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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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This idea was born out of the well known frustration with the inability to select the shard to be filtered to for RP purposes. But of course, that's not the only place where this comes up. As we all know, oftentimes this involves asking for taxies and general wrestling with a system that should be invisible to the player.


So, how is my idea different than many other complaints about this problem? After all, many suggestions and grievances have been made about the lack of a shard selector.

Well, this concept starts with the assumption we don't want to or cannot change the instancing system that already exists in the game. In other words, it works within the existing framework rather than introducing an alternative one that may be undesirable or prohibitive from a development point of view.


But enough of beating around the bush. The concept is a form of self-identification through player tags. In other words, giving the player a tool to tell the server "hey, I'd prefer to go here, please", without taking away the final decision from the instancing server. As a player, you'd enter a tag you want which would function as an identifier, and the server would first try to filter anyone with the same tag into the same map. If it can't it would fall back to other filtering options.


My initial idea was custom tags made by the players, similar to a guild tag, which then populates a cloud of common tags in the LFG system. More common tags gain more visibility. However an alternative option with presets may work as well.


This would mean that anyone who is tagged with "RP" would be preferred together. Making organized metas with a common tag would be a possibility, where you and your guildies/friends use the same tag. You could do farming runs tagged as "FARM" or something of the sort, where you could be grouped with people with the same intentions. Of course, if there's many tags and they all fit into the same map, that's where everyone would go.


As is my assumption, the current problem is purely caused by the game not knowing what you want. It kind of tries to guess, but it's got very little to go on after takes many variables into account, some of which conflicting. That's not very helpful and it can't really make an adequate guess. This solution would give it a tangible weight to base its decision upon. It's not meant to replace the variables, but give it a weight or priority to try before working in the usual way.

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[PvP Queue] Remember my choice please if I pressed ready.

1. I Click Enter PvP

2. I Click ready

3. Game keeps waiting for others to click ready.

4. Game asks me again if I'm ready. (I already pressed ready. Please remember my choice)

(5. If I do not click ready because I already was ready: I get abandoned from PvP)

(6. I get dishonor and can't join.)

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Has this ever happened to you? You're doing one of the many hard jumps in the trolls jumping puzzle in lions arch, then suddenly your glider unfolds, you fly straight off the path and have to start all over again?

Well worry no more for I have a solution for you!


Introducing the Auto-Glide option in the options menu! With this option disabled you will no longer automatically glide when you hold spacebar, instead your glider only activates when you press jump again while in the air!


You too can get Auto-Glide in your options menu! All it takes is a few days of programming! It's that easy!
Your players will love it! I know I will!


On a serious note. I -love- the multiple jumping puzzles in this game but ever since I unlocked the glider, it automatically activating has been annoying me.

Please add an option to have the glider activate on double jump instead.

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Since i didn't found any related post i start this one to complain about a thing that bother me a lot. I normaly go fishing between pvp matches, better than wasting time into lobby, but the problem is that in certain maps to increase my fishing power i need to use food for but the effect vanish the moment i enter in the pvp arena and then is gone for good. Why? Can please anet solve this issue? I'm not concerned about loosing the fishing partecipation cause i'm doing other stuff, but the food is something that costs and loosing it after 3 minute is something that really bother me.

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12 hours ago, eainen.9467 said:

This idea was born out of the well known frustration with the inability to select the shard to be filtered to for RP purposes. But of course, that's not the only place where this comes up. As we all know, oftentimes this involves asking for taxies and general wrestling with a system that should be invisible to the player.


So, how is my idea different than many other complaints about this problem? After all, many suggestions and grievances have been made about the lack of a shard selector.

Well, this concept starts with the assumption we don't want to or cannot change the instancing system that already exists in the game. In other words, it works within the existing framework rather than introducing an alternative one that may be undesirable or prohibitive from a development point of view.


But enough of beating around the bush. The concept is a form of self-identification through player tags. In other words, giving the player a tool to tell the server "hey, I'd prefer to go here, please", without taking away the final decision from the instancing server. As a player, you'd enter a tag you want which would function as an identifier, and the server would first try to filter anyone with the same tag into the same map. If it can't it would fall back to other filtering options.


My initial idea was custom tags made by the players, similar to a guild tag, which then populates a cloud of common tags in the LFG system. More common tags gain more visibility. However an alternative option with presets may work as well.


This would mean that anyone who is tagged with "RP" would be preferred together. Making organized metas with a common tag would be a possibility, where you and your guildies/friends use the same tag. You could do farming runs tagged as "FARM" or something of the sort, where you could be grouped with people with the same intentions. Of course, if there's many tags and they all fit into the same map, that's where everyone would go.


As is my assumption, the current problem is purely caused by the game not knowing what you want. It kind of tries to guess, but it's got very little to go on after takes many variables into account, some of which conflicting. That's not very helpful and it can't really make an adequate guess. This solution would give it a tangible weight to base its decision upon. It's not meant to replace the variables, but give it a weight or priority to try before working in the usual way.

I think this sounds like a really sweet idea, if technically possible.

On the other hand, in a party of two players we end up in separate instances quite often even though we go through the same zone portal at almost the same time. I would hope the game already prioritizes placing party members in the same instance. If it fails as often as I experience I have little hope it would be able to do much with your tag system.

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Auto refill the spare mining tools in inventory. (Auto equipt)
If you bring a spare set, it should be auto used when previous is finished.
No need to manual click and drop. So players can buy more spare tool sets. Mine and log with a peace of mind

Edited by medivh.4725
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Not to clog up the main discussion for something that's a big QoL ask, but I wanted to drop that Big Ask here. 

