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QOL Requests: New for 2024

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1 hour ago, SirDoNKeY.4578 said:

Allow us to customize our player home instance with decorations from raids, and add a legendary armoury room to the instance so we can check out all our cool purples as if they were in a museum.

Only from Raids?  How about from other content?

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5 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Only from Raids?  How about from other content?

agreed. so much more can be done with home and char selection screen to chose what we want to display like a trophy room. n deco theme. sometimes after 12yrs of rewards, we just wnat to chill and look at them. 

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Posted (edited)
14 hours ago, Gelfling.4219 said:

ok so the idea is that in the chat UI, individual tabs appear for each player that whispers to u. 

This will probably end up getting merged into the QoL thread, and not sure what the chances of your suggestion's happening are, but I like it and agree that it makes sense. 👍

On a related note, the new SotO thing of NPC's whispering their lines at you really needs to either stop or be changed to a different type of communication. Peitha, I'm looking at you. It was unique and made sense story-wise when she was just a voice in the Commander's head, but after meeting her in person it's completely unnecessary.

Edited by Teknomancer.4895
Clarity add
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Suggestion: Change the contents of the Black Lion chests more often.

I like opening BL chests. ANET loves selling BL keys. But when the chest content changes and I don't see something I really want to roll the dice on, I have to wait months for the next rotation.

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Posted (edited)

Pajama outfit  pretty please!

more choya items? choya mount!!! A platform carried by 4 choyas!!! to carry the player like their Master! XD

Trained fishing choya! would do the work for you, at least until it would get bored :3c

Edited by Avelione.6075
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Please make Gayala Delve worth playing again. As it stands now it is beyond dead unless its a part of the weekly Wizard's Vault.

I understand that the community complained about the ability to farm the map resulting in the changes to how the loot worked, and I believe it was a mistake.  If it was reverted people might actually play it again. A meta you can run once a day for some juiced rewards and maybe one daily juiced fishing hole is way better IMO than the current "repeatable farm" that's killed the map. Not to mention it makes doing any achievements next to impossible.  We didn't and still don't need another Drizzlewood Coast or Silverwastes.  Players can endlessly farm those maps if the mood strikes.

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Here's one that's been a longtime pain in the butt for me, of which I was reminded tonight: It'd be very helpful if we could move chat tabs, like to reorder them. Every so often I'll misclick and accidentally close a tab, and have to remake it. And if I want them in the order they were before, that means closing and remaking other ones to preserve the order. If my tabs are ordered Map>Local>Guild>Party and I close Local, remaking it puts it on the far right and the only way to move it back is to delete and remake Guild and Party as well, and futz with all of their particular settings. It's a small thing, but has added up to a lot of unnecessary time over the years.

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I'll keep it brief: A lot of the permissions that can be given to guild members are lumped together in pretty annoying ways, so you can't give people one without also giving them others. 

The ones that annoy me most: 


"Admin Lower Ranks" - inviting, promoting/demoting and kicking.

Why are those not separate? I'd love to give many more of my guild members the ability to invite their friends without having to find an officer to ask, but I can't risk giving everyone the ability to kick each other from the guild when they get into an argument. 🙄 


"Use Placeables" - basically everything in the guild storage lumped into one

This one is annoying because it basically contains 3 major things: 1) Placing the guild's consumables (food/banners), 2) withdrawing the guild's siege blueprints 3) crafting decorations (Yes, "Decorator" is a separate permission. But using them as a scribing ingredient counts as "Use Placeables".) I imagine many guilds would like those privileges to go to separate groups of people. The decoration crafting is particularly annoying because many members might want to use it to level scribing or play interior decorator in the guild hall, but guilds can't give them the permission to do so without risking them raiding the food and siege stashes. 

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22 minutes ago, Mevanna.4187 said:

"Use Placeables" - basically everything in the guild storage lumped into one

This one is annoying because it basically contains 3 major things: 1) Placing the guild's consumables (food/banners), 2) withdrawing the guild's siege blueprints 3) crafting decorations (Yes, "Decorator" is a separate permission. But using them as a scribing ingredient counts as "Use Placeables".) I imagine many guilds would like those privileges to go to separate groups of people. The decoration crafting is particularly annoying because many members might want to use it to level scribing or play interior decorator in the guild hall, but guilds can't give them the permission to do so without risking them raiding the food and siege stashes. 

The opposite also applies, they want someone to be able to place food, banners etc. but don't want them deciding since they have access anyway they'll use the guild's "spare" scribing materials to level scribing on their characters.

That happened in one guild I was in. We had 2 scribes who were working together to decorate the guild hall, provide upgrades etc. and then someone who was given permission to access it because they would occasionally run guild missions decided to level a scribe for fun and burned through a bunch of supplies.

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I have noticed that when playing, sometimes I can have my mouse cursor 2 inches away from a target,left click, and it will select them. Is there a mod (allowable) or control scheme setting where I can have more precision in my mouse cursor. Better accuracy in the targeting with my cursor would be so awesome. In addition to tab targeting, I like being able to select the sky or the ground, yet sometimes there is an enemy close by, well close enough anyways, that it doesn't allow me to deselect my target.

This would be MY ideal solution, instead of another keybind to deselect targets.

