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[Bug] Can't get to Font of Rhand (Trying to make Mawdrey in 2018)

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Update: A helpful good soul ported me in! Hope Anet fixes the event though.More clear update: I have completed Mawdrey. Someone already ported me in. The event was still bugged days after I made this thread, however. Thank you SO MUCH to all the mesmers who have whispered me, but I no longer need help! Also Thank you Jeffrey Vaughn for replying and looking into the bugged event!

I'm currently stuck on this because I physically can't get into Font of Rhand for the water... The meta event to access the mini-dungeon seems to be bugged. Flame Legion Battles is just stuck on "Rankar Harrownight is uniting his warband for a counter assault on the Flame Legion." The events listed on the wiki never show up. There's no way to progress.

I'm worried that I'll never be able to complete Mawdrey because there are so many items needed that are locked behind very old very specific events that might be bugged and I'm not sure Anet is even trying to fix these old events. There's barely anyone playing these areas of the game anymore. Is this a lost cause? Is there any way of breaking into the mini-dungeon using a mount or something? Does someone happen to have a mesmer parked in there (NA) that could portal me in?

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@borek.7193 said:Yup... confirming this for the EU... Event stuck. Now what?

1) Report it using the in-game bug report tool if you haven't already so Anet know it's happening.2) Ask in map chat and LFG if anyone has a mesmer inside who can portal you in, or is on a map where the entrance is open.3) If not wait until the next update (which resets all maps) and try as soon as possible after the update goes live.

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  • 3 weeks later...

As of September 11, 2018 the event is STILL bugged on "Rankar Harrownight is uniting his warband for a counter assault on the Flame Legion." No offense Anet, but I REALLY don't want to have to come back to this map every hour of every day asking for someone to port me inside so I can finish Mawdrey. Please either fix the issue or open the Font of Rhand so it no longer prevents all the players who are working on the ascended backpiece or legendary weapons.

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@"Ronin.4501" said:As of September 11, 2018 the event is STILL bugged on "Rankar Harrownight is uniting his warband for a counter assault on the Flame Legion." No offense Anet, but I REALLY don't want to have to come back to this map every hour of every day asking for someone to port me inside so I can finish Mawdrey. Please either fix the issue or open the Font of Rhand so it no longer prevents all the players who are working on the ascended backpiece or legendary weapons.

If you’re NA, I can port you in later tonight since I haven’t touched my mesmer since I left it there. Basically the only way to get there is hope you land on an instance where it’s not bugged or break out of the map.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@"Ronin.4501" said:As of September 11, 2018 the event is STILL bugged on "Rankar Harrownight is uniting his warband for a counter assault on the Flame Legion." No offense Anet, but I REALLY don't want to have to come back to this map every hour of every day asking for someone to port me inside so I can finish Mawdrey. Please either fix the issue or open the Font of Rhand so it no longer prevents all the players who are working on the ascended backpiece or legendary weapons.

If you’re NA, I can port you in later tonight since I haven’t touched my mesmer since I left it there. Basically the only way to get there is hope you land on an instance where it’s not bugged or break out of the map.

Thank you very much for the offer Ayrilana!! Fortunately someone else who had a toon parked inside allowed me to use a Teleport to Friend so I was able to access the Clean Water and finish Mawdrey. But there were several others waiting around for the instance as well, so they may still need assistance getting inside.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Xenon.4537 said:I'm currently stuck on this because I physically can't get into Font of Rhand for the water...

Yes, it's a mini dungeon you can only do with someone else. But it is easy peasy: either ask a guild mate, in map chat, LFG, or on a forum. ;)

I think you misunderstood Ashantara. It's not that the mini-dungeon is difficult. The meta event chain that allows access to the Font of Rhand has been bugged for weeks, thus not allowing anyone to get inside (unless they've previously parked a toon there several weeks ago), and unfortunately access to the Font of Rhand is necessary for completion of several legendary items as well as the ascended backpiece Mawdrey.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

@Ronin.4501 said:

@Xenon.4537 said:I'm currently stuck on this because I physically can't get into Font of Rhand for the water...

Yes, it's a mini dungeon you can only do with someone else. But it is easy peasy: either ask a guild mate, in map chat, LFG, or on a forum. ;)

I think you misunderstood Ashantara. It's not that the mini-dungeon is difficult. The meta event chain that allows access to the Font of Rhand has been bugged for weeks, thus not allowing anyone to get inside (unless they've previously parked a toon there several weeks ago), and unfortunately access to the Font of Rhand is necessary for completion of several legendary items as well as the ascended backpiece Mawdrey.

