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Are You a Clicker?

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@yusayu.3629 said:Wait, you mean like clicking your skills on the bottom? With your mouse?!

How do you play like that? Like, seriously, wouldn't you have an almost 1-second delay between pressing an AoE and placing it on the ground, or do you play with snap-to-target? How do you raid like that? o.O

I do not mean that in a demeaning manner, but most people who click do not play end game PvE and probably do not PvP at all. You cannot PvP (at least maintaining a 50% win rate) if you do not bind a good chunk of skills. For P1 and above you cannot make it if you click anything.

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It's either all or nothing? I'm mostly not a clicker, but 8-0 are clicked. I could change some mapping, but I change characters and builds enough that I wouldn't remember which skills are there anyway. Only really do PvE, treat WvW like PvE, and no PvP.

I use a Razer (formerly Nostromo) gamepad under my left hand with most of the important stuff, and a Logitech G300 for a mouse, eliminating the keyboard for most commands. My keyboard has a row of programmable buttons along the left side, so the mount options are there.

I've never cared for the mouse buttons on the side and find the G300 with the buttons on top works best for me.

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@Ben K.6238 said:Clicking skills is a fairly reliable way to suck hard. I've seen some players who can keep their heads above water doing it, but it's like playing with your feet. It becomes impossible to keep up with players using proper control systems past a certain point.

Never. I've been playing MMO's for 20 years now and I'm usually one of the most high up players. Whether its pvp (which isn't really my thing anymore, especially in gw2 cause I don't like it) or PVE, Raiding etc.

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@yusayu.3629 said:Wait, you mean like clicking your skills on the bottom? With your mouse?!

How do you play like that? Like, seriously, wouldn't you have an almost 1-second delay between pressing an AoE and placing it on the ground, or do you play with snap-to-target? How do you raid like that? o.O

Yeah :) I click my buttons on the bar with my mouse while steering with the WASD keys and mouse at the same time lol. It's actually not that uncommon of a play style. It's just the way I learned and felt comfortable with and been that way ever since :D

I use in gw2 the instant targeting system. It's for us clickers :)

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@"JanHermann.2436" said:I've been advocating the tooltip delay option for YEARS now.Issue is not on anyone's priority list, it seems.

I"ve been asking since launch. Even though its something that WAS IN THE GAME (theres screenshots of its option to turn it off in beta floating around) they removed it.

So it's there and anet for "reasons" decided no, we can't have extra options in the game and gave us that and a terrible uncustomizable UI.

The only thing I can think of is that they are extreme control freaks. From these forums where anything will get u a warning, to the game where no add ons are allowed and the UI is is 100% uncostomizable. I can't even think of another MMO where you can't delay or turn off tooltips and have simple basic options, all the way back from something even as ancient as LOTRO and DDO.

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I'm a semi-clicker. I press 1-5, F1-F4, weapon swap and heal (Q). But I click utility and elite skills (6-9) because it's hard to reach them and the bottom left part of my keyboard is mount hotkeys and dodge (which I also press). I hate using shift+key, I find it uncomfortable.

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@wrathmagik.3518 said:

Never. I've been playing MMO's for 20 years now and I'm usually one of the most high up players. Whether its pvp (which isn't really my thing anymore, especially in gw2 cause I don't like it) or PVE, Raiding etc.

Sure, you can play OK by clicking skills. One of my guildies is a clicker and is reasonably good at it. But much like the people who play first-person shooters on gamepads, he hasn't got a show of beating those of us who are experienced and use superior control schemes. He's been playing that way for too long to want to change now though, so I can understand why he continues to click skills.

[Edit: I'd be interested to see what the crossover between clickers and those who are good at jumping puzzles is. I've noticed something of an inverse correlation there.]

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@wrathmagik.3518 said:

@yusayu.3629 said:Wait, you mean like clicking your skills on the bottom? With your mouse?!

How do you play like that? Like, seriously, wouldn't you have an almost 1-second delay between pressing an AoE and placing it on the ground, or do you play with snap-to-target? How do you raid like that? o.O

Yeah :) I click my buttons on the bar with my mouse while steering with the WASD keys and mouse at the same time lol. It's actually not that uncommon of a play style. It's just the way I learned and felt comfortable with and been that way ever since :D

I use in gw2 the instant targeting system. It's for us clickers :)

Do you play with snap-to-target for ground AoEs? Otherwise it sounds impossible to click with instant-cast. Still, though, I couldn't imagine playing something like Condi Weaver or Condi Engi like that, but then again I'm a Chrono main playing with Action Camera, so maybe I shouldn't say anything.

