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Activity monitor - how many players online

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Would love to be able to see some players activities stats, why is this a secret?

Imagine if we can see how many players online in the whole game, and also on each map.

EDIT: could be a device that we purchased on the gem store for 1000 gems, so it would be less exposed. Or only show to payed accounts. We don't have to put those numbers outside of the game.

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@"neoteo.3975" said:I believe having live data would bring more players, we live in information age, and these type of data engage users.

That's why most big MMO developers post their numbers right? Oh no wait, they don't.

This kind of data is only relevant to people who value playing the "hot game on the block" or are of somewhat relevance to financial performance. Given GW2 financial performance was good so far, the second aspect is answered by the quarterly financial reports which are openly available.

You are now faced with a choice: play the game if you enjoy it, or not if you do not enjoy it.

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@Blocki.4931 said:

@Dawdler.8521 said:They dont post specifics, but we do know there where 11 million accounts when PoF released

I vaguely remember the game having 10 million accounts in the first year. Where did you get the 11 million accounts at the release of POF?

The recent ads also advertised 11 million accounts

Since the ad is about Guild Wars 2 free to play that 11 million is NOT POF accounts, and up from 7 million as the post I quoted stated.

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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@Dawdler.8521 said:They dont post specifics, but we do know there where 11 million accounts when PoF released

I vaguely remember the game having 10 million accounts in the first year. Where did you get the 11 million accounts at the release of POF?

The recent ads also advertised 11 million accounts

Since the ad is about Guild Wars 2 free to play that 11 million is NOT POF accounts, and up from 7 million as the post I quoted stated.

Of course it isn't. It's just marketing fluff.

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@"maddoctor.2738" said:Where did you get the 11 million accounts at the release of POF?

The day PoF launched (11 million):https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/the-path-to-the-desert-in-numbers/

The day HoT launched (7 million):https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/the-journey-is-just-beginning/

The day "play for free" launched (5 million):https://venturebeat.com/2015/08/29/arenanet-makes-guild-wars-2-free-as-it-preps-paid-heart-of-thorns-expansion/

1 year after the original launch (3.5 million):https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/guild-wars-2-the-first-year/

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@Healix.5819 said:

@"maddoctor.2738" said:Where did you get the 11 million accounts at the release of POF?

The day PoF launched (11 million):

The day HoT launched (7 million):

The day "play for free" launched (5 million):

1 year after the original launch (3.5 million):

My bad, it was 3.5 million at the first year milestone.

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Double edged sword. high numbers = can make game look better, what players percieve as low numbers = players think no ones around and leave. Notably, perception of low numbers can change between individuals.

Also, a map can fit max 150 players on it, so active numbers on each map can get misleading if a player expects to be talking to thousands who is in reality maybe only speaking to 100 at most. And this can exponentially decrease motivation for underpopulated maps- think ls3 maps, which are fairly active, but I personally wouldn't ever want to see those numbers just incase.

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@neoteo.3975 said:Would love to be able to see some players activities stats, why is this a secret?In the era where interest in MMOs in general goes down (with, for some reason, the sole exception of FFXIV, apparently) no MMO developer mentions any numbers. Especially since everything is still being compared to the WOW numbers at the time of its glory.

Hint: noone wants their players to realize how low the MMO game populations are nowadays.

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I am always doing events with other people, old maps and new, and we all know peak times by now. Knowing how many players are currently playing adds nothing to anyone's gameplay knowing those things. This is just something else to be used by FotM players to show "this game is dead." If you're having fun, and don't have to worry about finding people, it shouldn't matter.

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@"Lexi.1398" said:Double edged sword. high numbers = can make game look better, what players percieve as low numbers = players think no ones around and leave. Notably, perception of low numbers can change between individuals.Perception also change because of gameplay mechanics. I've seen plenty of 30+ man boss fights where we are "too few" simply because of scaling and... less than ideal... players dying in lumps of 5+ to obvious AoE. Then you come back to the same boss with like 4 players and absolutely curbstomp him because everyone can pull their weight and clear the breakbar in a second.

