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This new system is absolutely trash....fights are one sided

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I'm on MoL as well... If you've watched Death Note, remember that one scene in the beginning? Where Ryuk explains how the Shinigami realm follows the same routine, day in day out, causing everyone to be bored -and some to even venture to our world sometimes just to feel some excitement... This about sums up how I feel about WvW these days, and the increasing urge to do stuff but in PvE instead x) 

Edited by Codename T.2847
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In Tier 1 the fights are back and forth throughout prime time NA. 

Off hours can be one sided but it hasn't all been the same side, it rotates. 

I have to wonder if all the people crying about the new system are the ones who put absolutely no effort into allianing with anyone.  Leaving things to fate usually doesn't turn out well. 

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3 hours ago, Codename T.2847 said:

I'm on MoL as well... If you've watched Death Note, remember that one scene in the beginning? Where Ryuk explains how the Shinigami realm follows the same routine, day in day out, causing everyone to be bored -and some to even venture to our world sometimes just to feel some excitement... This about sums up how I feel about WvW these days, and the increasing urge to do stuff but in PvE instead x) 

I have to admit, but doing pve grinds aint bad. I guess week off from wvw does good in this toxic relationship 😁

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On 6/22/2024 at 3:05 PM, Triptaminas.4789 said:

MOL here, we didn't even had voice coms a single time during whole week

Problem is that we, the ebg molds playing 8h a day, with alliance where from 30 online people 30 is sitting in wvw, playing against pve and more casual people. 

There was no coordination, no intentionally boonballing, I'm sorry if it hits your ego lads. 

We didn't had fun, we was looking for a fight, but complained all the time about balance, we should not be playing against you lads, the gap in skill and nolifing is simply too great. U had no chance, neither green nor blue voice blobs had a chance against our clouds. 

Asides that bait condi boonball that bringed 15s skill ques, they managed to vype cloud every 5 attempts in eb. 

It's pretty much same story this match too for us, it's boring, i guess it will take few more matches to get some more balanced matches. 

Dont know if you are sarcastic about being bored for no content, when reds just camp +5v1 everywhere. Show you guys just enjoy lottery win.

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I agree with original poster this sucks. Im sitting in the other room from my kids and NONE of us are on the same WvW server. What genius thought this up? I just bought your new expansion but if WvW is going to  run like this Ill just go play something else. I cant believe you dont even have an option to switch to your friends/family/ guilds server. Yall broke PVP with builds that insta-kill everyone if they haven't played for years and now your gutting WvW. Have you guys gotten into the game and tried talking to new players, they hate PVP because they just drop and have no chance. You removed any items in PVP that allowed survival or tank builds and now you guys decided to just toss a grenade into WvW server balance. I expect better from Anet. Yall have done so well for so long and now your killing the main reason people played GUILD WARS to fight others, but all the love and balance seems to be focused on PVE now. Its a shame.

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On 6/29/2024 at 3:25 PM, Bugabuga.9721 said:

In our case we have one good WvW guild in alliance and various degree of bad players  and we got topped up with random bad pugs. Result -- one map with good wvw guild has KDR of 5, every other map 0.02 - 0.3. So it's a bit of an ugh. And same goes for coverage -- outside of NA prime time outmanned everywhere in off hours. So whatever method of new "server" forming is not really working very well. Or severely depends on how lucky you are

Just want to make sure we're on the same page, you agree that it's that one map with the 5kdr that's the problem, right . . ?

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3 hours ago, guildwarstwentytwelve.5693 said:

I agree with original poster this sucks. Im sitting in the other room from my kids and NONE of us are on the same WvW server. What genius thought this up? I just bought your new expansion but if WvW is going to  run like this Ill just go play something else. I cant believe you dont even have an option to switch to your friends/family/ guilds server. Yall broke PVP with builds that insta-kill everyone if they haven't played for years and now your gutting WvW. Have you guys gotten into the game and tried talking to new players, they hate PVP because they just drop and have no chance. You removed any items in PVP that allowed survival or tank builds and now you guys decided to just toss a grenade into WvW server balance. I expect better from Anet. Yall have done so well for so long and now your killing the main reason people played GUILD WARS to fight others, but all the love and balance seems to be focused on PVE now. Its a shame.

"If they haven't played for years"??? You don't even need good gear to do PvP now, it's as fair as it can be for new and old players. Might wanna take a look at your builds though, if they're the same as years ago....

Edited by One more for the road.8950
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7 hours ago, guildwarstwentytwelve.5693 said:

I agree with original poster this sucks. Im sitting in the other room from my kids and NONE of us are on the same WvW server. What genius thought this up? I just bought your new expansion but if WvW is going to  run like this Ill just go play something else. I cant believe you dont even have an option to switch to your friends/family/ guilds server. Yall broke PVP with builds that insta-kill everyone if they haven't played for years and now your gutting WvW. Have you guys gotten into the game and tried talking to new players, they hate PVP because they just drop and have no chance. You removed any items in PVP that allowed survival or tank builds and now you guys decided to just toss a grenade into WvW server balance. I expect better from Anet. Yall have done so well for so long and now your killing the main reason people played GUILD WARS to fight others, but all the love and balance seems to be focused on PVE now. Its a shame.

