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Druid Feedback May 8th Update [merged]


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Staff is pretty awful, and Druid healing keeps getting killed off.. Almost nobody wants to play heal druid outside of raids, so that's really telling about the state of druid heal support design for this game...

^^^Putting this at the top for people to notice what’s going on...

@"DeceiverX.8361" said:30k+ backstabs in permastealth SA with absolutely zero risk lol.

Like... this was so easy not to screw up and somehow they still managed to lol.

Inb4 backstab nerfed next patch in the wake of D/P stealth-camping Deadeye.

But with all the crazy damage extremes in wvw and spvp, there was somehow an issue with Druid healing, and needing to shoehorn healers into a trait to make up for huge number nerfs...^^^

I come from playing support mains in CoH, where it was fast paced and fun. Mechanically enjoyable and effective. ALL support roles were desirable to play and desired by teams (although you didn't need them)... GW2, not so much. It's a nightmare to play support in GW2, and nothing is done to make it better. Meanwhile, let's rework deadeye mechanics so it's more mechanically understandable for players to 1 shot kill players in wvw and spvp... I bet those Ventari healers would love to NOT tote around a tablet trying to heal players zipping around, but let's leave that alone... I do not understand the profession development teams here at all.

“Cosmic Ray: Reduced the healing of this skill by 30%.Seed of Life: Reduced the healing of this skill by 35%.Lunar Impact: The heal scaling of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 20% reduced heal scaling in all modes.Rejuvenating Tides: Reduced the healing of this skill by 40%.”

I sincerely hope you turn this spec into some offensive spec in the future, because changes being made are pushing away any players attempting to enjoy heal support.

And FYI, in WvW, and I bet spvp, heal support Druid is going extinct. I don’t heal with staff, I use it to gain AF and position myself with skill 3... it’s more of a subpar weapon overall. I only use CA skills 3 and 4 with regularity, because I’m not going to waste my time chasing teammates with mini ground target reticles. CA skills 1,2 are useless, and skill 5 can be a death sentence due to the immobilize and long channel...

I hate to say that the team doesn’t care about build diversity and fun of playing a spec, but that’s exactly what it feels like unfortunately.

Instead of making things better, the team tends to make things worse... I get the change about heal scaling previously, and needing to put more gear stats to heal better, but what did you all just do now? You make me not want to heal anyone on the team healer spec, and just wasted my time and game resources creating support gear... it’s bad enough for anyone who was trying to squeeze a decent heal role from this resource gated and clunky heal spec, now why bother?

Last balance patch buffed axes? Ok, nobody uses axes for any wvw or spvp meta builds... and a buff to axe while the new espec daggers go unused in wvw and spvp... Why?

The team wants more high level build diversity, yet patches come out and don’t reflect that.

Good reads...



How about we start looking at making substantial changes for every profession instead? Stuff like...











How about devoting resources to address some major issues with combat gameplay? Like making stealth in the game better and working on condis? Increasing ttk in wvw so it’s a much better combat experience for all involved?



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@"MachineManXX.9746" said:Maybe you missed this ....

Lingering Light: This trait no longer grants its effects when healing an ally. It now grants its effects when entering celestial avatar form. While in celestial avatar form, outgoing healing to allies is increased by 50%.

How about we kill off daredevil staff damage across the board by 40% and force them to take one trait that gives them the damage back? How about we take any elite spec and take away a huge percentage of their intended design and force them into specific traits to undo the major nerf? That’s exactly what’s happening with Druid right now...

Instead of focusing on substantial changes to make this heal spec fun, not clunky, desirable to play and bring along on a team, it’s getting screwed instead. Druid healer was already a low played spec for every mode except raids, and now let’s just shelf healing support play or make a pure damage spec out of it instead.

There was nothing wrong with this trait...


But this change forces a healer into it.. that’s not build diversity.

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Druids will only be buff bots now in raids.

Firebrand will be meta healer in all modes and healing Engineer is legit in PvP (Just pull that Med Kit out, no CA generation needed). Both classes have more CC, defences/support and damage.

Druid is CA generation gated + cooldown gated and rely on unreliable pets that die in secs to condi. The choice is easy to do in sPvP.

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For PvE raids, I like the idea although I wish they had been more extreme. I am looking forward to more heal variety in raids. I am a bit salty over their wyvern change, however, and I don't see the point in changing might on CA, there's no effect outside of a little more ramp.Edit: fixed error

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@MachineManXX.9746 said:Maybe you missed this ....

