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June 25 Balance Update Preview

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I am not joking:

thieves and mesmers glitiching into keeps are a constant problem in WVW. A problem ANET is unable to solve. 

But there is a simple solution:

remove stealth

without stealth this disgusting cheaters are easily dealt with. 



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With Untamed, fading of the unleashed pet visual effect is nice, but it's just cosmetic. What would be useful is changing visual effect of Enveloping Haze (F3), perhaps for it to look like a barrier with green outlines only. Sabotaging myself and my teammates with gas clutter is no fun🥲

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Pet being green can be an actually helpful visual cue. Though if the 'fading' of the green is on a longer timer than you'd normally rotate between unleash pet/ranger, it shouldn't affect that too much.

But the 'fart clouds' of pet unleash 3 and Staff ambush have some serious visibility issues. It makes untamed disliked for reducing visibility of ground aoes. Please just make them more transparent. Visibility of what's going on in a fight is more important than fancy green skill effects.

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On 5/25/2024 at 12:16 AM, Ovalkvadratcylinder.9365 said:
  • Unleash Pet: The unleashed visual effect will now fade out over time when applied to the pet as it does on the player.

    couldnt this have been an option instead? some of us rely on the visual cues amongst other things for fast decision making. and the effect fading away removes that opportunity

There's an icon right above your massive red health globe you could look at.

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On 5/25/2024 at 9:06 AM, bambi.6214 said:

Hi ANet people (cmc in particular) - I know this might come as a surprise, but engineer has some other turrets skills, except healing turret. Crazy, isn't it? You're probably wondering why they don't show on any lists or statistical analysis - it's because nobody used turrets, for years! Let me give you a hand and list all the useless, underpowered turret skills that you seem to have missed in your patch which was supposed to improve the usability of underpowered skills and utilities:

Nonsense. I see them cluttering the boss at every meta event.

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18 hours ago, Milotnuis.8341 said:

Would it be too much to ask for guardian gs2 not require a player to stand in the hitbox for optimal damage in pve?

Yes. Warrior says "hello" in hundred blades.

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Posted (edited)

Dear CMC and Anet Balance Team,

My feedback is specifically for Necromancer utility in WvW:

While I appreciate the adjustments made to the projectile sword weapon, it is unlikely to change meta choices, and pushes the weapon to even more overlap with Axe and Focus. Additionally, core Necromancer and Harbinger remain almost completely reliant on condition damage + projectiles, which are easily countered by the plethora of projectile block and reflect skills almost 100% prevalent in all organized WvW fights. This reliance severely limits the effectiveness of Necromancers in large-scale engagements. Moreover, the utility lockout in shroud form compounds these issues. This mechanic has made it increasingly challenging for Necromancer to be seen as anything other than a noob trap class with an extremely low skill cap. The recent changes don't address these inherent problems, and in many cases, they exacerbate them by providing other classes with increased resistance, cleanse, and more tools to block projectiles.

To improve the Necromancer's viability in WvW, a more through rework is necessary. This includes reinstating and enhancing the class's ability to efficiently remove boons (or offer some other unique group utility, such as auras), introducing mechanisms such as blocks, evasion, invulnerability, and stability that synchronize with the necromancer core feature, the shroud, and reworking group utility traits and skills to offer meaningful (not vigor) support.


Without these changes, necromancers will be increasingly unable to fufil a role in zerg play, impacting the overall class diversity and balance of WvW gameplay.

Edited by Apokriphos.7042
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2 hours ago, Funky.4861 said:

Nonsense. I see them cluttering the boss at every meta event.

People aren't running them in PvE because they're powerful, they're running them because they're autonomous. Primarily afk farmers. They need to be reworked/buffed.

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On 5/25/2024 at 3:23 AM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Epilogue: Ashes of the Just: Increased the might stacks from 5 to 8 and increased the duration from 8 seconds to 10 seconds in PvE only.

With this might buff, the unique buff should have 0.99s internal cooldown time because a symbol pulse does damage for every 1s, but it will not be triggered - This means the stacks will be spent on 1-3-5 pulses.  It's annoying. I understand why there is an interval for 1s, but at least it should be triggerable for every 1s as every symbol pulse.


On 5/25/2024 at 3:23 AM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Chapter 4: Shining River: Reduced the page cost from 2 to 1 in PvE only. Increased the healing coefficient per pulse from 0.23 to 0.35 in PvE only.

Still underperforming than "Chapter 3: Azure Sun". I will never use "Chapter 4: Shining River" in any of PvE and PvP. Seriously, Using twice of Chapter 1/2/3 is better than Chapter 4 (in PvP). even if it costs one page, still 1/2/3 chapters are better than this.

