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Just went to POF zones again

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For the first time in a while. Surprise, surprise, they seem pretty much empty. I wonder why? Maybe the fact that whereever you go there are 10,000 mobs with 20,000 aggro range completely destroying your ability to enjoy doing anything in them?

It's such a shame such fantastic environmental work is being wasted in this way.

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I don't get the appeal of mob-filled maps with short respawn times, either. They really keep you from enjoying map exploration, and there is no real point to it. Yes, we get it, these areas are full of "dangerous wildlife", oooh. So why should I bother to return to them once I am done with the story and with map completion? Killing mobs over and over and over again is plain boring. I don't need those additional kill XP, those aren't low level maps after all.

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Lol, People have trouble with mobs?

Also I dunno what you guys mean by them being flooded, I went to crystal desert and riverlands just to drive my bike the other night and I gotta say there was a massive amount of space between mob groups.

If you are trying to imply you need help for events, LFG bro.

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@"Cyninja.2954" said:Oh look, another "I don't understand how to use the LFG system" thread.

PoF content is close to 2 years old. The parts which see regular and lots of play are the same as HoT:

  • bounties
  • map metas
  • occasional HP trains
  • farms

Not sure what else you would expect.

grouping up automatically removes trash mobs now? when did they implement this?

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@Westenev.5289 said:Or maybe it's because the average player can only explore a map once or twice before needing lucrative or fun objectives to entice them to stay.

But, no. Of course mob density and difficulty of exploring is what stops people from revisiting PoF maps...

Well, the lack of rewarding content certainly is the no. 1 reason, no doubt about it. The age of the content also matters, sure. Just saying that mobs don't make maps exciting to play, either.

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@LucianDK.8615 said:Never understood why people are so ticked off by mobs in pof, its not different from hot. Its just much more flat and making it easier to seem overwhelmed when its not. Ive never had issues with mobs there.

this may come as a shock to you....but other people might not like the same as youcan i do it ? suredo i enjoy it? nopedo i want to PAY for it? absolutely not

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@battledrone.8315 said:

@"Cyninja.2954" said:Oh look, another "I don't understand how to use the LFG system" thread.

PoF content is close to 2 years old. The parts which see regular and lots of play are the same as HoT:
  • bounties
  • map metas
  • occasional HP trains
  • farms

Not sure what else you would expect.

grouping up automatically removes trash mobs now? when did they implement this?

You are assuming I agree to the sentiment that the maps are empty and specifically empty due to mob difficulty: I do not, with either notion.

You migh also have noticed how the very first premise of this thread is that the PoF maps are empty (with an assumption given after as to why), maybe my response was in relation to that? Just a thought.

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@Cyninja.2954 said:

@Cyninja.2954 said:Oh look, another "I don't understand how to use the LFG system" thread.

PoF content is close to 2 years old. The parts which see regular and lots of play are the same as HoT:
  • bounties
  • map metas
  • occasional HP trains
  • farms

Not sure what else you would expect.

grouping up automatically removes trash mobs now? when did they implement this?

You are assuming I agree to the sentiment that the maps are empty and specifically empty due to mob difficulty: I do not, with either notion.

You migh also have noticed how the very first premise of this thread is that the PoF maps are empty (with an assumption given after as to why), maybe my response was in relation to that? Just a thought.

it doesnt matter what you agree on, the OP clearly states, that he finds it annoying...your feelings on the matter doesnt change that the fact , that HE doesnt like itits not the first thread on this issue either.

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@battledrone.8315 said:

@Cyninja.2954 said:Oh look, another "I don't understand how to use the LFG system" thread.

PoF content is close to 2 years old. The parts which see regular and lots of play are the same as HoT:
  • bounties
  • map metas
  • occasional HP trains
  • farms

Not sure what else you would expect.

grouping up automatically removes trash mobs now? when did they implement this?

You are assuming I agree to the sentiment that the maps are empty and specifically empty due to mob difficulty: I do not, with either notion.

You migh also have noticed how the very first premise of this thread is that the PoF maps are empty (with an assumption given after as to why), maybe my response was in relation to that? Just a thought.

it doesnt matter what you agree on, the OP clearly states, that he finds it annoying...your feelings on the matter doesnt change that the fact , that HE doesnt like itits not the first thread on this issue either.

Yes, I don't have to agree. I merely pointed out the TC incapability to use the LFG which would solve his primary issue of feeling that the maps are empty.

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@Cyninja.2954 said:

@Cyninja.2954 said:Oh look, another "I don't understand how to use the LFG system" thread.

PoF content is close to 2 years old. The parts which see regular and lots of play are the same as HoT:
  • bounties
  • map metas
  • occasional HP trains
  • farms

Not sure what else you would expect.

grouping up automatically removes trash mobs now? when did they implement this?

You are assuming I agree to the sentiment that the maps are empty and specifically empty due to mob difficulty: I do not, with either notion.

You migh also have noticed how the very first premise of this thread is that the PoF maps are empty (with an assumption given after as to why), maybe my response was in relation to that? Just a thought.

it doesnt matter what you agree on, the OP clearly states, that he finds it annoying...your feelings on the matter doesnt change that the fact , that HE doesnt like itits not the first thread on this issue either.

Yes, I don't have to agree. I merely pointed out the TC incapability to use the LFG which would solve his primary issue of feeling that the maps are empty.

well, it is hard to feel alone in a group. specially one, that you made yourself. still doesnt make the mobs less annoying thoughi think the phrase is "content padding"

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@battledrone.8315 said:

@"Cyninja.2954" said:Oh look, another "I don't understand how to use the LFG system" thread.

