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Visions of Istan

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6 Astral Weapons?! Has someone lost it?Why is the Istan crafting collection item so much more difficult to acquire than the other 5? This is a mountain to climb especially if you only just started.I mean crafting even 1 is difficult as they require 50 Kralkatite Ingots, for which you need 500 Kralkatite Ore and Powdered Rose Quartz.And while Kralkatite Ore is easy to get the same cannot be said about Powdered Rose Quartz, so what? You expect everyone to stand all day in Istan awaiting Brandstone Impact Sites?More over we all know that most players have been neglecting them because it's a much better idea to craft Stellar Weapons as they require the same amount of Kralkatite Ingots to craft, however they are Ascended quality while Astral are exotic.Now that we are on the topic why wasn't the requirement simply crafting a Stellar Weapon instead?

Seriously 6 Astral weapons require 300 Kralkatite Ingots to make i.e. 12 stacks of Kralkatite Ore and Powdered Rose Quartz - we can't fit that even in fully upgraded crafting material slots.Now I know that their 50 ingot requirement is probably an error and they likely were suppose to require 10 or so at first, but even if so it was never fixed.So either fix the requirement or the amount of ingots they require to craft.

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@Gop.8713 said:I am enjoying that many ppl complained the new mount was unjustifiably grindy bc it wasn't legendary, and now ppl complain that this is too grindy even though it's legendary . . .

No one complains of grind, People are saying efforts for Istan should be equal with other maps. Istan meta is restricted to 1 per day per acc.

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@phs.6089 said:People are saying efforts for Istan should be equal with other maps. Istan meta is restricted to 1 per day per acc.Istan meta is fortunately only one source of Kralk Ore.

No one complains of grind,People are complaining of the grind. They are especially complaining about Kralk ore; it's just not restricted to the one map.

(Perhaps you are not among those complaining. I mean: the comment about the currency costs has been common on every map so far.)

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Some time last year, I made the Astral Shield to unlock the Stellar weapons and then made the Stellar Shield and Hammer. I don't remember it being too terrible. I don't think 5 more Astrals should be a problem for me. But thanks, OP, for the heads-up! :+1:

I also see that the Thunderhead Peaks Vision collection has us crafting 6 Dragonsblood weapons, which is cool. I don't have any of those and now I have an extra incentive to make some! :smile:

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@Rikimaru.7890 said:Seriously 6 Astral weapons require 300 Kralkatite Ingots to make i.e. 12 stacks of Kralkatite Ore and Powdered Rose Quartz - we can't fit that even in fully upgraded crafting material slots.

Do you know how I fit 12k elder wood planks for the shining blade? Magic! If I can fit this you can surely fit 3k Kralkatite Ore ;)The collection is perfectly fine. Some of us already have unlocked the astral weapons. Plus, Istan was farmed like, I don't know, 79 times more than the rest of the maps?Also, Kralkatite ore is the only LS4 map currency which comes in 250+ pcs per completed WvW reward track (the others are 50). Super easy to complete. Plus the hearts give a lot more.

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3K kralkatite was pretty much fine to me, but the powdered quartz? Can you buy it? Or get it anywhere but the Brandstorms? If it only comes from those, this is crappy. Because it isn’t actually playing the game, grinding and progressing, it’s just hours and hours of time wasted waiting for those things.

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@"Fenom.9457" said:3K kralkatite was pretty much fine to me, but the powdered quartz? Can you buy it? Or get it anywhere but the Brandstorms? If it only comes from those, this is crappy. Because it isn’t actually playing the game, grinding and progressing, it’s just hours and hours of time wasted waiting for those things.

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Powdered_Rose_Quartzas well as https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rose_Quartz

Simply put: yes, you can buy the Powdered Rose Quartz on the TP.

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crafting weapons or armour you dont need for a collection is bad game design.i crafted one astral and one stellar weapon because i wanted a shiny axe for my mesmer.but now craft again 5 weapons i dont need ur use is some kind of stupid.

and i never really farmed this map. maybe i can craft one or two weapons. and then again farm the map which has been nerfed into oblivion /cheer

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@"Fenom.9457" said:3K kralkatite was pretty much fine to me, but the powdered quartz? Can you buy it? Or get it anywhere but the Brandstorms? If it only comes from those, this is crappy. Because it isn’t actually playing the game, grinding and progressing, it’s just hours and hours of time wasted waiting for those things.

You can buy https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rose_Quartz and salve it into powder

@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

@phs.6089 said:People are saying efforts for Istan should be equal with other maps. Istan meta is restricted to 1 per day per acc.Istan meta is fortunately only one source of Kralk Ore.

Oh there are hearts, you know the same hearts you done before and way before that and just recently for skyskale. And I bet you my legendary spike, Vison will ask for another x250, so more hearts!!!

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@Stalkingwolf.6035 said:crafting weapons or armour you dont need for a collection is bad game design.Just because you don't like it doesn't make it bad game design.

Legendaries habe always been about sinking materials and currency from the game. Did you ever burn a gift of metal, gift of wood, and various sizes of agony infusions on the journey to Ad Infinitum? Spend tons of map currency for legendary shards for any of the generation 2.5 legendaries? Have you counted how many wvw skrimish claim tickets it takes to craft the Warbringer?

There will always be people that find a certain resource easy to get, and others that find it hard. Personally, I prefer burning my resources in a way that might give me other shinies as a by-product (in this case gaining up to six unique weapon skins rather than just having the resources vanish into thin air).

People have been asking to normalize the resources required (for the Skyscale, which in turn makes them required for Vision) and mentioned Istan as a map that makes currency gain much easier than others, so requiring more of it for this part of the collection seems to be in line with the ease (or not) of aquisition of the map's currency. I wouldn't really know about it since I only play what's fun to me, but a few casual story play-throughs and map completions have put a good amount of kralkatite and rose quarz into my material storage, so I guess I'm off to a good start if I ever feel like crafting this legendary.

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By the way I crafted 5+1 and the achievement didn't work. It probably did not take into the consideration of the 1 I've crafted last time.

@Stalkingwolf.6035 said:crafting weapons or armour you dont need for a collection is bad game design.i crafted one astral and one stellar weapon because i wanted a shiny axe for my mesmer.but now craft again 5 weapons i dont need ur use is some kind of stupid.

and i never really farmed this map. maybe i can craft one or two weapons. and then again farm the map which has been nerfed into oblivion /cheer

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@Nekobel.2498 said:Isn't unlocking the skin = crafting? I don't think you can get the skins from BL Wardrobe...

@Clyan.1593 said:Do you need to craft them, or is unlocking the skin enough?

Yes you can. The astral weapons were added to the wardrobe unlock items with the last update and i did indeed unlock all of them with it.

The question is, how the achievement is structured; do you need to have the weapons in your inventory and then speak to some npc, or is it just a question if having unlocked the skins...

Anyone can answer this?

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