If this provides additional advantages like granting Barrier or another boon, or additional pulse(s), I will be interested to use this, but for now, I won't use it even if it's buffed like this.



Also, I reported this again and again, but please, please please, fix "Symbol of Punishment". It pulses the symbol ticks incorrectly. I've made bug reports, even for years, and again and again, you never take care of this. It's just frustrating.

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3 hours ago, SleepyBat.9034 said:

People aren't running them in PvE because they're powerful, they're running them because they're autonomous. Primarily afk farmers. They need to be reworked/buffed.

I didn't say why they used them, just that they did.

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1 hour ago, EvilDragonfiend.6430 said:

With this might buff, the unique buff should have 0.99s internal cooldown time because a symbol pulse does damage for every 1s, but it will not be triggered - This means the stacks will be spent on 1-3-5 pulses.  It's annoying. I understand why there is an interval for 1s, but at least it should be triggerable for every 1s as every symbol pulse.


Still underperforming than "Chapter 3: Azure Sun". I will never use "Chapter 4: Shining River" in any of PvE and PvP. Seriously, Using twice of Chapter 1/2/3 is better than Chapter 4 (in PvP). even if it costs one page, still 1/2/3 chapters are better than this.

If this provides additional advantages like granting Barrier or another boon, or additional pulse(s), I will be interested to use this, but for now, I won't use it even if it's buffed like this.



Also, I reported this again and again, but please, please please, fix "Symbol of Punishment". It pulses the symbol ticks incorrectly. I've made bug reports, even for years, and again and again, you never take care of this. It's just frustrating.

Some good suggestions, but FB support won't be fixed until they change the AOE for the mantras. Yeah, FB has some great tools and was popular for a long time because that's all we had, but the boon radius is just completely outclassed by almost every other spec now.

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Posted (edited)

Anet changes a lot of things except what's wrong. The Vindicator has had bugs for months/years, no fixes, the scepter is crap, no changes.

And I think Anet creates more problems than it solves.

Edited by Angesombre.4630
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You know, I just wanted to move on and play other games that isn't this clown fest but I have to add one more. What's up with Magnet and Signet of Humility updates? Now I do agree that these skills need better visual indications especially the signet, but 2sec transform on 90sec icd skill? I can't believe I'm here defending this cheeseball of skill. These were one of few skills that gave clouding players small fighting chance against boonballs. This is coming from a person who absolutely despises any mesmers casting the signet in middle of fights.

Was this your decision Roy? Remember that night you were pugmanding and got sniped countless times? Still doesn't get enough boons in this game?

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Hey Guys can we plz think over the decision to attach boons or more/other effects to more utility focused weapon skills in general and specifically like the change which you did to lead the wind and point blank shot ? Because now there is an incentive to use it on cool down and then you don't have the defiance break or knock back functionality when you need it or want to use it. tyvm and hope you had a nice holiday weekend.

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If you guys ever plan to nerf condi tempest, do not nerf the class or the burning ratios, just nerf the random pistol that is overpowered when your skilled at it. I dont want the only reason i play the game to be nerfed. I like the idea for power tempest for different raid situations but please do not nerf condi tempest

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On 5/24/2024 at 8:23 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Elixir X: This skill now also has a chance to transform the user into a lich.

Please make elixir X to something useful... the rng makes this skill unpredictable and more to a meme.

You need rampage? - Well you get tornado

You need tornado? - Well you get lich

You need lich? - Well you get rampage

I wish elixir X would work like elixir of ambition, just a panic button to gain all boons for a short duration.

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Dev's refusal to actually do something good with Engineer no longer surprises me.
Just delete the class and pretend it never existed. Because you clearly don't know what to do with it, you don't understand it's problems and you ignore players feedback for years.

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1 hour ago, mov.1246 said:

Please make elixir X to something useful... the rng makes this skill unpredictable and more to a meme.

You need rampage? - Well you get tornado

You need tornado? - Well you get lich

You need lich? - Well you get rampage

I wish elixir X would work like elixir of ambition, just a panic button to gain all boons for a short duration.

How about turning it into Whirlpool that you throw on floor that pulls enemies towards it's center and removes their boons? Oh wait, it's cast-on-self, so how about something similar to "Reaper of Grenth"? For 10s you'll gain AoE around you that will remove boons and slow enemies? Or it could increase your 3 highest stats by 50% for x seconds... Although the vision of spawning small tornadoes every few seconds from your backside is also alluring.

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Maybe signet of humility should work like dragons tooth. Short cast and after a few seconds it activates the skill. This way it will be at least a guaranteed way to get a dodge out of the player and the skill will at least have some value... 

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