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What Are Your Top 5 Problems with WvW?


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Unable to keep up with groups without a warclaw

Unable to unlock warclaw because groups take keeps before I get there and you need a good sized group to take a keep, and a keep capture is required to unlock the thing

All your server's good wvw guilds abandoning ship leaving your server completely blown out of the water, last I knew it was called "Zombie Coast"

Frequent balance patches make it so that if wvw isn't your main game mode, it can be unwarrantedly expensive to constantly regear characters as the character you spent hundreds of gold on to have an effective wvw build is now reduced to being useless by a patch, and the set is useless in pve as well so it's just a big moneypit.

Server performance. There's a legit problem if you have had to from the beginning make workarounds to address performance of a core game mode. First there was culling, now we just see blobs of floating red names and start getting skill lag.

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@Grim West.3194 said:

  1. Blackgate
  2. Meta game that only rewards stacking. No other tactic matters. WvW might be the most pathetically idiotic version of RvR ever designed.
  3. Blackgate
  4. ANET's inability to not be fooled by Blackgate into opening so they can stack even more, all while ANET went MIA for 6 years. Useless.
  5. Giving Blackgate a link. W T F ? How can ANET be that obtuse.

ALL of WvW's problems can be laid at ANET's feet. Their meta design is garbage. Their support is garbage. ANET left WvW to rot and fester for 6 years and become the boil that is Blackgate.

After this long it is pointless. GW2 is OLD and ANET long ago proved that they do not have what it takes to make a decent RvR game.

We love you too <3

Lol. I don't blame BG for cheating the system. If ANET were competent they would have realized that players are always going to try to game the system. It's ANET's job to anticipate that. They failed and then put their heads in the sand for 6 years.

Blackgate is just a symptom of ANET's lack of courage and ability.

Sympton OR not, it's behavior and attitude you put in the gamemode, they show they rather be consent with it over fixing the issue...same goes for the EU servers

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I can probably do this in two points.

  1. Limited variety of content. The gameplay has essentially been the same thing since launch, with no compelling extensions. GvGs could and should have been worked into the WvW ecosystem by now, along with other content that's not based on the PPT metagame.
  2. Power creep. Any semblance of skill-based combat is long gone now, with the outcome largely determined by how much DPS and damage reduction each side has. I wish timing your skills and reading your opponent still mattered, but sadly it's all about the spam now.
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My complaints related to the game's design and balance

  1. https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/List_of_hex_spells

I can only imagine the Q.Q in this game if players were punished for spamming skills. Empathy and Insidious Parasite would hard counter melee. Backfire and Arcane Conundrum would make casters rage. Visions of Regret and Spiteful Spirit would make zergs cry and ragequit the game forever. And those are only some of the many things that made Guild Wars 1 more of an Esport than this game will ever be.

  1. There is no melee because the high risk high reward philosophy doesn't exist anymore. Only braindead passive ranged gameplay where you drop circles or dodge circles. Every expansion will be the same with more circles to avoid. We should just program robots to play the game perfectly for us because at this point we're playing against the game mechanics not each other. Full dire/trailblazer armor vs full nomads/minstrel. There's your backline and frontline but in reality they're the same.

There is a big difference between as people call unskilled play and what is actually fun. Old Hammer Trains were fun and so was the game but every expansion increases the power creep. I mean Arenanet actually had to add healers to a game with a manifesto that said they wouldn't. Why would they do that except because the game's DPS was reaching 1-shot levels and fights were not happening only ganking.


  1. This game has always been non-competitive and promotes bad sportsmanship. Ever since release the best tactic has been staff 1 guardian braindead zergs. The game is not balanced by Arenanet and the players who play this game love it. There is no sportsmanship because the whole game has always been about transfer to the winning server to win. Arenanet encourages this because it makes them money.