Lingering Light: This trait no longer grants its effects when healing an ally. It now grants its effects when entering celestial avatar form. While in celestial avatar form, outgoing healing to allies is increased by 50%.

A whole 10-40% more, only to allies, and you can't bring ancient seeds anymore.

Can't wait to be focused down in fights now that I receive 40% less healing from rejuvenating tides.

What a paradigm shift!

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@Substance E.4852 said:

@MachineManXX.9746 said:Maybe you missed this ....

Lingering Light: This trait no longer grants its effects when healing an ally. It now grants its effects when entering celestial avatar form.
While in celestial avatar form, outgoing healing to allies is increased by 50%.

A whole 10-40% more, only to allies, and you can't bring ancient seeds anymore.

Can't wait to be focused down in fights now that I receive 40% less healing from rejuvenating tides.

What a paradigm shift!

As if it wasn't easy enough to shut down a heal druid, which was already at a deficit in wvw and spvp because of time gated healing, poor staff, mini reticle healing on moving targets and nobody stands still long enough for your pboae heals to be worth it.

Sure, in the wonderful pve world of more stationary teammates and bosses, this spec is passable... forget this spec for competitive heal support.

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@"Swagger.1459" said:There was nothing wrong with this trait...


That's just false. That trait has been complete garbage ever since it got nerfed because of the blind spam in pvp. Now it actually serves a purpose. You can disagree with how the trait serves a purpose, I personaly also thinks it creates a false set of "build diversity", but the fact is you were always better off running the other two GM traits prior to this change.

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@Lazze.9870 said:

@"Swagger.1459" said:There was nothing wrong with this trait...

That's just false. That trait has been complete garbage ever since it got nerfed because of the blind spam in pvp. Now it actually serves a purpose. You can disagree with how the trait serves a purpose, I personaly also thinks it creates a false set of "build diversity", but the fact is you were always better off running the other two GM traits prior to this change.

The way they went about this change is laughable, and not worth defending at all. Gutting the healing aspect of druids, the MAIN thing about this spec when they introduced it, and then slam this outgoing healing crap to this trait to try and compensate is nothing but BAD, BAD design all over again.

But keep at it Anet, I know what to expect from this company by now and I don't care anymore - you guys are failing.

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if anyone wants to play druid in spvp/ wvw the best way to do it now is by ignoring healing power all together. Legit just roll out with a dps amulet and a power rune, treat celestial avatar as a 20 sec cd stealth + condi clear.Kinda perplexing that they still did not touch on the 2 traits that made druid problematic in the 1st place. I wonder if they will nerf them next pass after ppl complain about marauder druids with the stealth uptime of mesmers.

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Best part of the patch so far:"Fanged Iboga—Consuming Bite: Fixed a bug that prevented this skill from increasing its damage based on the number of conditions on the target."The new goto pet for high damage? In raids and other pve bosses, loaded up with every single condi that exists this attack can deal some serious damage now.

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Thinking through the druid changes a bit more i gotta ask wtf was the devs mind set?

Think about it: in pvp/wvw no one is going to play a healer druid since fire brands does it better, and no one is going to want to play any other kind of druid since it does nothing exceptionally well.In pve (raids) druid will become totally extinct since the strength of it was combining 2 roles in to 1: healing and buffing (25 might + class specific buffs ei spirits). But now you have to pick between being a healer or a buffer since you have to choose between lingering light and grace of the land. Simply put a warrior or a dead eye can do the might buffing in addition to outputting respectable dps, while a druid cannot.Meaning that in raids you will bring a soulbeast for the ranger buffs and good dps and another class to might stack.

Druid in this state will disappear in all modes me thinks.

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Been playing Ranger since Beta, then Druid since HoT. I've never had a negative opinion about changes to the Ranger profession or elite specs...until now.

Those heal nerfs, ouch. Ouch, ouch, ouch. I love to support heal and get a big kick out of seeing my heal numbers. Feels like an element of the game I enjoy has just been removed. This makes me a sad tree hugger.

The buffs to the spirits (with exception of Frost which is in my opinion, more of a nerf than buff) have left me with the impression the intention is to shelve heal Druids and shoe horn us into using Spirits or going Soulbeast...which is an elite spec I don't play because I die too much. Obviously I don't know what I'm doing. But as a Ranger/Druid, my survivability and ability to help others is pretty darn good.

