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@Vladish.3940 said:

@fatihso.7258 said:This launch is even worse than the Burning Crusade launch of WoW back in the past.

obviously you weren't on a server that has been down for over a week.Burning Crusade was awful. I remember some servers going down completely for extended periods.

I think some of the people in this thread have some weird expectations for MMO launches.

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@Daniel.5428 said:To be prepared for a situation like this is what makes the difference between Good devs and Bad devs. 2 days and is still impossible to play it. Is just about luck. If the map is full you will just be disconnected. Is impossible to play like this. The forum is full of posts about problems and Anet was just absent. They post only when things are good. In conclusion, it was the worst major patch launch I've ever seen in a MMO game.

I’ve been playing MMO’s for 20 years (since 1998). There have been much, much, much worse launches. With the exception of several disconnects, my friends and I have been enjoying the expansion. People can be so dramatic.

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The OP really needs to play more games on first days of an expansion. From other games I've heard of hours long queues to log in as well as game breaking, play halting bugs. This is nowhere near that level.

So far I've only been dc'd once and had a strange bug where my camera stayed behind when my char&mount rode away.

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@Chickenooble.5014 said:

@Vladish.3940 said:

@fatihso.7258 said:This launch is even worse than the Burning Crusade launch of WoW back in the past.

obviously you weren't on a server that has been down for over a week.Burning Crusade was awful. I remember some servers going down completely for extended periods.

I think some of the people in this thread have some weird expectations for MMO launches.

Likewise, my main server was down for almost two weeks, and yeah, I did get a week's compensation... while still losing two weeks of game play. I consider that far worse, especially because WoW is a subscription based game, unlike GW2. At least here one time purchase guarantees your ability to play the game whenever you want for months/years (or how long you chose to play the game for) even once all the bugs are fixed, and they don't ask you to pay for their down time, which aside form occasional DCs (personally) wasn't too bad for me.

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We are all entitled to our opinions and all have our own experiences and not everyone is having all the problems you might be - but we all need to grow up a little and stop making posts like this because it's just going to cause a handful of people to jump in with different opinions than you. Rarely do I see a thread like this and everyone go "OMG I KNOW, RIGHT!?!" ---- I get needing to let off steam and being frustrated, but come on! End rant.

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@Lunarlife.5128 said:

@Bloodtau.4672 said:

@Daniel.5428 said:To be prepared for a situation like this is what makes the difference between Good devs and Bad devs. 2 days and is still impossible to play it. Is just about luck. If the map is full you will just be disconnected. Is impossible to play like this. The forum is full of posts about problems and Anet was just absent. They post only when things are good. In conclusion, it was the worst major patch launch I've ever seen in a MMO game.

Then I can tell you haven't had much experience with major updates in MMO's.

Let's see... Error 37 Diablo, lots of bugs in WoW, lots of bugs in other games...The only thing annoying so far is the server outage. The resets are expected/real things that are probably dealing with issues.

Add the terrible launch of Stormblood (FF14) to the list. Early or pre-access accounts could not play pre-launch because it was simply so bugged and glitched; they put a required instance at the beginning and that instance was crashing. Like a stuck turnstile in a new theme park entrance.

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@TheRandomGuy.7246 said:So because some other companies had bad launch that means that it is acceptable way of doing things?

The word we are looking for is "Understandable". Most people just want to complain rather than sit back and think about what it takes to do something this big and how many moving parts and how it would be a miracle for everything to go smoothly because you paid money and were told launch was this time. If you are literal and don't try to understand what happens on the other side of things, than yeah, bad launches are acceptable because it's never not going to happen. Whatever. Words. lol.

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@penguin.6491 said:Most people just want to complain rather than sit back and think about what it takes to do something this big and how many moving parts and how it would be a miracle for everything to go smoothly because you paid money and were told launch was this time.

Well they bought the game and waited for a launch date and now they can't play because technical stuff. Thinking about moving parts is what devs do not paying customers that were promised a release date.