Changing your build to the most overpowered skills and traits every patch is skill in GW2. If your class gets nerfed most people would be better off just rerolling to the most overpowered class that hasn't been nerfed that patch. Instead of practicing just try to get the classes that kill you nerfed that's the GW2 way. Don't forget to buy the next expansion because they will nerf the old elite specs to force people to use the new ones. More power creep so instead of 1v1ing we can just 1shot each other.

I've said it before and I'll say it again when everybody else has quit this game all that's left will be the trolls and gankers. What happens when the next expansion comes out and Arenanet adds more power creep to the game? Players only complain if they can't kill somebody. Nobody cares if they 1-hit others because people are biased and subjective. True objective balance is impossible because the human race is competitive and vengeful.

  1. I remember the great 2v1 of BlackGate during Season 2. There are many reasons we don't care as much as we used to. The playerbase is much more casual than back in the old days. Pvp isn't even supported to become an Esport anymore. Even though we all knew that WvW was the true end game and a unique game mode which if given support should have become a new type of Esport.

Apathy over years of neglect with only more rewards given to WvWers basically confirms Arenanet's idea that we're all just Pvers wanting pixels. It's not that we're boring it's just that game companies don't cater to hardcore pvpers anymore. There's more money to be made from casuals who want to make their characters look pretty especially with the introduction of microtransactions.

Guild Wars 1 would of kicked League of Legend's kitten if it kept being supported and updated. That game was very well balanced and encouraged teamwork rather than GW2's everyone can do anything builds. The majority of the human race want easy to understand gameplay that the braindead sheep of this world can be entertained by. If a game takes years of practice and theorycrafting to learn and perfect it's just not viable anymore in this dumbed down society.

They brainwash us with advertisements so that we become consumers of the global corporation's products. Banks control our world through the stock exchange making sure any business that wants to make a profit has to bow down to shareholder's demands. We are living in an age of slavery to the rich and it's only going to get worse for our kids if we have any. No privacy or freedom of speech anymore in this world either. I don't have a phone or a Facebook account because I'm anonymous and wish to stay that way.

To bring this back on topic remember that GW1 had 1000 skills, dual class system and healers and they still tried to balance it. GW2 has a fraction of that number and they don't even try. Here's some nostalgia for you old school players: https://gwpvx.gamepedia.com/PvX_wiki

And finally a joke by the Ceo of Arenanet if you needed a laugh about the state of the game's balance after path of fire.


Live footage of Arenanet balancing GW2:

Arenanet debating GW2 balancing decisions:

Arenanet's response to community feedback:

When you make a post criticising GW2 or that you're playing any other game. Next day it' s deleted and you have an infraction from the moderators.

How to get perfect community feedback:


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My top 5 problems with WvW:

  1. Comms kicking players from squads from being non-meta

This is IMO the single most detrimental thing to the game mode all in all and goes against what GW2 stands for. It drives people away from the game mode and punishes players for not following the meta. This is partly a design problem, because balancing is far from ideal (but I guess that'll never be), and partly a mentality problem. However, as bad behavior isn't policed - neither on comm side, nor on player side, I don't see any room for improvement currently.

  1. Event rewards, that are not really good enough

Looking forward for that reward for taking a tower? Well, here's a couple of trash items for your hard work. Thank you.

  1. a participation system, that doesn't really deserve that name

Participation doesn't actually mean you participate. You only participate, if you do things succesfully. Good luck, if you got cut off from your zerg and get ganked during your attempts to reach them. Because participating in the fight against those gankers doesn't mean you participated. At all.

  1. map size / queues - maps often being either too empty or too full

This one explains itself.

  1. map variety

I don't get the hate / dislike for the desert BL map, IMO it's the best of the WvW maps, with the most interesting keeps and additional features thanks to the shrines. I also don't see why we can only have EB, 2x alpine and 1x desert bl. Make more maps, swap them out each week.