If build diversity is what GW2 is mean to be about, this rework of the Ranger/Druid feels way off the mark. Perhaps I don't understand the intention. Is there a dev that can explain the thinking behind the Druid nerf? What does the dev team envisage with the Druid in future iterations of the game?

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@"OGDeadHead.8326" said:http://forumbilder.se/H6RO6/bite.jpg

Best part of the patch so far:"Fanged Iboga—Consuming Bite: Fixed a bug that prevented this skill from increasing its damage based on the number of conditions on the target."The new goto pet for high damage? In raids and other pve bosses, loaded up with every single condi that exists this attack can deal some serious damage now.

On druid probably.

Too lazy to crunch the numbers to see if it's worth the stat loss on a viper SB and I doubt it offsets the loud whistle 10% damage increase on a power SB.

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@Substance E.4852 said:

@"OGDeadHead.8326" said:

Best part of the patch so far:"Fanged Iboga—Consuming Bite: Fixed a bug that prevented this skill from increasing its damage based on the number of conditions on the target."The new goto pet for high damage? In raids and other pve bosses, loaded up with every single condi that exists this attack can deal some serious damage now.

On druid probably.

Too lazy to crunch the numbers to see if it's worth the stat loss on a viper SB and I doubt it offsets the loud whistle 10% damage increase on a power SB.

I got the pet to crit for 11k+ on a trash mob, that's all I've tested so far, and that mob was far from being affected by every single condi. It would be very interesting to know what the pet can hit for under perfect circumstances.

Edit:The pet, loaded with every single boon and the test golem loaded with every condition, can maintain a dps of ~12k on its own (also boosted with sic'em as soon as it is available). Unrealistic for sure, but as far as pet goes, no other pet is in the same league in my very limited testing. Fanged iboga brings more than almost three times the dps of the second best. Finally, it brings the dps that at least I saw the potential for upon release of PoF, but it took Anet a long time to fix this bug for sure.

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Druid is introduced and its a strong bunker with some good supportCommunity: Muh Druid Bunkers OP. Pls nerf-Devs Nerf Glyph cleanse Search and Rescue, and slightly shave healingDruid is still really strongCommunity: Muh Druid Bunkers OP. Pls nerf-Devs Nerf healing, increase Ancient Seeds CDDruid is still goodCommunity: Muh Druid Bunkers OP. Pls nerf. Oh, and muh PvEDevs increase Avatar CD to 15s and shave healing some more. Gotl changed.Druid is still viableCommunity: B-but muh Druids...Devs Increase the CD of Avatar further. Might stacking reduced on GotLDruid is STILL viableCommunity: MUH DRUIDSDevs nerf healing further (Seed of Life and such), weaken staff for some reason and hit rugged growthDruid existsCommunity: MUH. DRUIDS.Today's patch.


Iboga actually fixedCommunity: OMG DRUID CAN DEAL DAMAGE NOW, TOO! ANEEEEEEEEEEEEEET MUH DRUIDS!Just delete this spec already or actually address the issues instead of dancing around it, Anet.

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@MachineManXX.9746 said:Maybe you missed this ....

Lingering Light: This trait no longer grants its effects when healing an ally. It now grants its effects when entering celestial avatar form. While in celestial avatar form, outgoing healing to allies is increased by 50%.

Yeah . . . this one stung. Can't say I'm surprised, again, but the buffs were nice too. Time to test some updated pets and abilities.

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Just tried to actually heal something on my druid and I couldn't. This patch removes healing druid from the game. Not to mention all that useless Harrier gear everyone invested in. This is terrible 2 of my friends that raid with us on druid just left the game. Actually they nerfed the might too. This is unplayable at the moment, I think for fractals we might go back to PS warrior.

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Ranger was my original main when I first started the game and I actually dropped the class for a long time but PoF brought renewed interest in it when I found out how fun Harrier's druid was to play and I was actually able to support my teammates in Fractals both offensively and defensively. This doesn't seem like it's gonna be the case anymore. It's already extremely difficult to keep your party alive when they're running away from your heals, now you also can't heal them when they're in your range either unless you drop the entire reason why you're picking druid in the first place -- the ease of getting those boons that are a must have in the vast majority of this game's content.

Feels like a slap in the face of everyone who's spent the hours farming up Harrier's gear just to be told you can't have fun (or reliable clears) anymore.

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