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@"vyncius.6105" said:in total about 1,5-2 mil ppl are playing

That's the funniest thing I've read today.Umm...no, it's not that many. If it truly was, I'd not be seeing the same people in WvW, PvP and PvE ... what a coincidence that at different times of the day, days in a row I'm seeing literally same people run about. Yeah right... it's probably 50k-100k active at most at one time. Probably 250k-300k when story comes and maybe over 500k when expansions came.Plus Anet said long ago that - if you have logged in even once in 1-3 months, you're considered an active player..... which... no, that's not an active player.And also, if it was like you say they'd not be so quiet about it and they'd be more open about sharing stats.I'll use this post as an example - https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/6334/25-000-griffons/p1The expansion came out, after few days he posts how many griffons are unlocked, if there really were up to 2m players, you'd imagine there'd be way more griffons unlocked after few days ... so it's basically not even close to 1mOn Steam, you can see, for example, how many people play Dota at the same time... and it's like ... 700k-1m ... so if that game, that's more popular than GW2 can barely go up to 1m at peak times.... surely GW2 doesn't come close to it overall, let alone at it's peak.So yeah, like I said, at it's peak, probably 50k-100k and even that's a stretch.

As for all of you listing overall numbers of up 7m and then 11m after PoF.Keep in mind that F2P was announced with HoT so of course there will be a spike in accounts. But overall accounts don't matter because majority doesn't play anymore.Also keep in mind that many of those belong to people who already play so it's not "new" players. I can't put a number on how many times I've seen people say they have more accounts and recommend having more because of login rewards. So don't let overall numbers trick you.If it was that many people, you'd expect their trailer for PoF to have more views but it only has just over 400k views.

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Even as one of those weirdos who likes statistics and data I don't think I need to know how many people are playing GW2. The important thing for me is that almost any time I want to do things which require other people there's enough people around to do it with me. The only time that's an issue is when I'm trying to do something which needs lots of people at a bad time - like when it's midnight in the UK so the majority of people on the EU server are asleep.

I'd like to see the data, but just out of curiosity (and ideally I'd like a lot more detail than simply number of players online at one time). But I understand why they don't share it and I don't expect them to start sharing it any time soon.

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SuperDataResearch estimated GW2 to have 1.5 million monthly active players prior to going free and 3.1 million after the launch of HoT.

SuperDataResearch estimates that people spend between $1.5 and $4.5 on average per month in F2P MMOs. GW2 made 13.8 million last quarter, which would suggest between 1 and 3 million players.

On these forums (en-forum), 113k accounts have been registered in 21 months and 27k of them have been active this year. Considering only a small percentage use the forums (<5%, probably around 2%), this would suggest between 540k and 1 million English accounts, which can be roughly doubled to factor the other languages.

You can assume GW2 has a minimum of 1 million active players, probably.

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I love this game not because it as 10k players online or 500k , with that said, I think it would be a useful tool for players to decide witch map they should go to if they feel like joining the masses, or if they want to walk alone.

If arenanet don't want to give these numbers, they could give a percentage of that map limit. I know there are several instances of the same map sometimes, give us that data.

If they don't give these live numbers because other mmos also don't give, with fear that will scare people away, well they should look again at what makes a great game, because I think they know since 2004.

In gw1 we could see the list of how many instances of that town existed and we could even jump from one to the other, where is that type of freedom in gw2?

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@Cyninja.2954 said:

@"neoteo.3975" said:I believe having live data would bring more players, we live in information age, and these type of data engage users.

That's why most big MMO developers post their numbers right? Oh no wait, they don't.

This kind of data is only relevant to people who value playing the "hot game on the block" or are of somewhat relevance to financial performance. Given GW2 financial performance was good so far, the second aspect is answered by the quarterly financial reports which are openly available.

You are now faced with a choice: play the game if you enjoy it, or not if you do not enjoy it.

I agree looking for numbers takes away from the game. You should play if you like it, if all you are looking for is popularity then thats a shallow way to choose a game. Fortnight is popular but i cant stand that game.

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