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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Customize chat colors

It should be possible to change the colors of names in chat. Especially for guilds, where chatter from different guilds can be hard to differentiate. The ability to set a color per guild is needed.

Perhaps this can be implemented through the existing dyes panel, limiting available colors to unlocked dyes.

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I couldn't find a location on the forums for this, so maybe it's more of a suggestion if there is not a command.

During large battles it's very obstructive having large green pets taking up my screen and was wondering if GW2 had a command to "Reduce Player Pet Size" in the game. FFXIV there is a command as some pets, like most MMORPGs, are just too large. Discussing this on my stream and in game chat, lot of people were wondering the same and most said "doesn't appear to be one"

Do we know if our amazing Dev team at ArenaNet has plans to add a slider for this in the near future ?


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Hi dear devs, i have some request. I didn't read all the suggestions so prob some of them had been requested before.

-Raid portals
Place a portal between raid wings like there is from w1 to w2.

-Lock fractal
Add an option to lock fractal for those who spam/farm a  certain fractal.

-Lock chars
Add an option to lock characters (up to 3) in char selection screen.

-Dynamic character selection background
Switch the background when you select a char in selection screen. If i select a char in tyria/HoT/PoF/EoD it will display a core tyria/HoT/PoF/EoD background.

-Equipment/build template
Add 2 more equipment and build templates up to 10 max.

-Ready check for groups
Add a command to ready check groups the same way as kick check does.

-Legendary aquatic helmet
Add 3 (light/medium/heavy) legendary aquatic helmet 

-Legendary infusions
Add legendary infusions (mostly cosmetics) acc bound through mystic forge unlocked by achievement collection in fotm.

-Legendary gathering tools
Add legendary gathering tools acc bount through mystic forge.

-Guild hall upgrades
Add upgrades to let add mystic/forge/crafting/bank/tp/laurel merch/armor merch/weap merch/portal to cities

-Guild hall nodes
Fix the way it's limited to let harvest nodes on any output synthesis while there are from different location. There is no point to not max output synthesis on another guild to let harvest nodes.

-Guild trader
Let buy more than once decoration/feast in npc

-Guild slots
Let switch guilds in slots.

-Contract permanent makeover
Add a permanent makeover kit to BL chest.

-Preview dyed mounts
Let see a preview dyed mount to unlocked mounts

-Bigger minimap
Add an option to increase the size of minimap for 2k or higher resolution screens.

-Combat UI
Split boons/conditions, buffs/debuffs in to bars in the skill bar and party group.

-Home instance cats
Add more cats in home instance cats from EoD maps.

-Transmute trinkets
Let transmute trinkets appearance

-Remove novelty
Remove the selected novelty on a specific character

-Random novelties
Add an option to randomize nolvelties

-Swap weapons
Allow to swap weapons on every class including underwater weapons.

-Junk items
Add items to mark them as "junk" to sell faster in merchants.

-Revenant elite skill
Allow revenant to use race skill.

Thank you in advance, 

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I'd like the ability to right click > "Transit to..." on VIP Lounge Tickets so that you can use their teleportation services without having to go through two different loading screens.

Also, a "Passport" for the various Lounge Passes

Edited by BenaSPACE.6028
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For the Kaineng Blackout Meta, could we get the brownout icons enlarged for the meta so we can tell which areas are still needing help easier? A lot of the symbols blend in with the background map easily so it's hard to see which districts still need help.

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Pretty much what the title says. I'm assuming armor classes (Light/medium/heavy) were initially designed to be relevant to each class but let's be honest, the designs are all over the place at this point with heavy having cloth-looking armor and vice versa. The only relevance with armor classes is mostly stats at this point. It would be amazing if Anet just finally made it so you could transmute all acquired light/medium/heavy armor in your wardrobe for any class. It would take "Fashion Wars 2" to the next level with far fewer compromises to be made when outfitting your character.

You would still need to acquire each armor with the appropriate class of course but once you acquire it you can use any class to have that appearance. I can understand some exceptions but it would be awesome if we had a bit more freedom. Probably won't happen but one can dream.

Edited by LiquidEmotions.6583
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  • Toasty.8925 changed the title to It would be nice if we could transmute all acquired armor (light/medium/heavy) with any class.
1 hour ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

It can't/won't happen not because of Profession-indication, but because each weight uses a different rig. 

Exhibit A: The absolute weirdness of the tattoo armor on medium classes, where the belt is attached to the chest piece.

Put the savage scale leggings on with tattoo chest piece, and see the bizarreness that is medium armor.

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1 hour ago, Omega.6801 said:

Has been suggested since release. Probably won't happen. For more details pls use the forums search function to review the many threads about this topic.

I'm not surprised but maybe the more it's talked about the more it would be considered.

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18 minutes ago, LiquidEmotions.6583 said:

I'm not surprised but maybe the more it's talked about the more it would be considered.

Considering the code for this is as old as the game itself, I'd rather ANet focus on actual content than potentially breaking the game or spending months of resources on this (or both).

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2 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

Yeah it’s a mesh/rig issue. Which is why outfits (the fourth rig type) can’t mix with armour like helmets etc.

Shame though, would open up a lot of combinations

So I've seen this explanation before and it makes no sense to me in terms of limitations. I may be talking out of school here but I've modded a lot of video games so considering they already have every outfit to work with all races all they would need to do is make it so you can apply that skin. It would just take time but easily doable.

I feel like Anets explanation is more of an excuse to stop bothering them about it which is fair. More important stuff to do. This would be a major QoL update though.

Edited by LiquidEmotions.6583
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12 minutes ago, LiquidEmotions.6583 said:

So I've seen this explanation before and it makes no sense to me in terms of limitations. I may be talking out of school here but I've modded a lot of video games so considering they already have every outfit to work with all races all they would need to do is make it so you can apply that skin. It would just take time but easily doable.

I feel like Anets explanation is more of an excuse to stop bothering them about it which is fair. More important stuff to do. This would be a major QoL update though.

There’s nothing to gain from that. They explained this when outfits were designed that they were a fourth weight and weights were not coded to interact and even if they could make it work, the clipping would be horrendous. It’s not about excuses it’s about very old, very very messy spaghetti code designed by people no longer with the company for the most part 

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58 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

There’s nothing to gain from that. They explained this when outfits were designed that they were a fourth weight and weights were not coded to interact and even if they could make it work, the clipping would be horrendous. It’s not about excuses it’s about very old, very very messy spaghetti code designed by people no longer with the company for the most part 

A lot of armor clips and clashes with each other already so I don't see the problem. Players would just do what we already do which is figure out what works with what. Now if they coded the armor is a way that makes it this horrendous to do it then it is what it is I guess.

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I'm sure these have been mentioned before (numerous times at that but how about

- The ability to move the camera down for screenshots. We have the ability to raise the camera, but not lower. 

- Snow Leopard Shaman armor skins

- Fern Hound jackal skin

-More of the "cultural armor" skins we see NPCs wearing be available to players. EX: Professor Gorr's pants. 

Edited by Abraxxus.8971
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