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Runecrafter's Salvage-o-Matic concerns [Merged]

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@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:Recommend uses:

  • Fine or less: copper-fed/basic
  • Masterwork: runecrafter's or silver-fed if you don't have rc
  • Rares: silver-fed, mystic, or masterwork

Updating my recommendations as follows:

Purchase recommendations

  • If you own neither silver-fed or runecrafter, buy the runecrafter
  • If you already own one, don't buy the other.
  • The copper-fed is always a good choice.
  • None of these items are necessary and none will pay for themselves for 99% of the community. You have to buy hundreds of stacks of things to salvage to come close to reaching the numbers required to break even. They are convenience items.

Usage recommendationsCopper-fed can be replaced by basic. Silver-fed by mystic (best) or masterwork. There's no benefit to the blue or green kits (except in making master's). You can substitute Runecrafter's with Silver-fed if you only own the older one.

  • Fine or below: Copper-Fed
  • Masterwork without upgrades: Copper-fed
  • Masterwork with upgrades: runecrafter's
  • Rares without upgrades: Silver-fed
  • Rare with upgrades: runecrafter's
  • Exotics: sell on TP


  • The market is going to change (not might change; it will change) which will require new recommendations. The price of ecto and of charms|symbols matters a lot.
  • We don't yet have great data on ecto rates from rares from runecrafter's; the could also impact the recs. Right now, it appears to be within 77-83 per 100, only somewhat less than silver-fed's 87+.
  • There are some salvage items that might benefit from a different kit; for the tiny number of these that most people get, it's not worth worrying about, i.e. use the copper-fed.
  • Power traders/salvagers will have different usage patterns and therefore want different recommendations; these are meant for "typical" players.
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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

@LucianDK.8615 said:So what does anyone use to salvage rares and exotics?

Need to wait for a large enough data set of ecto salvage rates to know what is best but for me I just stick with silver fed.

For exotics?? Are you crazy? :o A Black Lion Salvage kit for those, ofcourse! Or use the Endless Upgrade Extractor first,
try your luck with the Silver-fed/Mystic Salvage Kit.

This isn't a realistic plan. Only a fraction of the community has enough BL sal kits to use on exotics. A smaller fraction of the community has enough disposable gold to afford the endless extractor.

In any case, it is more lucrative to sell an exotic piece of gear than to risk salvaging it with a Silver-fed-o-matic.

Anyway, back on topic: I am happy this new tool was finally released (had waited for weeks). It saves me so much time now. As mentioned before, the only downside is that is makes the Silver-fed and MSKits kind of redundant.

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I like how it saves you several steps. Before, I would extract the upgrades, then salvage them. Now I can do all in one click, and the % of getting charms etc. out of them are the same as extracting, then salvaging the upgrade. They should have introduced this tool the day they applied the changes to salvaging upgrades.

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I'm not happy with their patch invalidating my silver and copper fed salvage tools ability to extract ruins and sigils then they force us to buy yet another salvage device to get that ability back. At the very least they could give a free shared slot with the runecrafter's tool because it's yet another item to occupy a shared slot. As it is I have 3 salvage devices in my shared slots: BL, silver and copper. Another thing they could have done is made it an ascended salvage tool. They could have made it a combo tool with the qualities of BL, ascended and rune.

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@Tekoneiric.6817 said:I'm not happy with their patch invalidating my silver and copper fed salvage tools ability to extract ruins and sigils then they force us to buy yet another salvage device to get that ability back. At the very least they could give a free shared slot with the runecrafter's tool because it's yet another item to occupy a shared slot. As it is I have 3 salvage devices in my shared slots: BL, silver and copper. Another thing they could have done is made it an ascended salvage tool. They could have made it a combo tool with the qualities of BL, ascended and rune.

You do not get the upgrade with the new tool, it just has a 100% chance to break it down. It's as if you always used an upgrade extractor and then salvaged the upgrade.

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@Tanner Blackfeather.6509 said:

You do not get the upgrade with the new tool, it just has a 100% chance to break it down. It's as if you always used an upgrade extractor and then salvaged the upgrade.

The wording of the item description is misleading, and that's only proven by the number of people who were fooled by it. I have trouble believing Anet didn't realize that would happen.Anet should refund the people who purchased the runecrafter thinking they'd get the upgrades back.

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@Vethaera.6319 said:

You do
not get the upgrade
with the new tool, it just has a 100% chance to break it down. It's as if you always used an upgrade extractor
and then salvaged the upgrade

The wording of the item description is misleading, and that's only proven by the number of people who were fooled by it. I have trouble believing Anet didn't realize that would happen.Anet should refund the people who purchased the runecrafter thinking they'd get the upgrades back.

Well, previous to the November 13th patch the kits stated “X% chance to recover upgrades”. They now say “X% chance to salvage upgrades.” There is a difference between the two, it’s not misleading, you’ve got to read the description.

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@Vethaera.6319 said:

@"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

You do
not get the upgrade
with the new tool, it just has a 100% chance to break it down. It's as if you always used an upgrade extractor
and then salvaged the upgrade

The wording of the item description is misleading, and that's only proven by the number of people who were fooled by it. I have trouble believing Anet didn't realize that would happen.It only proves that people have different ideas of the of the plain English meaning of various phrase. It's happened more than a few times that ANet has misjudged people's reactions.

The most common example in the early days is of ANet saying that something was "on sale," by which they meant, "was made available in the gem shop," but many people took to mean, "was offered at a discount." Both are reasonable interpretations of the idiom, if there is no other context. People accused them of deliberately misleading (or worse), when it was nothing of the sort.

