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Guild wars 3

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37 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

There were several succesful MMOs around that time. That was a long time ago though, and the market has been already tapped.

Not sure what your point is. There are several successful MMOs around this time as well. And the market has been "tapped" for a long time now.

37 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Notice, btw, that one of the reasons for why GW2 was succesful was that it ended up interesting for a group of players whose needs for an MMORPG were significantly distinct to what other games could provide then.

It was successful but after the initial release there were some issues. The original fanbase from GW1 was divided about GW2 from the start. The promise that they would "take what players loved in GW1" remains unfulfilled to this day. So that was the first thing that went wrong. But then they were confused about which players they would want to cater to and LS1 was a bust in the end. The idea that the game changes over time and you had to be there to experience it was never a good idea imo.

Well, you know the rest of the history but I conclude from this that they weren't even sure what sort of audience was playing GW2.

37 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

And that Anet tried (quite unsuccesfully, i might add) to shift away from that group many times over since. If GW3 will be another attempt at this, it will fail - for the same reason why so far all dev attempts to push more hardcore playstyle were met with, let's say, extremely limited success.

That depends on a lot of things, so I wouldn't speak in such absolutes. Anet might have a better idea by now about what they need to do with an MMO because they had the opportunity to learn from their mistakes. Whether or not they have taken that opportunity remains to be seen, of course.

The question really is, how high Anet/NcSoft will aim with GW3. That is, of course, if it really comes out in the end.

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I actually haven't played Guild Wars 2 in quite some time (I'm not new player tho, 6K+ hours total played time), but if Guild Wars 3 was to happen, I'd switch to it in a heartbeat. Don't even need anything to transfer over from Guild Wars 2.

Edited by Grimegg.1297
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I'll decide about it when I actually see a screenshot or video of GW3 not vague business talk at a meeting. And at best that will prob be towards the end of the decade if ever. I'm still waiting on single player games announced in 2019 😉

So no, I wont be worrying about. Good grief it's a video game 

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How many people "started over" from Guild Wars 1 to Guild Wars 2, how many people still play Guild Wars 1? Who even said GW3 is an MMO? Why do you even phrase it like its "starting over" if its a continuation of the story arch? Why are you crazy enough in 2024 to still have a "main game" and not play other things. There is a point in every MMO's life cycle where you look at the story and go "I'm not even sure these are connected anymore..." and instead of trying to rebuild the engine of a living game... sometimes its just better to improve the engine with a fresh story, fresh systems, learn what people love and people hate about your franchise and take that wisdom to build something that should (but not always) be better.

MMO's are not about numbers, achievements, progress... its about interactions, memories, friendships. You will always carry those with you, even if the platform (the game) changes. Not everyone is going to be excited to play the new adventure and get off the train, some new people might use this as a reason to join at the next station. So even the premise "Starting over" is just a falsehood. So when it arrives, you get to make the same choice as those before you. Play the old game, play the new game, or play a different game... but none of those is an act of starting over.

Edited by Hsanrb.1570
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I'm too old to start over in a new MMO. I haven't even done 50% of what GW2 has to offer. I would rather spend my real time with real life things than start over in an MMO. Besides, what gamemode could they "improve" with a new MMO? They already have the best exploration, openworld boss, and mount system in any MMO in the market. They shouldn't fix what isn't broken.

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Although it's likely a long way off anyway, I'm assuming they'll keep the GW2 servers running in some sort of maintenance mode for many years to come like they have with GW1, so there's no reason to jump ship. I'm old enough to have played through many generations of games with sequels, and usually once the initial "Wow, this is cool!" feeling wears off, I find myself missing XYZ features from the older game and switching back until the newer one catches up through expansions/patches to become a better, more complete game.

The only thing I might do differently from GW2 > GW3 is get it on day one even if I barely play it. I was late moving from GW1 to GW2, and that meant I missed out on a couple of years worth of birthday/anniversary rewards.

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I fail to see concern, excitement, or anything else over a hypothetical game that doesn't exist and may never exist.  And if it's world shattering for someone to even consider, they may need to go outside and get some sunshine.  

I still have a ton of content to work through in GW2, so don't really care one way or the other.  If Anet decides to proceed with GW3, I'll take a look at the end result and go from there.   Why worry about something so far off.   

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1 hour ago, Manpag.6421 said:

Although it's likely a long way off anyway, I'm assuming they'll keep the GW2 servers running in some sort of maintenance mode for many years to come like they have with GW1, so there's no reason to jump ship. I'm old enough to have played through many generations of games with sequels, and usually once the initial "Wow, this is cool!" feeling wears off, I find myself missing XYZ features from the older game and switching back until the newer one catches up through expansions/patches to become a better, more complete game.

