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Discussing the upcoming Herald changes


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@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:Mallyx has no boon corruption currently. It is mostly boonstrip with one boonsteal trait, and one condition transfer trait. I was also surprised to see the boonstrip attached to Shiro, but perhaps the Brutality trait was a sign. I hope Mallyx gets something more than just torment application.

I guess Banish enchantment isn’t labeled as a straight boon corrupt it removes Boons and applies confusion. But is essentially a similar mechanic

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@"Gihn.1043" said:the boon removal on shiro is surprising to me. is that not in mallyx's wheelhouse, what with a couple traits and a skill already for that?

I would have expected shiro to embody "speed" and unblockable effect instead of life siphon and boon removal...

I also wonder if we can expect "consume skills" on the core legend when the herald trait line is taken. (assuming that consume skills are the active skills of the upkeep skills) At the moment there are skills but with no effect except for deactivating the upkeep effect...

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@Dadnir.5038 said:

@"Gihn.1043" said:the boon removal on shiro is surprising to me. is that not in mallyx's wheelhouse, what with a couple traits and a skill already for that?

I would have expected shiro to embody "speed" and unblockable effect instead of life siphon and boon removal...

I also wonder if we can expect "consume skills" on the core legend when the herald trait line is taken. (assuming that consume skills are the active skills of the upkeep skills) At the moment there are skills but with no effect except for deactivating the upkeep effect...

If the siphon and removal will be better then is on necro I switch to true necronant :D

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@LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:

@narcx.3570 said:Who's ready to be wildly disappointed?!?!? woooo!

I’m in ^_^ ready for my wvw roaming hammer herald build to be completely dead, clunky, or both q_q

EDIT:I do believe class will become worse to play, but the f2 changes sound nice very nice.II hope they tweak some ventari consume values as well, the condi clear from ventari consumes to much for its effect for example, herald ventari m8 receive a boost in performance but actually, in terms of usage :| wich is what needs to get fixed on ventari, it has a big delay to make it usable on a game where everyone keeps rushing left and right every time.

@DragonSlayer.1087 said:I just want a super healer herald!

We already have it, 7k(900-1k healing power)-14k(2k healing power) heals if u know where to predict 2sec before where will be needed xD, do it like minority report precogs style ahahah.And mobs in this game on pve side are so awfully done where only boon stacking is needed no direct big heals needed so rev healing is almost useless.

Doubt that game-play gona get improved they only know damage on/off....

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@"Milan.9035" said:I just hate thier silence on renegade.

Like this is this only little comment i seen about renegade from them.https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/98uwhx/shoutout_i_just_want_to_express_my_appreciation/

Reddit and anet love renegade.... Guess its fine.... To reddit herald was a dead spec. Pve vs pvp :(

Yeah, they're so proud of their strong female Charr and portal animations that they won't even acknowledge that they designed a trash specialization that's only useful in one game mode.

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@Elric.4713 said:

@"Milan.9035" said:I just hate thier silence on renegade.

Like this is this only little comment i seen about renegade from them.

Reddit and anet love renegade.... Guess its fine.... To reddit herald was a dead spec. Pve vs pvp :(

Yeah, they're so proud of their strong female Charr and portal animations that they won't even acknowledge that they designed a trash specialization that's only useful in one game mode.

Its actually a very strong condi /hybrid spec for anything a player does independent the game mode, if u keep high condi stats.

Q: Why to u think renegade is weak????

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i was really surprised to hear anet took a look at herald, since everyone was crying for renegade rework (why i dont know, i actually like renegade lol. then again i dont raid and that disqualifies my opinion for many ppl anyway). Unfortunately, as it always is with blog posts, the information given is really vague. have to wait for the actual patch to give proper thoughts / feedback.Not exactly sure where this update is going to lead herald, since the elite specs on rev seem to "just fit the gap" for a specific build because for the 4 possible builds (tank, support, dps power, dps condi) the 4 core legends are already there. With the new facet of nature herald goes even more into that "fit the gap" spot. But still, we will have to see next week.As far as I know anet sword4 most likely gets nerfed into the ground next week. Hopefully Shield will be buffed enough to decently replace that. anet actually giving us the option to DECIDE whether we go squishy burst or more durable - i dont think so. either one or the other

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@Aeolus.3615 said:

@"Milan.9035" said:I just hate thier silence on renegade.

Like this is this only little comment i seen about renegade from them.

Reddit and anet love renegade.... Guess its fine.... To reddit herald was a dead spec. Pve vs pvp :(

Yeah, they're so proud of their strong female Charr and portal animations that they won't even acknowledge that they designed a trash specialization that's only useful in one game mode.

Its actually a very strong condi /hybrid spec for anything a player does independent the game mode, if u keep high condi stats.

Q: Why to u think renegade is weak????

Its useless in pvp and wvw. Herald does better even in a condi build.

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@Milan.9035 said:

@Milan.9035 said:I just hate thier silence on renegade.

Like this is this only little comment i seen about renegade from them.

Reddit and anet love renegade.... Guess its fine.... To reddit herald was a dead spec. Pve vs pvp :(

Yeah, they're so proud of their strong female Charr and portal animations that they won't even acknowledge that they designed a trash specialization that's only useful in one game mode.

Its actually a very strong condi /hybrid spec for anything a player does independent the game mode, if u keep high condi stats.

