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The number of Humans is too high!


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I have been playing pvp for a long time and most of the times players use the human race and if not, its usually a race for a specific class. i.eAzura: Meser, theif or necroCharr: ...not too sure, see them the least, ranger? war?Tree people: ...necro...meser..Norm..: Guardian, minimal clothesHumans: war, necro, theif, gaurdian. engi, meser, ele, rev, baker, cheese maker, harbour master, architect etc

What I have ofren don't see beforeCharr: ele and meser, rev,gaurdAzura: warrior, revNorm: elementalist, meser, engi (okay maby i have seen a few) ,revCabbage people: ele, war, rev

It feels kinda weriod playing as an only charr for 6 games...anyway this was for light hearted fun but Id still like to hear your opinions

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PVP to most people "showoff the best part of you"... All other races doesn't look beautiful... So they used humans... Atleast that's what I think... But I might be wrong... But people use norn women they look good too...

And a few veterans and skilled players use minimal clothed norn male... Idk why they do that... But it might be too provoke the enemy...

Once I met a norn pvper and asked him "why are you being naked?" And he replied with a question "why not?" I got no answer for that...

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@BlaqueFyre.5678 said:In PvP and WvW I strip my opponent’s of their character identity by forcing them to be standard models. No silly Asurans or Charr running around, just bland humans everywhere.

in pvp i do understand this. in WvW i think for smallscale/roaming it is better to see them fully. in pvp you have names you can recognize in WvW this will get more difficult as there is never anything unique about your opponent if you run standard models unless he is in a 1 man guild. recognizing your opponent can be very important as you will know how he fights, what he does different maybe, terrible habits you can exploit or just overall skill level so you can make a better choice in target to focus on in a group or outnumbered fight because sometimes a good player on a not so strong build could be a greater threat then a bad player on a dangerous build.

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@MUDse.7623 said:

@BlaqueFyre.5678 said:In PvP and WvW I strip my opponent’s of their character identity by forcing them to be standard models. No silly Asurans or Charr running around, just bland humans everywhere.

in pvp i do understand this. in WvW i think for smallscale/roaming it is better to see them fully. in pvp you have names you can recognize in WvW this will get more difficult as there is never anything unique about your opponent if you run standard models unless he is in a 1 man guild. recognizing your opponent can be very important as you will know how he fights, what he does different maybe, terrible habits you can exploit or just overall skill level so you can make a better choice in target to focus on in a group or outnumbered fight because sometimes a good player on a not so strong build could be a greater threat then a bad player on a dangerous build.

This is true, but I can’t stand a lot of the Visual clutter a lot of players in WvW use on their armor/outfits most notably Char/Norn where the effects are magnified.

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IMO, Asurans are so unfair in PvP that it was a godsend when they introduced standard models. I'm glad they're humans. Humans are a good size for the "point game" rather than norns and charr (too big). Sylvari would be fine as an option, though!

@Xuazinegueri.3592 said:

@Yannir.4132 said:The meta is strong.

I'm still wondering why the enemy team is always only humans, and they even always have the same armor on...

You probably activated an option that sets the enemy models as humans and have the same clothes depending on the profession.

P.S. he was /s.

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Weird thread but I have 31 toons but oddly enough most of them lean towards the areas you say you don't see much of...

I love Charr animations, so I got a Charrdian and a Charrmancer, I wanted to create a Mes called the charrmer but haven't got round to it yet, ended up callin him Arcade Warrior instead pimped out in all SAB gear.... But I thought I'd post my Norn ele because it's like a circus ringmaster.MES9lNl.jpg

The stache is sxc.

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@"sephiroth.4217" said:Weird thread but I have 31 toons but oddly enough most of them lean towards the areas you say you don't see much of...

I love Charr animations, so I got a Charrdian and a Charrmancer, I wanted to create a Mes called the charrmer but haven't got round to it yet, ended up callin him Arcade Warrior instead pimped out in all SAB gear.... But I thought I'd post my Norn ele because it's like a circus ringmaster.MES9lNl.jpg

The stache is sxc.

Characters like that one are why standard models exist.

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