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Any devs been to orr lately?

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I decided to play a new class and go through the core story. Only to find all three maps are bugged to hell. the straights of devastation central invasion is constantly stuck. Cursed shore has its meta stuck at jofast's camp. I have no clue what is going on at malchor's leap, but that boy aint right. can anet assign a couple devs to untangle this mess? its embarrassing. 

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39 minutes ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

Did the maps have a reasonable population?  I haven't been to Orr in actual years.  Ugly place.
I just never bothered to run my alts through the full core story.

I saw a few people around, probably more in straights than anywhere else. the metas that did work were certainly getting done. I play in off peak hours due to my timezone. in any case, most of the map metas arent actually group events so that can be done in low pop, they just need to work. I expect more people would be willing to give it a go if if there was more coherency to what was going on. I think most new players would just be confused.

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Orr is actually

1 hour ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

Did the maps have a reasonable population?  I haven't been to Orr in actual years.  Ugly place.
I just never bothered to run my alts through the full core story.

Interesting. I find it's actually quite beautiful there, but the reasons for being there are lacking. 

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I think there were a couple of notes about fixes/polishes there recently? But generally though things don't work there, they still basically work there. Like central straits has always been an issue, but south works and you only really need one these days . . .

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34 minutes ago, Tiamat.8254 said:

Orr is actually

Interesting. I find it's actually quite beautiful there, but the reasons for being there are lacking. 

totally agree, I personally think Orr is one of the most beautiful maps across all MMORPG (try using reshade + max settings)

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It would probably help if you could give some details on what happened. At what point did the groups doing the metas get stuck? What happened when they did - were enemies not spawning? Not counting towards the objectives? Did a friendly NPC get stuck somewhere? Anything that would help them narrow it down and re-create what happened so they can work out how to fix it.

I think ideally it's best to use the in-game bug report function in the map because that includes extra info (like the map IP and time stamp) that lets them look up logs of what was happening, but obviously that's not an option now.

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2 hours ago, Fipmip.7219 said:

I decided to play a new class and go through the core story. Only to find all three maps are bugged to hell. the straights of devastation central invasion is constantly stuck. Cursed shore has its meta stuck at jofast's camp. I have no clue what is going on at malchor's leap, but that boy aint right. can anet assign a couple devs to untangle this mess? its embarrassing. 

None of this is new. It's been happening since release. Many of the escort events during the event chains bug out and nothing can be done to restart them until a map closes.

If this event https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Escort_Magister_Izzmek_to_the_site_of_the_first_signal_beacon stalls (and it does) it stops the temple of Melandru chain in Cursed shore from continuing. 

This is another one that stalls https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Get_Warmaster_Chan_to_Shank_Anchorage_before_the_troops'_morale_breaks which is part of the Gates of Arah Meta in Cursed shore.

The least said about the https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Aid_the_Pact_soldiers_around_the_airship_wreck in Cursed Shore the better, I think from memory they've taken two or three attempts at trying to sort the bug that causes this to stall, but it still happens periodically.



30 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

It would probably help if you could give some details on what happened. At what point did the groups doing the metas get stuck? What happened when they did - were enemies not spawning? Not counting towards the objectives? Did a friendly NPC get stuck somewhere? Anything that would help them narrow it down and re-create what happened so they can work out how to fix it.

I think ideally it's best to use the in-game bug report function in the map because that includes extra info (like the map IP and time stamp) that lets them look up logs of what was happening, but obviously that's not an option now.

Trust me, these have been reported more than enough times over the years. I've lost count how many times I've done so. They are more than aware of what events stall.


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At this point, Orr needs some reworks. I know it's old content, but it is a little embarassing to the game to leave the metas in the state they are. I needed Grenth the other day which used to be a fantastic fight. Just getting to the defence phase meant camping it for an hour/hour and a half. Which is precisely the sort of gameplay they built GW2 to avoid. There's a fair amount collections now that need Orr, so unbugging the escorts and making the metas more active should be side project to be worked on

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2 hours ago, Omega.6801 said:

No one has time for this. Just buy the new stuff - they're doing land-spears now, zomg! /s

They specifically said they are reserving staff for QOL fixes and fixes to old content for the new mini-expac format. Orr maps should definitely be on that list of fixes as many of the events there have been bugged since launch and are becoming more and more required by newer collections.

