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Disable tool tips during combat


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@Echoherb.6528 said:The game is quite clearly designed to be used with keyboard commands, which is why action cam exists for example. In fact why don't you just force yourself to use action cam for a while so you can learn to not click anymore.

Man, I really hope this is not the developer's attitude. Something something Norman Doors...

You know the buttons exist why not just force yourself to click them?? OR ... I can play the way I like and you can play the way you like.

The tooltips are interfering with how I interface with the game. It sounds like others are having similar issues. Here is a question for you, for anyone really, what are the benefits for showing skill tooltips during combat ? Those text boxes really diminish the hard work the developers put into combat visuals.

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I have wanted this feature since day 1 of GW2. I don't see why we can't have it as an option, as it would not effect game play for other players. I play with my mouse. I have played many MMOs over the past 20 years, and I always used my mouse. It is how I like to play and I am way too old to change my play style now. It baffles me why ArenaNet has never given me this option. I have not been able to play MMOs in the past that forced me to use keys for abilities.

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@nopoet.2960 said:

@Echoherb.6528 said:The game is quite clearly designed to be used with keyboard commands, which is why action cam exists for example. In fact why don't you just force yourself to use action cam for a while so you can learn to not click anymore.

Man, I really hope this is not the developer's attitude. Something something Norman Doors...

You know the buttons exist why not just force yourself to click them?? OR ... I can play the way I like and you can play the way you like.

The tooltips are interfering with how I interface with the game. It sounds like others are having similar issues. Here is a question for you, for anyone really, what are the benefits for showing skill tooltips
during combat
? Those text boxes really diminish the hard work the developers put into combat visuals.

double/triple checking if a skill is a cc and what kind of cc it is. and those are skill descriptions

heres another one why would you click with a mouse on a skill during combat, or why click with a mouse on skills at al.

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@Zekvich.6701 said:No delay please, I need to check the skills on bundles in combat and things a lot since there is so many things that change your action bar, an option to disable tooltips wouldn't effect me though.

That's a fair point. Kits and bundles that swap out my toolbar have been a nuisance since the beginning of GW2...Still, an option for delayed tooltips would be great.

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i fully support this to be an option as someone who plays on controller and needs to rely on skill clicking. I lose a lot of my visibility when I hover over the skill (some skills just have giant text walls) if it could just hid them when in combat that would be perfect, most people going into combat would know what they have equipped and what it does anyway.

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In general, I deal with two frustrating things during combat, not directly linked to the skill tooltips, but two other things that make me scream (I actually do) in anger:

The game knows when you are in combat, so why would it display that my inventory is full. Now you could say that I just have to be careful, or change looting options or behaviour, but for some reason, this keeps happening, not sure what buttons I mash in the heat of the action (For a rifle Deadeye there are two parts of a fight: The one when I am the predator from afar sitting there sipping on my tea and wait for pulling the trigger, and the part when that fails and I gotta get more engaged in close combat. This particular scenario keeps happening in the latter scenario..)

The wombo-combo of annoyance tops up with me pressing ESC in hectic to close it, but no, it makes me open the game's menu...Why would you spam a window in my face that does not respond to ESC? The ultimative "get out of anything" button with a self-describing name since 1985*?




*Random year.

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  • 4 months later...

@"Klowdy.3126" said:You should try out the action cam. Clicking is a very subpar way of playing. It's really easy to get used to. I set my keys up as so:

1-LMB, 2-Q, 3-E, 4-R, 5-F, heal-T, utility are 1 through 3, elite-4, F1-Z, F2-X, F3-C, F4-B (I don't play a class that needs more F keys than that), rolls is set to MB4 and weapon swap on MB5 (if you have the buttons).

It may be strange to get used to at first, but it didn't take me long. You will see how much better you are using the action cam.

That's YOUR thing. It works for YOU. Your post, however, seems to say that no one else can have any other way to play, or have preferences that aren't involving keybinds. Granted, keybinds are simple to implement, but most folks who care about their gameplay want to just play the game howsoever the controls allow. The controls allow on-click. So some folks play on-click.

The problem is that playing on-click means having that horrible skill description obscuring what you're doing most of the time. And sometimes, in the heat of battle, you lose your position sense and need to click skills (or something else) and your mouse rolls over things that pop-up in your way.

Even if you don't click on skills to play, the skill descriptions will pop up in the middle of things if your mouse happens to go over them. So sticking to keybinds isn't a solution. The problem persists regardless of what style/preference one has.

We shouldn't have to keep those skill descriptions active "on hover" all the time. A right-click on them is really all one needs, or an option to make it pop up only on right-click (making that the default) with no description on hover. Just change the event from on-hover to on-right-click in the code and call the same pop-up function. Make the left/right click on the arrow above the skill what you use to change the skill slot in the 6-10 slots, with a right-click on the skill itself providing the description that disappears on click or when you right-click on another skill. Then you don't need to go changing anything in the options UI at all.

And while we're discussing clicking and cursors, I'd prefer if there was an option to keep the cursor visible at all times, because I tend to lose track of where it went when moving the camera/character. The mouse moves, but the cursor hides while the movement is happening and reappears where it disappeared, not where the thing would have been after moving the camera/character. This means I'm always losing the cursor because I can't see it when it disappears. If it stayed visible the entire time, even if it didn't move, it'd be easier to notice. I had to add Yolo Mouse to help see the thing, which makes it better, but it shouldn't be a problem in the first place.

The cursor should never disappear (except when playing with no UI).

If that's a suggestion for another place, I'll go toss it there, too.

