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QOL Requests: New for 2024

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People could still park characters at the end.
No one forces you to take a TP, you can do the Puzzle fair and square if you so desire.
Other people TP'ing does not hinder your ability to do the Puzzle, nor does it reduce your rewards.

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Some of QoL I'd like to see:

  • Please, during character creation (for alts) let us select option "skip tutorial" 
  • Hearts & other points on maps (HoT, LW maps) with multiple levels - when hovering over heart or HP or whatever add small text like (Ground Level), (Level 1) or just (Hint: Found above the volcano mountains). I see many people doing Aurora for example struggling to get to right places on maps, it's the same with jungle maps, Bloodstone Fen etc. 
  • Writing items names to delete those - can you please add "Don't ask me again" option, so that we don't need to spend so much time typing names of skins all the time?
  • Delete/Change Karma Merchants that sell 7 karma carrots on every single map, same with Armors and low level Weapons. 
  • Change Provisioner Tokens limit from 1 per day to 2 per day, please bring more merchants that use raw materials or even essences that are stuck in inventory and keeping up the space or make use of those sigils of demon slaying and let us buy those in Wizard Tower for like 50 of sigils, cause just from Inner Nayos meta you can get plenty of those. Since they're worthless on merch or TP but they still drop, at least let's make some use of it. 
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Please fix Charr tails on some of the older armors, for example the Flame Legion armor from the Citadel of flame, this light armor makes your Charr's tail into a lava texture, it's so cool! what's not cool is the way it clips and looks terrible.

It's been like this since release (12 years ago!)

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I want to preference this by saying that I'm very excited by all of the new spear animations. The new skills look visually interesting, dynamic, and mechanically varied. All in all, I've come away with a pretty great first impression on the new spears. 

That being said, I do worry that some of the persistent effects seen in the trailers could become obstructive from a gameplay perspective when multiple players are painting the ground with these massive visual effects, exacerbating a problem with visual noise that can even obstruct certain mechanics from being visible on the ground. This extends to other skills in the game like Specter wells, some Firebrand tome skills, and Untamed unleashed skills, among others. 

In order to alleviate the potentially obstructive nature of some of theses abilities, I think it would be beneficial to reduce the opacity of certain skills that leave persistent ground effects when they are sourced from other allied players. This could be done dynamically, like how being near siege turtles reduces their opacity, or through a setting that players could choose to opt in to. This could free up some of the on-screen clutter that can hinder gameplay, while still allowing the skill effects to exist as visual indicators for allies. 

Now I'm not a developer not do I presume to know the difficulty or feasibility of implementing something like this, but I do think reducing the opacity of other players' skill effects could be considered as a method of improving long-term gameplay while still retaining the visual flair of these skills.

Edited by Tempest.8479
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Are you aware of the existing option to hide allies visual effects?

It's at the bottom of the first page of the options menu and it's got options to hide all of them or only show your party or squad. That might well do what you're asking. We'll find out when the spear beta starts, and if spear skills aren't affected by it I'm sure a lot of people will ask for them to be included.

If you were already aware of that option do you see this being an additional option from the same drop-down list, or a seperate thing?

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29 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

It's at the bottom of the first page of the options menu and it's got options to hide all of them or only show your party or squad. That might well do what you're asking. We'll find out when the spear beta starts, and if spear skills aren't affected by it I'm sure a lot of people will ask for them to be included.

If you were already aware of that option do you see this being an additional option from the same drop-down list, or a seperate thing?

I always have the option to reduce visual effects set to only show party members whenever I'm roaming around in the open world, but this concern stems more from instanced group pve where it's important to see your allies' visual effects. Limiting visuals to a squad or party doesn't help when actually in a setting that uses a squad or party and often benefits you to see what and where the skills your allies use are. In these situations, the persistent ground effects I mentioned can often render over certain boss tells, thereby obstructing and hindering gameplay. 

What I'm suggesting would ideally be applied separately, either through an additional setting or as an always-on dynamic approach like how it works for siege turtles. That way when you're in content where it benefits you to see what your allies are doing, the persistent ground effects could still serve their purpose without preventing allies from seeing certain mechanics.

