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Living World Season 1 - Should it be back?


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@Taygus.4571 said:And the the Marionette fight could definitely come back.As a fractal, yes, but the actual fight was an unbalanced janky mess. Maybe recycle the retaking of LA/fight against Scarlet into a fractal too.

Everything else about LS1 that hasn't already been salvaged is god-awful and should stay in the dustbin of history where it belongs, including the story instances. Especially the story instances, good lord those were terrible.

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I wonder if those that insist this would take little development resources would be willing to experience another 8-12 month content drought. Bears considering.And if some secondary Team could work on it (as suggested), what is that secondary Team working on now that would be given up? Or are they just sitting at their desks with nothing to do, collecting paychecks?

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For me, I've mildly kept tabs on Guild Wars 2. I didn't play it when it came out because I just started college, I ended up buying it later. I want to get into the story, it seems like the characters have much stronger development, but I feel so out of the loop. I feel like I'm tuning into Game of Thrones in like Season 4 or 5 and that feeling of being caught up is something that I can't achieve because I can only experience Season 1 through other means than actually do the missions.

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I take content at a snail pace. > @Hyper Cutter.9376 said:

@Taygus.4571 said:And the the Marionette fight could definitely come back.As a fractal, yes, but the actual fight was an unbalanced janky mess. Maybe recycle the retaking of LA/fight against Scarlet into a fractal too.

Everything else about LS1 that hasn't already been salvaged is god-awful and should stay in the dustbin of history where it belongs, including the story instances.
the story instances, good lord those were terrible.

I don't enjoy fractals.

People managed to readily successfully complete the marionette easily enough,once they worked it out. I don't think it was that much of a mess.

It's only the major open world events Id like back. They were the most memorable parts of LS1.. ..the rest of the story can be left as a video.

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@Lonami.2987 said:

@"mindcircus.1506" said:Honestly, if this was as simple as you claim, do you not think this would have been done already and more elegantly than your armchair dev post?If this was simple as "hire a programmer" do you not think Arenanet would have already done this and sold it for gems?

I won't bother explaining how software development actually works, I don't think you would trust me anyway.

Instead, let me answer your question with another question: Why did it take so long to have Super Adventure Box back, when it was obviously super popular? Or why did other simple things, like Mad Memoires or party-access to Toypocalypse take years to get back too? You think they spent 3 years working on SAB to restore it?

Well if you are in fact in game development, then feel free to explain, it might help. I can, however, answer the Mad Memoires and Super Adventure Box question: Guild Chat, episode 37: Super Adventure Chat, Josh says they had some weeks of downtime after the release of HoT, so the people at Anet went "let's fix up Super Adventure Box, yay!" So basically they were able to bring it back because they
had free time
the devs
at Anet wanted to bring it back. As for Mad Memories, during Halloween, I found an Anet Game dev who said that it and the Lunatic Inquisition were brought back because one employee had
the time
/know how to do so(and I think it was brought up during Guild Chat as well, but I'm busy watching the Olympics atm).

As a result of those things, if MO and other staffers says "we want to, but we cant' then I honestly believe that. If it took them a few solid weeks to fix up something as relatively small(compared to Living World Season 1) as SAB, then I can only imagine how long it would take to rework all of that. And even though I did miss all of LWS1 (and most of 2), I'd honestly rather them work on new content than bringing back the first season. As is, I am quite happy that they released most, if not all, of the items that were locked behind Season 1 content, since that's what interests me the most.

I will say, that when I started playing the game, I was very confused by who all of these NPCs were that were calling me "boss". So perhaps Anet could pop in some NPCs here and there that had little video recaps of each part of the LWS1 releases, kinda like Ela Makkay does in LA, that would be lovely. Newer players like, or ones who just missed it, like myself, would be able to get a better idea of what we missed(though I've figured that out mostly via Youtube hunting) and caught up on the cast of characters/story up to LWS2 and it wouldn't take away from new content much either(speaking as an amateur video editor here). Everybody wins, I think.

-goes back to watching the Olympics-

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:I wonder if those that insist this would take little development resources would be willing to experience another 8-12 month content drought.

That'll probably end up happening regardless. The living world isn't doing a great job at holding interest, though it'll take a few more months to really confirm it. If it doesn't keep up, they may just switch over to expansions entirely, having a new one every 1~1.5 years and actually marketing it for 6 to 12 months. Consider that expansions generally keep people active for 3 months, and as shown by HoT, its year of marketing saw better results than the living world, so although it'd be a 12 to 18 month downtime, it'd really only affect activity for 3 to 9 months. The living world was their original concept however, so they probably wouldn't abandon it entirely, though they'd likely be better off cutting it down to 3 episodes and putting the focus on having updates every other week to actually makes use of it, similar to how season 2 was done.

Personally, I'd like to see them retry the season 1 style, except designed to be replayed, not on demand, but like festivals. Scarlet could have attacked every few years for example, which they could slot in as filler whenever they wanted. With enough reoccurring content, they would be able to constantly have something going on and even overlapping. It'd likely be too much upkeep however, since they have a record of breaking old content.

If they really just wanted to bring back season 1 however, they could simply devote one the living world teams to it, taking the slot of every 3rd episode for example. They could even sacrifice the entire season, or turn it into a new one, not by making season 1 playable, but by having a story where you have to go or see back in time or visit an alternate universe (infinity ball) for some reason that involves the key events of season 1.

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:ANet has, in fact, said that they would like to see LS1 return, too. In this case, it's the effort, not the interest.