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A few suggestions for mild improvements to the Achievement Panel:

1. Add a filter for "Uncompleted" items. When it comes to Repeatable achievements, it would hide them once they have exhausted their non-renewable rewards.

2. Reorder the categories for a bit more thematic grouping. Competitive options should be next to each other, for instance, as should higher end PvE items. My recommendation:

  • Daily
  • Bonus/Festival (when appropriate)
  • Character Adventure Guide (though hiding it once completed would be nice)
  • Story Journal
  • Side Stories
  • General
  • SotO
  • EoD
  • PoF
  • HoT
  • Fractals
  • Raids
  • Strike Missions
  • WvW
  • PvP
  • Collections
  • Historical

3. A likely much bigger item, I think it would be good to resort achievements related to Living World releases. SotO illustrates what I think should be the intended design. The achievements directly related to the story are found in the Story Journal. Achievements related to ongoing play within the open world and meta events are instead in the SotO category, under their respective region (e.g. Inner Nayos: Citadel of Zakiros). However, on older releases, we have items such as Jumpy Adventurer from What Lies Within, found within the Story Journal. Conceptually, that would make more sense in Gyala Delve set within the End of Dragons category. Now, I know this would mean splitting up achievements into multiple categories that contribute to a single Mastery achievement. However, we've seen that's entirely possible! Tyrian Taste Testing is in Wizard's Tower, but contributes to the Zakiros Mastery achievement! Note that, besides the expansions, Season 2 technically does this as well: story achievements in the Story Journal, and map achievements for Dry Top and Silverwastes are over in General. Perhaps some standardization could be done to make all the LW seasons fit into this scheme.

4. Bonus item on top of my bonus items: All the Seasons should get proper names. They all deserve something at least as cool as "The Icebrood Saga"!

There are my wishes!

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Our guildies are hoping for a fashion template that can keep fashion in line with the build and equipment template we selected, so that in each template can have different dye and skin applied towards items outside the wardrobe like mount, outfit (not just overwrite the wardrobe looking), minis, fishing rod, etc., pretty much all the current tabs within Equipment.

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Please make the UNDYING a playable race. That would be so great. Also some better light legging options. Like the Medium Foxfire leggings but wearable for all armor types.  the leggings for heavy and light suck compared to medium. 

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The... what?

What are the Undying? (I haven't played SoTO, so...is that a new thing introduced in the expansion?) Don't really care for a new race - it's been discussed many times on the forums, and will likely never be implemented for a very wide variety of reasons.

Also did you mean Foefire leggings, or...? Because sure, shorts would be nice.

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Posted (edited)

NPC town clothes.

Elites guarding HP in EOD to get nerfed .  I'd even accept some of the HP's being turned into combat to acquire instead of beating someone as strong as a boss just to get an HP.  Not everyone has an endgame build and not everyone is able to do a million combos and rotations at once.

Edited by nobleboivin.4102
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41 minutes ago, Batel.9206 said:

The... what?

What are the Undying? (I haven't played SoTO, so...is that a new thing introduced in the expansion?) Don't really care for a new race - it's been discussed many times on the forums, and will likely never be implemented for a very wide variety of reasons.

Also did you mean Foefire leggings, or...? Because sure, shorts would be nice.

The op is confused. There is no Undying race. They refer to a dead GW1 character brought back to being undead from a choice of having to face Grenth or helping the Astral Ward in SoTo

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41 minutes ago, Batel.9206 said:

The... what?

What are the Undying?


42 minutes ago, Batel.9206 said:

(I haven't played SoTO, so...is that a new thing introduced in the expansion?)

not really, unless you count gw1 based npc galrath the undying (where "the undying" is the kind of title there, not some sort of species, and before he went undead he was normie human.)


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24 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Gods, no. Not another playable race thread.  Please do a search and read the many, many previous threads on this topic. 

I think you meant, "many, many, many," right? Or are we up to 4 many's now?

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I think it would be lovely for more materials to be put into material storage such as gift of battle, craftsmanship, and nearly anything else that is pivotal in creation of legendary armor or weapons. There has already been great strides in this. I also think it would be great if the Tyrian Exchange Voucher was updated to reflect map currencies for things in EoD like the favors and Captured Lightning and Stardust for example to also be included as selections since they are also a form of currencies.

Visual Updates

It has been a while since new elite specializations were released and everything is implemented and functional, but one thing that has been lacking is the interaction between the equipped legendary weapon and certain skills that are used by each profession. For example; if you are a Willbender with an Aurene weapon equipped, the fire trailer left behind would be rainbow, alternatively if it was a SooWon skin, you would leave a water trail in your wake. Also, as a side note; I know many people who favor WvW and PvP would love an update/upgrade to their existing legendary armor to differentiate the visual prowess of it's legendary status compared to it's "precursor" variant.

Dual-Usage Materials

With the release of the new legendary armor, we have another path for players to decide to take on their journey toward utility. For those that may have already done raids and continue to do so, it would be great if Legendary Insight (LI) would be to contribute toward progress for another legendary armor variant if the raid sets have been completed as it would be entirely for cosmetic purposes anyway.

Tackle Box

Maybe this has already been posted here in the forums, but fixing materials take up a lot of space with not just the lures, but also the bait (mostly the bait). It would be great the eliminate that space and have it function in a similar way to material storage and just stack inside a box that would get spent directly from there when fishing.

thank you for your consideration 🐹

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