Edited by Tempest.8479
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1 hour ago, AlphaWolvesGamer.5790 said:

With all of the "painting" themes for the newest Spears, think they'll add a Paintbrush skin?
I'd love a Legendary - if not even a Gemstore - skin of a Paintbrush Spear. Would work very well with the themes for Mesmer and Revenant. 

Not really my cup of tea but I know my wife would love it so I would end up buying for at least one account anyway.

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1 hour ago, AlphaWolvesGamer.5790 said:

I'd love a Legendary - if not even a Gemstore - skin of a Paintbrush Spear. 

Wait and see what the damage numbers are. "Hits like a wet paintbrush" might be a thing.


22 minutes ago, Karaha.3290 said:

What "painting themes"?


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Technically, I guess it's only the Revenant with the painting/ink themes since the Mesmer is more on patterns and quillwork (at least the terminology they're using). Based on the terminology describing the Revenant Spear ("Wielding dark power from the Mists, they paint the battlefield through constant pressure and debilitating effects. Let’s dive in and talk about how this condition-based hybrid weapon works.") along with the video that was shown on the trailer.

At least that's what I took away from the video and the description. Revenant very much seems paint and ink themed with this weapon.

20 minutes ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

Wait and see what the damage numbers are. "Hits like a wet paintbrush" might be a thing.


43 minutes ago, Karaha.3290 said:

What "painting themes"?

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Please update the ancient UI

- the tiny and nearly indistinguishable icons of boons and conditions are hard to read, especially when there is so many of them
- need a new UI element below the Enemy Target nameplate with a castbar to display what the target is casting (a progress bar). This would be very helpful for new players, especially in PvP (add a toggle for the ones who don't want to use it).

Please do something simple but effective changes in PvP

- disable the chat during PvP, introduce generic commands like in FFXIV (Hello, Cover Me, Attacking X, etc). Disable whispers, too.
- measure participation and effectiveness in PvP, and make them count toward the reward system (to eliminate AFK leechers)
- enable 2v2 and 3v3 permanently (or maybe add a random roulette feature), having only Conquest for months is boring

Please improve the LFG tool

- it's easy to get lost, so make it more visual, for instance, put Heart of Thorns logo at the Heart of Thorns category, etc.
- make the LFG tool remember which category I opened last time (at least until logging out)
- maybe consider adding automated party finder for Raids to make them more accessible to casuals (it's okay if the difficulty and rewards are reduced)


- it's very annoying to stuck in combat for so long, when there are obviously no more enemies around... it happens to me every day. Please do something about it
- fall damage should never make the player enter combat, it's very annoying and pointless, especially in PvP, let alone the speed reduction...

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1 hour ago, AlphaWolvesGamer.5790 said:

Technically, I guess it's only the Revenant with the painting/ink themes

It's no paint/ink theme, it's Revenant/Mallyx/Torment theme.

The spikes you see at the skills is clearly inspired by the Mallyx legend design and mabye from the Torment effect, which looks like continuous red slashes.
The red and black are Revenants official colors plus the red also fits the Torment. And as you can see in the video, all skills indeed inflict Torment, so the visuals are in line with what the weapon does.
You can see the same color theme at mace and axe. Especially Axe 5. And you can see the same "spiky" theme at the Mallyx legend, just with Mallyx's purple and black instead of red and black.

But to be fair, the effects - especially the first shown swing trails - are very bold. At first I thought it would be the trail of Twilight.


With that said, a paintbrush spear skin would be pretty funny.

Edited by Karaha.3290
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9 hours ago, AlphaWolvesGamer.5790 said:

"Wielding dark power from the Mists, they paint the battlefield through constant pressure and debilitating effects. Let’s dive in and talk about how this condition-based hybrid weapon works.")

I thought they were referring to painting the battlefield with the blood of the enemy, aka indiscriminate slaughter and violent bloodletting. This would make sense, if spear is going to focus on Bleeding, alongside with Torment.

Although I'm not too sure what this topic has to do with QoL (which this thread is about).

Edited by Fueki.4753
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Any chance we can get an option to trade our silk weaving thread for provisioner tokens like we can with charged quartz, mithrillium, thick elonian chord, and elder spirit residue? It's really odd that you guys left out the silk weaving thread as a currency for them. I made a whole bunch of them expecting to need them for the obby armor. Since they aren't needed for that armor, I would very much like to be able to trade them for provisioner tokens because now I have a bunch of them that I have no use for. Please let me trade them for provisioner tokens.