Recently in XIV, there was a note sent out from the game lead about mods/etc and some reinforcement of policy. In it, was:

*Enhancements to the HUD and Other UI Elements
We believe that people use the aforementioned tools to expand the HUD and display more information because they feel that existing functions are insufficient for tackling high-end duties. In recognition of this, we intend to review the most prominent tools, and in order to discourage their use, endeavor to enhance the functionality of the HUD. 

With that in mind, can we please have GW2 follow the same principle? The UX is a mess, and there are lots of things needed for it to be "good" with its tilting into Strikes/Raids that would also be good for players in general. 

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Getting some fishing done today and one thing I really wish was added to the mini-map, what time in the day it was. I know the 'in game time' is on the map but Day, Dusk, Night, Dawn is not. Would be so handy for Dawn and Dusk.

So the map could say - '15:40 - Day' or '23:15 - Night'

Edited by Eziair.2509
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15 hours ago, Sinmir.6504 said:

Been quite a while since the change was made, but the tutorial mission used to be solo. I thought it was better before, not needing to wait for he gates to open, bridge to form ect.

You do know that you can use the shortcuts, right? 


1- (Fastest) place a tome of knowledge in shared inventory.

Start story with new character.

Use tome.

WP out into queensdale.


2 - Alt. Follow through. 

Take a right at WP instead of left.

Go across the watermelon fields and down the slope to the river. 

Go up and left.

Most times the boss fight is already active.


You can even skip the fight if you arrive at the area right at the time the boss is defeated.



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I would like the weather to also be more realistic. 

Not just rain or fog in certain areas.


Which brings me to my next suggestion.

In Southsun, there's an area where the fog is unecessary and simply just does not fit.

Then, it has a sickening obscure pink and blue haze to it. It is very strange this being here.

I think fog would fit better in places such as Orr. 


Just a side observation.

It seems that southsun was made by someone else other than the mapping dev team.

It does not have the same pattern or consistency that all the other core maps have.


Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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4 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

It would be so awesome if the day and night durations ingame actually coincide with reality.


I would like the weather to also be more realistic. 

Not just rain or fog in certain areas.


Which brings me to my next suggestion.

In Southsun, there's an area where the fog is unecessary and simply just does not fit.

Then, it has a sickening obscure pink and blue haze to it. It is very strange this being here.

I think fog would fit better in places such as Orr. 


Just a side observation.

It seems that southsun was made by someone else other than the mapping dev team.

It does not have the same pattern or consistency that all the other core maps have.


How would day and night coinciding with reality work when players from across the globe play together??

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55 minutes ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Good point. 

You do know that Europe, US, and other servers are separate!?

Just needed to find a day/night cycle that fit the server.


US server players do not play with European, unless you change home server.

WvW could have its own independent time.

Most EU countries have the same time.

It's only portugal and United Kindom that has -1 hour. 

I don't know about the states, but we could find an happy medium for it.


TBH, I'm not that bothered. It was just a suggestion. 

But it would be nice though.

Thing I've noticed too is that there's no twilight ingame. It goes from mild dark to day.

There's no pitch black at night either.

There's no orange, yellow tint at sunrise; there's no purple at sunset.

The sun is just a tiny white ball in the distance. 


There's always room for improvement, and GW2 deserves it.

The scenery is amazing, just needs the horizon to match.

There's a 5-hour difference between the easternmost and westernmost US time zones.  There's no 'happy medium' that would coincide with reality.  You also should be aware that players from EU sometimes choose NA servers and vice versa, and players from countries other than North America, such as Australia, Japan, OCE chose either NA or EU servers. 

And for those players that can only play a few hours at a specific time of day?  They would never get to play during the day, or during the night...or at dusk or dawn?  It's just not practical.  Sorry. 

Edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234
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Ran into this today. Hopefully simple suggestion:

For Gem store items that have been maxed out on the account such as Bank Tabs, Shared inventory slots, and storage expanders, can we get a pop-up that says "You already have maximum Bank Tabs" to prevent players from accidentally buying these items that they can't use.

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9 hours ago, Eziair.2509 said:

Getting some fishing done today and one thing I really wish was added to the mini-map, what time in the day it was. I know the 'in game time' is on the map but Day, Dusk, Night, Dawn is not. Would be so handy for Dawn and Dusk.

So the map could say - '15:40 - Day' or '23:15 - Night'

Here's the original post.

Tell them that then.

Why you keep quoting me?

I was merely saying it would be nice.


1 hour ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

There's a 5-hour difference between the easternmost and westernmost US time zones.  There's no 'happy medium' that would coincide with reality.  You also should be aware that players from EU sometimes choose NA servers and vice versa, and players from countries other than North America, such as Australia, Japan, OCE chose either NA or EU servers. 

And for those players that can only play a few hours at a specific time of day?  They would never get to play during the day, or during the night...or at dusk or dawn?  It's just not practical.  Sorry. 


There are many aspects of the game that aren't practical, such as jumping puzzles... which in fact matter more than day and night.

As I said in one of my replies. 

"I'm not that bothered"... and again, I was just agreeing with OP.

"It would be nice" 

Anyways. I think this could have an entire thread of its own. 

Since QoL is only for requests.

I don't think that we should be quoting eachother and replying on the same thing that much in here.


If OP would like to start a post on this.

I'd be happy to participate.



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Mordrem and Evergreen slivers and their higher-tier variants (excluding the highest Lodestone tier) distinctly lack "Consume All" option, enforcing players to abuse their mouse to upgrade everything through tiers.


Request: please, add "Consume All" to Mordrem and Evergreen slivers upwards.

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I'd really love to have the glider skin (and color's) linked to the equipment tab so that i can set different gliders matching the different backpacks i use in my different equipment tabs.

In that regard having the show/hide option on the several equipment options stored per equipment tab would also be a nice fashion feature 😉

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