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To the people who stop and help at HPs

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Thank you, no seriously THANK YOU, you players are send by the godsAs a support Chrono/(low damage guardian in the past) who has mediocre gear and doesnt have the funds for a DPS set. Some of these commune Hero Points can be challenging for some of us. To many times I've(and many others) got into combat with mobs around a hero point, just to see others come along and commune and bug out while I fight for my life, and sometimes lose that fight, more then once!

So, Thank You, from all of us players who needed help at Hero Points/Mastery Points/ even the damn berries in Bitterfrost, to all of the players who stopped to help out, even if it was only for a moment. While we may bug out instantly without saying 'ty' due to not wanting to get overwhelmed again, we do remember you, we recognize those who stop and helped out.

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@Kor The Red.5186 said:you are very welcome, and ikr don't you just LOVE it when you just see people run right passed you when you clearly need help or even say HELP and they just keep on going its like zomg facedesk till death

There is a mix on this. I have had players complain about interfering. If I have time, I look at the players/target health, jump in if needed. Or I'll just watch until the player goes down then revive without attacking the target, lol. Maybe share some boons.

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@Just a flesh wound.3589 said:^

I was thinking of that thread. Because of it I hesitate to help someone fighting a mob, even if it’s one guy against a champion since for all I know he doesn’t want help.

I never let that stop me. It's foolish to try to test your build in open world, where everyone can chime in. I jump in whenever I want and if people complain about that, it's their problem. This game has a training golem set up to test builds and rotations, where no one will disturb you. Doing it in open world is just asking for problems. Expecting anything else in open world is just unrealistic.

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I never presume people want help if it appears they are doing alright without me. If I need the same HP or if I see that they are struggling I will always help, but I will wait and make sure first. The reason is that personally I find it annoying when people help me with something challenging because that's where the fun is in playing the game. Often I have some champion down to about 2% and some guy will come along and finish it with his dismount dmg, and I'm supposed to be grateful or something for his totally unnecessary intervention. Having said that, I try to maintain an even keel and don't bother complaining to them when they do it. If someone asks for help in chat, I'll come if I can.

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@Martimus.6027 said:I routinely stop and help people, and go out of my way to revive downed players in every single encounter I can. If I did it for you, you're welcome <3

I tend to do that too, but lately I've started to notice that the only times I get downed seem to be when rezzing someone else. So I do it, but if the same guy keeps going down or refuses to WP when fully dead, after a couple of times I'll stop helping. I'm not trying to punish anyone, I just think there's a point where it's going to get me killed, and they need to learn to dodge rather than banking on others to rez them all the time.

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I'll help out, usually 1: it's an HP I need anyways. 2: for me it's paying it forward as help was given to me in the past an present. I don't complain if others jump in on mine. I view it as, it just gets done faster and I can move on to the next.Completely agree that soloing out in the PVE world is NOT the place to test out a build. For those that are new players, they may not have all of their abilities or, their build complete.I see this thread from both sides... just my opinion but, it's still better to jump in an help others since, HP'S are repeatable, at least many of them are.

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@"Zaggrel.3692" said:for me it's paying it forward as help was given to me in the past an present.

Exactly. For those times I've been helped, and just general empathy for knowing how hard those points can be for newer (and even experienced) players. HoT especially is a kick in the teeth, and if me helping someone keeps them enjoying the game, all the better.

I don't complain if others jump in on mine. I view it as, it just gets done faster and I can move on to the next.

I might mentally grumble if I've been solo'ing it for 90% and someone sneaks in at the last few to get credit. XDWhere were you the rest of the time, huh?

Completely agree that soloing out in the PVE world is NOT the place to test out a build. For those that are new players, they may not have all of their abilities or, their build complete.I see this thread from both sides... just my opinion but, it's still better to jump in an help others since, HP'S are repeatable, at least many of them are.

If one wants to be that quirky "I solo everything" guy, one ought pick the times to do them. Wait for the metas to roll so that everyone else is occupied. And if someone does help in spite of all the assumed privacy, don't whisper-rage at them for playing the game as intended.

