation per research note is (we can't mind read), rather than just out of the blue nerfing particular items without warning. I lost 29.2g worth of applesauce because of Anet's decision to nerf these items, and there was absolutely no reason for it. 40 silver per stack of research notes is reasonable, especially when it requires 10,545 research notes to unlock all the recipes etc. from the vendor, and countless hundreds/thousands of research notes every time you want to upgrade a jade bot core. I think the decision to nerf these items in particular was uncalled for and unnecessary. Anet made me lose 29.2g because of this out-of-the-blue decision, and it doesn't look like I'll be getting any of that hard earned gold back, and now I'm stuck with tons of applesauce that I can't use. I will never forget this.


  • Add a 'salvage all' option to research kits. Why was this not added to begin with? How do you guys manage to forget such basic things like this all the time? Do players need to constantly explain what to do? Don't even get me started on the fact that the "piece of dragon jade" wasn't even available/unlocked for the first 2 or so days of the expansion either... a basic item required for upgrading jade bots - one of the very things so heavily marketed at, with EOD - and it wasn't available? Just like not having a 'salvage all' option on research kits. These are basic things, guys. How do you miss these things?!?


Right now I'm not enjoying fishing because it's frustrating with the lack of basic things required for it to run smoothly (all the above suggestions, as an example). Right now I'm actually trying to use up all my bait and lures so that I don't have to return to fishing. Fishing seems stressful and anxious causing right now, because there's so many things you have to worry about - like am I using the right bait and lure to catch this fish? Do I have enough bait and lures or have I run out? Am I at the right fishing spot for this particular fish? Is it the right time of day/night/dusk/dawn to be able to catch this fish? How long have I got before I can no longer be able to catch this fish? Are there any enemies nearby that can hinder me catching this fish? There are so many questions that one has running around in their head with fishing, it's no wonder it's stressful - when it should be relaxing. It's for these reasons that I'm no longer interested in fishing, and I'm using up my baits and lures so that I never have to fish ever again, and so that I have my inventory space back, and at least with the fish that I catch, I'll slice em up into fillets and sell them on the trading post, then I can get back to playing some WvW and doing other things that don't cause me such stress and anxiety.

Edited by Zaoda.1653
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Hi Anet, The Twisted Marionette Event is one of the most memorable events that took part in the Living World Season 1 back in 2014. I was really excited that the event returned in July 2021. But it´s deserted these days. Since Dragonstom Public instance is already included in the World Boss Portal device list. Could you also include the Twisted Marionette as well?? That would really help people to track the event, and join public instances. I was sure that it would be included eventually, but it´s been almost a year now. Please. Thanks and have a nice day everyone.

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How about this, it's a pretty simple one:


If you have a legendary rune equipped, and you swap that armor slot with a piece of gear that doesn't have a rune, then put the legendary rune straight into the new piece


Perfect for when you have runes, but want to swap from knights to berserkers or vipers to celestial but don't have the legendary armor yet.

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let commander tag members of the squad so that everyone can see at glance what roles are in the squad, and also easy to see what role left the squad, e.g make it easy to follow how many heals, quick and alac are on the squad.

for the tagging method, i suggest even to be able to change the color of the borderline of the player in the squad menu should be enough. for multi tagging (e.g heal and alac), can add couple of layers of borderlines to the player icon for each tag.

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