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Should the Skyscale map currency be reduced?

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The grind has absolutely killed my interest in playing again. Haven't logged in since last Thursday, so it's been a week now, and I still don't feel like logging in. I just don't feel like grinding the same maps, again. Been there, done that. Send me to them, sure, no problem. Task me with beating a certain enemy, gladly a difficult one, or send me to do something with the equivalent difficulty of smelling a flower, whatever you want. But having me grind, through repetitive boring Hearts and events I have done more than my fair share of already, is just not giving me the drive to play. You effectively slowly started to kill my re-invigorated GW2 excitement within hours of finishing the new story update.

I was hyped as I entered the new map with my friend, I enjoyed the story we played through together, I was ready to play again! Then the time gated reality hit me, made me feel pressured to finish the collections in one sitting, which felt tiring and annoying. I missed the "deadline" the first day and had to wait for no given good reason after completing it the next day. I got faced with 3 days of not doing anything but press a button 3 times to play a watered down version of Tamagochi, which was extremely boring, then I had to wait another day, I logged in for approx. 1 minute each those days. Now, it's this horrible currency grind, again, which I've been through before. I'm already tired of the content it asks me to revisit. There's nothing new about it, no twist, it's the same exact grind I have done before. Never mind that you need to grind the same exact way for the next legendary trinket if you want that as well, which requires the Skyscale on top of that. It is literally a Korean MMO or mobile game at this point. There's no challenge to overcome, just time spent grinding. It's so mind numbingly boring. So unimaginative. It's the lowest of low when it comes to game design. I guess I see where the game's direction is going forwards. Maybe it's time to quit permanently this time. It was a good 6 years at least.

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Copying my response into this thread as it's relevant.

I personally would accept a lowering to 200 from 250 but lower than that is taking the biscuit. It's only really an achievement if it took effort.Gathering a stack is a pain but lowering the mat requirement too significantly would just be a slap in the face of everyone who already did it the "hard" (long) way. If you aint got time to mine dry each map several times over with multi characters in a single day or only have 1 level 80 you got to remember you can't fail the collection for taking X days longer to do it than somebody else. You can take your time. Get your mats for the day then do something else until map resets. If I can do it others can too. The only person you are racing against is yourself. Taking longer isn't the same as being too difficult because you know you're guaranteed to get it done eventually if you just stick at it.

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I grumbled at first learning of the collection of the map currency, then think you are going to get your mount once you finished to find out you have to go for another collection of 28 different maps........But after learning the Skyscale is tied into the new Legendary Accessory it all made some sense for the grind of the mount. <3

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I have not played guild wars 2 in over a week since getting to sky scale saddle ,so got up this morning and thought i would give it another try. Loged in went to sand swept isle and done a heart and got 0 Difluorite Crystal. and loged out. anet could you please just close my account.

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I also haven't played in a few days. And even then it was only to log in to check stuff and then log back out. I still have to do the collection before the saddle one, but now that I know the dumb requirement for that I don't even feel like bothering doing the prerequisite one.

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I actually enjoyed the collection up until the saddle. I didn't mind the daily reset time gate (which they changed to 2h), i enjoyed redoing the jumping puzzles instead of buying the food to complete the collection.But this saddle.... 250 currency of each ls4 map? Really? I don't have much time to play daily and I will not spend it grinding these maps which I loathe. I can't spend 1 - 2 hours I have available doing something i don't enjoy. I really wanted to have each mount but if they don't lower the amounts I will stick to my griffon.

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@edforceone.8910 said:I actually enjoyed the collection up until the saddle. I didn't mind the daily reset time gate (which they changed to 2h), i enjoyed redoing the jumping puzzles instead of buying the food to complete the collection.But this saddle.... 250 currency of each ls4 map? Really? I don't have much time to play daily and I will not spend it grinding these maps which I loathe. I can't spend 1 - 2 hours I have available doing something i don't enjoy. I really wanted to have each mount but if they don't lower the amounts I will stick to my griffon.

You can buy older ls4 map currencies in dragonfall, 5 a day tho. And if you buy the home instance nodes, it goes up further. Just passively you can eventually reach 250.

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@Curse.7368 said:32 days of play time, I am only able to play 2 to 4 hours a week. Do the math again. ;)

Clearing out the home instance and using the vendor on Dragonfall will probably take like 10 minutes tops.

If you take 15 hours to buy the materials off the vendor I don't know what to say. GW2 is a fast paced game I guess.

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@Goettel.4389 said:I found the LS4 map events enjoyable for the first time this week, with all those chasing the sky around to actually do them.Which I'm guessing was ANet's plan all along. And it's working :-)

And I have found them tedious and repetitive. Just because people are present doesn't mean they're enjoying it (or that they're not). TBH I think there will be an increase in map populations only in the short-term. I've already noticed fewer people this week compared to a week ago. YMMV

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Yeah, like getting 250 of each currency isn't "hard" in the usual sense of the word, like acquiring each individual one isn't difficult, but it's absurdly boring and repetitive. Like it couldn't be a variety of different things in smaller stacks that had you going all over the PoF and Central Tyria maps, no, it's just a dumb amount of each map's currency. Fun.

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@Goettel.4389 said:Just dropped in to check the newest poll results. Question answered it seems. B)

216 vs 259

Yeah sure, overwhelming majority won the poll. Incredible results. Landslide. Wew

On a serious note, the fewer skyscale owners, the fewer future skin purchases, the less money anet makes.But I guess they are not worried about that and I'm wrong, so they will continue with silent treatment.

