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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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I like this idea. If I were to add to it, I'd suggest incorporating achievements or other sort of light rewards (nothing game-breaking or "mandatory," I'm thinking in the same vein as the Character Adventure Guide) to the training area to help encourage players to learn their way through this aspect of gameplay. I'm thinking something like an easier version of the Queen's Gauntlet perhaps?

Oh and if there can be some sort of "guide" to get players over to the training area, that would help. Either something that tells you when you hit level 80, or perhaps some NPCs chatting in common areas in LA about it, something like that. I imagine a lot of new players don't even know there's a training area already in the game.

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1 hour ago, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:

we really need the option to spawn random mobs with different ranks, abilities, and difficulties, similar to the battle pit in Gendarran Fields, but with Legendary and/or Champion mobs included.

1 hour ago, Kiki.9450 said:

I like this idea. If I were to add to it, I'd suggest incorporating achievements or other sort of light rewards (nothing game-breaking or "mandatory," I'm thinking in the same vein as the Character Adventure Guide) to the training area to help encourage players to learn their way through this aspect of gameplay. I'm thinking something like an easier version of the Queen's Gauntlet perhaps?

Oh and if there can be some sort of "guide" to get players over to the training area, that would help. Either something that tells you when you hit level 80, or perhaps some NPCs chatting in common areas in LA about it, something like that. I imagine a lot of new players don't even know there's a training area already in the game.

Do you mean something like this, or an event in the world?

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7 minutes ago, Tanek.5983 said:

Do you mean something like this, or an event in the world?

I understood the original post to be as an expansion/improvement of the Special Forces Training Area. I just gave my two coppers on what else could be done with the concept of expanding said training area.

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3 hours ago, Tanek.5983 said:

Do you mean something like this

yes, but with actual mobs that can fight back and the ability to spawn groups, so we can test how our builds work in a real-world scenario. For example, my latest builds are much more effective in the open world because the more enemies I hit, the better. This can't be replicated in the training area.

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6 hours ago, DemonAtTheWheel.1804 said:

We finally got access to Legendary Armor that was not locked behind endless hours of soul sucking competitive play modes after years of begging..... Thank you ANET.

Could we possibly also get a legendary ring which is open world?

ofcourse right after weapons are included from only spvp, wvw and instanced content.

Edited by Linken.6345
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On 12/6/2023 at 10:56 AM, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

The Devs have stated, more than once, that this is the thread that they read.  A number of suggestions have been implemented over the years.

It might be worth digging through this monster thread to find the duplicate suggestions and put the top 10 multiple-requests up for a poll or something. That would take a lot of time and effort tho...

On 12/7/2023 at 6:26 PM, Qys.5937 said:

It's just you the LA activity lady always gives me crabs.

😦 Phrasing... 🤣

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What are the odds you developers would release guild wars original as a remake for consoles on a higher engine or release guild wars 3 on consoles in unreal engine 5 or 6? I just think guild wars will end up being a better game then lord of the rings mmorpg for consoles that just went into development. Throne and liberty and guild wars both published by nc soft. I don't think throne and liberty even compares to guild wars. Archeage 2 is unreal engine 5 and I don't think it has the potential guild wars does. I don't think many games have the guild wars potential. Not even chrono odyssey with it's 6 class system. Just saying I don't think many games compare to guild wars. Maybe dc universe online compares in it's prime.

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UI Improvements:

Menu UI's persist through map changes (if I had inventory open, it should still be open on map refresh). 

Achievements tab remembers what I last had open, reopening H with achievements tab last viewed shows me the last thing I was looking at in that tab. Ex Seasons of the Dragons > Return to Sandswept Isles. Let me open/close with H to see what I need next, keeping it on that last looked at achievement child-category. 

Chat window persists DURING map changes, Ex. I can continue to type to the squad/party while we map elsewhere. Even if it won't send till map finishes loading, being able to just TYPE would be nice. 

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On 12/9/2023 at 1:31 AM, Tanek.5983 said:

Do you mean something like this, or an event in the world?

They recently made some changes in the training area,  like you are able to mount up.
While they did not adress the issue everyone wants to see changed.

But they should really adress the prestocked configuration that is added to the menu, but just doesn't work.
It would make a lot of ppl happy to have a predefined setting for boons and golem.
Especially bc there is an option but it just doesn't work.

Also when you pick 25 might as boon, the menu pushes you a level back so you can pick fury as next.
When putting condi s on the golem and add 25 vuln, you mannually have to go back.
small QOL that would make so much difference.

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Since we can toggle off/on wardrobe head skins, as well as outfit head skins, I'm hoping it wouldn't be too hard to enable this feature. It would be absolutely amazing to be able to wear Furrocious Cat Ears for example with my Starborn outfit, for example.

Not to mention anet would make sooooo much more money, since people would want to combine more pieces.

Thanks for considering this in advance.

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28 minutes ago, ravenheart.2649 said:

Is there anyways I can play this on mac as well as the first guild wars 1?

Mac should have WINE so you should be able to play it just like Linux users but you're going to have to set it up. I don't know much about the Mac version of Steam, but the Linux version has Steam Play which uses proton, a custom version of WINE that is bundled with steam to play Windows games on Linux. GW2 works well on Linux with Steam Play. Might want to read into that.

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Add F2P the ability to chat in squad / party when in squad. I do a lot of new player low level boss trains and this is ridiculous. They cannot communicate with others.  The squad is moderated by the squad commander and if anyone misconducts they can be kicked out, so there is no reason to keep them out of being able to communicate in squad.

GW2 is all about community and this is a QOL upgrade that will help people get into it.

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mind selling the dlcs for gems? amazon decided to no longer allow us to get digital items like  DLCs while using amazon gift cards... the only way i can buy them where i live is now not possible. and even physical gem cards cost me roughly 50$ cause amazon charges about 33$ for a 25$ card +customs fees >.>

Edited by kitemay.1327
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5 hours ago, hyper.3902 said:

Since we can toggle off/on wardrobe head skins, as well as outfit head skins, I'm hoping it wouldn't be too hard to enable this feature. It would be absolutely amazing to be able to wear Furrocious Cat Ears for example with my Starborn outfit, for example.

Not to mention anet would make sooooo much more money, since people would want to combine more pieces.

Thanks for considering this in advance.

Still dying to let us use any helmet with outfits.

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