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@"getalifeturd.8139" said:My complaints related to the game's design and balance

  1. https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/List_of_hex_spells

I can only imagine the Q.Q in this game if players were punished for spamming skills. Empathy and Insidious Parasite would hard counter melee. Backfire and Arcane Conundrum would make casters rage. Visions of Regret and Spiteful Spirit would make zergs cry and ragequit the game forever. And those are only some of the many things that made Guild Wars 1 more of an Esport than this game will ever be.

  1. There is no melee because the high risk high reward philosophy doesn't exist anymore. Only braindead passive ranged gameplay where you drop circles or dodge circles. Every expansion will be the same with more circles to avoid. We should just program robots to play the game perfectly for us because at this point we're playing against the game mechanics not each other. Full dire/trailblazer armor vs full nomads/minstrel. There's your backline and frontline but in reality they're the same.

There is a big difference between as people call unskilled play and what is actually fun. Old Hammer Trains were fun and so was the game but every expansion increases the power creep. I mean Arenanet actually had to add healers to a game with a manifesto that said they wouldn't. Why would they do that except because the game's DPS was reaching 1-shot levels and fights were not happening only ganking.


  1. This game has always been non-competitive and promotes bad sportsmanship. Ever since release the best tactic has been staff 1 guardian braindead zergs. The game is not balanced by Arenanet and the players who play this game love it. There is no sportsmanship because the whole game has always been about transfer to the winning server to win. Arenanet encourages this because it makes them money.

Changing your build to the most overpowered skills and traits every patch is skill in GW2. If your class gets nerfed most people would be better off just rerolling to the most overpowered class that hasn't been nerfed that patch. Instead of practicing just try to get the classes that kill you nerfed that's the GW2 way. Don't forget to buy the next expansion because they will nerf the old elite specs to force people to use the new ones. More power creep so instead of 1v1ing we can just 1shot each other.

I've said it before and I'll say it again when everybody else has quit this game all that's left will be the trolls and gankers. What happens when the next expansion comes out and Arenanet adds more power creep to the game? Players only complain if they can't kill somebody. Nobody cares if they 1-hit others because people are biased and subjective. True objective balance is impossible because the human race is competitive and vengeful.

  1. I remember the great 2v1 of BlackGate during Season 2. There are many reasons we don't care as much as we used to. The playerbase is much more casual than back in the old days. Pvp isn't even supported to become an Esport anymore. Even though we all knew that WvW was the true end game and a unique game mode which if given support should have become a new type of Esport.

Apathy over years of neglect with only more rewards given to WvWers basically confirms Arenanet's idea that we're all just Pvers wanting pixels. It's not that we're boring it's just that game companies don't cater to hardcore pvpers anymore. There's more money to be made from casuals who want to make their characters look pretty especially with the introduction of microtransactions.

Guild Wars 1 would of kicked League of Legend's kitten if it kept being supported and updated. That game was very well balanced and encouraged teamwork rather than GW2's everyone can do anything builds. The majority of the human race want easy to understand gameplay that the braindead sheep of this world can be entertained by. If a game takes years of practice and theorycrafting to learn and perfect it's just not viable anymore in this dumbed down society.

They brainwash us with advertisements so that we become consumers of the global corporation's products. Banks control our world through the stock exchange making sure any business that wants to make a profit has to bow down to shareholder's demands. We are living in an age of slavery to the rich and it's only going to get worse for our kids if we have any. No privacy or freedom of speech anymore in this world either. I don't have a phone or a Facebook account because I'm anonymous and wish to stay that way.

To bring this back on topic remember that GW1 had 1000 skills, dual class system and healers and they still tried to balance it. GW2 has a fraction of that number and they don't even try. Here's some nostalgia for you old school players: https://gwpvx.gamepedia.com/PvX_wiki

And finally a joke by the Ceo of Arenanet if you needed a laugh about the state of the game's balance after path of fire.


Live footage of Arenanet balancing GW2:

Arenanet debating GW2 balancing decisions:

Arenanet's response to community feedback:

When you make a post criticising GW2 or that you're playing any other game. Next day it' s deleted and you have an infraction from the moderators.

