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Which accomplishments of yours make you proud?

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It may not sound like much, particularly as I've only been playing since right before POF launch, but I recently got Honorary Skritt and finished off the Tequatal meta. So I'm happy. Next up, farming the rest of the core Tyria masteries I need to complete the final crafting tier.

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@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:I would say I feel pretty proud of the way some of my characters look. I find it really satisfying to create a look that feels complete, cohesive, and polished with a clear theme that makes sense to the build and/or playstyle of the character. Finding and grinding for those perfect pieces that feel necessary to complete the look always feels really satisfying, even if I change it a couple days later.

This is me, but I don't really change them a couple days later. I change when I find a better look.

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I am and was a guild leader since i started mmo gaming 11-12 years ago,first in Lineage 2 and then GW2 and nothing made me prouder than watching pics of some of the guild members meeting IRL.It is a truly the greatest thing ,knowing that i invited them personally and i was part of it.

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Its a somewhat personal question for me because there is not an achievement so to speak that I can say wow I did that. But I can say I used to hate a lot of aspects of this game because I simply did not take time to get better at them. Jumping puzzles, Fractals, and WvW. Now I have finished all the puzzles, can do CM's in fractals, and almost rank 1k in WvW. So I'm happy I was able to overcome my mental hurdles and enjoy other parts of the game I was barring myself from.

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-Getting all the King Toad weapons and the Infusion from Speedrunning SAB Tribulation Mode back to back with eventually no deaths once I memorized it. Haven't had the energy though to finish all the Storm ones. Also; finishing Tribulation mode entirely during first week before any guides were made. Took me all day, tons of deaths and spike trap PTSD.

-Liadri 8 orbs during it's opening year and again when they added new chivo for it.

Those are some of the few solo accomplishments that are unrelated to farming gold that you have to do yourself so they mean more to me than the legendaries I've made.I do however have extra love for HOPE and HMS Divinity cuz they feel like they were designed for me. (too bad they broke my heart by deleting the Thief ricochet trait)

Bonus: Being able to experience Ancient Karka without crashing; it may of had terrible server stability but I thought it was an epic fight concept. It'd probably run a lot better today than back then. It gave me my 1st precursor as it seemingly was the only creature in all of GW2 to ever have a uniquely higher than normal drop rate for them which caused the great but short lived precursor price collapse of 2012.

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I'm going to answer this in a little different way....what impresses me the most. That is hands down would be GWAMM ( God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals ) That title pretty much says it all. What you had to do to get that was enormous. Getting a legionary weapon in GW2 is chump change compared to that.Just to be clear, I do not have that title.The other title almost as prestigious was the "Legendary Defender of Ascalon" . To get that, you had to reach level 20 in Pre searing. I'm not going to go into detail, but you had to go across the wall countless times and die to level up your enemies. That was the only way to level up yourself since most enemies were only lvl 4 or 5 in presearing. You couldn't lvl up unless your enemies were a higher lvl than you.

In the beginning, I don't think Arenanet even intended for this to be a thing, but you know GW players, if something can be done, they will figure it out.

The sad thing about this title, after a time, Arenanet made it almost easy to get with a update. There were complaints of course and I think justified. This is pure guess, but I spent a lot of time in presearing with what was called a perma presearing character ( never leaving presearing ) and I'm guessing there were less than 100 that got that title before the update.

And yes I have that title, but only after the update.

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It's not specially an accomplishment of mine per se (since it was a group achievement) but I'd say that participating in the 3 hours long defense of Jade sea keep in the eternal battle ground against the combined force of kodash and elona bief was the most memorable "achievement". We died countless time, there were no longer any wall standing and it was super tiring but that's probably the most epic battle in a game that I've ever participated in.

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Finally managing to get the "Dodgy Crowd" achievement in the "No Refuge" story instance duo-ing it myself with an alt account. I did not dare bother a regular group with this since I simply would have failed it repeatedly even if they would do all the fighting, with me just dodging(and still putting some damage in off course). So I had to use the "safe spot" cheat, putting the character that needed the achievement on the safe ledge ( not transformed into Caithe so not the instance starter) and then let the alt account stumble through the fight, killing the boss as Caithe. Hard part was getting the boss close enough to the ledge so the character on the ledge could at least put enough damage in with his bow to become eligible for the kill.

I read up on all the tactics on this boss, and would have been willing to give it 20-30 tries solo, were it not for the fact that you have to redo the entire instance if you fail, which is a horrible long slog.

It was the last achievement I needed to complete the Luminescent armor, I had postponed this one for like a year.

Maybe "proud" is not the right wording: intens relief and a loud "Yesssss" fits it better.

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you know, it isn't much.but right now.having just received my holo helm and wings on day 1 of dragon bash feels pretty good.it has also been fun in the hours since getting my time trial down to 1:09:080and in what is probably the most popular race ever getting first place twice.(it was awesome going through iterations of how to deal with the first hard corner)

like I said it isnt much.

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Going around Pressing 1 to attack and the Use key. After a long days work the last thing I want is a little fun and relaxation. I'd rather it be simple enough a potato can do it (sorry WP) along with feeling chorish, which they have achieved.

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