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Am i the only person who doesnt care about tengu as a new race?


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Every character I rolled I did so because I wanted to try out the profession, not the race. In each case I chose the race and gender I felt would match my vision for the profession, and how I would play it.

Adding a new race wouldn't incentivize me to roll a new character, though a new profession might.

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i couldn't care any less for tengu to be honest.as for new races in general I'd like that as long as it's humanoid, starts at lv 80 after all current events, and share a body model with another race so it's actually less work and has an actual chance of ever happening.

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@Warlord.9082 said:Nope. I'm not interested either. On the subject of why people want it: no idea. Rather see an entirely new creation.


  • tengu were planned to be playable at some point before launch
  • tengu's story is in a state where adding them as a playable is basically flipping a switch
  • tengu played an interesting part of factions
  • weebs
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@Puma.3645 said:I have never really understood the lore behind them, and devs haven't added anything about them since the start (I think).I don't think they would make an easily customizable character as far as hair/clothing and getting skills/mount animations to work together. Im just really not getting the hype.A new race would be cool, yea, but WHY tengu?

If we get a new race it should be something new...I'd love to see the Largos, but they should only have access to the story missions of the expansion they are released with or after...because it would be stupid weird to run those storylines as one. Kinda like how I wish Revs were blocked from the GW2 core story and should've had their own starting instance and started at level 60+.

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Going back to Tengu, I think there would be more work to do in terms of lore and story continuity both past and present. In short, the people who want it will have standards for Tengu that the devs would have to honor and uphold to some degree. Largos is the mysterious race where they can really just show off their creativity since there isn't much about them. Also, they just splashed Kralk in the middle of the endless ocean. Isn't that where the Largos live?

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@"derd.6413" said:
  • tengu's story is in a state where adding them as a playable is basically flipping a switchIs it, though?

yes, the tengu have a bit of a destroyer problem in their city and after zhaitan's death a tengu hints at "renewed interest in joining the pact" it's pretty old story yes but it's still there, all it'd take is for a big destroyer to attack their city and maybe some political mumbo jumbo and they'd join the pact (in theory)

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@derd.6413 said:

  • tengu's story is in a state where adding them as a playable is basically flipping a switchIs it, though?

yes, the tengu have a bit of a destroyer problem in their city and after zhaitan's death a tengu hints at "renewed interest in joining the pact" it's pretty old story yes but it's still there, all it'd take is for a big destroyer to attack their city and maybe some political mumbo jumbo and they'd join the pact (in theory)

Agreed, but I wouldn't consider that scenario to be flipping a switch and it's ready. {shrug}

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@XYLO.7031 said:Going back to Tengu, I think there would be more work to do in terms of lore and story continuity both past and present. In short, the people who want it will have standards for Tengu that the devs would have to honor and uphold to some degree. Largos is the mysterious race where they can really just show off their creativity since there isn't much about them. Also, they just splashed Kralk in the middle of the endless ocean. Isn't that where the Largos live?

kralk is nowhere near the middle of the unending ocean, more like slightly out of ideal fishing range. and i'd think largos would be less mysterious if they lived that close to shorelines

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A couple new playable races would be most welcome with there own unique story lines. Tengu wouldn't be my first choice.... I'd rather have something like SKRITT..... >> Shinies!!! They'd be cute & I'm quite sure ANET could do some very fun/innovative & hilarious things with there storylines. They could quite easily merge there story arc with the existing ones without too many issues. I'd love to see a Skritt's take/viewpoint/dialogue on all of the things that have happened in core tyria & beyond. Plus alot of there character animations are already in-game so I don't imagine this would be as overwhelming as starting a completely new race from scratch! Whom wouldn't want to see a Skritt as the commander! I'm certain it'd be fun! =)

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I don’t have any real interest in them. New elite professions and new mechanics such as gliding or mounts changes the game in important ways. A new race essentially only brings new skins to the game, seeing as it’s unlikely that the personal story will be reworked to add them. I already have all the characters I can reasonably play even if I rotate evenly between them and another new char just for a new skin (that will mostly be covered up with armor anyway) doesn’t offer enough for me to want to buy or ask ANet to spend dev time and money on developing it.

If they do add something like Tengu then I expect to see a lot of complaining when their toes or feathers clip through the armor and when people realize they don’t have their own personal story or if they can’t level it if the new race starts at level 80, as some have suggested.

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I don’t have any interest in the tengu myself, although I would be all for their addition as a playable race if the interest generated in the game would be worth however much work would be required (and I have no idea about that).

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@Puma.3645 said:I have never really understood the lore behind them, and devs haven't added anything about them since the start (I think).I don't think they would make an easily customizable character as far as hair/clothing and getting skills/mount animations to work together. Im just really not getting the hype.A new race would be cool, yea, but WHY tengu?

I don't want a new race that's just a reskin of an existing playable race...

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My only concern with more race options is that I remember hearing that making armor/outfits for our multiple races is already limiting armor/outfit output. Given this, I certainly would rather see more armor than a new race. Fashion wars and all. It's a shame because back when I played SWtOR, I was always excited for new races.

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