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Which class needs a nerf asap?


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What would I change in engineer, in priority order1) Elixir U instantly gives 15%ish endurance when used with Invigorating Speed. This is a bug and needs to be fixed asap.2) Last Scrapper rework should be reverted. Then, nerf it with numbers.3) Overheat nerf should apply in pvp and wvw only.4) Nerf photon forge skills.5) Fix core traitlines.6) Rework all passive traits. No passive conversion, no passive boons, no passive barrier.

While you are at it, add main hand mace to core engineer. Core lacks melee weapons.

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Spellbreaker needs be brought in line, if Zerker sacrifices defense for damage. Then Spellbreaker shouldn't have damage any where close to Zerker. Otherwise, why play them? Something needs to go. Not sure what Anet will do though.

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Holo and CI Mirage.

Everything else has already been nerfed this last patch.

Holo needs to lose some protection. Elixir U should lose one of the boons it gives, and heat should build up faster than it does in forge. Like, what is the point of making overheating more punishing, if hardly anyone is incompetent enough to let it happen? That's a cop out of a nerf. Elixir X should have an increased CD to match the nerf to Rampage on warrior. With HGH, it can give the same skill, at a CD of 84s opposed to Strength Warrior's 96s, and at a longer duration. Now that rampage was simultaneously buffed with a -50% damage reduction, Engie is able to get more out of it than even Warrior.

On Mirage, CI needs and internal CD, and Mantra of Distraction shouldn't recharge F3 on top of a short CD. The 2s cast time to recharge it is pretty negligible when Mirage has plenty of other dazes and other ways to mitigate damage for a measly 2 seconds, and that's if they even blow both counts.

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@Multicolorhipster.9751 said:Holo and CI Mirage.

Everything else has already been nerfed this last patch.

Holo needs to lose some protection. Elixir U should lose one of the boons it gives, and heat should build up faster than it does in forge. Like, what is the point of making overheating more punishing, if hardly anyone is incompetent enough to let it happen? That's a cop out of a nerf. Elixir X should have an increased CD to match the nerf to Rampage on warrior. With HGH, it can give the same skill, at a CD of 84s opposed to Strength Warrior's 96s, and at a longer duration. Now that rampage was simultaneously buffed with a -50% damage reduction, Engie is able to get more out of it than even Warrior.

On Mirage, CI needs and internal CD, and Mantra of Distraction shouldn't recharge F3 on top of a short CD. The 2s cast time to recharge it is pretty negligible when Mirage has plenty of other dazes and other ways to mitigate damage for a measly 2 seconds, and that's if they even blow both counts.

The point of the overheat was to punish horrible players who don't know how to stop from overheating (spammers). It now actually takes brain function to acknowledge that you're going to overheat and if you do, you lose a majority of your utility and might end up forced to waste an S to stay alive on top of eating overheat dmg.

This is good balance.

Holo is fine for the most part. Why? Because Spellbreaker exists along with other duelist classes. It's a better dueler role than Holo in itself anyway. If Holo literally outperformed every other dueler role class to the point that it is needed to be taken without question then I could see your point. But other options exist, so it's not. For a class to be OP , it would need to be the ONLY option for it's role to be taken. It's not, there's multiple options to take that are optimal. Is it strong? Yes, but if you tone down just Holo you would need to tone down every other dueler (including Weaver) for it to be fair otherwise Holo just wouldn't be played.

Internal CD on CI would be a good start, see how it plays out.

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Honestly, it's the mobility of engineer in general that makes me just not wanting to fight them. I hit one and he just start running extremely fast while also leaping to the other side of the map. He don't teleport, he just simply outrun you.

Aside of that, too much access to protection. I know spellbreaker is here, but not everyone one of them runs builds focused around boon removing. It's not worth the risk, you'll sacrifice all your dammage and defense for this.

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All of them! PoF specs more than others.


