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Weeklong Bonus Event: Meta-Event Rush!

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@Stalkingwolf.6035 said:i know weird problem, but i think its too much going on.

  • new Map
  • Mount
  • new Legendary
  • Event Weeki'm overwhelmed

You don’t have to do it all in the same week! :lol: Maybe take a break from the new map and collecting for the new mount and legendary for the event week — they’ll still be there! :)

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@VDAC.2137 said:

@Stalkingwolf.6035 said:i know weird problem, but i think its too much going on.
  • new Map
  • Mount
  • new Legendary
  • Event Weeki'm overwhelmed

You don’t have to do it all in the same week! :lol: Maybe take a break from the new map and collecting for the new mount and legendary for the event week — they’ll still be there! :)

nono. everything at the same time.No kidding. i know, but currently i want to do everything :-)

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@Stalkingwolf.6035 said:

@Stalkingwolf.6035 said:i know weird problem, but i think its too much going on.
  • new Map
  • Mount
  • new Legendary
  • Event Weeki'm overwhelmed

You don’t have to do it all in the same week! :lol: Maybe take a break from the new map and collecting for the new mount and legendary for the event week — they’ll still be there! :)

nono. everything at the same time.No kidding. i know, but currently i want to do everything :-)

Lol, I know the feeling! Still working on getting finishing LWS4 and collections and and and :lol: Sometimes I have to tell myself to just chill and work on whichever I’m in the mood for and be glad that there is always so much to do in this game! =)

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I personally don't feel, "rewarded," by crafting materials. Such, "rewards," seem less about rewarding players for their efforts and more about driving people to participate in crafting or the crafting economy.

"Oh great hero, slayer of BAM, savior of us all, here are a few scraps of silk for your deeds..."

doesnt really sound better than:

"Oh great hero, slayer of BAM, savior of us all, here is a scrap of silk for your deeds..."

...to me.

Thank you for trying though. I am sure that this will be great news for some.

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@"Chris Cleary.8017" said:your feedback speaks volumes and we have made some changes that we feel are for the best based on this feedback.I believe this is not the case. The big majority of the posts I saw regarding the previous world boss event, and specifically regarding its bonus loot boxes, were against the system you are repeating now. Basically a system with 99.999999999% chance to get everyday crap and 0.000000001% to get something extremely good and valuable.

Getting 8x times the previous crap doesn't make the crap 8 times better. It just fills the inventory (of crap) 8 times faster.

Just in case it works for the next event, the magic word is "TOKENS".

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Wait, something is not very clear about the Tiered Community Goal. At this moment there are 5 tiers. Can players achieve these tiers at different times? Let's say some people get to T5 in 1-2 days but other players will need 5 days. Or are they like one time event for everyone, at the same time? Is the progress towards this goal similar to the dynamic event in Lion's Arch (with the mystic forge) where everyone can contribute and progress, lets say the bar, together? If so, won't some people miss the opportunity to get to T5 because they are sleeping, working or other RL things, thus they can't progress to the "bar" and participate/log in during the world meta event?

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material bags/caches/etc stopped feeling anywhere near rewarding or interesting to me when they were added to virtually everywhere from Black Lion Chests to random chests in maps. really that's all these bonus boxes will end up being, glorified material boxes, because the chances of getting anything other than that will be on the level of getting a perma contract drop from blc's.

nowhere near tempting enough for me to move away from the stuff I'm already doing and enjoying.

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I think after the "reward" of 5000 Karma for participation in the Mystic Forge community event we should have no illusions about Anet's sense of what is "rewarding" for players in 2019. I appreciate the good will, but it feels like you guys are out of touch with reality.

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@"Witch of Doom.5739" said:After the last boss event week, which gave mostly junk, the Skyscale acquisition grindfest ("Hee hee, let's not tell players for weeks that it's actually a legendary precursor!"), and the latest Mystic Forge NPC/event joke, I have to truly wonder where this game in going in 2019 and beyond.

this and all stuff added to the game waste your time. you are standing around waiting for events timegated stuff.No rewards. i think thats on purpose. Players standing around doesnt farm stuff and harming the economy.

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@"bOTEB.1573" said:Wait, something is not very clear about the Tiered Community Goal. At this moment there are 5 tiers. Can players achieve these tiers at different times? Let's say some people get to T5 in 1-2 days but other players will need 5 days. Or are they like one time event for everyone, at the same time? Is the progress towards this goal similar to the dynamic event in Lion's Arch (with the mystic forge) where everyone can contribute and progress, lets say the bar, together? If so, won't some people miss the opportunity to get to T5 because they are sleeping, working or other RL things, thus they can't progress to the "bar" and participate/log in during the world meta event?

