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Why is Guild Wars the best mmo out there but still not enough

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This assumes GW is the best MMO out there... That's opinion.

I certainly don't think it is.

Every MMO is going to have their fair share of community voices that want things to change. That's simply part of the maintenance of the game. Some cases, something gets released and it's BAD. So changes are requested. Other times people are just complaining.

You're not going to find a whole lot of "Wow, you devs did such a great job! I have no further input." Those people are busy enjoying themselves.

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@Sylent.3165 said:Ashes of creation is a western mmo coming out that has high hopes as it's a western game not a Korean horrible grind fest of garbage.

Sadly, it's a pvp centric game so I won't be playing it at all since I only enjoy PvE: AoC is aiming at a niche market which is a let down.

Anyways, the mmo market is just...dead to me, I mean I keep coming back to old games like gw2 b/c there is no new mmos even close to that level of quality: new mmos rarely even try to be good.

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@fixit.7189 said:

@Sylent.3165 said:Ashes of creation is a western mmo coming out that has high hopes as it's a western game not a Korean horrible grind fest of garbage.

Sadly, it's a pvp centric game so I won't be playing it at all since I only enjoy PvE: AoC is aiming at a niche market which is a let down.

Anyways, the mmo market is just...dead to me, I mean I keep coming back to old games like gw2 b/c there is no new mmos even close to that level of quality: new mmos rarely even try to be good.

Cross your fingers then for Diablo 4. Supposed to be open world so nice mmo with the action combat. We will find out in a few more days :)

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@"mauried.5608" said:I often wonder why people play games they dont like playing, and then continuously complain about how bad the game they dont like is .

Because not everyone actually dislike the games themselves. While you do have some folks who take joy in shitting on things, getting folks riled up to come to it's defense. Because lord knows that ain't hard to do. And I would be lying if I said I haven't kicked a hornets nest or two in my day. Some folks just dislike certain aspects of a game, that they feel messes things up. Doesn't mean they actually dislike the entire thing. Or simple investment. If you are heavily invested, you're less likely to leave. Which can lead into a cycle.

Best example I can give. All of Blade and Soul. Amazing combat, amazing fashion with plenty of "plot" for those so inclined. But oh sweet jesuz where do I begin with the issues. A real wonder is why folks think it's just black and white. There is usually more to it.

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@"Vivilett.8509" said:Has there ever been the perfect game? Wow?

<- Played WoW for (literally) a decade. That game has never been close to perfect. Now i'm chilling on GW2. I agree its great for people like me who just uses it as a time killer but from what i understand its lacking for the super competitive/"serious" people (like i used to be on WoW), raid releases are scarce, ranked PvP can be frustrating at times etc.

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@DiabolicalHamSandwich.8756 said:

@"mauried.5608" said:

Best example I can give. All of Blade and Soul. Amazing combat, amazing fashion with plenty of "plot" for those so inclined. But oh sweet jesuz where do I begin with the issues.I really wanted to like B&S and gave it a good faith effort, but the grind for ... well anything was more time consuming for me being a casual gamer adult with limited time to play online. I only got so far in B&S; to progress further would have required me to open up my wallet, and I just couldn't justify it.

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@derd.6413 said:changing MMOs is difficult in general.

Definitely true. I wouldn't be here if I would not disappointed so much with the game I was playing previously, and I could even go back and give it another try if it would not include updates which broke the client on my Linux/Wine machine. Starting a new game is very demanding job, after years playing some other game: you'd need to build everything - game knowledge, relationships to players and such - from zero.

@Biff.5312 said:My experience has been that most MMOs start off great, but in an effort to continually grow their user base they have to make decisions that ruin the game for dedicated players. They realize that they're losing most casual players who get easily frustrated by the slightest difficulty in content and quit while still low level, so they eliminate the difficulty. Which means eliminating any possible fun for anyone who actually wants to be engaged by the content. Because the low level stuff is not interesting, it makes levelling an annoying obstacle to be by-passed if possible, rather than being an enjoyable progression. On the other end of their client base, they have to keep adding content for end-game players, which becomes a never-ending cycle of gearing up to play content that rewards you with gear, only to have it made obsolete in the next expansion.

