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Please remove Rift Hunts from the WV Dailies

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23 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

I miss jumping puzzles, for instance. Only one weekly, meh.

Also, no need to make fun of someone for not liking certain content. I find the current Dailies to be mostly boring, and in all honesty, if I never have to see another Kryptis again that would be fine with me. 😉

See? And I don't consider Rifts content. I like to play actual content when I play the game. I rather go to one of the core Tyrian champions or some Hero Challenge for breakbars. 😉

I rather see JP's removed then, i hate them. if you find the dailies boring, dont do them and do something you like. there is plenty to do for every liking. no need to take away other people's joy.

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It's inconvinient to find and join a squad for just one rift, then leave them. I'd like to see it removed as well.

When JW will be out, rifts will be way less popular than right now, and it'll be harder to find a squad just for one rift.

I'm very happy that they removed the JP's, Mini Dungeons and Activities from the dailies. They bored me to death and made me ignoring the dailies for many months.

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3 hours ago, Parasite.5389 said:

I'll usually do a rift if i have to break a defiance bar

Bah, that takes too long. 🤣 Aerodrome golem + single Chrono cast of Gravity Well = done in a couple seconds.

It takes longer to walk to the golem console and spawn one with a bar than it does to break the bar.

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I feel the entire debate of the rifts comes down to either "they take too long" or "my personal opinion is that they are boring" the latter i can somewhat understand, but people who say that rifts take too long...why? isnt the point of the game to waste time? if the arguement is "I want to to more fun things with my time" there is no need to participate. dailies are not the only thing in the game. the whole "It needs to be done fast" mentality is really confusing me.


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1 hour ago, Azinoth.1902 said:

It's inconvinient to find and join a squad for just one rift, then leave them. I'd like to see it removed as well.

When JW will be out, rifts will be way less popular than right now, and it'll be harder to find a squad just for one rift.

I'm very happy that they removed the JP's, Mini Dungeons and Activities from the dailies. They bored me to death and made me ignoring the dailies for many months.

Good thing T1 rifts are designed to be solo'd so the need for a squad for the one rift for a daily isn't there at all..

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1 hour ago, Kinurak.5307 said:

dailies are not the only thing in the game. the whole "It needs to be done fast" mentality is really confusing me.

No they're not, but they are typically an easy and obvious source of game income and rewards that can be earned with minimal effort, therefore the incentive to do them exists.

However, they tend to be repeatedly drawn from the same limited pool of options so after the first cycle or two they're unappealing and dull.

The speed thing is simply to get the repetitive chores done and collect your pay quickly, so you can get back to whatever you would rather be doing.

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Here's what they should do instead: increase the variety of things you can choose to do for the daily, but keep the requirement of 4 to complete and cap the amount of daily astral acclaim to 5 sets. Each day should have a map boss, a jp, cc bar, kill 10 things, craft 10 things, salvage 10 things, gather 10 things, do a rift, view a vista. From those categories it can be varied further by specifying specific objectives from those types. 9 options, only 4 count for completion, and only 5 will actually give you currency.

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9 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Please remove Rift Hunts from the WV Dailies

Why would you ask for content to be removed? It's fun, gets people together for a good cause (keeping Tyria safe), and gives good loot. 💰

Just don't do it if you don't want to.

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2 hours ago, Zera.9435 said:

Here's what they should do instead: increase the variety of things you can choose to do for the daily, but keep the requirement of 4 to complete and cap the amount of daily astral acclaim to 5 sets.

I'm hoping that the new expansion will add to the pool of available options, rather than replace them completely. The "special" tab will probably be current-expansion focused, but the Weekly and Daily ones should draw from both Soto and JW. Then the next one the following year will add another set to the pool, etc. I'm sure the older content would maybe come up less then the newer stuff, but it would still be an option that comes up.

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Personally, I'd just like to see this particular daily tweaked so that Convergences count for it too. Both award essences, but Convergences are actually worth doing even if you don't need the essence because you also get a daily 2G and a chance at other valuable drops (runes of holding, ascended weapons, etc) so I do those on a daily cycle anyway. And honestly, with how much essence those drop, if you're doing Convergences there's no reason to rift hunt because you'll have so much you can never hope to use it all. It's just kind of a waste all around.

