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do you think balancing for the top 10% of players is a good idea?

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what I mean is that should profession and class balance be done in such a way that only the most skilled players are taken into account when changes are made.i.e. class x gets a buff, good player a vs good player b the buff is fine. good player a vs bad player b the buff is op, or even bad player a vs bad player b its op.

please share why or why not!

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Anet is doing on his own and not listening to what write on the forum even if it is the top 10% of player. I saw what they wrote about nerf Rev. Anet does it her way. No one could guess how it will be.P. S. If you look at the statements about nerfs from some top 10% players judging by their reasoning, they like to just twist the numbers and play in the same thing.

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No and this is why the population is declining each season. I am a fairly experienced player and get triggered by the 'balance' and the meme builds. Now imagine a new player trying to learn the basics and keep getting "one shotted" by that pesky mirage. As someone said this is not an FPS where you take a head shot and boom you 're down but an MMO (rpg).

PS - same and worse is in WvW where you have soulbeasts one shotting people with the mount attack skill ^^

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From a business perspective, are you making the game for the 90% or the 10%? The 10% tend to be the players who exploit the game mechanics...not hacking but finding the most "efficient" way to play. While the 90% plays the game as its presented.

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This game pretty much has no competitive scene so no point in balancing for that anymore. However with elite specs we have been given "spam to win" playstyles which cater more to your average player, yet everyone still complains about them. If you want a balanced competitive game cheese classes like mirage, fb, scourge, deadeye etc. cant exist.

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I vote yes because balancing for the top 10% players impact more the "meta builds" than balancing for the other 90%. Those 90% of the player base tend to stick to "meta builds" anyway and ride on the bus of the top 10% theorycrafting/testing so it's better to balance with the one that create the builds in mind than the "sheeps".

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What a class is capable of at the highest level is where the balance should sit, otherwise you artificially make builds (and in some cases entire classes) inferior and uncompetitive just to accommodate bads.

This is unfair for the class and it’s mains. Why should the upper limit of what they are capable of be artificially throttled for bads?

If something is “over powered” because bad’s can’t deal with it, however it by design has reasonable counter play, then people should get good and learn to deal with it.

There is an argument to be made regarding techniques that require a certain level of technical skill that some people may physically be incapable of achieving. However, at the very least by design, for every action having a optimal response; balance should be set towards the top.

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Why not both? Not only for the top, but also not only for the average. That is what they seem to try - why else would FA ele have been nerfed, power shatter mesmer and stuff?

Or maybe they don't balance for the top at all...? :no_mouth: I don't know, but they should obviously not ignore anybody.

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@Ouk.5914 said:yes.

Anyone who doesn't understand why should start looking into things more to get a better idea of how game balancing is .

Anyone who understands balance firstly realizes you balance for different groups of players, not just one group. Secondly that GW2's skill/class/gear system doesn't really fit that approach very well. And thirdly that it is basically irrelevant in GW2 because balance will always be a total car crash when they are trying to simultaneously balance across PvP conquest, PvE raids / fractals and a little bit of large scale WvW.

GW2 is another example of why no one with a clue treats PvP in MMORPGs seriously.

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Haha if we balance for the majority this game would be DEAD! DEAD I TELL YOU! DEAD!

How fickle is this community? One day this is weak, then someone plays it on a stream and wrecks face, then the next day it is too OP. Yea balance with the majority and see what happens.

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The thicker the strings are on a guitar, the better the sound. Stevie Ray Vaughn played on size 12 electric guitar strings and obviously sounded awesome. Anyone who has played guitar knows how hard it is to play (bend, hold down) with thicker strings and MOST musicians do not play with thicker strings, just the best ones.

If guitars only came with size 12 strings, barely anyone would be playing guitar today.

Not everyone wants to be a pro at GW2. Most people just want to log in and have fun. Force every gw2 player to play with size 12 strings and you can kiss the already low population goodbye.

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All those casual PvPers thinking they have a voice in the overall PvP balance... actually funny. If you don't invest time in PvP, you should not be taken into account because you do not know how your class works either way! The top 10% at least gave a lot of time into the game, ya know. Something truly broken in high end may not be truly broken in low end (things like one shot Mesmers for example) because they're less effective due to the lack of skill knowledge. Should that not be nerfed because the top 10% thinks it's op but the 70% under them (10% being bots and another10% being gold farmers) think it's ok, thus shouldn't be nerfed? Should Scourge not be nerfed because people in low gold can't play it, when in very competent hands they just basically rip teamfights apart in pogs vs pogs? In the same way, Revenant's nerfs shouldn't be applied either... most low gold players don't know how to 100-0 2 to 3 people in less than 10 seconds using Herald. Because that's what happens in plat+ games.

If you'Re a casual, stay in unranked where you can hone your skills. Unranked doesn't really matter either way, am I right? Ranked is exactly made to be competitive (lol, that one is a good joke I must say : WINTRADING is sadly a thing), thus the top end of players should have a higher input into what should be balanced out because they know best in class' synergies.

Ok I'm done with my rant.

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@Sampson.2403 said:The thicker the strings are on a guitar, the better the sound. Stevie Ray Vaughn played on size 12 electric guitar strings and obviously sounded awesome. Anyone who has played guitar knows how hard it is to play (bend, hold down) with thicker strings and MOST musicians do not play with thicker strings, just the best ones.

If guitars only came with size 12 strings, barely anyone would be playing guitar today.

Not everyone wants to be a pro at GW2. Most people just want to log in and have fun. Force every gw2 player to play with size 12 strings and you can kiss the already low population goodbye.

You're taking a fact and bringing in a false conclusion.

In a way, I get what you mean, although Ranked and Tournaments are made to be those 12-size cords. It's more difficult to play, yes, but that's because it's more competitive.

Unranked is where you should be having fun with your friends. You can test builds, change stuff, and overall enjoy yourself. Ranked and Tournaments though should be balanced towards the top for the sake of higher skill ceiling bringing more interest in the game. Nobody likes to hear a 5 years old smash its fingers on the guitar's strings, be it an easy or more advanced stringed one.

I hope I make sense, my head ache is quite heavely interfering with my communication skills roflmao

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@Dirame.8521 said:Haha if we balance for the majority this game would be DEAD! DEAD I TELL YOU! DEAD!

How fickle is this community? One day this is weak, then someone plays it on a stream and wrecks face, then the next day it is too OP. Yea balance with the majority and see what happens.

What is the current OP druid build?

I'm dumb, but I perceive it is a bit too weak to be accessed competitively by the majority at this time.

What is the insight of our top players for this?

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You are going to get stuck in matches vs top 10% players and you'll be much happier if the stuff they play is balanced.

At the moment double rev is op at top tier. Rev doesn't appear to be op in the hands of 90% of players. Should we buff or nerf rev?

If we balance to the 90% we buff rev, the 10% go on and ruin even more of your matches.

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