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PvP deathbead


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You forgot to add in (There is no Hope) as an option& i'm right on this.. After 5 years & they still din't get it right. What makes you think they will in the next 5 years?Look at companies that got it right off the bat & making millions in pvp. Fortnite is not an mmo but it is pvp. something you can learn about.

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I'm all in for more game modes. Not everything thrives well in conquest, we just force ourselves to build around it since it's the only competitive game type.

balance is still a little to far off for 3v3s and 2v2s.... Buuuuut we're a lot better than the apex predators of the past.Even really strong top meta builds are far more balanced and can be shut down compared to what we've seen before.

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  • The "new expansion specs" options is a honeypot for the blind because the current design of specializations means that they are all inherently bloat at one point or another.
  • "REAL PvP update" doesn't mean anything; too vague especially given the very concrete, fundamental issues with GW2's engine and auto-pilot combat designs.
  • New maps don't fix the gameplay. New modes don't fix it either; and frankly, even if we were to design a gamemode that was "conducive" to exemplifying the best elements of GW2's gameplay, do people not realize that means that one would be catering to super passive play and reliance on effortless, no-risk chains of instant abilities which insulate the user from any need to sharpen gamesense and mechanical execution?
  • Even if we're talking the top of PvP, one would absolutely have to be referring exclusively to MMORPG PvP. Even then, it's not like MMORPG PvP hasn't already been the consistently lowest tier of video game PvP experiences.

Oh shoot, I didn't see the "re-work GW1" option. Yeah, I kinda wish I had the money to just buy GW1's source code rights. That game was a beautiful nightmare of spaghetti code which actually benefited players in weird ways and created a lot of weird team role options. GW2 is just a regular nightmare of spaghetti code that really isn't worth untangling at this point.

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What happened to "All is vain"? :'(

IMHO the only thing that would make a difference is a complete trait and elite specialisation ability rework.

Bloated and stacked traits have to go away. One trait should exactly perform one action.

Abilities should never offer powerful offence and defence at the same time.

Hard hitting and strong abilities need either big animations, long cast times or long cool downs. There needs to be a trade off for everything you do and every ability you pick.

Access to invulnerability in any form or shape needs to be looked at. In my arguably limited MMO experience I've never seen so many abilities that negate all and every damage. Invulnerability is contrary to active game play.

Damage and sustain need to be gutted. High damage builds should never have good sustain. And by sustain I don't only mean raw healing power but also the means to avoid damage with invulnerability or through continuous evading.

Access to teleports needs to be drastically limited. Teleports are extremely strong abilities and need a proper trade off.

CC spam, soft or hard, needs to go. One player character should never be allowed to permanently lock down an opponent. Likewise, hard CC abilities should never deal high damage. You should have to set your burst up, not wipe out your opponent with one move that locks him in place and downs him at the same time.

And I'm just going to stop here before I lose it completely. :s

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There's only 250 people in platinum right now on NA...The barrier of entry into the top 250 is 1503 rating...

It's not just balance (Mesmer) holding back pvp from having a somewhat balanced meta, and gaining back a healthy population. There needs to be, multiple things done simultaneously in order to get back population, which will IN TURN make the matchmaker better, which will eventually lead to a less toxic and dieing pvp scene;

a) New modes, and new maps...Not only will veteran pvp players be interested in the new maps, but new maps and new modes will almost always attract Pve landers into the pvp scene, which is vital to increasing the population. if the modes and maps introduced are fun enough and not a snooze fest, Then naturally people will stay in spvp.

b) Changing balance so that it's not so terribleTo keep new players playing, and get old players to come back, the balance needs to change...I feel like we are almost there with POF balance...just a few more things to finally fix it up and have decent game-play.

c) A reason for people to stayNo...achievements and dailies are not good reasons for people to play ranked games or SPVP. It's for most people right now, a chore...SPVP is supposed to be competitive, with the feeling that your position in the game has an impact, and that you are rewarded through your efforts of good gameplay....PROGRESSION is the key word here. If you are making progress, whether it's by learning, exploring new things, getting rewards... or winning your first AT. Progress is the defining feature to a reward. Achievements and dailies are artificial "hang up at work" plaques, that give you the illusion of progression. You went to 2 years of college and got a degree...but did you actually learn anything? are you ahead of where you were before going to college? Are you....happy?

Just an example of some progression...make Spvp exclusive armor sets, that cost pips instead of gold or marks or whatever. Don't tie them to rating...instead, on every win, you can choose to allocate some of your reward pips to going toward these custom armor sets. Every win you attain you can CHOOSE to progress toward exclusive armor.... not tied to rating...no regression...

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gw2 is really good, the only problem is they change nothing so this game become boring and people rq.

meta build are same for like min 6 monthleague is just for gold farmermonthly at is terrible seriously not even a bo 3 not even Swiss-system

3 reasons why pvp is so dead

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