Q: Why to u think renegade is weak????

Its useless in pvp and wvw. Herald does better even in a condi build.

it is not useless,, it can be used on small scale and pvp, also theres those players that when cant get carried with something will say it's useless,(game itself enforces this behaviour) but mostly WvW gameplay just excludes everything that isn't a gimmick for easy aoe long range spam.... reason we only have hammer rev scourge FB and eles.Well more or less... On WvW scrapper can heal continuadly 14-16k... its broken and i dont see a fix on it, nor i will say how its done, but game is towards lame spam gimmicks, Renegade can do it but isnt that class that keeps spamming on long range that is its flaw for not be in meta, we have scourge for that and nothing else is needed..... over-performance....

But that's the balance and due how bad developers are (they are really bad when thinking on the class designs for the expantions, reason we are always talkign abotu game balance. and why some classes always end getting reworked so other classes perform better or something that has become to much) when designing the classes in this game cause they dont really take it the class on all game modes, reason WVW is only ment for long AOE spammers.It is more than obvious they dont test classes arroung the game modes but how they new spec scould carry players in pve and how they need to make players feel strong rather than be the player making the class strong, this is how classes are done...They have a seriously production flaw, when creating /tuning them for the game.

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it doesn't seem herald will be affected much in pvp. I'm sure they took some damage out, but the added defense/utility it seems theyre adding will more than make up for it. And to be honest, with mesmers being the big dog in pvp and also rev's biggest counter being mesmers, we don't really get many chances to shine. So instead of just being pidgeonheld to avoid all mesmers maybe this will give us some tools to even the playing field a bit.

Another note is herald didn't have much of an identity before. I mean it gives boons, not good enough for support, Kalla is the pve dps spec, and really is only good for wvw and pvp. It seems theyre opening up the possibility of a power dps e spec for the future, and trying to take herald out of it a bit to make room. Pushing herald to a more supporting role I think will be healthy for the class on the whole, and glint won't have to compete with kalla in pve.

If herald ends up sucking for pvp so be it I guess, I think this is a good long term move to open up room for a power damage spec.

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Renegade in wvw is better than in pvp because you can mold the stats a bit better. But still its useless i would say its the worst out of all the especs and core specs for pvp. And the second worst, whatever it is, is miles ahead of it.

I understand that there a lot of people who like renegade. For open world its nice and easy, for fractals and raids its awesome. But in pvp its like from a different game.

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@Milan.9035 said:Renegade in wvw is better than in pvp because you can mold the stats a bit better. But still its useless i would say its the worst out of all the especs and core specs for pvp. And the second worst, whatever it is, is miles ahead of it.

I understand that there a lot of people who like renegade. For open world its nice and easy, for fractals and raids its awesome. But in pvp its like from a different game.

lack of defenses compared with other classes?

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why would you want offhand sword nerfed? The range is short and the damage isn't that crazy or impossible to avoid. Meanwhile other classes can do way better and have a much better sustain.

Can you explain where this come from ? Because if you want, we can talk about malice and backstabs...

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@Aeolus.3615 said:

@"Milan.9035" said:I just hate thier silence on renegade.

Like this is this only little comment i seen about renegade from them.

Reddit and anet love renegade.... Guess its fine.... To reddit herald was a dead spec. Pve vs pvp :(

Yeah, they're so proud of their strong female Charr and portal animations that they won't even acknowledge that they designed a trash specialization that's only useful in one game mode.

Its actually a very strong condi /hybrid spec for anything a player does independent the game mode, if u keep high condi stats.

Q: Why to u think renegade is weak????

Let’s see. Useless in PvP. Condi build in open world PvE is down grade from herald. It is weapon only work well in group environment. It has the longest ramp up time among all condi builds.

Unless you are doing a raid it is trash tier.

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@Madara.7435 said:As far as I know anet sword4 most likely gets nerfed into the ground next week.Hope not. They already reviewed sword offhand and buffed sw#5. Reverting the burst status of sword would be one step forward 3 step backwards balance.

Hopefully Shield will be buffed enough to decently replace that. anet actually giving us the option to DECIDE whether we go squishy burst or more durable - i dont think so. either one or the otherDo you really think shield would replace sword offhand? That's totally wrong. Shield would include some anti condi options and maybe no root on sh#5 but no offensive weapon for sure. If we want to go squishy burst we go sword offhand. If we want support we go shield, with the possibility in the future to maybe replace staff but that we'll see. Staff is totally superior to shield even in the future scenario so why I should drop sw/sw staff? I don't want to become a potato even more...

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@Milan.9035 said:

@Milan.9035 said:I just hate thier silence on renegade.

Like this is this only little comment i seen about renegade from them.

Reddit and anet love renegade.... Guess its fine.... To reddit herald was a dead spec. Pve vs pvp :(

Yeah, they're so proud of their strong female Charr and portal animations that they won't even acknowledge that they designed a trash specialization that's only useful in one game mode.

Its actually a very strong condi /hybrid spec for anything a player does independent the game mode, if u keep high condi stats.

Q: Why to u think renegade is weak????

Its useless in pvp and wvw. Herald does better even in a condi build.

Agree. I can only see Renegade "good" at supporting <10 players with Kalla buff, protection and alacrity. Perhaps some support group roaming for WvW, but in PvP or mass scale WvW, you better drop Renegade and go Herald. Renegade is weak by definition.

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