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no. playing a warrior that needs efficient/fast damage dealing is hard when clicking.

also aside from your "target enemy" hotkey, you can multi-target too or series target with the hotkey and the mouse pointer when using your channeled weapon skills (skills that directed towards a single target).

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@Ben K.6238 said:

@"wrathmagik.3518" said:

Never. I've been playing MMO's for 20 years now and I'm usually one of the most high up players. Whether its pvp (which isn't really my thing anymore, especially in gw2 cause I don't like it) or PVE, Raiding etc.

Sure, you can play OK by clicking skills. One of my guildies is a clicker and is reasonably good at it. But much like the people who play first-person shooters on gamepads, he hasn't got a show of beating those of us who are experienced
use superior control schemes. He's been playing that way for too long to want to change now though, so I can understand why he continues to click skills.

[Edit: I'd be interested to see what the crossover between clickers and those who are good at jumping puzzles is. I've noticed something of an inverse correlation there.]

There is no such thing as playing for a certain way for too long technically, the problem with playing for a long time in one way makes it necessary to switch your motor skills to another. Basically like learning to play the game anew, even though you know it already.

I still would manage to switch from FPS keyboard mouse to FPS console controller. It takes a bit of time at first, but that's always the case.

Though I fully understand the "laziness" to not start over with a different control scheme, it took me a while before I went full action cam, where there was a period i switched between action cam and non action cam, which obviously doesn't work all that comfortably.

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i don't care abt how anyone plays (and i do know some skill clickers who do fine in like... fractals and pvp and stuff) but it is quite surprising to learn that like half of the population (on forums) skill clicks :o

i keyboard turned for a lot time though, i think it would be interesting to see a poll for that too

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@Teratus.2859 said:Yes and no.

I click skills 7-0 and sometimes 6 but skills 1-5 are always activated by keyboard.

I like to keep my left hand as defined as possible on mobility, so I don't like to take my hand too far away from WASD as it puts me at risk of making movement mistakes.I have a lot of keybinds around WASD for convinience as wellQ is my Draw/Stow weapon.R is Autorun.F is ActionTAB is Special action key.Space is JumpThe key above TAB and left of 1 is Weapon SwapC is Mount/Dismount, Raptor exclusive in PvEV is Mount/Dismount Warclaw PvELeft of TAB are my G1-G6 Macros which are all bound do different mounts1 is Beetle2 Springer3 Skimmer4 Jackel5 Griffon6 Skyscale3-6 are easily accessable with my pinky finger

The furthest my left hand has to go in this case is to F2-F5 or skill 6 so it's easy for me to play without having to risk any mobility errors.

Target nearest enemy and F1 are bound to my mouse's two thumb buttons, likewise my dodge roll is bound to clicking the mouse wheel.I find this setup the most comfortable and effective way to play Gw2 without many missclick mistakes or poor precision clicks etc.

Back in the day I found dodging with V in Gw2 to be a royal pain in the behind and often found myself screwing up dodges constantly or panic clicking V in the heat of battle with my index finger and unintentionally relocating my other fingers from WASD to DSV then to 2EWQ as I tried to move them back quickly while trying to focus on the battle lolIn the middle of a conflict you can understand why this was a problem for me XDEver since I bound Dodge to the Mouse Wheel click I've excelled at dodging in this game ^^Left hand can focus on movement while the right does Camera and Dodge.

This sounds very much like me except I duplicate skills 1-9 and Zero on the numeric keypad, and have learned to quickly move hand off mouse to press those as needed then back to mouse.

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When i first started.. i set my keyboard to alt+12345 or shift+ num for utilities. But the first two years in gw2 there were nothing challenging much and i became lazy so i had been clicking utilities with mouse :p. I dont use mouse with lots of buttons like my husband do lol. He called me skill clicker that is fine. My mouse is always the simplest as i have a small hand i can not find any fancy mouse to fit. He bought me two different type of mice with lots of buttons.. both are not small enough for my hand unfortunately wasted $. This perfect size mouse i have i can bind the special action button to it, so it does helps :)

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Naw playing piano is what gaming is about! But honestly when im being lazy just laid back in my chair or on the phone or playing tug of war with my dogs , i will click lol. Also freaking targeting in this game is not the best, sometimes i have to click on a mob to target them. Why is it no mmo i played has a good scroll/tab target system.

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