How to get perfect community feedback:


It is indeed dumbed down and the players want to play on easy mode always. I try to argue sicem 1shot soulbeast needs nerf, start nerfing sicem. They all say oh no soulbeast is useless and has 0 dmg without sicem!

What? Are all the players so bad they can't win if they can't 1shot people? What happened.

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Class Balance.

Unable to deal with mounted players without a good surprise attack / long range class.

(Difficult to solve) Two of the teams usually pick on one server, who usually ends up losing for the week / matchup.

Unable to block players who emote without sorting through a sea of names and guessing.

A third borderland map.

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Population imbalance and bandwagoning - This is my main issue. It causes an snowball effect on the losing team, no one likes to be steamrolled over and over.

Bad class design - 80% of the zergs are composed of 3~4 classes.

Winning is meaningless

Lack of small scale/solo play - I used to have fun solo roaming, not anymore, i only find ganking groups . I just log to play with my guild for 2h 3 days a week and thats it.

Lag - Recent changes only encouraged zerg/blobing but servers can't hadle big blob fights

Edit : Word

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@gavyne.6847 said:But you can not see the damage coming at you from Heralds. It's not fun when you're just hammered for over half of your hp out of nowhere, it's literally unavoidable damage. Herald skills need more visual cues.Revenant hammer already has some of the most obvious visual tells in the game, I don't know how much more blatant they can make it.

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@"Elementalist Owner.7802" said:

  1. The meta
  2. The meta
  3. The meta
  4. The meta
  5. Game mode is dead because all the good players quit due to the meta

The meta has been dumbed down to "spam AoEs on the ground" or "spam your 300 support skills in any order you feel like lol"

Even if every class was perfectly balanced, the meta would still be pure spam which is the opposite of fun.

if they couldn't adapt to the meta they aren't really good. they're just another kodak.

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@shiri.4257 said:

@"Elementalist Owner.7802" said:
  1. The meta
  2. The meta
  3. The meta
  4. The meta
  5. Game mode is dead because all the good players quit due to the meta

The meta has been dumbed down to "spam AoEs on the ground" or "spam your 300 support skills in any order you feel like lol"

Even if every class was perfectly balanced, the meta would still be pure spam which is the opposite of fun.

if they couldn't adapt to the meta they aren't really good. they're just another kodak.

The issue is that literally a monkey could adapt to this meta. Anyone with 3 brain cells can spam all of their buttons at once, that doesn't make you a "good" player.

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To add to this list, the April 9th patch made upgrading keeps and towers even more pointless. Isn't this the opposite direction things should be going??

WvW is already a flip-fest/farm-fest and now there's even LESS incentive to try to defend anything.

Servers should just agree to cap all the maps in clockwise rotations.

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:

@"Elementalist Owner.7802" said:The issue is that literally a monkey could adapt to this meta. Anyone with 3 brain cells can spam all of their buttons at once, that doesn't make you a "good" player.

them days when I actually had to time my stab since there were only 2 sources and no boon duration.

And (almost) no AoE corruption spam. Those well timed stabs actually meant something.These days more than ever the numerical advantage will win the fight. Before if you timed your abilities well you could whittle down a larger group with superior gameplay, I don't see that as much anymore. Maybe its because "all the good guilds left" (whatever you want to believe) but I feel the direction of game balance played at least as much of a role.

~ Kovu

edit- Also, deng @ someone being offended by my satirical post about my biggest gripe of the gamemode being "having to play standing up because the cat hogs the computer chair... et al."

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1) Last patch for the keep and towerwalls, it makes upgrading and defending of such structures pointless. Two hours to get to tier 3, five minutes to tear it down.2) Lack of interest from Anet in WvWvW (aside of implanting features they possible can make money from) + not listening to feedback from the users.3) Balance of classes.4) High mobility + High damage, shouldnt you give in dps if you want more mobility?5) Stealth is still an issue.