Yeah. This is very two-edged sword for many companies. They understand that they need casual players, but they don't necessary understand that casual players do not dedicate, they don't bring in money that much, and they will easily leave to another game. If game company pleases casuals too much, it looses its dedicated players - loosing dedicated players would keep the game running only if the game can have constant incoming flow of new casual players, which is not usually the case, and the game dies.

I really got enough of that endless gear resets when launching new content and/or raising level cap. I lost entirely my motivation to restart gearing over and over again.

@Doctor Hide.6345 said:That is the problem with a lot of the new indie MMOs coming out which turns me off even if they have good concepts. They are all too open world PvP focused which has been proven not to work on the masses. They will all become niche games.

Open World PvP, or lets say PvP in general is very tempting to online indie games, as then they don't need to create huge amounts of content they would otherwise need to do. Just some maps and game mechanics with some graphics, and you can go.

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I started playing this game after I got fed up with ffxiv about this time last year. It is by far the most fun and polished mmo I've ever played. And I've played a lot over the past two decades. This game is an absolute joy. Did I spend a lot of time asking questions and on the wiki the first a couple months? Yes. Was it necessary? Not really. Was it worth it? Heck yes.

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@SoulSin.5682 said:

You need to play an MMo thats developed by a company at published by another to find what a real nightmare is.In that sense, I understand why people keep comparing GW2 to WoW. Sinze Blizzard also does a good job on their game. But comparing to the whole market as a whole, GW2 is easily the best Free to Play game and on of the best MMos in the market.

While I love ANet for a number of reasons (I am not saying they are a perfect company and without controversy, but I still love them and appreciate what they have tried to do for us) this is still inaccurate information. ANet is in fact published by NCsoft, and some of their financial strategies are influenced by the decisions of their publishers, especially pricing. What sets them apart from other NC published titles is that ANet still is allowed a large degree of autonomy and freedom over their own titles, which is not always the case for other MMOs that are beholden to a publisher... and even other NCSoft published works.

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@Sylent.3165 said:Cross your fingers then for Diablo 4. Supposed to be open world so nice mmo with the action combat. We will find out in a few more days :)

It's a mobile game, a filthy dirty mobile game so that option is out the window.

I guess it's GW2 for another 1-2 years since there is zero MMOs in the future I am excited for.

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@fixit.7189 said:

@Sylent.3165 said:Cross your fingers then for Diablo 4. Supposed to be open world so nice mmo with the action combat. We will find out in a few more days :)

It's a mobile game, a filthy dirty mobile game so that option is out the window.

I guess it's GW2 for another 1-2 years since there is zero MMOs in the future I am excited for.

Ha I was so mad when I found that out. Just what everyone really wanted and needed right? Ignore the PC gamers:(

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  • 9 months later...

@"Vivilett.8509" said:The game is awesome ! Has a little bit for everyone , stable population and fast pace pvp

Yet, to the vocal minority its not enough,

Has there ever been the perfect game? Wow?

I have yet to see a forum that isn't vocal to some degree, and no game will ever be perfect. If a company chooses to support a forum they are trying to accomplish a number of things. One to try and tie their base more in place by giving them somewhere to go when not engaged in the game, which creates more bonds to the game. They are looking to create a space that people can report on oddities and bugs and people can help each other. And lastly they are trying to create an area where they can monitor and gain directional feedback on how players perceive the game. The last being that vocal minority. Now in that mix you will get reasonable and unreasonable requests and people that will object and object to objections. Also known as Forums Wars 2 or "No U". But there can be some nuggets of goodness that come from some of those as well that might spark something of interest to the future of the game. So you take the good and the bad and find a happy middle, or just make sure you take some of it with a grain of salt. Good gaming to you!