Anet should refund the people who purchased the runecrafter thinking they'd get the upgrades back.All you have to do is contact support and make the request. Unless it's an account unlock, they are often willing to refund the gems in exchange for the player deleting the item.

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@"Alin.2468" said:We should all request back the gems from Silver-Fed Salvage-o-Matic. It's their fault for modifying purchased items without our consent, as customers.

They won't do this, but if Anet's designers are reading this thread, they should be aware that silver needs help now.

Silver-Fed Salvage-o-Matic was always overshadowed by Mystic Salvage Kits, but it has found a new niche for masterwork items since the rune/ sigil update. Now that niche is taken away from it by Runecrafter's, bringing Silver back to its grave. Sure, it's still worth using silver for masterworks if you already own it and have not purchased the new one, but it's a "feels bad" situation where we're paying twice the money than those who purchased the new kit for an effect that is generally worse for 90% of the salvaged items we'll use it for.

Anet should reduce silver's cost a little (50c? 40c?) and add more uses to Mystic Stones so that crafting Mystic Salvage kits comes at a greater cost.

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@Mini Crinny.6190 said:

@totaloverride.3240 said:Runecrafter's kit should give rune not salvage the rune!!!!!!!!!!This is one more scam. I bought this and now i regret that.i want my 200g back!

It salvages the rune? What is the point of buying this thing then? The silver has an 80% chance of salvaging the rune anyway which, in my experience, means 100%. Why would I buy this thing? Thank you for your post, though, you saved me 600 gems I would have spent because I misread the description. I have to agree this is sort of a scam that relies on people either not reading or not understanding the description before buying.


If it removed the rune aswell then it would make upgrade extractors and permanent upgrade extractors redundantIt wouldn't. the extractors do not destroy the item, and they can extract upgrades from ascended gear (which black lion for example cannot do).
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As a Silver and Copper owner I am not sure how I feel about this new item. Also it's the issue of valuable shared slots. I think like others suggested that Silver should get a reduced costs when salvaging or something, but even then I feel the need to get this new item when I thought Silver would be the final salvaging item I need.

I just wished the whole rune/craft system was that you still can salvage an item and get the sigil, but the sigils THEN can be broken down if you wish, otherwise you can just keep the runes/sigils. That way you can choose the best of both worlds. Seems like the system went more convoluted than it needed to and now a new salvage kit to add on top of it all.

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My initial thought before i bought the rune-o matic is that either i am, because of the name of the item , able to "salvage an item and recover its rune/sigil" or that "100% rune salvage rate" means something along the line of increase in Symbols/charms drop rate . Turn out that it does neither of them. i own copper, silver and rune now. and guess what, u will of course still get higher ectos using silver and there is no justification of using rune over copper o matic for blue/green items. This is because, no matter which one u choose be it copper or rune o matic, u will mostly ended up with lucent mote trash. So this is my advice to those who hasnt bought it yet, DONT. u are better off with copper/silver combo. To make matter worse is how they color coded the item, if u notice copper-omatic has white color rarity, Silver-omatic has yellow color rarity , And Rune-omatic (Can you believe it, they give it Orange/exotic color rarity). Such a misleading information. I feel scammed.

Try lining up your copper, silver and rune o matic. It will be : white|yellow|orangeExoticbut in reality , the role/usefulness of rune-omatic is in this order: white|orangeExotic|Yellow .Does this even looks right? i dont think so, cos we always know that ORANGE is better Than YELLOW in this game.

So will u be salvaging your blue/green gear using copper or rune-o matic ? for me it doesnt matter, cos i ended up with cheap trash mats like silk, mithril ore and lucent motes. Thus, its better off for this item to not even appear in the gemstore as it is very misleading. Or at the very least , color the darn item with green rarity and not give it an Orange/Exotic item rarity. For me personally , this is hands down the Crappiest item i have ever bought from Gemstore.

PS: my mistake was not consulting the forum first. could have avoided the trouble.

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@Urud.4925 said:

@"LucianDK.8615" said:Think you guys are looking for the endless upgrade extractor contractor. about 3000g.No.. im looking for a perma salvage kit that ACTUALLY has a chance to recover upgrades. And no silver kit does not do that,
despite the description saying 80%

The description on the Silver-fed CLEARLY states "80% chance of
salvaging upgrades
"What needs to be introduced is a Permanent Black Lion Salvage Kit, which given the latest changes, wont be too long to see come out I think.
Until then
, your option for a permanent way of recovering upgrades is already in game, via the Endless Upgrade Extractor.

You sure about that? Says "recovering" here.
Only it doesn't recover anything, it salvages. Outdated description? False advertising? Something doesn't add up.

Not anymore: This page was last edited on 1 January 2019, at 18:02.Ninja edited!Anyway, it's a too cheap way to scam people, so it's not ANet's style (I mean, I'm sure they didn't do it on purpose). But I wouldn't have called it "Runecrafter" kit, since you end up with no rune. Maybe "The Crumbler, "The Destroyer", "The Annihilator" or "Mote Maker" were better names.

Gotta admit, the "Mote Maker" is sounding like a better name the every time I read this thread.

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@Tanner Blackfeather.6509 said:

@Sneakyy.9157 said:@Illconceived Was Na.9781 what do you mean by with and without upgrades?

Most Masterwork and above items have upgrades, but not all. Most commonly, trinkets etc.


  • Trinkets in the wild do not come with upgrades (no runes or sigils, obviously, since those apply to armor and weapons)
  • Fine & below in the wild never include upgrades.
  • Among masterwork & rares, certain skins never include upgrades, and a few skins usually do (but not always).
  • The majority of masterwork and rare armor|weapons dropping in the wild will include runes|sigils.

For example, crafted armor & weapons (some of which do drop in the wild) never include an upgrade.

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