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@mathion.8549 said:

@"Klowdy.3126" said:You should try out the action cam. Clicking is a very subpar way of playing. It's really easy to get used to. I set my keys up as so:

1-LMB, 2-Q, 3-E, 4-R, 5-F, heal-T, utility are 1 through 3, elite-4, F1-Z, F2-X, F3-C, F4-B (I don't play a class that needs more F keys than that), rolls is set to MB4 and weapon swap on MB5 (if you have the buttons).

It may be strange to get used to at first, but it didn't take me long. You will see how much better you are using the action cam.

That's YOUR thing. It works for YOU. Your post, however, seems to say that no one else can have any other way to play, or have preferences that aren't involving keybinds. Granted, keybinds are simple to implement, but most folks who care about their gameplay want to just play the game howsoever the controls allow. The controls allow on-click. So some folks play on-click.

The problem is that playing on-click means having that horrible skill description obscuring what you're doing most of the time. And sometimes, in the heat of battle, you lose your position sense and need to click skills (or something else) and your mouse rolls over things that pop-up in your way.

Even if you don't click on skills to play, the skill descriptions will pop up in the middle of things if your mouse happens to go over them. So sticking to keybinds isn't a solution. The problem persists regardless of what style/preference one has.

We shouldn't have to keep those skill descriptions active "on hover" all the time. A right-click on them is really all one needs, or an option to make it pop up only on right-click (making that the default) with no description on hover. Just change the event from on-hover to on-right-click in the code and call the same pop-up function. Make the left/right click on the arrow above the skill what you use to change the skill slot in the 6-10 slots, with a right-click on the skill itself providing the description that disappears on click or when you right-click on another skill. Then you don't need to go changing anything in the options UI at all.

And while we're discussing clicking and cursors, I'd prefer if there was an option to keep the cursor visible at all times, because I tend to lose track of where it went when moving the camera/character. The mouse moves, but the cursor hides while the movement is happening and reappears where it disappeared, not where the thing would have been after moving the camera/character. This means I'm always losing the cursor because I can't see it when it disappears. If it stayed visible the entire time, even if it didn't move, it'd be easier to notice. I had to add Yolo Mouse to help see the thing, which makes it better, but it shouldn't be a problem in the first place.

The cursor should never disappear (except when playing with no UI).

If that's a suggestion for another place, I'll go toss it there, too.

Wow man, I meant no offense to anyone, and I never implied everyone should do this. It is a fact that everyone that plays in the big tournaments for huge cash prizes don't click abilities. It is slower, it if that's your thing, do it up, I'm not here to tell anyone how to play. I simply offered up a very easy method of action play that requires very little movement over the keyboard. Also, I wrote that six and a half months ago, so I'm not sure why you are attacking me now.

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  • 3 months later...

Wow! What I really don't get is why players that use keybinding or like those tooltips are opposed to the option. I mean, come on guys... we ask for the OPTION to disable it or not. If you like it, then check the box to enable it, if you don't like it then check the box to disable it, and if you use keybinding then continue to hit those keys and don't mind about that option because it doesn't change anything for you anyways. It's that simple. An option like that would make the game more customizable to all gameplay style regardless of your play style. Isn't it the whole point of an OPTION?

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I would appreciate it if the skill description would change from a forced "show upon mouseover" to a "show upon rightlick". This would prevent the text when unwanted, and display it when wanted.

By the way, one of the PC I run GW2 on only has a 1366x768 display (ancient machine). The popup text is huge in that resolution and basically covers half of what you see.

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@"Shikigami.4013" said:I would appreciate it if the skill description would change from a forced "show upon mouseover" to a "show upon rightlick". This would prevent the text when unwanted, and display it when wanted.

By the way, one of the PC I run GW2 on only has a 1366x768 display (ancient machine). The popup text is huge in that resolution and basically covers half of what you see.

You do know right clicking a skill already has a function right...

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@Einsof.1457 said:

@"Shikigami.4013" said:I would appreciate it if the skill description would change from a forced "show upon mouseover" to a "show upon rightlick". This would prevent the text when unwanted, and display it when wanted.

By the way, one of the PC I run GW2 on only has a 1366x768 display (ancient machine). The popup text is huge in that resolution and basically covers half of what you see.

You do know right clicking a skill already has a function right...

It does not for weapon skills. Not really the point though, for all I care it could be Alt-Rightclick, its not like you read the skill descriptions all the time and constantly need it.

How about this then: The little black bar with the small upwards arrow and the tooltip "Change Skills" has exactly the same function as the rightclick I suggested (did you know?). How about changing that to "Skill Info" then? Or before anyone comes and says he uses that bar to change skills and doesn't want to rightclick, just add "Skill Description" to the control options and let users select how they want to get info about their skills, including the option of "Little black bar at top of skill icon" :)

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  • 1 month later...
  • 5 months later...
  • 10 months later...

How many years later and we still don't have this!?Many other MMOs and even GW1 did, come on Anet.

I take it that no one from Anet comes to the forums (I've never seen) unlike in WoW, or Anet would know that a hell of a lot of us have wanted this for years...

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  • 4 weeks later...

@Eziair.2509 said:How many years later and we still don't have this!?Many other MMOs and even GW1 did, come on Anet.

I take it that no one from Anet comes to the forums (I've never seen) unlike in WoW, or Anet would know that a hell of a lot of us have wanted this for years...

Indeed Anet pls pls pls.... I would really appreciate it <3

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Yes please add the possibility to disable it or to add a delay before it appears.Old habits are strong and many players still being "mouse clicker" ^^

Of course, this add should be as option, like this it will not interfere with the gameplay of the "keyboard players"

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