This is my one and only hope for GW3. I'm not opposed to trying GW3 if it has an interesting gameplay hook, but I really hope they just keep GW2 running and playable like they've done with the original GW. I burn through the new release content so fast that I'm already playing like "maintenance mode" most of the time - repeating things I like to do, finding little personal RP projects to pursue, etc.

Edited by voltaicbore.8012
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6 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Who do you think wrote GW2 code?

I've read that they also used material from GW1, migrated it, which doesn't allow certain changes that were wanted, and were rejected.

Others say the code was written so sloppily that the programmers are now having problems with it.


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5 hours ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

Not sure what your point is. There are several successful MMOs around this time as well.

Yes, there are several succesful MMORPGs now. And for the most part those are the very same MMORPGs as then. None of them is young.

5 hours ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

And the market has been "tapped" for a long time now.

Yes, which is one of the reasons why new MMORPGs have issues - they do not have an untapped group of players to potentially draw upon. They need to persuade MMORPG veterans to abandon their current games (or, in case of the sequel, that the new game is better than the one before it - just being as good will not be enough to balance the loss of years of investment in the previous title).

5 hours ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

That depends on a lot of things, so I wouldn't speak in such absolutes. Anet might have a better idea by now about what they need to do with an MMO because they had the opportunity to learn from their mistakes. Whether or not they have taken that opportunity remains to be seen, of course.

The question really is, how high Anet/NcSoft will aim with GW3. That is, of course, if it really comes out in the end.

I'd say the question is how low they will aim. And stuff like Throne and Liberty shows that for NCSoft at least the current threshold is very low indeed.

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44 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

Did Anet announce they're actually working on GW3 or it's still the "there was a talk about GW3 thus it's in development" topic?

The conspiracy agents are drumming up noise that the backtrack by the NCSOFT person means it def, absolutely means its happening and we need to get over it. Forgetting of course we've been here more than once before with the "GW3 is in definite development" discussion.

No announcement, no confirmation, no news. Just speculation on a game of unknown genre that may or may not happen by the end of this decade and may or may not replace or sit alongisde GW2. Maybe

I think people just need to move on and play what's in front of them personally and worry about the future when it arrives

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19 minutes ago, Lucy.3728 said:

I've read that they also used material from GW1, migrated it, which doesn't allow certain changes that were wanted, and were rejected.

Others say the code was written so sloppily that the programmers are now having problems with it.


Actually, those are 3 separate things.

1. Yes, the engine was based on GW1 one. Notice, though, that it was heavily modified to allow for things they wanted to implement. They were in no way restricted by it. Saying it was a GW1 engine is like saying that GW3 will be running on the same engine as the original Unreal shooter. Also, both GW1 and GW2 engines were made by pretty much the same team.

2. sure, there are issues with spaghetti code. They were not caused by getting that code from somewhere else. They were caused by developing the game under a very tight schedule (that was heavily accelerated at some point when the game was rushed to completion way ahead of planned time due to certain Pandas).

3. A lot of the restrictions in the code (like weapons not being dyeable) are a result of assumptions made when devs (again, Anet devs) were originally developing the game. That's completely normal. All programs have such assumptions in them. Think of it like a house - you can repaint it, change the roof, windows, internal design, but start messing with the foundations, and you're often better off building a new building.

Notice, that all of it will be equally true in GW3 when it gets made. Devs doing it will make certain assumptions that will be later hard to change. The game will be rushed to completion (because time is money), which means cutting corners, writting code sloppily, and lowered quality control. And, ultimately, a lot of devs that will make it will inevitably leave the company and go work elsewhere, which will leave those that will replace them in situation where they have to work on code that's not theirs.

Except the engine this time will be external work, not Anet inhouse one, which (although bad, because not their own) is apparently at the same time good (because UE).


the argument "they will write it themselves so will have no excuse for not being able to change stuff later" does not hold water. They did write GW2 themselves and there still were things that could not be changed, and in GW3 it will be the same.

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It all depends what GW3 would offer and does it have WvW.

As for crap like "better" graphics i literally could not care any less about that as "better" graphics are like number 175 of my list what i want from new game. 

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My thoughts are if there would be GW3 will it have WvW if not then i don't really care at all. 

Not really fond of starting over again really either as i have already started so many mmo's from the scratch.

As for graphics and such i don't really care at all. 

Other than that i am not really keen on new mmo's in current greedy climate as GW3 would propably not follow GW2 style and would propably adopt something horrendous like the one Star Trek Online has.

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Guild Wars has been a franchise that I've been stuck with ever since my high school days. It's different compared to other MMOs and that's what I like about it. You're not forced to get new gear and new level every 3 months because after that the new shiny gear/level cap comes out and you have to start all over again. Nope.