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Could we please dismiss miniatures when we stealth and then resummon them after we unstealth? I've avoided miniatures for a decade now because of how miniatures behave with stealth in PvP and WvW. People often frown upon others who use mini pets within these forms of content.

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Countless times I have seen someone merge 2 separate organized LFG squads by accident.

Can we please give both the commanders an option to allow or deny any merge attempt?  or restrict merge attempts to commander initiated only?

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I would love more social emotes. I'm kind of flabbergasted we still don't have a simple /hug emote, or a lot of the social emotes that exist in FFXIV. This includes visor toggle emotes (like /visor) that FFXIV has for lifting the visors on helmets, instead of having to release two completely different versions of helmets with and without the eye covering.

I would also like to be able to change the Mechanist's mech cosmetic. I don't know why we still don't have this feature. The Jade Mech not having swappable cosmetics kills a lot of cosmetic options for engineers.

I'd love some actual crossovers with other games, like FFXIV, Monster Hunter, or other franchises. Considering the above point, if Call of Duty can do a collab with Mobile Suit Gundam, I don't know why GW2 couldn't ask for the same, especially considering the demand to bring the game back to Japan (servers were shut down there in 2015). If we could have some of those cosmetics and events, it would certainly bring a lot of attention to the game and be great for advertising!

I'd love the Ministry of Purity Samurai outfit from GW1 Winds of Change, with a toggleable mask (I love the concept art where he is taking the mask off and has the white face paint on underneath) that would be perfect for the aforementioned /visor emote, and also Reiko's outfit which is very pretty IMHO. I love the artwork for that, too! Zhengyi Wang's concept designs for those two outfits are beautiful, and arguably my two favourites in the franchise!

Also... fists weapons when?! 

Probably my biggest QoL ask though is rollback netcode. GGPO is only a phonecall away! It would help mask a lot of the latency issues the game has.

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While I believe the developers are likely aware of the majority, if not all, of the issues requiring attention, I've decided to add my suggestions as well to emphasize which systems may have a more significant impact on the community directly.

1.      Squad labels- a nice quality of life for the commanders to keep track of the player role in their squad is to have the ability of adding labels on the individual squares of the squad grid. In particular it would be nice to be able to add icons (maximum of three icons can be added to a single square, if multiple icons are added to a compressed squad window, they can be visible by mouse hovering) that refer to specific boons such as alacrity or quickness to specific player so the commander can keep track of individual player roles. This system can be expanded in the future by adding icons that refer to specialty roles the refer to specific mechanics

2.      LFG- in my opinion the looking for group system is the most important system that requires attention. This system is fine for the role playing, looking for guild, event/skill point trains and achievement sections. However, its current implementation is insufficient when it comes to content that demands an organised group with specific roles. For instance, if more players join the advertised group for a limited number of specialised roles, the group leader is forced to kick the excess players if they cannot switch to another role (this is more common in fractals because of the requirement of agony resistance to certain armour sets). This forces the group leader to change the description in the LGF every time a new player joins. Moreover, in large organised groups (such as convergence CMs) there’s the additional challenge for the group leader to figure out the roles of 50 players. These issues make the experience tedious resulting to less people using the system and by consequence less groups forming. So how to increase transparency and useability? My suggestion is to split the LGF to two panels, an advertise board and a group creator panel. The board advertiser essentially works as the current LFG and it will contain all the existing tabs excluding fractals, raids and strikes. This will serve as a platform to advertise guilds, finding people who enjoy similar content, advertising events and general socializing (also selling raids and CMs but that’s unavoidable!). The group creator will contain the raids, strike missions, fractals, convergences tabs (these tabs can be also subdivided to subcategories e.g. specific bosses). When you create a party in this panel a pop-up window will emerge of the squad UI with the number of squares equivalent to the number of players required for each specific content (e.g. raids- 10 squares, convergences- 50 squares). The group leader can assign specific roles to each square by either a typed text, an icon that shows the desired boon (as described on the previous point) or class (personally I would be against of advertising for specific classes, the boon icons should be enough), or both text and icons. The players who want to join the group will have to click on one of the empty squares thus creating more transparency. This system can also lay the groundworks for a quick join option were players assign themselves roles and an algorithm fills out a group if enough players are queued up based on the current optimal team composition.