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@Ardenwolfe.8590 said:Keep in mind, Guild Wars 2 is now many years old and the new has worn off. It's very much a case of been there, done that. As far as World of Warcraft? For many, it's their first and only MMO and change is scary when you've invested so much time in anything. Case in point, I'd be gone from this game too, but I've been here since beta. That's the most time I've invested in any MMO and logging in has now become part of my daily routine.

Again, change is scary.

But shouldnt the game be new for new players? I mean it dont matter how long a game has been around, the newness will always be there for people starting. the point is a game has to have something to retain vets as well as things to draw in new players.

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I wouldn't say it's the best. It's good. Right now a lot of people are leaving here and going to ESO. Also a lot coming from WoW and some from FFIV to ESO also. ESO seems to be very popular right now. It's in that sweet spot where many are still discovering it. This is an older MMO that also doesn't put out as much content as ESO. I'm not saying it's not a good MMO. It is. But older needs to keep enticing with lots of regular content and events. ESO has quarterly new content and quarterly events. More events here for sure. But not enough new content from what I've heard while I've been playing.

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I doubt there will ever be a perfect game, that being said recently despite my grumbling I've gotten back in. Here are some of the things I think "might" fix what is so off putting while not compromising the design guild wars 2 chose to go with.

  1. A soft trinity, give us some tank roles and some more support roles. We need something to break up the dps burst frenzy that has been going on since HoT, which was only compounded by PoF. (Basically bring it back toward launch, run what you want.)
  2. Progression of some sort, something that you can earn based on choices. (guild decorations, guild halls, player housing, crafting of furniture.)
  3. Maybe a new race/class (Those always draw people in, elite specs are fine and all but something entirely new would draw in more players.)
  4. better attempt at balancing, while not compromising what makes a class/spec fun. (All forms of each class should be viable, and capable.)
  5. racial importance in some form, we should feel like the race we have chosen has effected something. In reality its vanity and that is NOT HOW YOU BUILD A WORLD, this doesn't have to be stats but it could be cosmetic class skills. Maybe you could go earn the respect of your fellow kinsmen and recruit them to your guild; Making it so npc guards and people walk around your guild hall? Make it feel alive and make it feel full. Special expansions based on your race so for example an asuran could build a lab in the guild hall, and get decorations and various stuff to "Study" like orrian stuff or kralk stuff. Norn could build a drinking hall, or maybe some housing for vanity and charr could set up the arena/military dock. Sylvary could grow vegetation and add to the guilds wild-life and bring in a bunch of cool stuff; This could also extend to the races we helped in the base storyline. (Ogres, quagan, grawl, hylek . ect) Even the HoT and PoF races could be added, and so for every bit of content we do it adds to the immersion and progression of the guild hall. We also need more options for guild halls we have three none of which really feel impressive, Id like to have more of them just for the sake of choice.

Guild wars 2 will never be perfect, but it at least is fun. (When it isn't being a little shit.)

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@"Thornwolf.9721" said:

  1. racial importance in some form, we should feel like the race we have chosen has effected something.As long as GW2 doesn't make the massive mistake WoW made (and is still making) with racial abilities. Wow made them combat significant and some were (and still are) powerful enough that race, not just class, are part of the meta. Which led to a huge pvp and raiding imbalance between the horde and alliance that still persists.

So sure, cosmetic things like you're suggesting, but don't make the mistake of making them such that its not enough to be Class X with the right gear but you must be that Class and Race Y too to get accepted in a cutting edge team.

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@Vivilett.8509 said:Yet, to the vocal minority its not enough,It's people, never satisfied, it's easy to say I wish for this or that like... mounts, I remember when the forum was full of posts about how we had to have mounts, now that we have a lot of them some are imperfect and we need more....even underwater mounts!You simply can not please all the people all the time!

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