  1. You shouldn't be able to self-maintain more than 10 might without spec'ing heavily for it (in lieu of defense or straight damage) or pulling off combos requiring thought and planning (like old d/d ele blasting fire fields).
  2. The change to make Vulnerability "bursty" needs to be reverted. Most skills would stack 1 or 2 vuln for a longer duration, so that it takes time and coordination to get high vulnerability numbers. Nowadays people have 10 or 15vuln on them instantly and it's contributing to the high burst damage.
  3. Access to Quickness needs reduced across the board. Getting quickness needs trade-offs; it shouldn't ever be "free". May even want to purge it from all trait lines and restrict it to active abilities unless the elite spec is balanced assuming the quickness is there. Quickness makes animations too fast to realistically avoid.
  4. Conditions need to be less bursty (longer duration; less stacks) and condition removal power creep needs to be reduced. Burning is especially problematic.

Scourge: It does boon rip, tons of condi damage, and support with decent survival (for a necro). It needs to lose either damage or boon rip; losing damage would kill it in PvE, so drastically reducing boon rip would probably be the better choice. Trail of Anguish should lose stability or other functions (it's far too stacked).Firebrand: Way too much boon spam. The only counterplay is to wait for the FB to run out of cooldowns to spam. A good trade-off for the spec would be to lose weapon swap. Possibly cut one ability from each of the tomes.Guardian Monk's Focus is stacked. Needs to have a lower base heal (but more scaling with +healing). Buff other traits where more counter-play is available.Holosmith Reducing access to might and quickness will reign in this spec. It's basically rampage on a shorter CD with ranged damage.Spellbreaker Reducing might access is mostly what this needs.Mirage Not sure what to fix here. It's just not fun to play against when it can crap out that much damage (both condi and power) and CC and not be in any danger.Thief Sword needs some unblockable removed. Condi thief (multiple varieties) isn't broken - just not fun to play against. See general section.Soulbeast Recommend removing pet swap as a trade-off.Ranger Smokescale should have it's knockdown removed.Weaver Lose some of it's evades. With other things being reduced in power, it won't need as many.

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@ZhouX.8742 said:

@"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:Holo and CI Mirage.

Everything else has already been nerfed this last patch.The point of the overheat was to punish horrible players who don't know how to stop from overheating (spammers). It now actually takes brain function to acknowledge that you're going to overheat and if you do, you lose a majority of your utility and might end up forced to waste an S to stay alive on top of eating overheat dmg.

This is good balance.

Everyone's entitled to their own opinion I suppose. I for one think it's terrible balancing to change a class in a way that does objectively nothing, unless you don't know how to play Holo.

Anet be like: "Watch out guys! Overheating is much worse now!"

And pretty much everyone who's been playing Holo be like: "Kay, thanks. I mean, I overheat like once every 4 matches to begin with, but i'll be even less careless now."...Or at least they would say that, in a perfect world where people don't feign agony; calling this a huge nerf when it isn't anything, but this is not a perfect world.

Holo is fine for the most part. Why? Because Spellbreaker exists along with other duelist classes. It's a better dueler role than Holo in itself anyway. If Holo literally outperformed every other dueler role class to the point that it is needed to be taken without question then I could see your point. But other options exist, so it's not. For a class to be OP , it would need to be the ONLY option for it's role to be taken. It's not, there's multiple options to take that are optimal. Is it strong? Yes, but if you tone down just Holo you would need to tone down every other dueler (including Weaver) for it to be fair otherwise Holo just wouldn't be played.

First off, the class bias is real. I understand it's hard not to talk about a class and not appear to have some sort of bias, but it doesn't make for the most effective reasoning. As such, i'll try to be as unbiased as possible in my response.

Secondly, to better describe what I was saying; Holo wasn't nerfed at all this patch. Buffed actually. The overheat changes are only a "nerf" in the sense that it punishes people who aren't familiar with the class and just spam skills, like you said.