3.      Customizable boon UI- I understand arenanet want GW2 to have a certain ui presentation but it would be nice to have an option to assign the order placement of specific boons and conditions in the options menu.

4.      Visual effect options- certain visual in the game unintentionally break immersion or make the game look uglier so it would be nicer to have more visual effect option. The most egregious example is the white flash that occurs when an enemy receives damage. This is especially bad during world bosses as the constant flashing prohibits players from appreciating the model design of enemies. I would introduce an option disabling this feature. Another issue in that adds to the visual clutter are the flashy gem store skins that for many players break their immersion. It would be nice to have an option that restores default models for skiffs, mounts and armour for other players. I understand arenanet is probably concerned that such a feature might potentially harm gem store sales but the majority of player who but these skins do that for their own aesthetic pleasure and not necessarily because other players might find them cool. As an additional benefit to the visual presentation of the game, this feature will allow players to clearly distinguish which skins are optionable in the game  

5.      System homogenisation- this is an ambitious one, I believe there are way too many game formats that cover the same niches and that they could be unified into one. Specifically, dungeons should be split into the personal story (story mode) and fractals (explorable mode). Instead of arenanet having to design a new fractal every expansion, it would be nice if the repurposed the existing dungeons, update them and introduce them in fractals over time. On that note, forging steal would be more successful as a fractal instead of a strike. Dragonstorm, marionette, tower of madness, battle for lion’s arch can be all grouped into the convergences system.    

6.      Finally it would be nice to have an option adjusting the levels of other player's or ambient npc's dialogue volume

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26 minutes ago, neoklis.5183 said:

1.      Squad labels- a nice quality of life for the commanders to keep track of the player role in their squad is to have the ability of adding labels on the individual squares of the squad grid. In particular it would be nice to be able to add icons (maximum of three icons can be added to a single square, if multiple icons are added to a compressed squad window, they can be visible by mouse hovering) that refer to specific boons such as alacrity or quickness to specific player so the commander can keep track of individual player roles. This system can be expanded in the future by adding icons that refer to specialty roles the refer to specific mechanics

2.      LFG- in my opinion the looking for group system is the most important system that requires attention. This system is fine for the role playing, looking for guild, event/skill point trains and achievement sections. However, its current implementation is insufficient when it comes to content that demands an organised group with specific roles. For instance, if more players join the advertised group for a limited number of specialised roles, the group leader is forced to kick the excess players if they cannot switch to another role (this is more common in fractals because of the requirement of agony resistance to certain armour sets). This forces the group leader to change the description in the LGF every time a new player joins. Moreover, in large organised groups (such as convergence CMs) there’s the additional challenge for the group leader to figure out the roles of 50 players. These issues make the experience tedious resulting to less people using the system and by consequence less groups forming. So how to increase transparency and useability? My suggestion is to split the LGF to two panels, an advertise board and a group creator panel. The board advertiser essentially works as the current LFG and it will contain all the existing tabs excluding fractals, raids and strikes. This will serve as a platform to advertise guilds, finding people who enjoy similar content, advertising events and general socializing (also selling raids and CMs but that’s unavoidable!). The group creator will contain the raids, strike missions, fractals, convergences tabs (these tabs can be also subdivided to subcategories e.g. specific bosses). When you create a party in this panel a pop-up window will emerge of the squad UI with the number of squares equivalent to the number of players required for each specific content (e.g. raids- 10 squares, convergences- 50 squares). The group leader can assign specific roles to each square by either a typed text, an icon that shows the desired boon (as described on the previous point) or class (personally I would be against of advertising for specific classes, the boon icons should be enough), or both text and icons. The players who want to join the group will have to click on one of the empty squares thus creating more transparency. This system can also lay the groundworks for a quick join option were players assign themselves roles and an algorithm fills out a group if enough players are queued up based on the current optimal team composition.


Those points are great call for GW2. While your system sounds interesting it does sound complicated and all of that could be avoided by simply adjusting the LFG for Fractals, Strikes, Raids, instanced content as a whole to a queue. The player has to select their role before joining a queue or team aka: aHeal, qHeal, aDPS, qDPS, DPS, tank

And once the player checks his role within a small box, it could be automatically added to a squad/team that requires that role filled. Of course, this would be even easier, if the system was modernized and made automatic like most games these days with queued up section that has a join button > asks you what role you are playing > adds you to the que and then pushes your join to a queue server which starts matching groups/teams/raids/squads/etc until it finds you a team or the team finds the role they require. 