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Server performance - BvB - unplayable, skills don't work. BvBvB - enough just to see each other in the same map, even characters lagging without any usage of skills.

Rewards - awful rewards, rework reward tracks and pips. Make it so after reaching 6/6 diamond, you'd still get 1-2 pips after that.

Exploits - there still so many in towers and keeps that haven't been fixed and smart people abusing them left to right

Balance patches - sucks that none of the devs play WvW, adjusting WvW balance from PvE/PvP perspective. Still unforgivable for nerfing chrono, first removing distortion share, just because of PvE raids, then deleting boonshare with SoI.

Devs - Barely any play WvW, and when they do, the ones who play WvW have no understanding about how WvW works, as in 0 understanding in meta classes, what they're suppose to do while following pin, what kind of builds or classes are worth playing while in squad, no understanding about positioning and bombs and etc. Random devs that come first time to WvW, kinda embarrassing to watch the streams.

How are they suppose to make WvW game mode better for players, if devs themselves don't know how to play it and what is wrong with it.

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@getalifeturd.8139 said:

Guild Wars 1 would of kicked League of Legend's kitten if it kept being supported and updated. That game was very well balanced and encouraged teamwork rather than GW2's everyone can do anything builds. The majority of the human race want easy to understand gameplay that the braindead sheep of this world can be entertained by. If a game takes years of practice and theorycrafting to learn and perfect it's just not viable anymore in this dumbed down society.

Man, GW1 were just the most balanced pvp game i ever played in mmorpg. Teamplay, communication and personnal skills matter so much. Also positionning and bodyblock were truly a nice mecanic to pvp.

GW1 is still the best pvp mmorpg i ever played even if i had great time in WvW on GW2

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WvW would be a lot less toxic place if these two things would not exist.

  • Downstate (favors numbers over skill and bunkering over bursting)
  • Communication between servers (whisps, letters, emotes should not be possible towards enemies - I would even disallow siege drops next to downed players)

Minor things:

  • Balancing policy (pushes classes into onedimensional zerg roles: spellbreaker=tank, ele=glasscanon, necro=corrupt bot ... Just apply the sPvP balancing for WvW!)
  • Lags and connection issues (a bunker build with a poor connection is unkillable as the hit detection fails so often that you can't deal enough damage to kill - I've seen players abusing that)
  • Exploits (CoR hitting through doors and such stuff)
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@KrHome.1920 said:WvW would be a lot less toxic place if these two things would not exist.

  • Downstate (favors numbers over skill and bunkering over bursting)
  • Communication between servers (whisps, letters, emotes should not be possible towards enemies - I would even disallow siege drops next to downed players)

Agree with this! Had a SFR Dragon Hunter with a near impossible to beat build follow me and then send mocking whispers. Literally one of the most unbalanced builds I've encountered. Power - check. Tankiness - check. Loads of heals - check. Mobility - check. It literally took a group of us every time to down this person. All damage that did get through was healed away almost instantly, all over the place with the winged leap I've been wary of fighting people before but whenever I saw this person I just turned and ran, fighting her was futile! Not sure if this was purely through the build or if there was some cheating going on, it was such a over the top build and playstyle.

Now got her blocked but she's still on my following list (if I briefly unblock her), which should not be allowed and I should be able to remove her as she is now 'stalking' me in a way!

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:

  • Lags and connection issues (a bunker build with a poor connection is unkillable as the hit detection fails so often that you can't deal enough damage to kill - I've seen players abusing that)

you cant abuse lag since the detriment far outweighs the gain.Try to fight an S/D thief who is lagging. He will apply the damage before you can see the sword2 casting. Another example is an instant phase traversal combo from lagging power shiros. Phase traversal is a skill you can dogde when everything works properly - not so much when you are hit right in the moment the skill anmation starts.

These are things I never noticed in sPvP, but in WvW I don't mind to fight certain players on specific classes (it's always the same people) because of that. It's just ridiculous and pointless.

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