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Anet nailed the new map aesthetics

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I've just played the new xpac for a couple hours and I have to say, I think Anet really nailed the aesthetic of the new maps. The soto maps felt rehashed or lifeless to me, but the new maps really feel lush and vibrant. 

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I couldn’t agree more. Although I’m not primarily a PvE player, I’m completely addicted to this expansion. I love everything about it—the map, the nature, the environment, the art, the geography, the events, the music, the masteries—everything!

This is my favorite expansion of all time. ArenaNet team all did an incredible job.

I find myself stopping just to take in the surroundings. I love wandering around and following events wherever they take me. I even enjoy fishing!

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2 hours ago, Darkk.3018 said:

I've just played the new xpac for a couple hours and I have to say, I think Anet really nailed the aesthetic of the new maps. The soto maps felt rehashed or lifeless to me, but the new maps really feel lush and vibrant. 

Yep, I'm the first to complain about their effort, but I have to admit - I'm a fan of the first map.  /thumbs up

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I agree with OP, also i'm experiencing the same thing i experienced when i started playing gw2 years ago: so many things to be curious about i just stray from one task to another without concluding much XDDD i love getting lost in the first map!

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Couldn't agree more. And with the soundtrack accompanying this maps it creates amazing expirience. I literally forced myself to not use skyscale so I could immerse myself more, and take the whole expirience slowly to enjoy it more. Plus new warclaws are so sweet.

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I love it. The maps feel alive, just like the base game maps used to feel like. I love it that you can just wander around without constantly being hit by mobs, yet if you want there are so many events (certainly on the second map) that you can join in on. I like it that there are only a few that need a party to complete it. There is so much to do that it sometimes feels a bit overwhelming (not in a bad way).  The views are magnificent no matter in what direction you look, the music fitting. 

The new homestead and it surroundings is gorgeous as well.

Good job Anet! 

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Going to add my: love the new map (have been taking my time, not even to the 2nd map yet after 6 hours). Guildies have been saying they enjoy map 2 as well so looking forward to that.

Story I enjoy so far, but I have nothing against slower paced or narrated story missions.

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I love it too! I'm having so much fun exploring and doing events. I haven't seen the second map yet, but the first one is just amazing. Also, can we take a moment to talk about the music? It is SO beautiful and it fits the surroundings perfectly! ❤️ I could keep listening to that soundtrack. 

Edited by Mieke.9125
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Haven't had too much time to play but so far I 100% agree.

They feel fresh, different, yet grounded and therefore believable. Kind of what the core game would probably look like if it was released today.

Edited by Deihnyx.6318
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