It simple, its fast, its less time consuming and makes the joining to higher content easy. Every player can leave a group shortly after they joined if they find that group not within their liking. Aka, 5 minutes after they've joined and if they do leave, they will have an extra 5 minutes lockout from queue/join option to avoid trolls or spammers. Once a player leaves a team, the team is automatically added back to the queue searching for the same role. Simple, straight to the point and how all MMOs work these days. And it is not that hard to code or to maintain, since you need a server that could hold small amount of strings (text and numbers) data. 

Of course, for Commanders, they can choose to be a commander at the beginning of the queue or they can talk with the group once they join instanced content. It will open so many doors and it will make things way easier for players. Of course, you will be automatically pulled and teleport to the instanced area once the team is complete after you confirm that you want to join or leave the que. Do note that in this case it would be a good chance to add here information about the teammates that you are about to join and you can decide on that window if you want to leave the queue and open the slot for another person of the same role or accept the join and be teleported. If you do select to leave the que and not join the group, then you will get a minute cooldown/lockdown. 


System like that are easy to come up and design, and they are not that hard to build, a matter of simple check and match data. The only problem I am seeing here is that ANet either doesn't have the resources to pull that up, or their engine for some reason does not support queued up which would be shocking considering that we have LFG. 

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I would really love to get some tweaks to the S2 story instances. For example, I'm doing achievements in the Mystery Cave, and every time I have to go through the opening, the tunnel, the cutscene, and then finally the boss. These achievements take many tries and going straight to the boss would be incredibly helpful.

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12 hours ago, The Ghost.3087 said:


Those points are great call for GW2. While your system sounds interesting it does sound complicated and all of that could be avoided by simply adjusting the LFG for Fractals, Strikes, Raids, instanced content as a whole to a queue. The player has to select their role before joining a queue or team aka: aHeal, qHeal, aDPS, qDPS, DPS, tank

And once the player checks his role within a small box, it could be automatically added to a squad/team that requires that role filled. Of course, this would be even easier, if the system was modernized and made automatic like most games these days with queued up section that has a join button > asks you what role you are playing > adds you to the que and then pushes your join to a queue server which starts matching groups/teams/raids/squads/etc until it finds you a team or the team finds the role they require. 

It simple, its fast, its less time consuming and makes the joining to higher content easy. Every player can leave a group shortly after they joined if they find that group not within their liking. Aka, 5 minutes after they've joined and if they do leave, they will have an extra 5 minutes lockout from queue/join option to avoid trolls or spammers. Once a player leaves a team, the team is automatically added back to the queue searching for the same role. Simple, straight to the point and how all MMOs work these days. And it is not that hard to code or to maintain, since you need a server that could hold small amount of strings (text and numbers) data. 

Of course, for Commanders, they can choose to be a commander at the beginning of the queue or they can talk with the group once they join instanced content. It will open so many doors and it will make things way easier for players. Of course, you will be automatically pulled and teleport to the instanced area once the team is complete after you confirm that you want to join or leave the que. Do note that in this case it would be a good chance to add here information about the teammates that you are about to join and you can decide on that window if you want to leave the queue and open the slot for another person of the same role or accept the join and be teleported. If you do select to leave the que and not join the group, then you will get a minute cooldown/lockdown. 


System like that are easy to come up and design, and they are not that hard to build, a matter of simple check and match data. The only problem I am seeing here is that ANet either doesn't have the resources to pull that up, or their engine for some reason does not support queued up which would be shocking considering that we have LFG. 

Yeah the queue system is very good and perfect for raids, fractals and strikes, my only concern with this system are large scale groups such as convergences. For instance when players decide to leave, there has to be a way that tracks what their role was so new players can queue up. The other concern is players joining as certain roles but not necessarily fulfilling them, such as a dps player queuing up as an alacrity dps. Without a UI element denoting what role is a player that joined, it would be tricky to identify who is an imposter in a large group. For a 10 player group this is not a big deal. At the end of the day everyone would rather have a system with only slight potential issues that the current LFG which is inadequate  

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