If nerfing one side-noder is justification to go ahead and nerf every side-noder in the game, then Holo is long overdue. Every other side-noder has seen one or more major nerfs either in the most recent balance patch, or at the very least since 2018.

Not Holo though. The only minor nerf they had from now until last year was to the stab uptime from forge3. If you don't believe me, go back and read the patch notes for engineer dating now all the way back to 12/11/18, because that's the last time Holo was nerfed properly. Last year.

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I agree with you in most point, but just two ideas:

@Exedore.6320 said:Firebrand: Way too much boon spam. The only counterplay is to wait for the FB to run out of cooldowns to spam. A good trade-off for the spec would be to lose weapon swap. Possibly cut one ability from each of the tomes.

Make a book pages global for all three tomes and let them recharge over time or actions or healing (Druid) or what ever.A reduction of their cooldown then could be also a good idea.

@Exedore.6320 said:Spellbreaker Reducing might access is mostly what this needs.

I think the bigger problem is the stacking of Peak Performance (10%), Magebane Tether (10%), Strength Rune (5%), Warriors Sprint (3%) with 25 Might with Strength boost (+10 power per stack) of it.Reducing these multipliers would be much better. (Without them also Bulls Charge and Rampage are not as broken as many people think.)Edit: I totally forgot Attackers insight (5 x 45 Power and Ferocity)...

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I don't think Mirage is as critically broken as most are claiming right now. Although it has strong offense, it's so squishy unlike previous Mirage specs. It's more of a + now than a side node duelist, which I'm ok with.

Holosmith on the other hand, was too strong before the patch even. Now it's just grossly overperforming after this recent nerf patch.

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Holo is punished for performing badly, but good performance still has that seamless DPS/Survivability pairing. You can fix that by increasing the heat gain on certain forge skills, easily. Make them play with forge tapping a bit harder than they are now.CI Mirage is plain obnoxious. I hate to keep vouching for Mes/Mirage nerfs, but these toxic builds keep surfacing.

They are both overperforming but not to egregious levels, IMO. Holosmiths still need a damage shave, Chaotic interruption may need a shave to immob uptime.

Soulbeast being blockable is good. Thief QoL is good. Rampage nerf is good.

That being said, Im not gonna vote. those two classes are not performing so strongly that they are unfightable as it currently stands, so I don't think it needs to be done ASAP. Ofc, I am open to changing my mind about that given new information.

Also, BEFORE you touch mirage or CI, make sure that Elusive mind is an actual defensive choice. right now the exhaustion is too heavy for what it provides. They can already dodge while stunned so make EM do something else, or remove their dodge-while-stunned baseline and then shave the exhaustion on EM so they consider taking it. A condi cleanse on an ICD might just pull some people off of IH.

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Eh, I don't think Holo is as bad as a lot of people say it is. Mirage still needs some of the stuns brought under control, but beyond that, I don't think that there's any major outliers in terms of build performance as bad as we've usually seen in the past.

Honestly, what I'd like to see most in the next balance patch is for the devs to finish the goal of adjusting elite specs to have some disadvantage to core specs and balance around this. Ele still doesn't seem to have any disadvantage with their elite specs and Druid has had so many nerfs recently that the pet damage reduction just pushed it completely out of viability. Thief swipe also needs something to make it more unique, such as an evading leap mechanic instead of just being a shorter ranged unblockable steal.

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Holo Spellbreaker and CI Mirage are the most problematic.

They are too easy and forgiving with zero risk and high reward, and too much spam gameplay.

Actually warrior is: Press 3 skills in succession to down someone, literally 3 skills, sometimes even 2 makes the work done, but ok.

Same for holo, photon forge skills are too spammable and high damage considering all the sustain they have.

Mirage is just press every skill in rapid succession while evading and pressing mantra and repeat until the enemy eventually miss one dodge and win, ah, even if you dodge pistol4 you still receive up to 5-10 stacks of bleeding anyway, seems fair.

Nerf those terrible skilless design specs which promote spam lazy gameplay and make trash players climb in rank.

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