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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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In case there are no wvw legendary trinket, might we get New Section under Looking for Group - would be nice to have the below section.


Legendary Crafting Journey Vision
Legendary Crafting Journey Aurora 

Edited by babana.7521
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26 minutes ago, babana.7521 said:

In case there are no wvw legendary trinket, might we get New Section under Looking for Group - would be nice to have the below section.


Legendary Crafting Journey Vision
Legendary Crafting Journey Aurora 

Any reason season 3 and 4 maps lfg sections dont work for you?

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More Dye setting for Mount On the Same Character

When I change my armor via the weapon template, I give them different color, for example, I would make one armor set red and one armor set blue, so i know when i am in wvw i need to be blue, and when i am .... you know the drift. 

now, every time i switch armor set, my mount will be out of sync color wise and not matching with the color of the armor that i switched to, all because it only has one sets of color. 

Pretty please make the mount dye sync with the armor. thank you.

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Action combat camera movement. When I press S in free camera my character still back peddles, but if you toggle on action camera you will see that when you press S the camera stays still but your character does a 180 and starts running in that direction. The only time you back peddle is when you are in a skill animation. The game feels much more fluid when using action camera for that reason. 

I know you true gamers use about face to have the effect im asking for but my boomer hands dont like it. I tried to get use to it but its just a pain in the kitten. First you have to left click then you can about face so the camera wont turn. Then to get your camera to point in the direction you changed to, you have to right click or if you want to turn back around you have to right and left click at the same time. Its so many unnecessary steps for something that is already there with action camera. 

This would be a nice QoL improvement imo especially as a option we can toggle on and off for those who don't like it.  

Edited by Beast Sos.1457
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54 minutes ago, Beast Sos.1457 said:

Action combat camera movement. When I press S in free camera my character still back peddles, but if you toggle on action camera you will see that when you press S the camera stays still but your character does a 180 and starts running in that direction. The only time you back peddle is when you are in a skill animation. The game feels much more fluid when using action camera for that reason. 

I know you true gamers use about face to have the effect im asking for but my boomer hands dont like it. I tried to get use to it but its just a pain in the kitten. First you have to left click then you can about face so the camera wont turn. Then to get your camera to point in the direction you changed to, you have to right click or if you want to turn back around you have to right and left click at the same time. Its so many unnecessary steps for something that is already there with action camera. 

This would be a nice QoL improvement imo especially as a option we can toggle on and off for those who don't like it.  

Yeah the way strafing works in this game is weird lol

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Free camera on the other hand is the only way to have your character run forward in a different direction than your camera is facing. The way you suggest it, that would get lost and it can be very useful in some instances, e.g. for any skill that can be cast behind yourself without turning.

Edited by Endaris.1452
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2 hours ago, Beast Sos.1457 said:

I know you true gamers use about face to have the effect im asking for but my boomer hands dont like it. I tried to get use to it but its just a pain in the kitten. First you have to left click then you can about face so the camera wont turn. Then to get your camera to point in the direction you changed to, you have to right click or if you want to turn back around you have to right and left click at the same time. Its so many unnecessary steps for something that is already there with action camera. 

that entire problem exist only because you have free camera enable otherwise it is just right click, move the mouse a bit to turn around. Do your have your mouse set to a very low DPI and camera rotation set to minimum?

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59 minutes ago, Endaris.1452 said:

Free camera on the other hand is the only way to have your character run forward in a different direction than your camera is facing. The way you suggest it, that would get lost and it can be very useful in some instances, e.g. for any skill that can be cast behind yourself without turning.

It would still work that way. You could make a 180 but your camera doesn't move. The way it works in action combat is that the camera only moves when you move it with your mouse. So if you press S your character makes a 180 and runs forward in that direction while the camera is still facing the initial location you were facing. 

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4 minutes ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

that entire problem exist only because you have free camera enable otherwise it is just right click, move the mouse a bit to turn around. Do your have your mouse set to a very low DPI and camera rotation set to minimum?

Its not the same as turning 180. I just toggled on free camera on recently. The way it would work with what im saying is that it would automatically about face when you press S and run forward in that direction while the camera is still facing the direction it was in before the about face. 

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47 minutes ago, Beast Sos.1457 said:

Its not the same as turning 180. I just toggled on free camera on recently. The way it would work with what im saying is that it would automatically about face when you press S and run forward in that direction while the camera is still facing the direction it was in before the about face. 