Given the way that such tiered rewards have worked in the past, the progress will be a result of how many players participate in how many battles over the whole course of the event. If you participate at all, you will get whatever rewards the community reaches, even if you have to miss part of the event, because you will have helped add to that overall progress by however much you were able to participate. The way it's worded suggests that you might have to log in again between the time the community reaches the last tier and the time the event ends to receive any rewards earned after you stopped participating, but I don't recall that being necessary in the past.

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@Taelac.7036 said:

@"bOTEB.1573" said:Wait, something is not very clear about the Tiered Community Goal. At this moment there are 5 tiers. Can players achieve these tiers at different times? Let's say some people get to T5 in 1-2 days but other players will need 5 days. Or are they like one time event for everyone, at the same time? Is the progress towards this goal similar to the dynamic event in Lion's Arch (with the mystic forge) where everyone can contribute and progress, lets say the bar, together? If so, won't some people miss the opportunity to get to T5 because they are sleeping, working or other RL things, thus they can't progress to the "bar" and participate/log in during the world meta event?

Given the way that such tiered rewards have worked in the past, the progress will be a result of how many players participate in how many battles over the whole course of the event. If you participate at all, you will get whatever rewards the community reaches, even if you have to miss part of the event, because you will have helped add to that overall progress by however much you were able to participate. The way it's worded suggests that you might have to log in again between the time the community reaches the last tier and the time the event ends to receive any rewards earned after you stopped participating, but I don't recall that being necessary in the past.

In other words, if the community reach one goal from 0% to 100% in 2 hours and I don't log during these 2 hours, I won't get participation and I won't get a reward for it?

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No, it's not like that. During the week-long event, there will be the 5 tiers. If you participate during the week, whatever tier has been reached by the end of the week, you will receive that tier's reward.
In other words, if the community reaches Tier 4 by the end of the week, and you played sometime during the week, you will receive Tier 4 rewards. If only Tier 1 is reached, you receive Tier 1 rewards. If Tier 5 is reached, you receive Tier 5 rewards. Etc., etc.

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@"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:If you mean the Bonus Box of Goods, then: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bonus_Box_of_Goods_(Meta-Event_Rush)(You'll have to copy/paste in browser.)

Thank you! I’d been wondering about the identify of the various items just out of curiosity! And I confess that, even though I am unlikely to get one, I am pleased to see that there is one I actually like, specifically the aurillium, as it appears the effect is more subtle and doesn’t just drench a color/effect over your character.

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If you have an option of either doing the Maws of Torment meta in Desolation or another meta, such as Forged with Fire in Vabbi, then do the other meta. It's been about 20 months since PoF launched and they still have not fixed this meta from bugging out. The NPC still goes underground during the escort halting the lane's progression and the meta's. No sense in losing out the chance to get one of the bonus loot boxes because the meta bugs out.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:If you have an option of either doing the Maws of Torment meta in Desolation or another meta, such as Forged with Fire in Vabbi, then do the other meta. It's been about 20 months since PoF launched and they still have not fixed this meta from bugging out. The NPC still goes underground during the escort halting the lane's progression and the meta's. No sense in losing out the chance to get one of the bonus loot boxes because the meta bugs out.

This doesn't always happens, which is probably why its harder to fix.

So far, it seems to trigger when the first event (destroy turrets and some elites) fails on the southernmost lane. I'd recommend players give priority to the south lane events to confirm if indeed this helps.

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@Skotlex.7580 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:If you have an option of either doing the Maws of Torment meta in Desolation or another meta, such as Forged with Fire in Vabbi, then do the other meta. It's been about
20 months
since PoF launched and they
have not fixed this meta from bugging out. The NPC
goes underground during the escort halting the lane's progression and the meta's. No sense in losing out the chance to get one of the bonus loot boxes because the meta bugs out.

This doesn't always happens, which is probably why its harder to fix.

So far, it seems to trigger when the first event (destroy turrets and some elites) fails on the southernmost lane. I'd recommend players give priority to the south lane events to confirm if indeed this helps.

Ah. Good to know.

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@Etria.3642 said:Looked this over and I'm delighted at the inclusion of the Orr events.

I enjoyed this the last time and I'm sure I will enjoy it this time. The tiered stuff is neat too.

Me too...I've long felt that the Orrian temples should be added to the world boss timer, in fact. And I'm glad to see our old friend the Fire Shaman has been included in this! He may not have Modnir Ulgoth's gift for supervillain trash talk, but he's fun.

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Meta just been reset but no idea where to go. All the temples have been done so how are we suppose to know where to go? Not gonna hop on every map to check. Is there a bug? Did 1 meta and AP didn't show any progressg. How many meta are needed to complete each tiers? This needs a lot more info.

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