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@Daniel.5428 said:To be prepared for a situation like this is what makes the difference between Good devs and Bad devs. 2 days and is still impossible to play it. Is just about luck. If the map is full you will just be disconnected. Is impossible to play like this. The forum is full of posts about problems and Anet was just absent. They post only when things are good. In conclusion, it was the worst major patch launch I've ever seen in a MMO game.

You must be new to MMOs. Don't worry, you'll get to experience way worse patch/expansion launches in other major MMOs.

Back in the day people would throw around the moto: "Never play on patch day."

Some small server hickups for 24-48 hours is nothing.

Also arenanet has been very in touch about the issues, just not in every single thread. Had you really wanted to find info, you would have.

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@Bloodtau.4672 said:

@Daniel.5428 said:To be prepared for a situation like this is what makes the difference between Good devs and Bad devs. 2 days and is still impossible to play it. Is just about luck. If the map is full you will just be disconnected. Is impossible to play like this. The forum is full of posts about problems and Anet was just absent. They post only when things are good. In conclusion, it was the worst major patch launch I've ever seen in a MMO game.

Then I can tell you haven't had much experience with major updates in MMO's.

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@Daniel.5428 said:To be prepared for a situation like this is what makes the difference between Good devs and Bad devs. 2 days and is still impossible to play it. Is just about luck. If the map is full you will just be disconnected. Is impossible to play like this. The forum is full of posts about problems and Anet was just absent. They post only when things are good. In conclusion, it was the worst major patch launch I've ever seen in a MMO game.

I honestly had 0 issues save for a d/c here and there. Today was flawless.

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@TheRandomGuy.7246 said:So because some other companies had bad launch that means that it is acceptable way of doing things?

Yes, they are actively seeking and combating bugs and crashes, and have been since launch. They are iterating like mad and updating the game repeatedly. This is very acceptable. They could have pushed go, finished the day and gone home and come in on Monday to find out if anyone was able to play the game over the weekend. That's not the experience you're having. This was a clean launch. The first major hiccup didn't happen for over a day after launch.

The thing you guys seem to not understand is that it is physically impossible for them to anticipate all eventualities. They tried as best they could with internal testing and then again during the beta weekend events and the two stress tests. The fact that there were no major crashes to the patcher and the game at the moment of launch suggest they did a good job with it. But when thousands to millions of people suddenly have at it, no limited release is going to adequately account for everything that could go wrong.

This is very acceptable, and encouraged.

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@TheRandomGuy.7246 said:

@penguin.6491 said:Most people just want to complain rather than sit back and think about what it takes to do something this big and how many moving parts and how it would be a miracle for everything to go smoothly because you paid money and were told launch was this time.

Well they bought the game and waited for a launch date and now they can't play because technical stuff. Thinking about moving parts is what devs do not paying customers that were promised a release date.

And if you want to be technical, the game they paid for launched exactly when it said it would. It may have encountered bugs and problems here and there, but the game launched as advertised. Some people encountered bugs that may have affected their ability to start the game on the note? Sue, it will always happen in every game, there will be people that encounter bugs/problems etc. Sometimes its you, sometimes it's someone else, shit happens. BUT the game launched ON release date, so that point of argument is null.So this release I was one of the affected people, shit happens, get over yourselves. It is ONLY day one. I have no problem giving them some leeway in that regard, and put up with bugs on first few days because I look forward to MONTHS of content I will enjoy. I know how much work it is to publish a game like that and I am not gonna act like an entitled prick whose world came crushing down because game has some bugs. THEY ALL DO. There was NOT ONE MMO release EVER that was bug/problem free, for every player in their player base, regardless of the size of the company/game.At least I can actively see Anet working on solving these issues promptly and look forward to when those bugs are fixed. And yay, I finally get my map completion rewards.... without botching about it, because in my experience, unlike some other companies, Anet proved that they give a damn about their player base so I know they will fix all the shit asap. Chill people.

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