That sounds like the absolutely horrible thing that many games have done where the lock the camera and force you to run at the camera ...it was bad enough when the default keybinds encouraged keyboard turning and you are calling this a QoL improvement? O_o

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18 minutes ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

That sounds like the absolutely horrible thing that many games have done where the lock the camera and force you to run at the camera ...it was bad enough when the default keybinds encouraged keyboard turning and you are calling this a QoL improvement? O_o

If you are comparing what im saying to keyboard turning then I think you're misunderstanding me. Also, like I said above, it would be a toggle on option so no you are not forced to play that way. 

Just turn on action camera in game and move around then turn it off and move again. Tell me which one is more fluid. Its actually known that when you learn how to about face in pvp and even pve it makes you a better player. 

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With Revenant, you are able to customize your profession skills from 2-4.

We should be able to customize the placement for our 1-5 weapon skills with that same logic.

It just feels so awkward switching builds/characters and your skills are all over the place as Skill 3 could be a dash or a stun or anything inbetween for different weapons and classes.

The flexibility to let us choose which slot they will go into would be a huge QoL.

Edited by Fay.7452
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I support this.  For some class/weapon combos, a certain skill number might be heavy attack that doesn't move you, but for another class, it launches you forward, and another, might launch you backwards.  Depending on the content being played, being launched in such a way may mean certain death.

I can understand the complication in doing this - for the utility skills, you are basically choosing what skill goes in what slot (though healing slot is always #6 and elite is always 0).  But for 7/8/9, you choose what goes there.  Compared to weapons, where 1-3 are defined for the first weapon, 4-5 are the second weapon.


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Can we revamp the Aurene skins in the game?  Why do I have to do the collection over and over for every weapon of the same skin but for a different weapon?  Why if I have an aurene sword, focus, scepter and torch, I have to do the entire collection 4 times?  Why can you not do the collection for the skin variant one time and it unlocks the skins for the other Aurene weapons and you use one or more of the 500000 currencies in the game to purchase them?  The grind for the skins are ridiculous and feels like Destiny 2.  Can we please look at this and change it?

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5 minutes ago, Shadow Burrn.3561 said:

Can we revamp the Aurene skins in the game?  Why do I have to do the collection over and over for every weapon of the same skin but for a different weapon?  Why if I have an aurene sword, focus, scepter and torch, I have to do the entire collection 4 times?  Why can you not do the collection for the skin variant one time and it unlocks the skins for the other Aurene weapons and you use one or more of the 500000 currencies in the game to purchase them?  The grind for the skins are ridiculous and feels like Destiny 2.  Can we please look at this and change it?

Now that you meantion it, I wonder that too. It makes the grind take even longer.

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4 minutes ago, Gravitron.7982 said:

Now that you meantion it, I wonder that too. It makes the grind take even longer.

It's a legendary skin, if you don't want to, you can simply not get it and you lose nothing in terms of gameplay efficiency. I don't see why you should be able to do this one achievement and suddenly unlock 16 legendary skins -and considering people who already unlocked achievements related to collecting those skins, it's highly unlikely anything about that will change. Not that anything about it needs to change in the first place.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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47 minutes ago, Shadow Burrn.3561 said:

Can we revamp the Aurene skins in the game?  Why do I have to do the collection over and over for every weapon of the same skin but for a different weapon?  Why if I have an aurene sword, focus, scepter and torch, I have to do the entire collection 4 times?  Why can you not do the collection for the skin variant one time and it unlocks the skins for the other Aurene weapons and you use one or more of the 500000 currencies in the game to purchase them?  The grind for the skins are ridiculous and feels like Destiny 2.  Can we please look at this and change it?

The obvious reason is that they wanted the collections to boost participation in the associated events.

They might not have accounted for people who will skip both instead.

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Of all the collections i've done for the aurene lege's, zhaitan was the worst. Simply because one has to wait at certain areas on two maps for particular events, with no way of knowing how long it will take for them to happen. The reason for this is of course that megaservers destroyed any chance of tracking the various temple events so it really is rng whether the event spawns within 5 mins or 50 mins and there's nothing you can do about it. This is just a poor decision by whomever set the collection targets. Primordus was the next most frustrating one due to having to collect the memories; i spent maybe a couple of hours in Draconis Mons tagging events and wondered if DRMs were a better option.

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Personally I thought it's just a bad format and a stupid amount of work/resources for a reskin. That is obviously just my opinion. And so I haven't bothered. Like many things in the game, the aurene skins are not an aspect that appeals to me. And so I just don't do it.
I don't see the format being changed, in any case. Certainly not this far in. It would be extremely unfair to the players that did already spend all of those resources.
Like others have said, if the effort for a single skin doesn't seem worth it, then just skip that grind. easy enough. You still have all of the QoL benefits from having a legendary weapon.

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