Colin said many things and look how good he's doing at Anet.

Did Colin said anything about LS1 other than "it's on the table" ?More recently, Mike O'Brien has said that he, too, would like to see it. And that they took more than a look to think about how they'd do it and that it would be a lot more work than we think. He's said it would compete for resources with other things.

(And look at how well he's doing at ANet.)

It comes down to what people think is more important: a new story? an old story for nostalgia's sake? an old story done right (or at least, with different mistakes than the first time)? What are we willing to give up to see something other than what the devs have planned for the next couple of years?I'd love to return to some of the memorable moments in LS1, but for me, a lot of them came about because it was new, it was epic MMO with so many people, and most of all because it was temporary (one of the very reasons that ANet doesn't do content like LS1 any more). The transient nature gave the events an urgency that we don't feel with HoT or PoF or LS3-4.

Obviously, most of us agree it would be bad for the game to go backwards and try transient content again (although I think ANet has learned a lot and could a better job of it now). So why is it that some of those same people think it would be good for the game to try to recreate some of that same content, rather than starting from scratch, without any of the baggage that comes with retelling a story?

Bringing back LS1 isn't a bad idea — it's a good idea. But it isn't the only idea and it turns out, it might not be the best one of many, for all sorts of reasons.

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It would be nice to see Season One just so we have a coherent story how ever there is a current MMO with an even more incoherent narrative and that is World Of Warcraft; ever since Cataclysm you start as a lvl one after the events of Wrath of the Lich King dealing with the aftermath of the Cataclysm caused by Deathwing only to go back in time to The Burning Crusade to do the previous two expansions until finally at lvl 80 you are dealing with stuff that would have made more sense at lvl 60.

Compared to that at least you get a previously on GW2 recap.

There's a 3 hours long movie on YouTube made by many GW2 Youtubers that covers everything in Living Story Season One; personally I think it would be cheaper and easier if ANet were to take that YouTube Video polish it and release it on their website and to give the player in game mail after beating Zaitan suggesting that they watch it.

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I have never really understood why ANET have never put this on the list to get done.Sure I appreciate it might take time and effort, but what we have now is a disjointed story, an important part of the story that some how gets flitted over straight after completing a major build up of things to come... kind of a limp kitten approach iimo.. and certainly not one that new players should just be force fed.

Personally I enjoyed LS1 bugs and all, in fact some of the mobs, the change of pace, the inclusion of new tacs was a real positive and a real villain of "our time" arose only to now be a picture on an old newpaper pushed to the bottom of the trashcan.. nonsensical I say.

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@Ayakaru.6583 said:should anet remake season 1?Skritt Yes!can anet remake season 1?That's apparantly quite a conundrum..

Of course they can make it.. whether they want to or prefer to just leave that hole for new players or players that didn't get to run it/complete it, to fall into - that's another question.

And yes @ Hyper Cutter, its all a matter of resources and priorities... but being that this was such a large part of the games evolving story line, ya know the start of the expansion story.. ya think this would of had some kind of priority over the last few years, even if only to drip feed resource for it.. but no they chose to leave a big hole just as the carrot was dangled to promote the "next chapter".It will never be done now, I feel it in my bones, so that hole will always be there unfortunately. Just another one of those interesting decisions made by the bean counters.

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@Bloodstealer.5978 said:

anet remake season 1?
Skritt Yes!
anet remake season 1?That's apparantly quite a conundrum..

Of course they can make it.. whether they want to or prefer to just leave that hole for new players or players that didn't get to run it/complete it, to fall into - that's another question.

By can, you also have to take into acount feasability.I have no doubts anet can remake season 1, but is it feasible.I don't know.I'd love to see season 1, preferably in the season journal style, and I'd gladly pay some 20 euros for it, as a miniexpansion.However, is it feasible?Would production of season 1 halt, or double the production time of season 4?That's what i mean by can

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If it ever comes back, I suspect it would be more expensive than the others. Sounds very costly and time consuming to recreate to the letter. Knowing our community, they would throw a first class bitchfit if it wasn't handed to them. Probably best that it never comes back.

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@Billy.2065 said:i have a thought why don't they just make like a in game time gate aka an asura gate that takes you to the old lion's arch and lws1 and be able to come back any time

Its not an issue of how the content would be entered. Its how anet is going to remake the content.Apparantly there’s something with the engine or coding of the season 1 instances that prevent them from being used again.So the instanced need to be remade from “almost” scrap

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Even though its old content, I would love to play it. S1 is the only season I didn't play and that because I didn't hear about it until it was already too late to play it. Couldn't they even just make a shorter playable version of S1. Like a jump into key points in the players memories.

When I came back to play and lions arch was completely different, it was very jarring to me. And made it hard for me to get what was going on. I felt like a missed so much. I was able to figure out what happened but still really didn't like missing something that big and not being able to play through it myself. I'm very much a completion-ist when it comes to my games.

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I support this heavily too. We have many new people playing, most people I know (including myself) didn't play the content. I think it's worth being done and put on gemstore to purchase. At least part of the content to tie the story and rewards.

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@Mini.1786 said:I support this heavily too. We have many new people playing, most people I know (including myself) didn't play the content. I think it's worth being done and put on gemstore to purchase. At least part of the content to tie the story and rewards.

And many people who did play missed lots.I doubt the number of people who missed nothing is minute. I missed almost all of the aetherblade period. Just in time to kill Scarlet

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