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@Samnang.1879 said:u know u can just hop on a hp train....?i do it on my lvl 10 alts... and get exp quickly

There aren't HP trains in every map, and HP trains are honestly not needed in most of the maps in the game. I think OP is just talking about the regular HPs and stuff that can easily get overwhelmed by nearby mobs or the occasional ones with the more difficult fights.

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@RoseofGilead.8907 said:

@Samnang.1879 said:u know u can just hop on a hp train....?i do it on my lvl 10 alts... and get exp quickly

There aren't HP trains in every map, and HP trains are honestly not needed in most of the maps in the game. I think OP is just talking about the regular HPs and stuff that can easily get overwhelmed by nearby mobs or the occasional ones with the more difficult fights.

then start one.. u get 3-4 ppl in mere minutes... its not rocket science

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@Samnang.1879 said:

@Samnang.1879 said:u know u can just hop on a hp train....?i do it on my lvl 10 alts... and get exp quickly

There aren't HP trains in every map, and HP trains are honestly not needed in most of the maps in the game. I think OP is just talking about the regular HPs and stuff that can easily get overwhelmed by nearby mobs or the occasional ones with the more difficult fights.

then start one.. u get 3-4 ppl in mere minutes... its not rocket science

Or they could keep doing what they're doing and occasionally get help from passersby. This is just a thread praising and thanking people who do stop to help, not a demand for help.

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@Biff.5312 said:

@"Martimus.6027" said:I routinely stop and help people, and go out of my way to revive downed players in every single encounter I can. If I did it for you, you're welcome <3

I tend to do that too, but lately I've started to notice that the only times I get downed seem to be when rezzing someone else. So I do it, but if the same guy keeps going down or refuses to WP when fully dead, after a couple of times I'll stop helping. I'm not trying to punish anyone, I just think there's a point where it's going to get me killed, and they need to learn to dodge rather than banking on others to rez them all the time.

Yeaaaaaa...I will rez someone during a champ or legendary encounter twice. After that, you can WP back.

But, if you repeatedly go down, and spam "rez pls. help. pls help. plz rez pls. hey help" over and over while people are staying alive and downing the boss? Well, sorry. You get ignored.

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@Loosmaster.8263 said:

@Kor The Red.5186 said:you are very welcome, and ikr don't you just LOVE it when you just see people run right passed you when you clearly need help or even say HELP and they just keep on going its like zomg
facedesk till death

There is a mix on this. I have had players complain about interfering. If I have time, I look at the players/target health, jump in if needed. Or I'll just watch until the player goes down then revive without attacking the target, lol. Maybe share some boons.


I dont want to deprive someone of the satisfaction of having won a fight on their own, but I dont want to leave someone who might be struggling to die either. So I look at their health and watch for a moment. I then either jump in, or at least toss them a heal or a boon or three.

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@Loosmaster.8263 said:There is a mix on this. I have had players complain about interfering. If I have time, I look at the players/target health, jump in if needed. Or I'll just watch until the player goes down then revive without attacking the target, lol. Maybe share some boons.

Same thing with me. I used to help whenever I saw a single person fighting at a HP. Then someone yelled at me for taking the fun out of the game for new players. So now I'll watch for a bit. If a person is doing fine, I'll move on. If they clearly need the help I'll jump in. No one's complained since I started that method.

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First I could not really care since this game has no real penalty for death, but since my Asura is a Deadeye, it is just pure fun to watch people in areas that are tougher and assist them. Right now I do not really feel like advancing in the game, so I log in and usually watch new(er) players doing their thing. Occasionally I see one of them being surrounded and their health is, despite good gameplay, not recovering fast enough. Then I get off of my Springer, grab my sniper rifle and kneel down, waiting for malice to stack up. If he's not done, I'll let the bullets rain down. The feel of satisfaction in this is really outstanding, especially when he gets downed, you kill them off and if he does not get up from a tagget target that died, gliding down and get him up on his feet. These situations are awesome.

However, about ressurection, sometimes I see a dead cat or Bookah and when I revive them, they are AFK or something, getting downed by randomly spawning Wargs. I can not guard that guy forever, so when I see it's in the middle of nowhere, I might also run past. Who would just sit there, waiting forever instead of waypointing back?

In general is it okay to be cautious and not ressurecting everyone.


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