Thanks for giving me a synopsis that I could send to the team. That sounds as if it's definitely worth looking into!

@Klipso.8653 said:I feel like part of this quest should have involved killing a dentist and using them as plant food

Gotta love cultural references. ;)

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Here are a few thoughts from Jeffrey, who has been looking into this issue:

  • One of the more recent threads mentions it being on "NPC is assembling his warband" ... That means that one or more of the pre-events is running and needs to be completed. They're not all visible from the spot where the NPC is standing, though they're very close. (There's a collection event, an intimidate event, and one that just takes time as an NPC repairs the damage done during the starting event)
  • The events aren't visible from where the NPC is, so it's possible that one event is running but the player hasn't gotten close enough to it to see it
  • And one isn't an "event", it's the NPC running around and repairing the camp. (Since there's no event, it just takes 2-10 minutes depending on how badly the camp was damaged during the previous event)

So a question for those having issues with this, if this seems the likely issue: Which named NPCs are standing by Rankar Harrownight?

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@Jeffrey Vaughn.1793 said:There's also an escort event (guarding an NPC while he collects devourer eggs). If I know which NPCs aren't waiting by Harrownight, it tells me which pre-events haven't completed.

That's very helpful.

I suspect it would be useful if the umbrella event description that appears in the upper right of the UI could be updated to show what needs to be completed to progress the events. (Also help with Champion Frainn and others, who are also alleged to be MIA under similar situations, i.e. the 'meta' is waiting for an event to finish that is hard to see from far away.)

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Just went over to Diessa Plateau and found the this chain in the broken state.

The other members are gathered but Savor Foulnight is still left. It looks like https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Recover_the_scattered_pieces_of_scrap_metal_for_Savor_Foulnight did not start after https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Defend_Bloodsaw_Mill_from_the_Flame_Legion

Savor Foulnight also seems to be completely invulnerable or uninteractable with creatures. Dragged a warthog on top of him. None of the warthog's attacks even interacted with him like he is not a valid target.

Other ways I've seen this chain breaking is during https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Help_the_Night_warband_reach_Incendio_Templum the NPCs are stalled on the road.

During https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Defend_Bloodsaw_Mill_from_the_Flame_Legion the flame legion enemies you are supposed to kill are missing.

@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

@Jeffrey Vaughn.1793 said:There's also an escort event (guarding an NPC while he collects devourer eggs). If I know which NPCs
waiting by Harrownight, it tells me which pre-events haven't completed.

That's very helpful.

I suspect it would be useful if the umbrella event description that appears in the upper right of the UI could be updated to show what needs to be completed to progress the events. (Also help with Champion Frainn and others, who are also alleged to be MIA under similar situations, i.e. the 'meta' is waiting for an event to finish that is hard to see from far away.)

In this case you can also talk to Rankar who tells you which member is missing and the direction to go find them.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Where is Savor Foulnight standing? Is he in the spot where he collects items for the event, and the event isn't running? Note that the collection event only runs if the Boodsaw Mill was damaged when it was under attack. If nothing in Bloodsaw Mill was destroyed during the attack, he should go to Harrownight right after the defend event ends.

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@"Jeffrey Vaughn.1793" said:Where is Savor Foulnight standing? Is he in the spot where he collects items for the event, and the event isn't running? Note that the collection event only runs if the Boodsaw Mill was damaged when it was under attack. If nothing in Bloodsaw Mill was destroyed during the attack, he should go to Harrownight right after the defend event ends.

Foulnight is standing west of the WP on the other side of the mill. Ghostnight, Razenight, and Harrownight are standing NE of the WP.


Map IP

Bartol Jagsaw in the mill says that the machines are damaged and they're waiting on Foulnight.

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When I was still working on Mawdrey I looked up every individual event page on the wiki and I physically went to every location marked on the maps and mentioned in text. At the time, none of the events were active and there did not seem to be any NPCs with the typical orange "there's an event here you can start if you talk to me" icon over their head. The meta event message in the top right of the screen was just suck on "Rankar Harrownight is uniting his warband for a counter assault on the Flame Legion." I ran around the map for a good 2 hours checking to see if anything changed, but it stayed that way. I gave up and tried checking back every hour or so to see if the gate had opened. Eventually a kind mesmer portalled me in during this time.

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