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@eldrin.6471 said:I have not played guild wars 2 in over a week since getting to sky scale saddle ,so got up this morning and thought i would give it another try. Loged in went to sand swept isle and done a heart and got 0 Difluorite Crystal. and loged out. anet could you please just close my account.You forgot to buy them with karma facepalm.jpg

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@Sarrs.4831 said:

@Curse.7368 said:32 days of play time, I am only able to play 2 to 4 hours a week. Do the math again. ;)

Clearing out the home instance and using the vendor on Dragonfall will probably take like 10 minutes tops.

If you take 15 hours to buy the materials off the vendor I don't know what to say. GW2 is a fast paced game I guess.

Buying that stuff for 45 days has nothing to with slow of fast paced gameplay. The rewards is handycapped. Just be happy with your accomplishment. Doesn't change my mind nor my opinion on this matter.

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@Urgi.3504 said:

@Goettel.4389 said:Just dropped in to check the newest poll results. Question answered it seems. B)

216 vs 259

Yeah sure, overwhelming majority won the poll. Incredible results. Landslide. Wew

On a serious note, the fewer skyscale owners, the fewer future skin purchases, the less money anet makes.But I guess they are not worried about that and I'm wrong, so they will continue with silent treatment.

I think it's important to keep in mind that the main argument for voting no seems to be something along the lines of 'I had to do it, so everybody else has to do it too!' - at least that's my impression after skimming through the thread. Not to forget, not everybody comes to the official forums and these forums are split in English, French and German.

What I really don't understand is why Vision only requires another 100 map currencies each. Sure, you need to do the Skyscale collections to get it but why not simply switch it around? Make the Skyscale require 100 and Vision 150 map currencies. Or 125 each. After all Vision is actually a legendary item, which the skyscale is clearly not. As mentioned by Urgi, drastically limiting the number of players who acquire the skyscale, also limits the potential profit ArenaNet could make - which doesn't make any sense at all.

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As of right now: 13,064 of 205,878 (6.346%) of GW2efficiency accounts have completed the Skyscale collection. Using 95,000 as baseline (the amount of people who have the Griffon mount unlocked on GW2efficiency) or 80,000 (the amount of GW2efficiency accounts which have completed the Beetle collection) we get:

13,000/95,000 = 0.136813,000/80,000 = 0.1625

as such we can assume that approximately 13-16% of the GW2efficiency active accounts have unlocked the Skyscale. If we correct slightly down for less hardcore players, it is reasonable to assume that around 10% of the player base have unlocked the mount by now.

Most of the more casual players I know are still slowly working towards collecting the 250 map resources, so completion rates are likely to keep going up.

On topic:Still not seeing a reason to lower the amount of materials required. All required materials can be safely gathered within 1 week of 1 hour per day play (I myself regathered 250 of all maps and 3k Karkatite Ore for the legendary trinket within 3 days with the Kralkatite Ore taking the majority of time of no more than 3 hours per day game play. Yes, I did not double check that I needed only 100 per map resource which leaves me with some nice backup resource in case the raid ring requires this).

This is a decent mid- longterm project for casual gamers and doable. For people having issues with gathering map resources, there is multiple guides and suggestions how to tackle each map.

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Look guys, look.We just finished with season 4.Episode 1 of season 5 is still some time away. Apart from maybe the four winds bazaar nothing is gonna be happening.You have months to 'grind' this stuff. There is zero need to finish this mount collection ASAP. In fact, the lazy method is just to buy 5 ever day in dragon fall, until you have 250 each.

So please stop stressing, and pointlessly arguing, there is no time limit, no race, no pressure on your agenda, you have like.. 3 months.. probably more at the time I'm writing this.So please, chill out, relax, .. chillax!!

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@"Absconditus.6804" said:It is literally a Korean MMO or mobile game at this point. There's no challenge to overcome, just time spent grinding. It's so mind numbingly boring. So unimaginative. It's the lowest of low when it comes to game design. I guess I see where the game's direction is going forwards. Maybe it's time to quit permanently this time. It was a good 6 years at least.

My thoughts lately. I tried being positive about it, even defended it day one saying "well it's suppose to be hard to get"until I realized that it's not hard at all, just tedious. Most exciting thing that I can recall from the entirety of the collections was the skyscale knocking me down upon returning to refuge, I thought it was a nice touch, and that's about it when it comes to appeal of this mount. Tasked myself into doing the sets of collections for the timescale but every time I get to it, it only lasted for so long before I closed the game and went playing something else, out of pure boredom. I'm just hoping this was a mistake they did now and learned from, I love the game and think of anet as artists, that's why I was so disappointed with the lack of creativity when it comes to this.

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@Witch of Doom.5739 said:

@Goettel.4389 said:I found the LS4 map events enjoyable for the first time this week, with all those chasing the sky around to actually do them.Which I'm guessing was ANet's plan all along. And it's working :-)

And I have found them tedious and repetitive. Just because people are present doesn't mean they're enjoying it (or that they're not). TBH I think there will be an increase in map populations only in the short-term. I've already noticed fewer people this week compared to a week ago. YMMV

Absolutely. There's no excitement in the air, no jokes in chat or jumping/posing shiny characters around. It's a dead mood.

Heck, even medicine collection, which requires 30 escort mindless events is boring as... it's a real pity though, level design, graphics, art - all beautiful as always by Anet.. just that game design..omg that game design..

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