Edited by Poormany.4507
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The original devs didn't future-proof Orr metas so expansions and updates have caused multitudes of failure-points.  I would guess that the only reason the metas work sometimes is because the failure points are themselves inconsistent.


the devs aren't allowed to fix old content if it works sometimes. They have standing orders to patch and maintain the newest content.


the devs are actually replacing the current broken Orr mettas using current methods.  The difficulty could be in getting the new version of the metta to accurately mimic the original version.  For all I know; they want to replace it all at once, instead of one piece at a time.  They may have been working on it for years.

Possibly none of the above.

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5 hours ago, Omega.6801 said:

No one has time for this. Just buy the new stuff - they're doing land-spears now, zomg! /s

Using sarcasm to drive a point home on this board is akin to using baby powder to glue things together.
The 6 (and invariably more to come) confused reacts are evident of that... but I see you 👍

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It is beyond a joke that Orr is still in this state.

It's bad enough for new players who are playing the story for the first time to come across this but for achivements that need the metas to work (i.e crafting a legendary) it's just absurd to have to map hop everytime an event is supposed to have started only to have to wait another 15ish mins before trying again.

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I think at this point I would just really appreciate hearing whether devs have actually looked into this. Something like "we've seen this, and turns out it such a fiesta, we can't get the resources together to fix this", or perhaps "we've put someone on the case, but so far they've only untangled like 5% of our spaghetti and we can't ship until we've got 100% untangled".

I get that this might be too much spaghetti to untangle. But if that's the case, just let us know? XD

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16 hours ago, Obnoxa.6702 said:

Using sarcasm to drive a point home on this board is akin to using baby powder to glue things together.
The 6 (and invariably more to come) confused reacts are evident of that... but I see you 👍

More like explosive powder sometimes 😂

On topic: I rarely go to Orr anymore. Just when I really need something for a collection or map completion. I recently needed some stuff in Orr for the Gen1 Legendary Spear and, well, I'm glad it's over.

There are bugs but it's sometimes hard to distinguish them from just the sheer randomness of events and event chains. You'd be waiting for an event to pop and after a while you start wondering if it's a bug or part of an event chain that people don't bother starting anymore or something else. 

And I think Orr is the area of GW2 with the most contested WPs to the point where you wonder why even place some of these WPs. So all in all, this combination of elements makes me avoid Orr. And that makes me wonder if most people avoid Orr for such reasons and why Anet doesn't really care about it anymore unless they're related to the story and people can't progress the story anymore.

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@Gehenna.3625 For sure! 🤣

On Topic: While not an excuse by any means, Orr was always the Jon Snow of GW2; before HoT, Orr was the end of the OW for players and I promise you, while you can breeze through there with mounts and power-creep now you could barely get 100 feet in back then. 
Since you couldn't really traverse Orr without a 40+ squad behind you, most of us just avoided it (my first main was Ele and I actually picked making Incinerator over Bifrost, even though I wanted staff more, specifically because getting to Arah was that big a pain in the tush) unless we absolutely had to go on in; so embarrassing though it may be, just get in/get what you need/get the hell back out like we always have, because it's 12 year old content that the majority of players aren't going to bother with even if it was cleaned up 😕

Edited by Obnoxa.6702
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22 hours ago, Zebulous.2934 said:


The original devs didn't future-proof Orr metas so expansions and updates have caused multitudes of failure-points.  I would guess that the only reason the metas work sometimes is because the failure points are themselves inconsistent.


the devs aren't allowed to fix old content if it works sometimes. They have standing orders to patch and maintain the newest content.


the devs are actually replacing the current broken Orr mettas using current methods.  The difficulty could be in getting the new version of the metta to accurately mimic the original version.  For all I know; they want to replace it all at once, instead of one piece at a time.  They may have been working on it for years.

Possibly none of the above.

Most likely simply they are paid for a certain amount of work, and all that work goes for the more current stuff. Nobody's going to work overtime without being paid for it.

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3 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Most likely simply they are paid for a certain amount of work, and all that work goes for the more current stuff. Nobody's going to work overtime without being paid for it.

I wouldn't expect unpaid overtime.  I would expect some committee or department head to assign someone to update or debug old content. I expect older content to have lower priority. I expect the original devs to have been satisfied with whatever code happened to work at the time, and for the new devs to have difficulty navigating through coding decisions that don't currently make sense.

Edited by Zebulous.2934
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Most of the old maps could use a pass, or even a way to get someone to force a map refresh on them. They are fun to explore, have lots of nooks and crannies with some good stuff, but when you specifically need a particular meta or need an NPC to move its way somewhere you shouldn't need to wait every week for the client update to make these maps playable for a few hours before something eventually soft locks again. Last month someone needed the event string to Font of Rhand refreshed and it was stuck at a certain part for nearly 3 days before the weekly client update fixed the map temporarily. 

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