Guild Wars' horizontal progression and awesome story is what kept me here. I really loved the story in Guild Wars 1 and I started Guild Wars 2 because I knew story-wise they would be related and I wanted to see what happens next. Guild Wars 2's story had its bad moments, especially after Icebrood Saga, but the elder dragon arc which was started in GW1 came to an end and except for the "dragons actually have feelings" thing that they added towards the last few parts, the arc was overall okay.

Now, would I play a Guild Wars 3? If it's related to Guild Wars 2 in an important way and if it's still horizontal progression game, maybe. But if it's a new game that has nothing to do with the older games and is only happening in the same universe, then a big no.

After playing grindy MMOs for many many years, where the games were a second job because if you didn't gear up constantly, you'd be left behind on the next patch that brings new gear and where players with the best gear treated other players like crap because they were ego boosted about how "pro" they considered themselves to be, I decided that Guild Wars 2 will be my last MMO and after that I'm sticking to single players or maximum games that have multiplayer support.

Guild Wars 3 needs to be very connected to the current games to keep me playing, else Guild Wars 2 is the last MMO I'm ever gonna play.

Edited by Crono.4197
small typo
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My interest in the franchise has been on the decline during the last nine months or so. The SotO model just never "clicked" with me for various reasons and I've also been with the game since launch, so I've "done it all" as well.
That being said I don't know if I will migrate to GW3. It's also hard to say. It's stil very early. Sure, we know that it is greenlit. That doesn't say much. It says that they CAN start working on it, not even that they HAVE started working on it. We don't know what it will be not to speak of how it will be. Guess we'll just have to wait. I'll judge/decide it, if there's actual information available.
What I can say is that, if GW2, the game we have at hand, will continue the way of SotO, it's possible I'll lose interest before GW3 hits and I will just not care enough to start another MMO. GW2 was my first MMO and I loved the decade I played very acively. I loved the community. Loved the things when they felt new. But thinking about starting new in a MMO doesn't excite me tbh, so a possible GW3 would have to look really good to make that hard sell.

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If it's sub based or p2w, I'm out. If not, I'll most likely primarily play it and go back to GW1/2 whenever I miss them, as I do now with GW1 (Assuming they keep the GW1/2 servers running). No point thinking about it now anyways since it's most likely 4-5+ years, if not much more, away anyways (assuming it even gets made in the first place). I have more hope in Elder Scrolls VI being released this decade than GW3 tbh, especially since GW2 is still going pretty strong and has at least 2-3+ years of expacs already confirmed.

Edited by Poormany.4507
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17 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:


Every single gem bought with gold was bought previously and placed in the exchange by another player (except for the ones gained via ap rewards as mentioned).


You misunderstand. There's only a few whales in the ocean, the rest may buy some here and there throughout the years, but don't need to pony up if they play the game enough to get the gold to convert.   Also we need to remember we're talking about currency here that does not give egregious power-scaling, outside of more gems or gold which effetely can only enhance fashion and qol (even though baseline qol isn't terrible anyway). Things like armor, runes, relics, sigils etc are all quite cheap compared to the massive qol enhancements like Trading Post in your backpack etc.

So I think the forest is being lost for the trees. After all we're talking about a company who you argue has been more egregious over the years and is dooming about gw3 becoming even worse. I'm telling you that literally nothing has lead me to believe the company has ever been egregious outside of qol updates for veterans who have played the game longer and longer (and revive orbs), and more content thus more buying of said content due to yearly expacs. I'm sure you won't agree with that last point but we can have that debate if you'd like.

So gw3 coming out with a premium mode or some sub fee to me would be suicide for them, and I think they know that. To say otherwise is unfounded and alarmist due to their history of never having subs. Just because they're making gw3 doesn't inherently mean they'll be super greedy and awful. You shouldn't freak out until there's reason to. But these are the forums after all, so hyperbole is practically a given. Especially from cynical ninjas. 

I wouldn't call my lack of skepticism hopium rather realism due to their track record. I love that when I say this the response is "of what two games?" like that's an amazing comeback, but in reality they've made many expacs inside those two games and kept up support for one or the other for practically 20 years. In none of that time did anything remotely alarm me about their business practices when being gamer-centric or consumer-friendly. 

Gw3 offers anet a chance to have a clean slate for something new. I'm in the lions den when defending gw3's development due to all the players here who are so set in their ways with gw2 and are worried about change, but if they don't mess it up they have a chance to make something new and makeup for many of the systematic mistakes they made throughout the years. And if they do mess it up, gw2 ain't going nowhere. We'll still play it, and anet will be forced to develop more for it if the money signs are still there.


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Assuming GW3 happens, which is very much unclear, I'd check two fundamental things (for me):

- Monetization. If it's p2w Korean style, instant nope. Probably the same with a sub, don't like the pressure of "get my money's worth".

- WvW or PvP. Despite starting GW2 as a pure PvE, over the years found myself playing mostly competitive modes. I do story for completion, but really don't care if demons, wizards or dragons take over or destroy Tyria. 

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