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I'm totally onboard with Anet adding to the pool of WV dailies, ideally adding significantly.

But rifts should definitely stay in the mix IMO.

Of course if more options are added to the dailies then they will likely come up less often so you still get somewhat what OP wants.

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They seemed to have tried to take out the JP pressure from dailies - moving them to the weekly only. Though it always was easy to get mesmers helping to port. A lot of people did not like to do the jumping themselves it seems. (Also players with physical handicaps that have a harder time there.)

Led to the odd thing where they tried to include mini dungeons at first - that now also got removed. (The bugged Valdhertz where everyone tried to do the daily and it was harder to get credit when you were lucky to find it unbugged. The lengthy Spirit Vestibule.)

Adding a new JW one might be a thing. Or including multiple options. (Do x or y like they did with some weeklies.) I bet core accounts also just have the rift - since there are maps in core accounts.


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1 hour ago, Luthan.5236 said:

They seemed to have tried to take out the JP pressure from dailies - moving them to the weekly only. Though it always was easy to get mesmers helping to port. A lot of people did not like to do the jumping themselves it seems. (Also players with physical handicaps that have a harder time there.)

Led to the odd thing where they tried to include mini dungeons at first - that now also got removed. (The bugged Valdhertz where everyone tried to do the daily and it was harder to get credit when you were lucky to find it unbugged. The lengthy Spirit Vestibule.)

Adding a new JW one might be a thing. Or including multiple options. (Do x or y like they did with some weeklies.) I bet core accounts also just have the rift - since there are maps in core accounts.


Only accounts with Soto have rift daily available.

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Adding or removing things from daily is a bit conflicting to me. On the one hand I wish there were more fun dailies, on the other hand there's content that would be pretty much dead if it was not included in the WV objectives just because of how boring and unrewarding it is.

The efficiency mentality of being able to finish that daily objective in 6 minutes doesn't help when people would rather spend 6 minutes killing Queensdale mobs than chasing after rifts.

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They removed the mini dungeons which the vast majority hated and basically just parked alts in them. Rifts are easy, you can often finish multiple dailies with a single rift so I prefer to keep them. It also engaged me in soto content and furthers my legendary armour crafting.


I would however like more variety in the dailies. It's just a bit boring, but still preferable to what we had before WV.

Edited by Tiamat.8254
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23 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

... once JW is out. Seriously, they are the least fun (IMO).

You don't have to do all five, only four, so just skip that one - but instead of asking to take something out of the game that others enjoy, consider recommending an additional daily option so you have more options that will increase the odds of getting things you prefer to do; sounds less myopic.

Sometimes I don't do my dailies, sometimes I don't do my weeklies - there's always that option too. /shrug

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I don't want to go to SoTO maps anymore after JW is out. Removing the rifts from the dailies enable the possibility to add JW-relevant new content instead. Like do 10x stuff with your new warclaw skill etc.

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8 hours ago, Azinoth.1902 said:

I don't want to go to SoTO maps anymore after JW is out. Removing the rifts from the dailies enable the possibility to add JW-relevant new content instead. Like do 10x stuff with your new warclaw skill etc.

Not even a year ago we had people whining that WV removed the variety of the old daily system and now we have people whining for narrowing dailies down to the latest expansion.

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On 6/20/2024 at 8:18 PM, Farohna.6247 said:

Spirit Vestibule daily 😂 

That or The Long Way Around 😉

Disagree with OP though. While I support more options in the WV (possibly with a  AA cap), as others have said, I don't think removing specific content from the WV will help anyone. The "Rift Hunts are braindead content" argument makes no sense and can be applied to literally any other type of content in the game. You can just as easily say "jumping puzzles are braindead content" just because some players just mesmer portal straight through them, while others, like myself, enjoy actually doing them and would hate for them to be removed from WV.

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