PoF content is close to 2 years old. The parts which see regular and lots of play are the same as HoT:
  • bounties
  • map metas
  • occasional HP trains
  • farms

Not sure what else you would expect.

grouping up automatically removes trash mobs now? when did they implement this?

I get your complaint. If I wasn't able to kill them as I went I'd be angry too.

Groups make mobs even more trivial than they already are. Don't forget OP also complained about maps being empty, only that their reason as to why seems rather lazy.

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I can’t speak for why others don’t do to PoF, but the main reason I don’t do PoF (except when I have to for things like mount collections and masteries) is also due to the annoying aggro range (900 in PoF compared to 600 pre PoF, which players can measure themselves using ground target skills). It doesn’t help that they increased the aggro range even more in LWS4. Dragonfall was the first S4 map I actually played, so I thought that’s where they increased aggro range to 1200, but playing previous S4 maps, some enemies in Jahai and Thunderhead also have 1200 aggro range. It could even go further back, but I didn’t bother to check.

My other gripes with PoF are that unhealthily bright flashing effects and incomprehensible visual clutter are worse in PoF. I have to turn off PP if I do any group stuff in PoF.

At least fix the aggro range, and I’d do PoF for fun. Fix all 3 issues, and I’d have no major gripes with this game.

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Odd, recently I've been taking a character through the entire story through core maps, hot maps, LS3 maps and now PoF maps and I've seen lots of people around in all of them, doing events, doing hearts, getting hero points and just doing stuff.

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I am quite often into the PoF maps and I always meeting people. It's not like some core maps (looking at you, Southsun Cove).

But I can suggest a little change which I think could be reasonable, increasing the respawn time of mobs. Range and difficulty of mobs are really not a problem.

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@LucianDK.8615 said:Never understood why people are so ticked off by mobs in pof, its not different from hot. Its just much more flat and making it easier to seem overwhelmed when its not. Ive never had issues with mobs there.

No, it is actually different. The difficulty of HoT is more in the map design than it is in the mob design. It's definitely easier to avoid being overwhelmed by mobs in HoT than it is in PoF. I'm also pretty sure the aggro range in HoT isn't as high as it is in PoF. I could be wrong, but, either way, there is a difference in mob concentrations.

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It isn't that the mobs in POF are particularly hard, unless you run through a bunch and then try to fight, it's that if you get dismounted, it takes f o r e v e r to kill them all to get remounted. And even my skyscale kicks me off, since enough things shoot in the air to dismount me.

Here is what it is to me:Core Tyria--see a node I want (currently I'm after logs, since my leather glyph is there and I need 20 elonian squares, and I'm in no rush, so no need to buy em) stop, dismount, harvest, maybe kill one or two things, hop back on, continue doing what I was doing.Hot--see a node I want(elder wood or flax) look around, decide killing the pocket raptors is ok, harvest. Remount. Carry on.POF--see a node I want(wood, orichalcum) look to see if someone else has killed everything in sight already. If yes, dismount. If no, leave the node and carry on. It simply isn't worth the time, since it won't be 1-2 enemies, or even 3-4 choya or whatever, it's choya, then jacaranda, then iboga, then sand shark, then awakened, then...it's like, you know, this is taking too long, I'll stop fighting, just KILL me so I can waypoint. But unlike HOT, where the mobs can pretty easily kill you, the POF ones just kind of gnaw on you, so even THAT doesn't work. You can do the run away to get out of combat, but what happens is you just run into another mob. It's like all I want to do is REMOUNT PLEASE GOD IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK. Yes. Yes it is.

That all said. Now that they have upped the rewards, I DO complete POF metas on a regular basis now. They are different, fun, and I enjoy them, even Serpents Ire(did they change this? Or do folks just know how now, because it usually succeeds with enough folks now).

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@"Etria.3642" said:

That all said. Now that they have upped the rewards, I DO complete POF metas on a regular basis now. They are different, fun, and I enjoy them, even Serpents Ire(did they change this? Or do folks just know how now, because it usually succeeds with enough folks now).

Yes, the event was balanced down with the May 28th patch. It was both made more lucrative as well as easier to complete as well as placed on a strict timer similar to HoT events:

Increased rewards for all events in the Serpents' Ire meta-event in the Domain of Vabbi.Reduced the base amount of control effects required to break the defiance bars of Branded Forgotten zealots in the Serpents' Ire meta-event by 33%.Reduced defiance-bar scaling of Branded Forgotten zealots by 50%.Increased the cooldown before the defiance bars of Branded Forgotten zealots are active again from 10 seconds to 30 seconds.Champion loot rewards in the "Defeat the Branded Forgotten zealots before the Branded crystal detonates" event have been moved from the creatures themselves to the event rewards to ensure all participating players receive loot for all five champions.Ysshi Hessani's base health has been reduced by approximately 15%.Pek Rakt Grag's base health has been reduced by approximately 10%.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Westenev.5289 said:Or maybe it's because the average player can only explore a map once or twice before needing lucrative or fun objectives to entice them to stay.

But, no. Of course mob density and difficulty of exploring is what stops people from revisiting PoF maps...

Well, the lack of rewarding content certainly is the no. 1 reason, no doubt about it. The age of the content also matters, sure. Just saying that mobs don't make maps exciting to play, either.

Am I to guess your ideal map would make for a very empty battlefield...?

Frankly, I don't feel any more harassed in PoF maps than I do in Queensdale, unless I walk into an enemy compound, patrol or key military structure. Otherwise it's just me, the sand and the very occasional sand shark attack...

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As an HoT addict, I'll just add I'd love to be a PoF addict too.Evidently, the meta events still aren't up to par, and that seems to be something fixable - to a layman.I'd love to be as hooked to the PoF zones as I still are to the HoT zones. So yeah, get da magic right, ANet :-)

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