Make a family guild.

Invite your family to join it.

Encourage them to select it as their WvW guild.

Wait till next relink.


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16 minutes ago, Nash.2681 said:

What's really bad about the system (if I understood it right)- in the past, you knew the moment you were put against WSR you would just skip that week for WvW. Now it seems they're mostly on MoL, but in four weeks we have to figure things out again...

In that case... did WR split them up? Because alot of old WSR seem to be on Khormir. I never could keep track of guilds though.

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21 minutes ago, Nash.2681 said:

What's really bad about the system (if I understood it right)- in the past, you knew the moment you were put against WSR you would just skip that week for WvW. Now it seems they're mostly on MoL, but in four weeks we have to figure things out again...


1 minute ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

In that case... did WR split them up? Because alot of old WSR seem to be on Khormir. I never could keep track of guilds though.

Actually, a lot of them are on Bloodstone Gulch.

There you go. Old WSR is on at least three teams (actually maybe four) and still very much noticed. While there's old servers I am yet to figure out if have anyone anywhere. So one point to WR.

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2 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

In that case... did WR split them up? Because alot of old WSR seem to be on Khormir. I never could keep track of guilds though.

Just my assumption. The first two weeks were pretty ok matchup wise. Win some, lose some, but no extreme outliers (guess I was lucky). This week we got put against MoL and feels like WSR all over again, which is why I guess quite some of those people ended up there. You know, huge boon-ball-blobs 24/7 on every maps, spawn camping, etc. It feels just like WSR 2.0. But same as you, I'm bad at tracking guilds so might be coincidence.

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3 minutes ago, Nash.2681 said:

Just my assumption. The first two weeks were pretty ok matchup wise. Win some, lose some, but no extreme outliers (guess I was lucky). This week we got put against MoL and feels like WSR all over again, which is why I guess quite some of those people ended up there. You know, huge boon-ball-blobs 24/7 on every maps, spawn camping, etc. It feels just like WSR 2.0. But same as you, I'm bad at tracking guilds so might be coincidence.

MoL ended up having several different guilds strong in different ways and time zones together, so it's a good mix of old WSR, French guilds from several places, Baruch Bay and a few more.

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1 hour ago, Nash.2681 said:

What's really bad about the system (if I understood it right)- in the past, you knew the moment you were put against WSR you would just skip that week for WvW. Now it seems they're mostly on MoL, but in four weeks we have to figure things out again...

The landfill that was WSR at the end is not on MoL.

You are conflating the misery of playing against the chimpanzee's tea party, with what is simply very poor Team-making by Anet resulting in an apparently over-stacked MoL relative to it's competitors so far.

Edited by T G.7496
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17 hours ago, Gop.8713 said:

Just want to make sure we're on the same page, you agree that it's that one map with the 5kdr that's the problem, right . . ?

How?  I'd look at the KDR on all the maps and call them all problematic, not just the one.  0.02?  Ouch!

Edited by Chaba.5410
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They way I read it is the poster is on a world with a guild capable of fighting, but they're avoiding the fights available on other maps to farm their existing map . . .

My world is kind of in a similar situation, matched up against a world whose main alliance is led be a famous "fight where the enemy isn't" comm, so fights are hard to come by and kdr is lopsided, but not because anet didn't provide us with balanced populations . . .

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WR has kicked up one hell of a dust cloud, and it might not get a chance to settle for a few reshuffles. Too many matches seem off(by more than what used to be normal) in timezones, styles, general population and activity. Average group size seems to either be large, huge, or non-existent. Time will tell, and we will see if anet will do anything, but what pops into my head is a quote from starcraft 1's science vessel if you click it enough, "Ah! Who set all these lab monkeys free!?"

That has got to be how they feel about now.

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On 6/30/2024 at 10:12 AM, Palikka.8249 said:

Dont know if you are sarcastic about being bored for no content, when reds just camp +5v1 everywhere. Show you guys just enjoy lottery win.

Nah, we're legit bored, or at least I and a few friendos sure are, there are rarely instances where we go "Woah that was a great fight. Nice content!" Steamrolling also means that we seldom get to fight the people that are seasoned enough to make it interesting, and the pugs give up way too easily, hence red EBG 20 hours a day. 

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I don't feel any difference to before.

Random as usual.

Unbalanced as usual.

I just hope we are still in the data collecting phase for future improvments of matching, and that this is not the final stage.

Ally community got worse. That's what I noticed in the past weeks.

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